View Full Version : State Persecution of BNP Continues

11-24-2008, 12:56 AM
13 Activists Detained in Liverpool for daring to Point out anti-White Racism
November 22, 2008 by BNP News

We now understand that the number of British National Party Activists arrested in Liverpool has increased to twelve. Police are still refusing to release any information or details to us, but we do understand that they are being held in four separate groups across four police stations.

Members, activists and supporters are beginning to gather outside St. Anne’s Police Station in Liverpool. We are receiving information that Merseyside Police deem the distribution of leaflets by a labour opposition political party so serious a crime that all twelve member’s are are having their family homes searched also.

More News as we get it.


The Labour/Con state’s anti-democratic campaign against the BNP continues apace with the detention by Merseyside Police this morning in central Liverpool of 11 activists for distributing the ‘Racism Cuts Both Ways’ leaflet in that city.

The BNP men were detained while handing out the completely legal booklet, already distributed by the thousands up and down the country over a period of weeks.

The ‘Racism Cuts Both Ways’ booklet details anti-white racism and violence. See the truth that the Merseyside Police don’t want you to read by clicking here.

“Our solicitors are already in touch with Merseyside Police in connection with this illegal detention, and we are working on this as a matter of urgency,” BNP chairman Nick Griffin said.

“This gross overreaction is most likely the result of us sending Merseyside Police a legal letter yesterday warning them that they were using an illegally obtained list to persecute a member of the force who is alleged to be a BNP member,” Mr Griffin said.

“It is illegal to use evidence which itself was obtained illegally, and we also warned them that they are in possession of stolen property,” he said. “This morning’s vindictive and thoroughly undemocratic action appears to be a revenge action ordered by their extremist political bosses.”

Mr Griffin called for supporters to call Merseyside Police on 0151 - 709 6010 and politely express their displeasure at this latest Gestapo-like act.

More updates to follow in due course.

* More news just in: Yorkshire Police have confirmed that the earlier ‘car explosion’ story, linked by the leftist media to the partially faked, old and leaked BNP membership list, has in fact nothing to do with the BNP at all.

Yorkshire police have placed it on record that the explosion was linked to a feud between two families, totally unrelated to the nearby BNP member’s residence. The scare stories in the media were totally unjustified, but, given their active complicity in the failed attempts to have a BNP witch hunt, totally predictable.


11-24-2008, 01:04 AM
Liverpool 13 Released from Thought Police Custody
November 22, 2008 by News Team Print this post Print this post Email This Post Email This Post

All of the 13 Liverpool BNP activists who were unlawfully detained by the Liverpool Political Police masquerading as the Merseyside Constabulary, were released at approximately 2:30AM after over 14 hours in detention.

In scenes which could previously only have occurred under Stalinist Communism, the arrested men’s ”crime”, according to the Merseyside KGB, was that they were in breach of the Public Order Act for distributing copies of the ‘Racism Cuts Both Ways’ leaflet.

Unfortunately for the Merseyside KGB, and despite searching the men’s houses, taking away computers, personal effects and bags of other leaflets — including Solidarity Union brochures, copies of the mass-distributed Voice of Freedom newspaper, copies of Identity magazine and photographs of Nick Griffin — they were unable to formulate charges and released all the men on unconditional bail.

They must report again to the main KGB police station in Liverpool on 17 December, when the Political Commmissar bosses will apparently decide if they can make a case out of the motley ’evidence’ or not.

UPDATE 2:03 AM. One of the BNP men, Andy Tierney, has reported that he was tortured by Merseyside Police officers after he refused to supply fingerprints or DNA evidence. Mr Tierney told the police that he would only offer passive resistance, whereupon they used some sort of apparatus which applied pressure to points around his ears, under his arms and on his wrists. He was seen before and afterwards by a medical orderly and intends to take this matter further.

Earlier: Police in Merseyside at the Wavertree Road Police station had requested that all British National Party activists refrain from displaying British Flags as it is likely to cause “offence” to the ethnic groups living in the area.

The police have advised the BNP activists that the display of the St. George cross and Welsh flags (cross of St. David & Welsh Dragon), in particular would give offence!


Alongside: the flags to which the police objected. Such is the state of mass immigration to Britain that the police now warn against showing this nation’s flags on the streets of its cities


11-24-2008, 04:32 AM
I have been watching the news following this leaked BNP document. One police officer resigned, and others `fear for their jobs`.
Isn`t that ridiculous? When did it become illegal or something to be feared, to support a legitimate political party?
Others might not like that party, fair enough, but when did simply not liking something become reason to procreate fear of retaliation for those who do?
Anyone who thinks the UK is a place of free speech and freedom of choice within the boundaries of the law, is fooling themselves.
And as for the flags...:mad:
as I pointed out elsewhere, a muslim can move here, set up shop and home and display with pride the flag of their country without fear of retaliation or disapproval.
Sad state of affairs when a native Brit cannot do likewise. Shameful.
What happened to the backbone the UK used to have? Have we lain down like base dogs and shown our underbelly? :confused:

11-28-2008, 02:50 AM
Such is the state of mass immigration to Britain that the police now warn against showing this nation’s flags on the streets of its cities

Words fail me. :mad: