View Full Version : Could an ultra-thin 'tooth tattoo' save your life? Tiny electronic sensors could diagnose

04-06-2012, 05:03 PM
Could an ultra-thin 'tooth tattoo' save your life? Tiny electronic sensors could diagnose illnesses by 'tasting' your breath

A tiny paper-thin sensor can be 'tattooed' onto teeth - and works as an ultra-sensitive 'early warning system' for disease.

The sensor, created from graphene, a hi-tech one-atom-thick sheet of carbon can detect bacteria, and transmit information to medical staff.

In tests, a student breathed onto the sensor - actually implanted on a cow's tooth - and it picked up molecules of bacteria on his breath.


A team of scientists at Princeton University have developed a 'tooth tattoo', which can pick up early warning signs of sickness or infection by bacteria in people's breath

Read more: Could an ultra-thin sensor on your teeth save your life? New electronic 'tooth tattoos' diagnose illnesses by 'tasting' your breath | Mail Online (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2124109/Could-ultra-sensor-teeth-save-life-New-electronic-tooth-tattoos-diagnose-illnesses-tasting-breath.html#ixzz1rHSOHvfv)

02-14-2013, 07:11 AM
hell yeah some good new stuff for big brother