View Full Version : UEFA multa FC Porto em 20 mil euros por insultos racistas frente ao City

04-03-2012, 08:23 PM
O Comité de Controlo e Disciplina da UEFA multou o FC Porto em 20 mil euros, por conduta racista dos adeptos portistas, no jogo frente ao Manchester City, dos 16 avos-de-final da Liga Europa.

A decisão foi confirmada pela UEFA ao PÚBLICO, numa nota do gabinete de imprensa, em que o organismo que gere o futebol europeu adianta que o clube português pode recorrer no prazo de três dias após a notificação.

Na origem deste castigo está uma queixa apresentada pelo Manchester City, depois de Mario Balotelli e Yaya Touré terem denunciado ter sido alvo de cânticos racistas, no jogo no Estádio do Dragão, que os ingleses venceram por 2-1.

O FC Porto negou sempre a existência de cânticos racistas e os seus responsáveis alegaram que os adeptos estavam a cantar o nome do brasileiro Hulk.

A pena aplicada (20 mil euros) é a sanção prevista no artigo 11bis do regulamento disciplinar da UEFA, que pune insultos contra a dignidade humana de uma pessoa ou um grupo de pessoas.

O mesmo artigo prevê que a UEFA possa, em circunstâncias mais graves, aplicar sanções adicionais, como jogos à porta fechada, interdição do estádio, dedução de pontos ou mesmo exclusão da competição, algo que o organismo entendeu não fazer neste caso.

O FC Porto ainda não reagiu a esta notícia.


04-03-2012, 08:26 PM

Why should the club be made responsible for the actions its fans? The whole thing is stupid and typical of how UIFA / FIFA operates.

04-03-2012, 09:20 PM
It's funny because FCP also has african players an apparentely none of them noticed these so-called "racist insults".

Oh well, 20k isn't even enough to buy Platini a new BMW, don't think they care.

04-03-2012, 09:40 PM
Estádio do Dragão

http://i1074.photobucket.com/albums/w420/1Catrau/Facebook/Porto/164710_1751564707429_1188234743_2009928_3918440_n. jpg

04-03-2012, 09:42 PM
It's funny because FCP also has african players an apparentely none of them noticed these so-called "racist insults".

Oh well, 20k isn't even enough to buy Platini a new BMW, don't think they care.

I don't think that the FC Porto fans are actually racist. They simply used racist slurs rile up players from the opposing team. Imo it's a shameful thing to do.

04-03-2012, 09:50 PM
Think that Portuguese football fans in general aren't racist, not as much as the press paints them in such cases anyway..

I don't think someone who ocasionally says "caralho daquele preto" during a football match as being offensive, it's just a way of people venting a bit.

Either way, all it takes is a small group of people to sing/say something in a choir to get noticed, people are very picky about anything that can be used as racist.

04-03-2012, 10:02 PM
Think that Portuguese football fans in general aren't racist, not as much as the press paints them in such cases anyway..

I don't think someone who ocasionally says "caralho daquele preto" during a football match as being offensive, it's just a way of people venting a bit.

Either way, all it takes is a small group of people to sing/say something in a choir to get noticed, people are very picky about anything that can be used as racist.

Yeah but repercussions for such actions have to happen regardless. There are plenty of obvious racist behaviour in other leagues, like fans throwing bananas at black players, the Suarez scandal, or the Neo-Nazi link that Lazio has.

Damião de Góis
04-03-2012, 10:04 PM
I think they mistook "Hulk! Hulk! Hulk!" with a monkey chant...