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04-06-2012, 12:19 AM

Before you start dwelling into the topic of male mate value, if you're a man, please forget everything that has ever been said by so called male pick-up artists, if you've been reading any of that in hope of getting a girlfriend.

Men are not that complicated, and therefore, the male male attractiveness ladder is somewhat shorter than the female one.

Men should be evaluated like dogs. They fall into one of the following categories. To save myself the trouble of reinventing the wheel I will simply quote the essentials from a book. THE KOEHLER METHOD OF Guard Dog Training:

Your first step toward acquiring the right type of personal protection
dog is to examine your own needs and environment carefully before you
look at a dog. Next, consider the three definite categories of personal
protection dogs and align your efforts accordingly. They are:
1. The dog whose sole function is to give alarm.
2. The dog who gives alarm and offers some physical threat to an
3. The real man-stopper, whose temperament and physical qualities make
him a game and capable fighter.
Your correct choice of a dog will be determined in great measure by the
type of protection dog you need.

Right Ones and Wrong Ones
Whatever kind of dog you seek, you will find it interesting and helpful
to consider the following comparison of two types of prospects: the
qualified and the unqualified. This information is not intended to
suggest that at the present time you can find a breeder producing dogs
for your specific purpose, but rather to prove to you that there are
indissoluble differences in the quality of dogs which cannot be
minimized by training and environment. The facts on this comparison are
found in a book entitled The New Knowledge, of Dog Behavior, by Clarence
Pfaffenberger (Howell Book House).
While dog trainers had long been aware of the great variation in ability
between individual dogs, it remained for Mr. Pfaffenberger and those
who worked with him to substantiate that difference with statistics.
Knowledgeable professionals have accepted the book's evidence as fact.
You can avoid wasting a great deal of time by joining in that
acceptance. The material is based on the results obtained by Mr.
Pfaffenberger and his associates through their work at the Roscoe B.
Jackson Memorial Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine, and at Guide Dogs For
The Blind, Inc., San Rafael, California, in initially adapting the best
dogs they could find to guide the blind and later breeding their own
candidates especially for guide dog work. When their procurement
program consisted of acquiring the very best prospects from the most
favorable sources available, only 9 percent of the trainees completed
the program successfully. During a 14-year period, which encompassed a
program of study and purposeful breeding, they learned to produce a
strain of puppies of which 90 percent have made successful guide dogs.
The program therefore resulted in an improvement of one thousand
percent! The purposeful breeding instilled in the puppies a sense of
responsibility and other qualities essential in guide dogs.
These startling results are not offered to suggest that you must find a
purposeful breeder who is producing dogs for your particular needs.
Rather, the two-fold objective of these truths is to impress upon you
the great difference in potential between one dog and another, even when
they are of the same breed, and to help you realize that you must find a
"right one" even though he is the result of chance and not the
predictable product of a dedicated breeder. This necessity applies to
each of the three categories of personal protection dogs. Whatever kind
of dog you need, your evaluations must be made among dogs that are at
least one year old.

His Job
The job of an alarm dog is to detect and announce any person approaching
the area he serves. He is useful in situations where an alarm is needed
but where biting, or even the threat of biting, could not be permitted.
Examples are places where the proprietor needs to know of each arrival
but, because the callers are few, does not spend time watching the
Because such a dog need not offer the threat of physical protection,
there are no minimum requirements for size and strength. One of the
small breeds can be as good an alarm dog as the largest dog. There are
obvious advantages to a smaller dog in some situations. The smaller
dogs are usually longer lived than the larger ones and often have more
robust constitutions, as a veterinarian will tell you. Even the Toy
breeds come in such a variety of coats that they can take all extremes
of temperature and weather, from the coldest and wettest to the hottest
and driest. In Chapters 7-10 you will find information common to many
breeds of protection dogs.
Checking Prospects
When you have learned of a good prospect, try to make your first visit
to his home a surprise so that you can see the dog as he usually acts
and discover things which you may not see if special arrangements were
made for your visit. Note carefully where he is kept, how he alerts,
whether he barks too much or not enough, and other factors that might be
important to you. Don't overlook a bad fault and then complain about it
later. For example, determine if he is such a constant barker that he
would have to be confined where he would do you little good. Observe
whether his alertness is solely the result of a panicky shyness.
Undeniably, a shy dog motivated by uncertainty will sometimes make a
useful alarm dog, but a dog that is sound in temperament can do the job
better and is more pleasant to be near.
As you talk, watch for any peculiarities the owner may have which would
make you question his opinions. Emphasize that you will provide full
measure of care and kindness for any dog you select but it will be kept
only if it fills your need for an alarm. Such a condition will tend to
keep accurate the claims made for a dog.
There is a simple test you can use to check an alarm dog that seems
worth further consideration. Arrange to call again at the dog's home
accompanied by two other persons, who will wait a short distance from
the house until after you have been admitted. Not only will you get a
second chance to study how the dog reacts to your approach, but it will
give you the opportunity to see whether the dog is so distracted by your
presence that the individual approach of the other two strangers" will
go unnoticed. If the dog shows enough responsibility to concern himself
with each separate arrival, he is worth a trial if you've found that he
qualifies in other respects.

His Job
You would not be afraid of a dog who turns tail and runs from you;
neither would anyone else. The dog who barks and runs away from the
advance of a stranger may make a good alarm dog, but he could hardly be
suitable candidate for the second classification of a personal
protection dog, the dog who provides a threat as well as an alarm.
Although the threat dog should not be overly aggressive, he must have
the courage to stand his ground staunchly against anyone who tries to
bluff his way past him. This need for courage and alertness means that
much care must be used in selecting the dog.
In considering first the general type of dog for the job, remember that,
in posing a threat, a dog's attitude is more important than his size.
True, there is something impressive about a large dog standing firmly in
the path of an intruder. But there is something equally impressive
about the right kind of a small terrier who appears ready for violent
You would kick a small terrier out of the way? You would walk right
over him? I know of bears that have been detained when they tried just
that. However, size itself can be quite a deterrent and, if a smaller
dog is your choice, it is doubly important that he be right physically
and temperamentally. For an example of how structure can make a great
difference between two breeds of dogs of similar size, compare the Pug
with one of the smaller terriers. The Pug's head, while large for his
size, has such a flat face and small teeth that it would not scare a
determined intruder. When the terrier snarls he reveals a well-equipped
mouth that is big enough to grab a lot of leg, pants and all.
You will find further information common to all types of protection
dogs, and methods of finding them, in Chapters 7 through 10.
Testing a Threat Dog
You have at least tentatively made the preliminary decisions on the
breeds which seem suitable to your purpose and the age of the prospects
you will seek. Those sources of information mentioned in Chapter 10
will soon supply you with enough leads to make a start.
The following step will save you much time. If possible, before you go
to look at a prospect, phone its owner and explain that you need a dog
with enough courage to stand up to a person who will try to bluff him
down. Make it clear that you will want to watch while a stranger does
the testing. If an owner objects to such a proposal, eliminate his dog.
Without a test for this essential quality, there is no reason to
consider any other virtues the dog might have.
When you have obtained an owner's consent to test his dog, arrange to
have someone who can follow directions capably to do the testing while
you watch from a concealed place. The dog should be tested in as close
to the normal home situation as possible, but he must be within a fence,
or tied, while the test takes place so that there is no danger of a
bite. The owner should not be within sight when the testing is done, as
his presence may encourage the dog to react differently.
Your tester should have a burlap sack and a cap gun to snap, with or
without caps. If the dog is shy, he'll back up from the clicking. Ask
the tester to walk in a normal manner to a point where the dog will
alert, and then to proceed to within a few feet of the dog where he
should make a threatening swing with the sack and snap the gun two or
three times. If the dog continues to oppose your helper's entry after
the sack is swung toward him and the gun is snapped, the tester should
turn and leave the area. The dog should indicate by his actions that he
has sufficient staunchness to discourage most intruders, which will
serve your purpose.
If your situation is one in which a dog would have to exercise
discretion and be easily controlled, another simple test, which you can
give personally, will be required. By arrangement with the owner, visit
the dog's yard or household when the dog is at liberty to stop you, and
see how much difficulty the owner has in bringing him under control so
that you can be admitted. In short, is the dog staunch enough for your
purpose, and yet controllable enough so that you wouldn't have to
confine him in such a way that he would be useless?

His Job
A true man-stopper does not merely show a willingness to fight. His job
is to stop a man, if necessary, by winning a fight.
A strong sense of responsibility. Unless he feels responsible, a dog
may be easily distracted from his purpose of physical defense.
Awareness. He must be keenly alert and aware of situations that
Decisiveness. It is not enough for him to be aware and concerned. He
must act with sufficient force. Courage. He must be able to stand up
to threat and pain.
Capability. He must have the mental and physical abilities to be a
formidable opponent.
Reasonableness. When you admit someone to your premises, your dog
should respect your judgment but remain alert. The maniacal,
uncontrollable dog is not only dangerous-he's useless, being shut away
much of the time when his presence would be a comfort.
To find a dog who meets the above requirements and can then reorient
these qualities to another master can be very difficult. Generally, a
pup with such potential is more adaptable to a household than an adult
would be. However, you will probably find that, since the methods for
seeking and choosing an adult are the same as for finding and
accrediting a pup, through the performance of his relatives, you can
start looking and let your decisions be influenced by the best that is
You will find further information common to all types of protection
dogs, and methods of finding them, in Chapters 7 through 10.
Checking Prospects
Use all available information so that you will have a full perspective
on what is obtainable. Keep in mind all the breeds mentioned as
suitable, instead of one or two. Truly, handsome is as handsome does in
the case of a man-stopper. Regardless of what he looks like, the most
beautiful dog you will find is the one who would give his life to save
The following suggestion may help you acquire additional facts about the
dogs to which your leads may take you. From some of the breeders you
will meet, or from the pages of dog magazines, you can obtain the names
of the secretaries and other officers of regional and national breed
clubs. These officers, along with the writers of the breed columns,
often possess quite a knowledge of the accomplishments of various
breeding programs. Although it's true that there is a degree of "kennel
blindness" in the dog fancy, it is just as true that a person who would
fault a rival's dog as not being of the "right type" will concede the
same dog's superiority in demonstrated characteristics such as
protectiveness and trainability. When they learn that you need a dog
for such an exacting task as maximum protection, they will try to tell
you of a person who, either by intent or by chance, produces dogs that
are conceded to be the best for your needs. They realize that in
questions of performance, unlike those of eye-appeal, comparison is
generally conclusive.
If your discussions turn up any information on people who have been
active in obedience work, talk with them. They are interested in
temperament and may be able to tell you about common faults and virtues
that they have observed in certain lines of dogs. Both professionals
and amateurs may be of help in this respect.
You will find that your leads to dogs and information will generate more
leads, and you will eventually have some prospects worth testing. The
tests are surprisingly simple.
The Responsibility Test
The first is a test to see whether a dog will stay with a person or
property by his own free choice when there are obvious and inviting
opportunities to leave. Remember that no guard dog is any good when
he's gone. Even more important is the truth that a dog who lacks the
responsibility to stay with his charges rarely makes a good protector
when he is with them. Conversely, a dog who concerns himself with
staying where he belongs is one who will act effectively when his
charges are threatened. These facts emphasize the foolishness of
skipping this test merely because there seems to be no possibility of
your dog escaping from confinement. Apply the test in the same manner
to adult prospects and to the parents or close relatives of any puppy
prospect you might consider. The best possible way of determining the
traits a family of dogs possesses is by observing those traits in dogs
of that family.
You will soon see that an explanation of how you intend to test
prospects will cause many owners to retract their statements on their
"great" dogs, thus saving you much time. Have the owner of each dog you
test take him by car away from his premises, and, in a strange area,
free him from any restraint. Without commanding the dog in any way, the
man should walk slowly along. From a distance, watch to see whether the
dog is so distracted or tempted by his new surroundings that he forgets
all about his master. A dog with the qualities of a good guard dog
might drift around a bit, noticing all things in his environment, but he
would show concern with his master's whereabouts, and at definite
intervals would swing back close to him to demonstrate his
responsibility. Such a dog would be worthy of further consideration.
If, when he is not restrained, a dog finds his new surroundings so
interesting that he forgets to keep track of his master, you had better
look elsewhere for a natural protector.
As previously stated, merely considering such a test will cause many
owners to withdraw their dogs with such excuses as, "He's had no
training," or "He's never been out of the yard." You'll gain more than
you'll lose from these withdrawals.
The second step in testing is to arrange with the dog's owner for a
demonstration of what happens when a gate or door is accidentally left
open. Watch the proceedings from a distance so that you will be of no
interest to the dog. A dog who is accustomed to confinement is
sometimes slow to notice an opportunity to leave an area, so be sure
that your prospect makes a choice between staying and leaving. The
owner should remain concealed and quiet so that he does not influence
the situation.
Ideally, a responsible dog should be concerned with staying on "his"
property. Don't write him off completely if he saunters outside his
area and putters around in a way that demonstrates he is still more
concerned with home and fireside than with the call of the open road.
However, if he shows that his heartstrings are but frail threads against
the pull of adventure, and with his unconcern indicates that you could
steal the house from behind him, you'd better say "Thanks, but no
thanks." What makes such a dog appear to be a demon guard when
confinement forces him to confront an intruder is not the thing that
will make him a dog to ride the river with.
The Capability Test
The nature of this test may frighten off another block of owners. Again,
good riddance-you claim you want a real "stopper."
For this very careful procedure, you will need complete understanding
and cooperation from the dog's owner and assistance from a
well-coordinated man who will follow your instructions carefully. Your
helper should be equipped with a burlap sack and a gun for blank-firing.
Even if you were willing that your helper be bitten, you would find no
volunteers, so in order to protect the man, you will have to choose
between having the dog securely chained or confined and having him wear
a safe muzzle. Though it will confuse some dogs, the muzzle is by far
the better choice. See that the owner of the dog you are considering
has an opportunity to familiarize his dog with the muzzle by having him
wear it during short periods for two days before the test.
Meet with the owner and your helper in a place where the dog cannot see
or hear any of you talking together, and arrange to have the dog muzzled
and in a definite place so that your "heavy" can force an entrance and
make the test. Explain to the owner that the place of the test must
provide a means of your watching the action without attracting the dog's
attention, and permit him to be close at hand for any emergency, yet out
of the dog's sight. All concerned should realize that there should be
no oral communication between any of you, because at best it's difficult
to create a test situation that will ring true to a good dog. Be
definite about the time of entry and the signal that will tell the man
that the muzzle is in- place and all is ready. The lighting of a light
or the closing of a drape are easy ways of signaling.
When he gets the signal, the "heavy," gun in one hand and the sack in
the other, should approach the point of challenge, which will probably
be the door or gate. Regardless of whether the dog meets him head on or
hangs back a bit, the heavy should move steadily toward him. The man
should snap the cap gun a couple of times, hit the dog with a hard swipe
of the sack, and retreat from the area, shoving the dog back away from
him if necessary so that the gate or door can be closed. If the muzzled
dog tries to fight the man in the face of the gun and club-like sack,
there should be little doubt that he would make things rough for an
intruder. If he stands his ground while trying to free himself of the
muzzle, you can logically conclude that he would fight effectively
without that handicap. Muzzled or not, if he shows he would sooner
retreat than fight, he's not the kind of dog you need.
The foregoing tests will reveal whether or not a dog has the qualities
that will make him a good personal protector. However, there are other
factors that can determine how acceptable he may be in your situation.
Your own observation of the physical situation in which he lives can
tell you much about a dog's living habits. A thorough questioning of
the owner will give you more information. Remember, many undesirable
traits are definitely inherited and you should check for their existence
in the relatives of a puppy prospect as well as in an adult.

So basically there are:

1. Muppets

These are the men that talk and whine a lot. These are the kinds that most women will want to avoid.


2. Regulars

This is your Average Joe. He might be up for a Bro-Down. But he's never going to fight. A good father and provider. He will work for most women.


3. Fighters

This is a guy that is a bit crazy. He takes what he wants on his own, without any help or prop-up from anyone. He should be willing and able to kill anyone on the spot and not care. He makes you feel uneasy, but you have great sex with him (as a woman!).


This is just my take. Feel free to chime in.

04-06-2012, 12:20 AM
nicely done congrat

04-06-2012, 12:21 AM
mary one question wich one of them am i?

04-06-2012, 12:25 AM
mary one question wich one of them am i?

I'm not going to rate anyone.

04-06-2012, 12:25 AM
That's actually quite an interesting take on the matter.

04-06-2012, 12:25 AM
I'm not going to rate anyone.
understood boss

Supreme American
04-06-2012, 12:26 AM
Well you finally took my advice. Hilarious comparison to trained dogs.

This is gonna be good.


04-06-2012, 12:28 AM
Lol... I suppose "teh fighter" won't accept threesomes, with another "dog" involved....

04-06-2012, 12:29 AM
Well you finally took my advice.

Maybe you would like to share your insights? :D

04-06-2012, 12:29 AM
all who is a big fan of mary plz join her fanclub thx

Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 12:30 AM
very interesting Mary :)

so,who are the guys that get the best girls,alpha males?

Supreme American
04-06-2012, 12:30 AM
2. Regulars

This is your Average Joe. He might be up for a Bro-Down. But he's never going to fight. A good father and provider. He will work for most women.


THIS... Good. I like average guys. They aren't primadonnas or bums. Perfect.

04-06-2012, 12:32 AM
very interesting Mary :)

so,who are the guys that get the best girls,alpha males?
you ain't getting the point the ones that get the girls are the ones that like to rebel and drink and love to make love but love alcohol porn...:D

04-06-2012, 12:32 AM
very interesting Mary :)

so,who are the guys that get the best girls,alpha males?

There's not best. You pick what works for you.

04-06-2012, 12:33 AM
Ok folks, we've got work to do! Got to get 500 posts for this thread in the next 24 hours. :D

Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 12:35 AM
you ain't getting the point the ones that get the girls are the ones that like to rebel and drink and love to make love but love alcohol porn...:D

might be true who knows :D

Supreme American
04-06-2012, 12:36 AM
So where are the male porno pics?


04-06-2012, 12:38 AM
So where are the male porno pics?


:heartbea: I love Lager...!!

You know...even some cute photos of dogs would of been nice! No funny leather jackets/collars though! :tongue

04-06-2012, 12:43 AM
These are the Borrebies.


Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 12:44 AM
So where are the male porno pics?


and we also need examples of guys from 1-10 :coffee:

here is a 10 in my opinion :D


04-06-2012, 12:45 AM

Supreme American
04-06-2012, 12:46 AM
and we need also need examples of guys from 1-10 :coffee:

here is a 10 in my opinion :D

I'm not so big on heavily tanned ones. I prefer natural.


Supreme American
04-06-2012, 12:47 AM

SHHHH Our turn! We're actually in the process of hijacking this thread from Mary.

04-06-2012, 12:48 AM
SHHHH Our turn! We're actually in the process of hijacking this thread from Mary.
i report you if you try to hijack mary's thread,you filthy dogs:D

04-06-2012, 12:48 AM
Who can resist a lab?


Come on, you know you want it.

Supreme American
04-06-2012, 12:49 AM
i report you if you try to hijack mary's thread,you filthy dogs:D

Bring it.


04-06-2012, 12:50 AM
this thread is too dirty for me,i'm becoming sick of those images,help me mammy,protect me against the bad ladies here:D

Supreme American
04-06-2012, 12:51 AM
this thread is too dirty for me,i'm becoming sick of those images,help me mammy,protect me against the bad ladies here:D

Ok just for you. How do you rate?


04-06-2012, 12:52 AM

Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 12:53 AM
lagergeld,a bit too hairy :D


04-06-2012, 12:53 AM
Ok just for you. How do you rate?

mary wouldn't rate me,and i'm not wise enough to rate myself bcs a very very high level of knowledge is required to understand mary bcs she the wisest woman on earth:D

04-06-2012, 12:54 AM

wher da menz at?

Supreme American
04-06-2012, 12:55 AM
lagergeld,a bit too hairy :D


No such thing unless they look like a silverback.

Mary was supposed to post pictorial rankings for us to discuss...

Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 12:56 AM
10++ :D


Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 12:57 AM
8-(because of the eyebrows)


04-06-2012, 12:58 AM
and i thought bosnian girls were good girls,you proved me wrong bosnian:D
i don't if it is bcs you're only 14 and behave kinda childish or you're just a bad girl in disguise:D

04-06-2012, 12:59 AM
Muppet guy has a cool scottish type scarf and a cool cow boy like hat.

Fighters look like gang members not what I would call a warrior type.

Lame pictures though.

Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 12:59 AM
and i thought bosnian girls were good girls,you proved me wrong bosnian:D
i don't if it is bcs you're only 14 and behave kinda childish or you're just a bad girl in disguise:D

get out of here..you have your thread,this is OUR thread :D

Supreme American
04-06-2012, 01:00 AM
Where did Mary go? I assume compiling pictures of men for us to rank.

Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 01:02 AM
Where did Mary go? I assume compiling pictures of men for us to rank.

probably :D

04-06-2012, 01:02 AM
no her husband got horny,they're making love now,not like you old hags drying up:D

Supreme American
04-06-2012, 01:03 AM
Check Current Active Users... Mary signed off.. WTF? Hope she's on a mission to find us manmeat!

04-06-2012, 01:03 AM
What do you girls think of this Iranid type?


04-06-2012, 01:04 AM
8-(because of the eyebrows)


He is too Wogginator for me.

Queen B
04-06-2012, 01:05 AM
Lovely Greek wog, a 10 :)


Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 01:06 AM

Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 01:07 AM
Lovely Greek wog, a 10 :)


love the wogs:love:

Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 01:08 AM
He is too Wogginator for me.

this is more your type?


Supreme American
04-06-2012, 01:09 AM
Ratings, plz?


Queen B
04-06-2012, 01:12 AM
A Greek athlete. I don't like the beard, but anyway...


04-06-2012, 01:12 AM
Which kind of a man is "Mary"?

04-06-2012, 01:12 AM

04-06-2012, 01:13 AM
danm you girls are ruining the thread it shouldn't go this way,you fools:D

Supreme American
04-06-2012, 01:14 AM

I'm not big on dudes with long hair but very rarely. I like it cut short.

Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 01:14 AM
Ratings, plz?


he is not really my type..i give him 7-8

Supreme American
04-06-2012, 01:14 AM
danm you girls are ruining the thread it shouldn't go this way,you fools:D

She was supposed to have provided us photos to rank. She did not, so we are supplying our own. :D

04-06-2012, 01:17 AM
Which kind of a man is "Mary"?


Queen B
04-06-2012, 01:17 AM
She was supposed to have provided us photos to rank. She did not, so we are supplying our own. :D

Exactly :D

Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 01:20 AM
ok tomorrow she can do it,she went to sleep,,she had a long day on that other thread :D

04-06-2012, 01:21 AM
A Greek athlete. I don't like the beard, but anyway...

What's wrong with beards? I keep mine trimmed, but it really gives me a powerful feeling when it is grown.

04-06-2012, 01:32 AM
Sorry for the absence, I had to attend to my man.

Men cannot be judged by the same criteria as women. Men are not judged on appearance. They're judged on character. That's what I tried to get at with the quotes from the dog training book. A man with character, a fighter for example, is more attractive than a man with no/very little character, like a muppet. So posting pictures of random naked gays will not really get us anywhere, in my opinion.

Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 01:37 AM
Sorry for the absence, I had to attend to my man.

Men cannot be judged by the same criteria as women. Men are not judged on appearance. They're judged on character. That's what I tried to get at with the quotes from the dog training book. A man with character, a fighter for example, is more attractive than a man with no/very little character, like a muppet. So posting pictures of random naked gays will not really get us anywhere, in my opinion.

So you say we dont look at the guys appearance? this is simply not true

i hope your man is hapy now:rolleyes2::D

04-06-2012, 01:38 AM
this is more your type?


Yeah kind of like him.
I like blue or green eyes
Long hair and sometimes short hair.
over 5'9
Keltic Nordid, Hallstatt Nordid, Borreby and Anglo Saxon.
Germanic and Celtic people.

Keltic Nordid





Anglo Saxon












Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 01:40 AM

:thumbs up:D

Queen B
04-06-2012, 01:42 AM
Anglo Saxon

One of the not-more-than-5 blondes that I like :love:

Supreme American
04-06-2012, 01:43 AM
Sorry for the absence, I had to attend to my man.

Men cannot be judged by the same criteria as women. Men are not judged on appearance. They're judged on character. That's what I tried to get at with the quotes from the dog training book. A man with character, a fighter for example, is more attractive than a man with no/very little character, like a muppet. So posting pictures of random naked gays will not really get us anywhere, in my opinion.

You're full of it. Worse, I expected you to say this. Truth is you're probably not even a woman thus you are averse to posting the kind of pictures of men you posted of women from your personal stash.


04-06-2012, 01:43 AM
So you say we dont look at the guys appearance? this is simply not true

i hope your man is hapy now:rolleyes2::D

As long as the guy isn't completely hideous, looks are just not that important. You have to ask yourself what you're going to use the man for. The uses I can think of are:

* Entertainment - Muppet
* Money - Regular guy
* Protection - Fighter

The important part is if he has the character to match his use. So the question is what use you would want to have for your man?

Supreme American
04-06-2012, 01:45 AM
So you say we dont look at the guys appearance? this is simply not true

i hope your man is hapy now:rolleyes2::D

If Mary was a woman, "she" would know this. :rolleyes:

04-06-2012, 01:46 AM
Sorry for the absence, I had to attend to my man.

Men cannot be judged by the same criteria as women. Men are not judged on appearance. They're judged on character. That's what I tried to get at with the quotes from the dog training book. A man with character, a fighter for example, is more attractive than a man with no/very little character, like a muppet. So posting pictures of random naked gays will not really get us anywhere, in my opinion.


"Sup Niggas I'm Mary
Woman are hoe aren't got no personality
Men are bro"


la bombe
04-06-2012, 01:47 AM
If we're comparing men to dogs, then let's look at my favorite breed, dalmatians. Their personality could be described as: sensitive, energetic, intelligent, playful and outgoing.

As for looks, here's my personal 10+ for you ladies :D


04-06-2012, 01:48 AM
You're full of it. Worse, I expected you to say this. Truth is you're probably not even a woman thus you are averse to posting the kind of pictures of men you posted of women from your personal stash.


Women don't choose on looks. They choose on other things. Therefore, it would be pointless to post a bunch of porn pics. of guys. Men and women are not the same.

I already posted what I think is a good way of evaluating the character of men. Opinion?

Queen B
04-06-2012, 01:48 AM
If we're comparing men to dogs, then let's look at my favorite breed, dalmatians. Their personality could be described as: sensitive, energetic, intelligent, playful and outgoing.

As for looks, here's my personal 10+ for you ladies :D


I posted him in the previous thread, when I said who are the men I like.

Kortajarena :love:

04-06-2012, 01:49 AM
If Mary was a woman, "she" would know this. :rolleyes:

I know that you wish I was a man. But you know very well how women pick men.

04-06-2012, 01:51 AM
If we're comparing men to dogs, then let's look at my favorite breed, dalmatians. Their personality could be described as: sensitive, energetic, intelligent, playful and outgoing.

As for looks, here's my personal 10+ for you ladies :D


I guess that's a fair comparison. Which category would you place him in, and what would you use him for?

la bombe
04-06-2012, 01:51 AM
I posted him in the previous thread, when I said who are the men I like.

Kortajarena :love:

He's sexiness personified :thumbs up

Were you the Jamie Dornan fan too? If so, here's a gift for you


Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 01:52 AM
I know that you wish I was a man. But you know very well how women pick men.

a girl is giving a man his chance to impress her with his personality only if she likes his looks

04-06-2012, 01:54 AM
a girl is giving a man his chance to impress her with his personality only if she likes his looks

He impresses her with his personality, his character. No woman is going to talk to a guy just because he looks pretty.

04-06-2012, 01:57 AM
Mr Darcy




04-06-2012, 01:59 AM
He impresses her with his personality, his character. No woman is going to talk to a guy just because he looks pretty.

You have only dated one man and your not allowed out of the house, so you don't know shit.

Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 02:01 AM
He impresses her with his personality, his character. No woman is going to talk to a guy just because he looks pretty.

But NO girl is going to be with a guy just because he is "fun",he has to have the looks to start with

04-06-2012, 02:02 AM
You have only dated one man and your not allowed out of the house, so you don't know shit.

That shows that I know that I wanted. And I knew how to pick since it's lasted.

04-06-2012, 02:02 AM
You have only dated one man and your not allowed out of the house, so you don't know shit.

So should the man be extremely hot to be dated? Weren't you girls defending in the other thread that average girls were just fine and that personality is what mattered? :P

04-06-2012, 02:03 AM
But NO girl is going to be with a guy just because he is "fun",he has to have the looks to start with

What do you want your guy for?

* Fun
* Money
* Protection

Have your pick.

04-06-2012, 02:04 AM

My 10.

"My honor is my loyalty."

He loved his people, he loved his fatherland, he loved his Führer. He was disciplined, loyal, proud of his nation and his heritage, had children he loved dearly, he was strong. He spoke multiple languages, he never lost his resolve, chose to fight on the Eastern front when he had the choice to live in luxury as Himmler's adjutant.

Joachim Peiper and the millions of men who fought bravely for the Axis are all a 10 from me.


04-06-2012, 02:04 AM
That shows that I know that I wanted. And I knew how to pick since it's lasted.

You got married at 18 and now you want some fantasy that don't have. So you post naked pictures of yourself online like a slut.

04-06-2012, 02:05 AM

My 10.

"My honor is my loyalty."

He loved his people, he loved his fatherland, he loved his Führer. He was disciplined, loyal, proud of his nation and his heritage, had children he loved dearly, he was strong. He spoke multiple languages, he never lost his resolve, chose to fight on the Eastern front when he had the choice to live in luxury as Himmler's adjutant.

Joachim Peiper and the millions of men who fought bravely for the Axis are all a 10 from me.

Excellent post. Because this is actually about character.

Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 02:05 AM
What do you want your guy for?

* Fun
* Money
* Protection

Have your pick.

I want this:

to be attracted by him
enjoy have fun with him
and be protected

04-06-2012, 02:06 AM
You got married at 18 and now you want some fantasy that don't have. So you post naked pictures of yourself online like a slut.

You can post naked pictures too if you like.

Supreme American
04-06-2012, 02:08 AM
Women don't choose on looks. They choose on other things. Therefore, it would be pointless to post a bunch of porn pics. of guys. Men and women are not the same.

I already posted what I think is a good way of evaluating the character of men. Opinion?

You're full of shit. Women partly choose on looks and always have. You'd know that if you were a woman.

04-06-2012, 02:08 AM
I think this article is really good:

2. You're Shallow.
When it comes to choosing a husband, only one thing really, truly matters: character. So it stands to reason that a man's character should be at the top of the list of things you are looking for, right? But if you're not married, I already know it isn't. Because if you were looking for a man of character, you would have found one by now. Men of character are, by definition, willing to commit.

Instead, you are looking for someone tall. Or rich. Or someone who knows what an Eames chair is. Unfortunately, this is not the thinking of a wife. This is the thinking of a teenaged girl. And men of character do not want to marry teenaged girls. Because teenage girls are never happy. And they never feel like cooking, either.


04-06-2012, 02:09 AM
So should the man be extremely hot to be dated? Weren't you girls defending in the other thread that average girls were just fine and that personality is what mattered? :P

LOL. Those men I posted are normal around here. We don't have many Tronder or Hallstatt or Faelid here. We do have lots of Keltic Nordid, Northern Atlantid, Borreby and Anglo Saxon here though.

Supreme American
04-06-2012, 02:09 AM
So should the man be extremely hot to be dated? Weren't you girls defending in the other thread that average girls were just fine and that personality is what mattered? :P

Don't be jealous, bro.

04-06-2012, 02:10 AM
I want this:

to be attracted by him
enjoy have fun with him
and be protected

If you want all of these things in moderation then you should pick an average guy.

04-06-2012, 02:10 AM
Don't be jealous, bro.

Just pointing out, double standards work both ways.

Supreme American
04-06-2012, 02:10 AM
a girl is giving a man his chance to impress her with his personality only if she likes his looks

I've ignored a number who showed interest in me due to their being butt ugly.

Supreme American
04-06-2012, 02:11 AM
Just pointing out, double standards work both ways.

Uhm no you're crying. At least on this thread we aren't posting near-nude pics of third world trash and calling them ideal.

04-06-2012, 02:11 AM
You're full of shit. Women partly choose on looks and always have. You'd know that if you were a woman.

You're either a dirty woman or a man in disguise.

04-06-2012, 02:11 AM
You can post naked pictures too if you like.

No, you think I'm a slut just because I don't dress like you.
So why would I want to act like a slut.
You have no honour or respect for yourself.

Arrow Cross
04-06-2012, 02:11 AM
As a proud member of Category 3, I am living proof that being an intimidating thug with murderous undertones will not necessarily make you more successful with the opposite sex. If anything, we're living in the Age of Muppets.

I want this:

to be attracted by him
enjoy have fun with him
and be protected
If you modern females are so fond of equality, then learn to protect yourselves. Chivalry is misogyny, after all. :p

Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 02:12 AM
I've ignored a number who showed interest in me due to their being butt ugly.

me too,.if the guy is ugly he can be the most funny guy in the world..but no thanks

Supreme American
04-06-2012, 02:12 AM
You're either a dirty woman or a man in disguise.

Hahahaha! I'm a normal heterosexual female. If women didn't judge on looks, we wouldn't be posting all these hot manpics here. Again, if you were a woman, you'd know that. But since you're a man, you're intimidated by the idea of women cutting up men on their looks the way men cut women up because you fear measuring up.

04-06-2012, 02:13 AM
No, you think I'm a slut just because I don't dress like you.
So why would I want to act like a slut.
You have no honour or respect for yourself.

No, I don't think you're a slut. Where did you get that from?

04-06-2012, 02:14 AM
Uhm no you're crying. At least on this thread we aren't posting near-nude pics of third world trash and calling them ideal.

It really is just funny to see how the roles suddenly inverted in this thread in comparison to the other. I really wasn't posting pictures of any nude women, and I actually showed preference for a good personality instead of looks. Why is it any different when it comes to men?

04-06-2012, 02:14 AM
You're either a dirty woman or a man in disguise.

You are the one that told me to stretch my ass more.

Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 02:14 AM
Hahahaha! I'm a normal heterosexual female. If women didn't judge on looks, we wouldn't be posting all these hot manpics here. Again, if you were a woman, you'd know that. But since you're a man, you're intimidated by the idea of women cutting up men on their looks the way men cut women up because you fear measuring up.

I hear many men think we women do not judge by looks

i have no idea where they get that from,guys WE DO JUDGE BY LOOKS TOO:D

04-06-2012, 02:14 AM
Hahahaha! I'm a normal heterosexual female. If women didn't judge on looks, we wouldn't be posting all these hot manpics here. Again, if you were a woman, you'd know that. But since you're a man, you're intimidated by the idea of women cutting up men on their looks the way men cut women up because you fear measuring up.

I've posted two videos of myself. And pics. I haven't seen any of that from you. So I'm going to assume that you're a man from now on.

04-06-2012, 02:16 AM
You are the one that told me to stretch my ass more.

I wasn't referring to you literally.

04-06-2012, 02:17 AM
I've posted two videos of myself. And pics. I haven't seen any of that from you. So I'm going to assume that you're a man from now on.

You have a stupid mask on so you could be a man.

04-06-2012, 02:18 AM
You have a stupid mask on so you could be a man.

I obviously sound like a woman in my video. :rolleyes:

04-06-2012, 02:18 AM
I wasn't referring to you literally.

Yes you fucken were. I said Anal is gross and it hurts.
You told me to stretch my ass more.
You are a 15 year old boy.

Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 02:19 AM
mary,why don't you see ugly guys with sexy girls then? why do so many women talk about brad pitt,george clooney etc if not for their looks

04-06-2012, 02:19 AM
Yes you fucken were. I said Anal is gross and it hurts.
You told me to stretch my ass more.
You are a 15 year old boy.

I say anal is fine if you just stretch your ass. I didn't mean you literally. I meant anyone who would do that.

04-06-2012, 02:20 AM
mary,why don't you see ugly guys with sexy girls then? why do so many women talk about brad pitt,george clooney etc if not for their looks

You do see ugly guys with sexy girls.

Usually the girls who are into these guys are either very young or are clueless.

04-06-2012, 02:21 AM
mary,why don't you see ugly guys with sexy girls then? why do so many women talk about brad pitt,george clooney etc if not for their looks

You sound just like Mary in the other thread, except that she was talking of girls. :rolleyes2:

04-06-2012, 02:21 AM
I say anal is fine if you just stretch your ass. I didn't mean you literally. I meant anyone who would do that.

You were treating woman like whores the whole time like woman should be chained up all the time. You are fucken troll.

04-06-2012, 02:22 AM
You were treating woman like whores the whole time like woman should be chained up all the time. You are fucken troll.

What are you talking about? I was just giving my honest opinion. If you don't like it you can make your own value scale.

Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 02:22 AM
You do see ugly guys with sexy girls.

Usually the girls who are into these guys are either very young or are clueless.

Not true,a guy has to be good looking

or very rich...to get a really sexy girl ;)

04-06-2012, 02:23 AM
You sound just like Mary in the other thread, except that she was talking of girls. :rolleyes2:

No Mary said that Woman are only good for sex and we should like gagging and anal. You never read any of her post.

04-06-2012, 02:23 AM
Not true,a guy has to be good looking

or very rich...to get a really sexy girl ;)

I see it all of the time here. Personality matters more than looks or money.

Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 02:23 AM
You sound just like Mary in the other thread, except that she was talking of girls. :rolleyes2:

she is silly,making it sound as if women don't judge by looks,which is just false

04-06-2012, 02:23 AM
Not true,a guy has to be good looking

or very rich...to get a really sexy girl ;)

What do his looks do for the relationship?

04-06-2012, 02:24 AM

You have the best taste in men.

Supreme American
04-06-2012, 02:25 AM
I've posted two videos of myself. And pics. I haven't seen any of that from you. So I'm going to assume that you're a man from now on.

Yes the collection of niqab with the sloppy fold marks on them as if they'd just been taken out of a mail package.

04-06-2012, 02:25 AM
What are you talking about? I was just giving my honest opinion. If you don't like it you can make your own value scale.

You said Woman = Sex and have no personality.

You said "No Tits and No hair"
For Woman with Cancer.

You think Porn stars are higher than woman with Cancer.

04-06-2012, 02:25 AM
she is silly,making it sound as if women don't judge by looks,which is just false

And yet if men judge by looks it's abhorrent? Why girls just need a good personality and guys need good looks? That's just not consistent.

04-06-2012, 02:25 AM
Yes the collection of niqab with the sloppy fold marks on them as if they'd just been taken out of a mail package.

So? I posted pics. of myself too. I have another video on my channel where I speak Rumanian.

Sorry, but I didn't register here to troll you.

Supreme American
04-06-2012, 02:26 AM
You do see ugly guys with sexy girls.

Usually the girls who are into these guys are either very young or are clueless.

In other words, women who aren't clueless don't date ugly guys even though you've been insisting women don't choose by looks. Yet again, your self-contradictions undermine your argument.


Supreme American
04-06-2012, 02:26 AM
So? I posted pics. of myself too. I have another video on my channel where I speak Rumanian.

Sorry, but I didn't register here to troll you.

You registered here to troll everybody.

Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 02:27 AM
And yet if men judge by looks it's abhorable? Why girls just need a good personality and guys need good looks. That's just not consistent.

both girls and guys judge by looks,and it is okay

a girl and a guy in a relationship should be on a similar scale

04-06-2012, 02:27 AM
No Mary said that Woman are only good for sex and we should like gagging and anal. You never read any of her post.

Her words were something along the lines of why you don't see guys chasing fat women. The argument is basically the same, only the roles inverted.

04-06-2012, 02:27 AM
You said Woman = Sex and have no personality.

You said "No Tits and No hair"
For Woman with Cancer.

You think Porn stars are higher than woman with Cancer.

I'm not going to discuss that here. It's belongs in the other thread, IMO.

04-06-2012, 02:28 AM
I'm not going to discuss that here. It's belongs in the other thread, IMO.

No it doesn't. You have been treating woman lower because they aren't porn stars.

Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 02:29 AM
a sexual relationship is all about attraction,if you search for a funny,nice guy you will end up being friend with him

to have more than friendship you have to be attracted to the guy

04-06-2012, 02:30 AM
a sexual relationship is all about attraction,if you search for a funny,nice guy you will end up being friend with him

to have more than friendship you have to be attracted to the guy

Okay. So what makes a guy attractive?

Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 02:32 AM
Okay. So what makes a guy attractive?

well among others his looks,together with personality

a short fat guy is not going to do it for me just because he seems fun:coffee:

04-06-2012, 02:33 AM
well among others his looks,together with personality

a short fat guy is not going to do it for me just because he seems fun:coffee:

What if he is rich?

04-06-2012, 02:33 AM
Her words were something along the lines of why you don't see guys chasing fat women. The argument is basically the same, only the roles inverted.

Chubby/Curvy) woman of European descent are normally Cromagnoid (Borreby or Brunn etc) They get plenty of men here.

This is a Borreby

04-06-2012, 02:33 AM
well among others his looks,together with personality

a short fat guy is not going to do it for me just because he seems fun:coffee:

If you're not attracted to fun, then what are you attracted to?

04-06-2012, 02:36 AM
Maybe you'll find a man instead of dog when you stop bitching? :P

No, really. I've always disliked this sex/gender fights that always starts from its separativity and/or their incapability to understand other individuals and that what has --and still can-- defined them. And its too complex to put it in this simplistic, arbitrarial and poorly way.
All I can say it's that we all get what we deserve, not what we want. We even deserve the circustances in which we stand because of our choices, and our choices, our will, will define the next thing we deserve. Cause and effect.

04-06-2012, 02:42 AM
I say anal is fine if you just stretch your ass. I didn't mean you literally. I meant anyone who would do that.

I am sorely temped to post goatxce here but then I would have to ban myself.

04-06-2012, 02:44 AM
I am sorely temped to post goatxce here but then I would have to ban myself.

You Barbarian !!

04-06-2012, 02:47 AM
both girls and guys judge by looks,and it is okay

a girl and a guy in a relationship should be on a similar scale

Who would you choose?



Or this?


Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 02:52 AM
Who would you choose?



Or this?


there is option between those 2,something in the middle you know ;)

and yeah i would choose nr 2,,girls who say nr 1 lie :D

04-06-2012, 02:53 AM
Who would you choose?



Or this?


A woman will always choose a man, not a ken doll. :rolleyes:

04-06-2012, 02:54 AM
Who would you choose?



Or this?


First guy looks British, a Brunn or a Borreby.
Second guy, the picture is too big.

la bombe
04-06-2012, 02:56 AM
there is option between those 2,something in the middle you know ;)

and yeah i would choose nr 2,,girls who say nr 1 lie :D

I would choose #1 and I'm not lying. The second guy looks like a life-size, flaming homosexual version of a Ken doll :eek: I bet he spends all his time at the gym checking out other men.

Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 02:57 AM
I would choose #1 and I'm not lying. The second guy looks like a life-size, flaming homosexual version of a Ken doll :eek: I bet he spends all his time at the gym checking out other men.

probably :D but i would not choose any of them really,but since those 2 options existed i choose nr 2 because nr 1 does not look that masculine

Supreme American
04-06-2012, 03:00 AM
there is option between those 2,something in the middle you know ;)

and yeah i would choose nr 2,,girls who say nr 1 lie :D

I agree. Something in the middle.

Supreme American
04-06-2012, 03:00 AM
I would choose #1 and I'm not lying. The second guy looks like a life-size, flaming homosexual version of a Ken doll :eek: I bet he spends all his time at the gym checking out other men.

#2 is clearly a Chippendale.

04-06-2012, 03:04 AM
I agree. Something in the middle.

I didn't get middle option here:

04-06-2012, 03:15 AM
Women should choose from a group of sub racially compatible men.
This would eliminate any confusion about 'looks' and still can fetch you a man with a character

Marmie Dearest
04-06-2012, 08:18 AM
Okay Mary work your magic. Tell me what I need or what kind of woman I am:

Cillian Murphy


Jared Leto:



Christian Bale:


Mixed with some young-er Vladimir Putin:



And this random young Russian man:



Marmie Dearest
04-06-2012, 08:26 AM
there is option between those 2,something in the middle you know ;)

and yeah i would choose nr 2,,girls who say nr 1 lie :D

Actually nr 2 looks dorky to me in that silly get-up.

Plus nr 1 likes dogs, isn't that sweet? I do love animals.

So if forced to choose between those two I would actually take nr 1.

04-06-2012, 08:45 AM
8-(because of the eyebrows)


Eyebrows were the first thing I noticed too... :(
I hate it when men do that... it looks so girly.

04-06-2012, 08:45 AM
So? I posted pics. of myself too. I have another video on my channel where I speak Rumanian.

Sorry, but I didn't register here to troll you.

Language is actually Romanian.

And what does the country Romania have to do with your location or ethnicity, as listed on your profile...? :confused:

04-06-2012, 08:52 AM

I guess these are north-atlantids :)

04-06-2012, 08:55 AM
I guess these are north-atlantids :)

Now someone should post Halstatt Nordics

04-06-2012, 09:01 AM
I like mature, manly-looking men :D These are 10s, IMO
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Clive Owen

04-06-2012, 09:47 AM
It's a bit shocking to me that a male actually has to be the one to make this observation, especially after this much discussion. The answer is, it depends.

Women will generally prioritize their criteria very differently depending on what they are looking for, or at least what they think they are looking for. For example, a woman who is looking for some quick no-strings-attached nearly anonymous lovin' will have very different criteria than a woman who is husband shopping, both of which will differ from say a University student who is perhaps looking for a boyfriend, but not the love of her life, or from a single mother, or from a girl who's looking for a semi-regular fuck buddy for physical needs but not for a committed relationship. It will differ and various criteria will be valued differently in each circumstance.

However, in my observation, women do value looks very much. Not as much as men, of course, to which everything else is usually a distant second (unfortunately). Women are also attracted to this quality which I think is almost invisible and unknowable to most men, which I think of as "sex appeal". You know, the butt ugly and stupid athlete with a gorgeous wife. You could say that's because he's rich, but there are very many other men as rich as athletes who's wives are hideous. Further, you have gorgeous girls who will be with a rather average or ugly looking guy who's some band member, who is NOT rich, and clearly has no future. While I think "status" is a part of this amorphous "sex appeal" quality, that's not the entire formula. Very many politicians and military top brass have extremely high levels of status and influence, yet their wives look ghastly, and even their mistresses are often disgusting. So, while I think "status" is a part of it, there's obviously more to it.

Women also like men who have been preselected by other women. The notion that the female consensus is that a given male is very desirable, usually makes a male more desirable to women. When women see attractive women fawning for the attention of an average looking male, they want to know who he is, they are curious, they want to be introduced to him. When a male sees a bunch of guys fawning over an average looking girl, he just thinks their fucking nuts, or perhaps drunk.

I could ramble indefinitely on this topic, I was just astonished that this had not been pointed out, and I thought I'd offer it. Basically women most certainly value physical attractiveness in men, usually to a substantial degree, yet still almost never as high as men, or perhaps not as exclusively as men

04-06-2012, 09:49 AM
Now someone should post Halstatt Nordics

how about East-Nordid !? :D


04-06-2012, 09:50 AM
:pound: :clap: :lol:

how about East-Nordid !? :D


04-06-2012, 09:52 AM
He impresses her with his personality, his character. No woman is going to talk to a guy just because he looks pretty.
this is very true,personality for a man is much more important then looks,,girls want somebody who shakes their foundation of their world,they like going bad,just look at the girls here.especially eurowomen their naughty girls:D
so mary you're right:thumb001:

04-06-2012, 10:05 AM
Personally, I think a man has to be confident and assertive. If a guy is too shy to make the first move and waits for the woman to go after him... total turn-off.

04-06-2012, 10:26 AM
Personally, I think a man has to be confident and assertive. If a guy is too shy to make the first move and waits for the woman to go after him... total turn-off.

Don't you think men have feelings too? Why should they always make the first move?

04-06-2012, 10:27 AM
Don't you think men have feelings too? Why should they always make the first move?
that's right,most girls here seem to be worse then cougars:D

04-06-2012, 10:32 AM
Don't you think men have feelings too? Why should they always make the first move?
I didnt say always, indeed it must be tiring to be the one who always initiates contact... but men who usually wait for the woman to make the first move strike me as week and unimpressive. maybe because I´m somewhat shy myself so I need the people I´m around to be very social and talkative, it draws me out of my shell.

04-06-2012, 11:02 AM
Probably Gay.....but hot nonetheless:

04-06-2012, 11:04 AM
Major Babelicious

04-06-2012, 11:07 AM
One more hottie:)

04-06-2012, 11:08 AM
Personally, I think a man has to be confident and assertive. If a guy is too shy to make the first move and waits for the woman to go after him... total turn-off.

That's why Loki does not encounter any problems ;)

04-06-2012, 11:09 AM
Major Babelicious
Yes, yes, I'm delicious. Thanks for posting a pic of me.

Queen B
04-06-2012, 11:15 AM
He's sexiness personified :thumbs up

Were you the Jamie Dornan fan too? If so, here's a gift for you


Oh thanks! Yeap, he is the perfect 10, tho not Greek.
So should the man be extremely hot to be dated? Weren't you girls defending in the other thread that average girls were just fine and that personality is what mattered? :P
Of course he don't have to be extremely hot to be dated. Neither my definition of hot though, is the same with others.

But what? We can't post hot men that get a ''10'' on looks?

If you're not attracted to fun, then what are you attracted to?

It depends of what a woman is looking for .
I will put it very simply, of how I think.

If I wanted just a fling/one night stand/fuck buddy, then I wouldn't go for the average Joe with the amazing personality and all those stuff.
I would go for a hottie, just like the ones posted. Because I don't want him for his monogamous commitment to me, neither for his emotional support and the romantic feelings, but solely to have some fun.

If I wanted a relationship (and this is what I do), I would go for a man that matches my criteria in terms of personality. Not an ugly guy,because yes, sexual attraction must exist, but an average looking guy, is fine. If, there is a man that matches my criteria and is very good looking, then even better, I won't ditch him because of that.

04-06-2012, 11:18 AM
This thread just reminds me, that i need to do more sit ups lol.

04-06-2012, 11:22 AM
Yeah kind of like him.
I like blue or green eyes
Long hair and sometimes short hair.
over 5'9
Keltic Nordid, Hallstatt Nordid, Borreby and Anglo Saxon.
Germanic and Celtic people.

Keltic Nordid





Anglo Saxon











These are the types I like.
They aren't just good looking.
In films they can be romantic, funny, caring towards animals and smart.

Some more men.




04-06-2012, 11:24 AM
This thread just reminds me, that i need to do more sit ups lol.

Haha, I like your nose shape :)

04-06-2012, 11:29 AM
People here are confusing good looks with a good body.
A good body is well and good but for a beautiful next generation the man should have a good looking face too.
That's the major problem with blacks. They are butt ugly, but have atheletic bodies. Their offsprings are nothing special, infact many are quite ridiculous looking.
In my opinion, Halstatt, Anglo Saxon, Faelid and North Atlantid Males should have the highest number of children to produce a beuatiful next generation.
Atlanto Meds, dinarics, Borrebys, East Nordids and Alpines should limit their offsprings to 2-3.

04-06-2012, 11:34 AM
No woman is going to talk to a guy just because he looks pretty.

OH Miss know it all again LOL
I used to do that all the time, just randomly say hello because they looked cute. You have been married 11 years, not allowed to leave your home and you are not allowed to be around other men without your husband watching you like a hawk. I play Xbox with other men and people trust me. I got drunk with other men and I trusted them.
You don't know what trust is. You even don't know what is sexual.
A man can't even sit down with out you thinking he is being dirty perve.



He's exposing his crotch?

He's just a younger version of the flasher. In 20 years he'll be pulling down his pants in the park. No one is going expose their privates in public unless there's something wrong with them.

The man is splitting his legs.

So glad, you don't come to my house and play xbox.
Over here if men cross there legs, it is a bit gay.
I hope you never go to Scotland also lol.


He is meditating, it really looks no different, he just almost has his hand inbetween is legs.

Why don't guys cross their legs when they sit? - Yahoo! Answers
answers.yahoo.com › ... › Society & Culture › Etiquette
21 answers - 24 Jan 2007
Question: The knee-over-knee cross? I think it is comfortable. Why is it ...
Top answer: to be frank - it can hurt your balls

Guys who cross their legs - CurlTalk
www.naturallycurly.com › CurlTalk › Life › Non-hair discussion
26 Dec 2008 – Why do some guys cross their legs? I'm not ... I don't like crossing my own for too long, because it makes my legs fall asleep

If you expose you genitals, it's definitively conscious. Because your private parts are something you're conscious about.

So there's really no excuse for this deviant behavior.

Meanwhile you posted naked pictures of yourself online LOL :rolleyes:




Originally Posted by Mary

No, my man is a regular Rumanian.

Why can't you spell what your husband is? You've been with him for 11 years. I live in NZ and I've never really seen any of them here and only started reading about them last year , but atless I know how to spell what they are. Rum is a drink. Rom means read only memory, Roman were ancient Italians and Romanian is the ethnic group of Romania.

If we're comparing men to dogs, then let's look at my favorite breed, dalmatians. Their personality could be described as: sensitive, energetic, intelligent, playful and outgoing.

As for looks, here's my personal 10+ for you ladies :D


I like German Shepherds, Labradors, Husky, Shetland collie (Lassie? type) Border Collie, Fox Terrier, Beagle and Jack Russell dogs the most.


04-06-2012, 11:35 AM
People here are confusing good looks with a good body.
A good body is well and good but for a beautiful next generation the man should have a good looking face too.
That's the major problem with blacks. They are butt ugly, but have atheletic bodies. Their offsprings are nothing special, infact many are quite ridiculous looking.
In my opinion, Halstatt, Anglo Saxon, Faelid and North Atlantid Males should have the highest number of children to produce a beuatiful next generation.
Atlanto Meds, dinarics, Borrebys, East Nordids and Alpines should limit their offsprings to 2-3.

Atlanto Meds, Dinarics and Alpines are the best looking types by far.

04-06-2012, 11:37 AM
People here are confusing good looks with a good body.
A good body is well and good but for a beautiful next generation the man should have a good looking face too.

They do have good faces, I like looking at nose shapes and chin shapes.

04-06-2012, 11:38 AM
dinarids and borrebies rocks
atlanto-med/ponntid are smoking hot

04-06-2012, 11:39 AM
Atlanto Meds, Dinarics and Alpines are the best looking types by far.

Hugh Grant : North Atlantid
Robert Redford : Faelid
Sean Bean : Anglo Saxon
Clint Eastwood : Keltic Nordic
Max Von Sydow : Halstatt Nordic

04-06-2012, 11:41 AM
Atlanto Meds, Dinarics and Alpines are the best looking types by far.

Of course
Sean Connery, an Atlanto Med is a handsome man.
But on an average, what i wrote earlier is correct.

04-06-2012, 11:42 AM
Red hair :D




04-06-2012, 11:43 AM
I like German Shepherds, Labradors, Husky, Shetland collie (Lassie? type) Border Collie, Fox Terrier, Beagle and Jack Russell dogs the most.


Nice selection, you have good taste. :P

04-06-2012, 11:44 AM
Ed Harris : An Example of a Handsome Borreby Man.

04-06-2012, 11:59 AM


04-06-2012, 12:01 PM
Ed Harris : An Example of a Handsome Borreby Man.

Hot. He is totally my type lol

04-06-2012, 12:01 PM


Supreme American
04-06-2012, 12:02 PM
Language is actually Romanian.

And what does the country Romania have to do with your location or ethnicity, as listed on your profile...? :confused:

She's claiming to be a Romanian that posted on YouTube. Funny a Romanian would correct her... :rolleyes: Of course she's also avoided speaking the language when people do it with her here.

04-06-2012, 12:04 PM
Okay Mary work your magic. Tell me what I need or what kind of woman I am:


You top as a teacher:



You sub as a schoolgirl:



You need those kind of men.

04-06-2012, 12:06 PM
Some Brown eyes.





A really funny man


04-06-2012, 12:15 PM
Language is actually Romanian.

And what does the country Romania have to do with your location or ethnicity, as listed on your profile...? :confused:

When you write Romania, the phonetics are not correct (in Rumanian that is). But when you write it in cyrillic as it used to be written Румыния, the phonetics fit perfectly. If I was to put Румыния in latin it would be Rumania. It's simply more correct.

My husband is Rumun.

04-06-2012, 12:18 PM
Sweet Mary
What is the difference between living like yourself and living in Hugh Hefner's Mansion?
Assuming both girls are a 10?

04-06-2012, 12:19 PM
Now for the Strong men


Tyler Mane, but he scared the shit out of me in the Halloween film :D


I would post Arnold but he isn't cool any more. I would also post John Cena but he is a Wigger.

Oh can't forget Techno Viking haha HE IS AWESOME!!!!


04-06-2012, 12:29 PM
Hugh Grant : North Atlantid

I only liked Hugh Grant in a Jane Austen movie.
Pierce Brosnan, Henry Cavill, Matthew Goode, and Jonathan Rhys Meyers are Northern Atlantid too.




04-06-2012, 12:32 PM
Tom Hiddleston- Keltic Nordid


04-06-2012, 12:33 PM
She's claiming to be a Romanian that posted on YouTube. Funny a Romanian would correct her... :rolleyes: Of course she's also avoided speaking the language when people do it with her here.

No, she's claiming to be a russian who posted a video in romanian on youtube. As a native speaker of romanian I can tell you that her romanian is perfectly understandable. She does make mistakes and she has a heavy slavic (russian) accent with an additional english accent (that's probably because she lives abroad) but her romanian is good, surprisingly good.

04-06-2012, 12:33 PM
When you write Romania, the phonetics are not correct (in Rumanian that is). But when you write it in cyrillic as it used to be written Румыния, the phonetics fit perfectly. If I was to put Румыния in latin it would be Rumania. It's simply more correct.

My husband is Rumun.

Romania's official spelling is by using latin, not cyrillic.... Phonetics with this latin spelling sound fine to me. I have been born, raised, educated here. You can either accept and adapt, or... just stick to your own kind :). There is no such thing as "more correct"... And if you wish for phonetic advice... do feel free to ask Count Arnau for info, he is a very wise man. I'm also pretty sure "Romanian" sounds simply fine to him too :wink

And Mary.. with all due respect... you call that (hopefully) Romanian lad "your husband"... Are you married both religiously and legally? Or you are just hoping you might be some day? Because... I'm pretty sure Romanian men, and all men for that matter, have quite a different value scale for choosing their "future wives" and "mothers of their children", than the scale you simply put up on this forum...

That said... :D I wish you happy trolling! :hug2:

04-06-2012, 12:34 PM
Long hair :D






04-06-2012, 12:42 PM
Romania's official spelling is by using latin, not cyrillic.... Phonetics with this latin spelling sound fine to me. I have been born, raised, educated here. You can either accept and adapt, or... just stick to your own kind :). There is no such thing as "more correct"... And if you wish for phonetic advice... do feel free to ask Count Arnau for info, he is a very wise man. I'm also pretty sure "Romanian" sounds simply fine to him too :wink

Using latin is against tradition. Therefore I am not required to follow it.

And if you use your common sense, latin is not natural for the Rumanian language. It's more correct to write with the cyrilic spelling.

There is a thread about this already: http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=38413

And Mary.. with all due respect... you call that (hopefully) Romanian lad "your husband"... Are you married both religiously and legally? Or you are just hoping you might be some day? Because... I'm pretty sure Romanian men, and all men for that matter, have quite a different value scale for choosing their "future wives" and "mothers of their children", than the scale you simply put up on this forum...

That said... :D I wish you happy trolling! :hug2:

You're welcome to participate in the thread. :)


Hurrem sultana
04-06-2012, 12:45 PM
And Mary.. with all due respect... you call that (hopefully) Romanian lad "your husband"... Are you married both religiously and legally? Or you are just hoping you might be some day? Because... I'm pretty sure Romanian men, and all men for that matter, have quite a different value scale for choosing their "future wives" and "mothers of their children", than the scale you simply put up on this foru

they were married since she was 18 so no worries :D

04-06-2012, 12:52 PM
So basically there are:

1. Muppets

These are the men that talk and whine a lot. These are the kinds that most women will want to avoid.


2. Regulars

This is your Average Joe. He might be up for a Bro-Down. But he's never going to fight. A good father and provider. He will work for most women.


3. Fighters

This is a guy that is a bit crazy. He takes what he wants on his own, without any help or prop-up from anyone. He should be willing and able to kill anyone on the spot and not care. He makes you feel uneasy, but you have great sex with him (as a woman!).


This is just my take. Feel free to chime in.

Basically the are three different type of guys:

1) Hipsters
2) White collar workers
3) Convicts


Queen B
04-06-2012, 12:55 PM
Basically the are three different type of guys:

1) Hipsters
2) White collar workers
3) Convicts



04-06-2012, 12:56 PM
Kilts :D




04-06-2012, 12:59 PM

04-06-2012, 01:01 PM
:laugh: Thanks for the invite, Mary, you are cool! ;) I can enjoy a lavish, lingering "mudfight"... unfortunately, I stay away from "shitstorms". Nose is pretty demanding and sensitive :tongue Therefore... I'd rather not... :D

Anyhow, keep in mind you and I have a different concept on "common sense", "tradition" or even "natural", when speaking my native language... :) That, and I don't feel like feeding the obvious insult or derailing the thread :D

Keep it on folks! :dancing:

04-06-2012, 01:11 PM
Keep it on folks! :dancing:

Nah this thread it shit.Why are there convicts?

Hmm okay Charles Manson is way better looking than those two.

I'm going to post in this thread now
"European Men To Die For! "

04-06-2012, 01:22 PM
Nah this thread it shit.Why are there convicts?

Hmm okay Charles Manson is way better looking than those two.

I'm going to post this thread now
"European Men To Die For! "

I don't think he's better looking. But he is attractive. He goes in the Fighter category.

04-06-2012, 01:48 PM
Yes, yes, I'm delicious. Thanks for posting a pic of me.


I don't think he's better looking. But he is attractive. He goes in the Fighter category.

No, he doesn't. He never killed anyone. He is very short as well.
He was the master mind behind the stuff that happened.
He is not a fighter, he is a thinker.
You shouldn't want men to be like any convict people anyway.
Your fighter type isn't a warrior type, it is a convict.

The men I posted were :
smart, strong looking warriors, funny, creative, intelligent and caring.
These are the real types. Woman have these same types as strong doesn't just mean physical like a warrior or shieldmaiden, it also means having the courage when they have cancer and being respectful. All of the types I posted can be attractive and honourable looking. They don't need to be half naked to look attractive and that goes for the woman too.

All the woman you posted were half naked.

For the men.

1. You made them out to be weird (Muppets )
I don't like the purple pants but there is nothing wrong with the Scottish like scarf or the cow boy hat. And the girls look normal.
But you call them Muppet which is negative.
2 You made them out to be boring (Average Joe)
3 They are convicts. (Fighter yeah right, they could just be in trouble for drugs or drink driving)

Your types fail because they are so negative, they make people sad and don't help built self confidence for any man or woman.
My types are possitive and help people making goals and every man and woman can be those types. But your types are all negative.

04-06-2012, 01:52 PM
Btw. Ive noticed that from all phenotypes, a mediterreanoid looking women or darkies in general find me to be attractive.

04-06-2012, 03:54 PM
Nah this thread it shit.Why are there convicts?

Hmm okay Charles Manson is way better looking than those two.

I'm going to post in this thread now
"European Men To Die For! "

I just love this gif of him. So many expressions.
(Warning, may you nightmares :P)

04-06-2012, 04:05 PM
All the woman you posted were half naked.

That's because looks and sex is what women bring to the table. What men bring to the table is different. It's character.

For the men.

1. You made them out to be weird (Muppets )
I don't like the purple pants but there is nothing wrong with the Scottish like scarf or the cow boy hat. And the girls look normal.
But you call them Muppet which is negative.
2 You made them out to be boring (Average Joe)
3 They are convicts. (Fighter yeah right, they could just be in trouble for drugs or drink driving)

This is only my opinion:

1) Being with a muppet is ridiculous. I can't imagine any woman would be into that.

2) If Average Joe had something special to bring, then he wouldn't be average. This mostly an option for women who can't handle men who are special. Or who want to get a stable marriage.

3) These are men who have something special to bring to the table. Charles Manson is certainly not average. What woman doesn't want to be with a special guy?

Queen B
04-06-2012, 04:31 PM
3) These are men who have something special to bring to the table. Charles Manson is certainly not average. What woman doesn't want to be with a special guy?

What's the special about them? Being thugs?


04-06-2012, 04:37 PM

This video again, but a little different ;)

Queen B
04-06-2012, 04:40 PM

This video again, but a little different ;)


I m crying from laughter.

04-06-2012, 05:16 PM
What's the special about them? Being thugs?


It doesn't have be a thug. It can be anything that makes a man stand out (not purple pants obviously).


04-06-2012, 05:33 PM
That's because looks and sex is what women bring to the table. What men bring to the table is different. It's character.

.................................................. ..........................................

This is only my opinion:

1) Being with a muppet is ridiculous. I can't imagine any woman would be into that.

2) If Average Joe had something special to bring, then he wouldn't be average. This mostly an option for women who can't handle men who are special. Or who want to get a stable marriage.

3) These are men who have something special to bring to the table. Charles Manson is certainly not average. What woman doesn't want to be with a special guy?

Read my post again

No, he doesn't. He never killed anyone. He is very short as well.
He was the master mind behind the stuff that happened.
He is not a fighter, he is a thinker.
You shouldn't want men to be like any convict people anyway.
Your fighter type isn't a warrior type, it is a convict.

The men I posted were :
smart, strong looking warriors, funny, creative, intelligent and caring.
These are the real types. Woman have these same types as strong doesn't just mean physical like a warrior or shieldmaiden, it also means having the courage when they have cancer and being respectful. All of the types I posted can be attractive and honourable looking. They don't need to be half naked to look attractive and that goes for the woman too.

All the woman you posted were half naked.

For the men.

1. You made them out to be weird (Muppets )
I don't like the purple pants but there is nothing wrong with the Scottish like scarf or the cow boy hat. And the girls look normal.
But you call them Muppet which is negative.
2 You made them out to be boring (Average Joe)
3 They are convicts. (Fighter yeah right, they could just be in trouble for drugs or drink driving)

Your types fail because they are so negative, they make people sad and don't help built self confidence for any man or woman.
My types are possitive and help people making goals and every man and woman can be those types. But your types are all negative

Look and Learn

Creative Man


Creative woman

Creative man



Creative woman
(Richer than your porn stars)


Shield maiden Woman

Warrior Man

Intelligent woman


Intelligent man

Brave woman
Fighting Cancer


Brave man
Fighting in War


Caring Woman



Caring Man



Each of the above types can be attractive.
Each Type can go well together too make a better person.

Your types are stupid.
1 you said is ridiculous , 2 is boring sheep, 3 is a loser.

Your types are mocking European preservation.
Your types are not going to create an Ubermensch.
European men and woman need to believe in themselves.
You are just putting them both down.

04-06-2012, 05:35 PM
Mary likes those men who don't take any shit from women like her.
Those who make the mistake of being caring and attentive are disparaged as 'Muppets'

04-06-2012, 05:35 PM
2. Regulars

This is your Average Joe. He might be up for a Bro-Down. But he's never going to fight. A good father and provider. He will work for most women.

I suppose that's me. It's funny really, I used to fight practically every other day as a boy but became dead calm and controlled as a teenager. I get pissed of easily enough but keep it to myself.
I only ever fight when I need to, usually it's when someone else breaks the peace and I have to put them in their place. Nowadays I'm always jumping in to defend people I know. How things change. :rolleyes:

As for your post, I agree with it (for a change) even if it is a bit too simplistic. But what is this supposed to teach single blokes? If you tell them to be themselves I don't think they'll really take much notice of that advice.

04-06-2012, 05:54 PM
Funny Man type


Funny Woman type

Physical /Strong/Fit/Healthy man type

Physical /Strong/Fit/Healthy woman type


All Europeans can put these types together and become a happy Ubermensch person.

Your types do not make people happy.

04-06-2012, 05:57 PM
I just love this gif of him. So many expressions.
(Warning, may you nightmares :P)

:eek: WOW haha :thumb001:

Marmie Dearest
04-06-2012, 11:44 PM
You top as a teacher:



You sub as a schoolgirl:



You need those kind of men.

Thank you. I am actually surprised at your accuracy. Impressive.

Marmie Dearest
04-06-2012, 11:47 PM
It doesn't have be a thug. It can be anything that makes a man stand out (not purple pants obviously).


I agree that John Cleese has a great deal of character.

Marmie Dearest
04-06-2012, 11:52 PM
Mary likes those men who don't take any shit from women like her.
Those who make the mistake of being caring and attentive are disparaged as 'Muppets'

I'm beginning to think Mary may actually be a real woman, and she's just a true sexual submissive.

You know, in Western cultures they can be depicted as master/slave sort of relationships.

I think what is offensive to those of us who have quarreled with her is that she's projecting her own preferences on to other women.

However, I was surprised that she was more accurate to the sort of person I am, and the sort of man I'd be attracted to by nothing more than my querulous comments to her and some photographs of famous men I find attractive.

05-22-2012, 08:52 AM

Before you start dwelling into the topic of male mate value, if you're a man, please forget everything that has ever been said by so called male pick-up artists, if you've been reading any of that in hope of getting a girlfriend.

Men are not that complicated, and therefore, the male male attractiveness ladder is somewhat shorter than the female one.

Men should be evaluated like dogs. They fall into one of the following categories. To save myself the trouble of reinventing the wheel I will simply quote the essentials from a book. THE KOEHLER METHOD OF Guard Dog Training:

So basically there are:

1. Muppets

These are the men that talk and whine a lot. These are the kinds that most women will want to avoid.


2. Regulars

This is your Average Joe. He might be up for a Bro-Down. But he's never going to fight. A good father and provider. He will work for most women.


3. Fighters

This is a guy that is a bit crazy. He takes what he wants on his own, without any help or prop-up from anyone. He should be willing and able to kill anyone on the spot and not care. He makes you feel uneasy, but you have great sex with him (as a woman!).


This is just my take. Feel free to chime in.

This isn't a poll thread like the pick a theme thread is so I'll post a comment.

My type is the Fighter.

I've had boyfriends from all three types, but most were Fighters.

"Fighters" in public can be "worshipers" in private, even the 6'6" ex-marines who hunt deer.
("worshiper" from pick a theme" thread --> http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showpost.php?p=905845&postcount=83)

The men in the fighters pics aren't believable as fighters, but the one on the right is cute. If he asked me out I'd say yes. I'd just have to wash his hair and feed him first. ;)

Of the "regulars" two of them look good to me, as if they are strong. The one in the eyeglasses and bowtie. I will just have to take those off of him. He has a strong jaw and neck. Looks like he could play rugby. And the second "regular" I like is the man on the far right.

edit: of the fighters, the one on the left looks more aggressive and looks more like the type who would strongly pursue a woman and I would probably date (because I tend to go with the more aggressive ones), but the one the right would be my preference and I may pursue him if I could.

05-22-2012, 09:48 AM
Mary you are full of bullshit.
If i post a blond nordic fighter and a nigger muppet, you'll choose the nigger.
There's so going over you.

05-22-2012, 09:49 AM
Mary you are full of bullshit.
If i post a blond nordic fighter and a nigger muppet, you'll choose the nigger.
There's so going over you.

What is your problem?

Do you have a complex towards Negroes, or something?

05-22-2012, 09:54 AM
What is your problem?

Do you have a complex towards Negroes, or something?

Ok, tell me
Spann was a former SEAL
Seal Klum was a bloody singer.
Still you said that Seal is the fighter.
In real life, That nigger Klum would'nt be hold a candle to Spann.

05-22-2012, 10:00 AM
Normal men do not fit in stereotypes, they are a lot more complicated and do not fit in frames and labels.

05-22-2012, 10:02 AM
I don't know what you two (Osprey and Mary) are talking about because I've only seen the first page and this page.

05-22-2012, 10:07 AM
Ok, tell me
Spann was a former SEAL
Seal Klum was a bloody singer.
Still you said that Seal is the fighter.
In real life, That nigger Klum would'nt be hold a candle to Spann.

Spann is a schoolboy. Being a SEAL means he went to SEAL school. He will not do anything unless ordered to do so by a superior. Seal Klum is Black, he will simply hit a guy in the head with a hammer and move on with his life.

05-22-2012, 03:10 PM
Throwing a hammer on a SEAL needs guts.
Your nigger boy doesn't have that.
You see, why they made all those orcs dangerous to look at and very savage in those fairy stories but still cowardly?
Because they modeled them on nigs.

05-22-2012, 03:13 PM
I don't know what you two (Osprey and Mary) are talking about because I've only seen the first page and this page.

She thinks a singer is more masculine than a Navy SEAL, just because he's black.
Now that's Mary's wisdom.
Mary, you just have to the training of the SEALS, your jaw and balls both will drop on the sight.

05-22-2012, 03:22 PM
Throwing a hammer on a SEAL needs guts.
Your nigger boy doesn't have that.
You see, why they made all those orcs dangerous to look at and very savage in those fairy stories but still cowardly?
Because they modeled them on nigs.

I don't think you get it. If you're a SEAL, no matter how tough you are, you still need to eat, sleep and take care of your family. Your average Negro will just break into his house at night, hit him in the head with a brick, rape his wife, and take off with his wide screen TV. In evolutionary terms, that's what counts.

05-22-2012, 03:25 PM
She thinks a singer is more masculine than a Navy SEAL, just because he's black.
Now that's Mary's wisdom.
Mary, you just have to the training of the SEALS, your jaw and balls both will drop on the sight.

What exactly does this training achieve, other than a guy who follows orders?

Aces High
05-22-2012, 03:35 PM
What exactly does this training achieve, other than a guy who follows orders?

I understand what you are saying,but some people actually seek out that kind of work because it gets them to where they can kill people and get away with it.
Believe me i know......;)

People in the record industry dont really compare.

05-22-2012, 03:40 PM
I understand what you are saying,but some people actually seek out that kind of work because it gets them to where they can kill people and get away with it.
Believe me i know......;)

People in the record industry dont really compare.

those are just sick, they wont to kill because they like it, not because they will get something of it.


Aces High
05-22-2012, 03:42 PM
those are just sick, they wont to kill because they like it, not because they will get something of it.

If you ever get in a fire fight believe me,its these sort of people you want around you.;)

05-22-2012, 03:47 PM
If you ever get in a fire fight believe me,its these sort of people you want around you.;)

Hmmm, I dont know, they could be a "loose canon", but yes, in some situations they are useful.

05-22-2012, 03:48 PM
I understand what you are saying,but some people actually seek out that kind of work because it gets them to where they can kill people and get away with it.
Believe me i know......;)

People in the record industry dont really compare.

I'm sure. But I don't see the relevance in evolutionary terms. It's about the ability to just go for it.

05-22-2012, 03:50 PM
I think im the average guy

05-22-2012, 04:31 PM
the black guy is gonna be too busy eating bananas and staring at white girls asses to do anything worth a evolutionary milestone as such. yea they are gonna impregnate some dumb white girls but overall they are not go getters you could say.

05-22-2012, 04:40 PM
the black guy is gonna be too busy eating bananas and staring at white girls asses to do anything worth a evolutionary milestone as such. yea they are gonna impregnate some dumb white girls but overall they are not go getters you could say.
She's Eastern European. What does she know about blacks?

05-22-2012, 04:49 PM
If woman had to choose only the "fighters" the average IQ of our society would go down the toilet and with no evolution,

Aces High
05-22-2012, 04:55 PM
But I don't see the relevance in evolutionary terms.

If its evolution you are worried about then the kaffir would set you and your children back 30'000 yrs.

So the navy seal would be the best option.....plus he could keep you from being destitute and feed his family which may sound simple but is beyond 99.9% of all niggers.

05-22-2012, 04:57 PM
If its evolution you are worried about then the kaffir would set you and your children back 30'000 yrs.

So the navy seal would be the best option.....plus he could keep you from being destitute and feed his family which may sound simple but is beyond 99.9% of all niggers.

Let me put it this way: what does navy SEAL guy bring to the table?

Black boy will give you offspring that will be able to survive. Navy SEAL guy will give you offspring that will obey orders. Not very useful.

05-22-2012, 05:09 PM
The idea of this thread is very good,but your starting post is really lacking Mary!
I am expecting a lot more from you,only 3 options of males and that few text and explanations?
Come on you know you can do better than that.
Or maybe you do not know too much about males.

Aces High
05-22-2012, 05:10 PM
Let me put it this way: what does navy SEAL guy bring to the table?

Black boy will give you offspring that will be able to survive. Navy SEAL guy will give you offspring that will obey orders. Not very useful.

Depends on what you mean by survive.

Negro will give you low IQ kids,with fucked up genes and behaviour problems.As far as looks go they will be niggerised so will only be an option for people who swim in the lower end of the gene pool....bad for reproduction.
Prison will feature heavily in their lives so reproduction will not be an option.

Navy seal knows how to play the game,he serves but also serves his own purpose of getting in close with the movers and shakers of society.
His kids will have chances presented to them that negro will only dream about.

Negro will be an economic pawn of whitey,always on the losing side..;)

05-22-2012, 05:31 PM
The idea of this thread is very good,but your starting post is really lacking Mary!
I am expecting a lot more from you,only 3 options of males and that few text and explanations?
Come on you know you can do better than that.
Or maybe you do not know too much about males.
She categorizes men as bad, average and good. Muppets and regulars are bad and average synonyms respectively. For good she uses concept fighters. But that just reveals what she values most in a man.

Her "Female Mate Value" options are more interesting, but also limited. All categories put women in submissive roles. All are within a framework subordinate woman- authoritative man or submissive woman- powerful man.

05-22-2012, 06:00 PM
I don't think you get it. If you're a SEAL, no matter how tough you are, you still need to eat, sleep and take care of your family. Your average Negro will just break into his house at night, hit him in the head with a brick, rape his wife, and take off with his wide screen TV. In evolutionary terms, that's what counts.

A SEAL has very sharp senses, he'll hear the nigger sneaking.
He'll get up and go sneak up to the nigger and beat him senseless due the excellent self defense technqiues, he knows.
Then he'll wrap the guy in a bundle and throw him into the gutter.
There goes your Seal Klum.
You think a nigger could survive in the hell that's called the THE Hell Week?
No wonder 100% of the SEAL recruits are non black and 99% white.
I dare you give me one example of a nigger beating a white military man.
Just one.

And if you're talking about survival, here's what a couple of SEALS can do.
They can arm themselves with rifles, pistols and grenades.
They'll drop into a compound full of niggers.
They'll shoot everything that moves and go on about their way.
Thousands of Black Bloodlines, just sliced off like a carrot.
You don't know what teh white men are capable off, once cornered and given nowhere to run and hide......