View Full Version : Dignified Paganism

05-22-2009, 09:14 PM
In order for paganism (or Ancient indigenous religion) to expand, we need to restore dignity to the tradition(s). I am absolutely flabbergasted by the fact that when you type in "pagan" or "pagan shoppes" into an internet search engine all one can find is stores selling "witchcraft, wicca" supplies like crystal balls, tarot cards, and terrible third rate materials on modern astrology and other such hogwash.

I am surprised that there hasn't been a single eccentric rich person out there who used his money and business acumen to reconstruct a Greek or Roman temple. The solution to the malaise in modern "paganism" is the establishment of a muscular pagan tradition. The paganism of today has become a eunuch paganism, a paganism without substance, honor, and dignity.

My idea of a pagan store would not involve the sale of any products such as the above mentioned articles. My pagan store would sell images, framed, unframed, lithographs and laminated, designed in a realistic, Romanesque style. I could have holy cards commissioned with prayers from the Iliad, Odyssey, the Aeneid, the Eddas and Sagas, the Mabinogion, the Tain Bo Cuailgne, the Vedas, Upanishads, Tacitus' Germania etc. i.e. dignified classical texts in place of these horrible third rate books on "moon magick" and bunk. I'm talking holy cards, metals, prayer books (derived from ancient texts or written in such a way as to be in the style of ancient prayers.), images, statues, historical texts, pendants etc. This could catch on, and once people see the ancient ways presented with dignity, power and beauty, paganism can expand in a healthy direction.

Paganism needs to move out of the kitchen and into the sphere of blue suit power i.e. practical people with a Will, Passion and affirmation of life. The symbols and imagery of pagan antiquity carried great Power and a mystical quality. It must be approached with solemnity and not be diluted and trashed by fluff-bunnies. Fluff-bunny attitudes have so gripped the modern "Celtic" strain as to render that tradition beyond salvation it seems. To Hell with Arn Driocht Fein, and other fakers, who give our indigenous traditions a bad name. Churchill was not a member of a Druid Order folks, get with the program. No more glitter, no more fluff, instead we must exalt the Sun, Power, Blood, and Fire, Nobility, Independence, Passion, Symmetry, Solemnity, and Scholarly Integrity.

The only problem is how best to start up a business like this?

05-22-2009, 09:48 PM

I agree entirely!

Some (http://runestone.org/) of (http://www.odinic-rite.org/) us (http://asatru.org/) are (http://www.irminenschaft.net/) working (http://www.wolvesofvinland.org/) to project (http://www.forn-sed.no/) this type of image (http://www.asatru.is/). :thumb001:

05-22-2009, 10:21 PM
Are there any Celtic, Roman or Greek organisations worth looking into? It's probably a lost cause for Celtic and I'm surprised there isn't more of an interest in Greco-Roman ancient religion as the Classical Tradition informs our whole civilisation, and has the most recorded data.

I am a member of Nova Roma. While they are not incredibly impressive they at least project an image of scholarly integrity, pride, and solemnity. I remember seeing something encouraging on Hellenismos a while back, but the mediterranean traditions are not so heavily represented.


I also want to maybe get a pagan business (that hypothetical shop) off the ground one day. Anybody here have a background in business? After all, what are churches but businesses, corporations (Latin corpus "body"). We need $, Euros and Pounds in order to go forward.

05-22-2009, 11:34 PM
Are there any Celtic, Roman or Greek organisations worth looking into?

There's some halfway decent information on Celtic Reconstrictionist Paganism (http://www.paganachd.com/faq/), but all of the organizations that practice it are quite Universalist, spouting off things like this:

CR is firmly anti-racist. This has been unanimously agreed upon by representatives of the established CR sub-traditions, CR elders and other long-term members of the community, including the founders of the tradition. CR was founded in no small part because some of us were sick of the rampant cultural appropriation in the Neopagan community, and wished to devote ourselves to something that was our own, that honored the ways of our ancestors without needing to rip off anyone else’s ancestors or cultures in the process. There is no ethnic or cultural requirement for anyone to practice CR — we do not believe that “blood” has any bearing in spirituality or in who might be called to a particular path. And as Celtic identity is a matter of language and culture, “blood” really has nothing to do with whether or not an individual or tradition is Celtic. No matter where your ancestors were from, or what your ethnic background, you are welcome to practice CR with us.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, I believe that in North America and Britain, a Heathenry that was Celto-Germanic rather than strictly Celtic or strictly Germanic would be more appropriate, since most of us are of Celto-Germanic stock. But, as you say, effective promulgation of such a message requires funds that aren't currently within the grasp of any Heathen group at this point in time. How to rectify this, I couldn't say. :(

05-23-2009, 03:27 AM
I think a lot of that fluffy stuff is just a sign of our times. Something like a step away from the norm towards the Self. It's a good thing. And, while we can go on and on about something along the lines of reconstructing what our ancestors did it will always be a new, creative (re)construction. I just call it poetry like Odin's and get beyond it that way..


05-23-2009, 06:10 AM
Call it merchandise politics - they try to combine more and more stuff, even if it is not linked following the simple method - if a person who is interested in this, might be interested in that as well and buy some extra products when he/she sees them accidentally while searching something else.
You can expect something else only if the sellers are devoted pagans themselves.

05-23-2009, 07:27 AM
Just do what feels right. I think that's probably what our ancestors did. Make up something and do it with dignity and heartfelt emotion.

O my brothers, your nobility should not look backward but ahead! Exiles shall you be from all father- and forefather-lands! Your children's land shall you love: this love shall be your new nobility — the undiscovered land in the most distant sea. For that I bid your sails search and search. In your children you shall make up for being the children of your fathers: thus shall you redeem all that is past. This new tablet I place over you.
-N ;)

Do what feels right.

06-04-2009, 12:33 PM
Just do what feels right.
Do what feels right.


09-07-2009, 09:43 PM
more than the three monotheistic religions, the money god reigns over the world.
markets and temples ready to plunge into the wave of the mushroom cult of March, if she tried that one days appears to fool the suckers, and make money.
against the universality of the great consummation of the masses and artificial needs created from scratch, it is our duty to each opportunities, d 'd explain and educate about what our true culture.
it's my vision.

12-16-2010, 04:08 AM
...tarot cards......tarot cards...

SanFranCiscoFreakinTastic! :D