View Full Version : Should Australia and New Zealand become one country?

04-21-2012, 10:39 PM

Top Reasons why New Zealand should join Australia

10. Pay equalization -The prosperity difference is at a critical point. (Australians are earning twice what we are)

Doctors, radiologists, forklift drivers. Even the minimum wage is 50% higher in Australia (equal to NZ$18.65/hr).
9. Its the economy together we will prosper.
8. GST will go down to 10% and none on the basics milk, bread, meat, fruit and vegetables.
7. More Growth The local markets of Australia and New Zealand will both expand. If we join, we will prosper. The government and the pension funds (which we will join) will invest here, once the risk of investing in a foreign country is removed.
6. Stop Head office RELOCATION - Keep the tax rates the same and NZ head offices wont relocate to Australia to get the tax break
5.Health Australians dont want to come here because the health systems are worse If we join up we will get a better health system.
4. We CAN join Australia. We would be mad to turn down the opportunity.
Go to our website www. Joinaustraliamovement.co.nz and see The Australian Founding Document Page 2 section 6-, Founding States.
3. Superannuation Australia are bounding ahead. If you can't them - join them.
2.Sport Dont worry, well keep the All Blacks just like the UK keeps England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
1. Bank ownership. Being part of the same tax basket ,we will own the bank of New Zealand again -Oh yes! Its the way to a brighter future.

We share Anzac day. We are brothers. But separate legislatures in Canberra and Wellington are turning us into distant cousins. Time to firm things up!

The Join Australia Movement party.
Vote for prosperity at the next General election in 2011

New Zealand residents - Hi, my name is Rob Caithness. See my Bio page . I am founding this movement to join The Commonwealth of Australia as I really think the tunnel vision of our current leaders is getting us further and further behind the other states of the Commonwealth of Australia. New Zealanders are voting with their feet already - in 2008 48 000 New Zealanders left for Australia. While both leading parties in New Zealand, National and Labour, say it is a priority to address this situation they don't actually follow through, it just gets worse no matter who is in charge. - now you can join a movement to unite New Zealand with the rest of the states of the Commonwealth of Australia. Can we do that? Should we do that?.

We can join Australia, please click the link page 2 Australia founding document .See the reference to New Zealand as an original invitee in section 6 "definitions". For the whole document click Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) . It is from the website of the national archives of Australia.- New Zealand was intended to be one of the founding states of the Commonwealth of Australia. We should have joined in equal partnership with the other founding states - New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, Northern territory and Tasmania. We didn't take up the offer but we are still able to.

We should join Australia and acquire equal standing with the other states of the Australian Commonwealth. Lets end the competition between and expand both ourselves and the rest of Australia by uniting. New Zealand would be the third most populous state (just ahead of Queensland), with representation in the central government to serve our interests. Many of New Zealands political party's policies are merely aimed at catching up to Australia. Think of the senior citizens Gold Card or Kiwi saver or 10% GST or no GST on basic food - just imitations of what Australia has had for years! So we accomplish them all at a stroke by joining Australia. See the frequently asked questions page.


04-23-2012, 11:53 PM
.Australians will get a bigger say over New Zealanders because they have a higher population.

. The Labour Party would soon be too powerful and would win more than the others.

. More Multiculturalism.

.More people die in war.

04-24-2012, 12:01 AM
I don't advocate for centralisation, and that's what both sides of politics do. So, no.

04-24-2012, 02:49 AM
That's funny how Aussies and Kiwis want to stay separate allies rather than form a single state while people from far away keep telling 'Why not? Go ahead' :rolleyes:

04-24-2012, 02:52 AM

04-24-2012, 02:59 AM
That's funny how Aussies and Kiwis want to stay separate allies rather than form a single state while people from far away keep telling 'Why not? Go ahead' :rolleyes:

Hey I voted no :P The website I got this from is based in New Zealand.

04-24-2012, 08:53 AM
.Australians will get a bigger say over New Zealanders because they have a higher population.

No more so than Victoria dictates to Western Australia. The Senate's composition has very little to do with the size of a state's population - each state has twelve senators. It would be quite easy to imagine the North and South Islands being declared states and having twelve senators each (or twelve senators together, if NZ was declared a single state in the Commonwealth).

. The Labour Party would soon be too powerful and would win more than the others.

Not sure how - the Labor Party here is being kicked square in the nuts every week or two right now. There's no way in hell they'll survive the next election.

. More Multiculturalism.

How so?

.More people die in war.

I don't think assimilating the New Zealand Army into the Australian Army would result in an increased number of troops being deployed overseas.

04-24-2012, 09:21 AM
No more so than Victoria dictates to Western Australia. The Senate's composition has very little to do with the size of a state's population - each state has twelve senators. It would be quite easy to imagine the North and South Islands being declared states and having twelve senators each (or twelve senators together, if NZ was declared a single state in the Commonwealth).

If you want it. Then Wellington gets to be the Capital city and gets the Parliament.

Don't think they should merge anyway.

04-30-2012, 03:22 AM
No, although ethnically we are similar people, our cultures are quite diffrent. Plus, I think that it would be a bit of a raw deal for our cousins across the ditch.

04-30-2012, 03:23 AM
Aren't they already one on this forum ? ^^

Sounds like a cool idea tho ;)

04-30-2012, 03:25 AM
Another thing. I read this online but someone claimed that most young (white) New Zealanders would probably moved to Australia in a heart beat (if there weren't movement restrictions).

05-06-2012, 12:38 PM
Another thing. I read this online but someone claimed that most young (white) New Zealanders would probably moved to Australia in a heart beat (if there weren't movement restrictions).

I wouldn't be too suprised. Medicare, the HECS system, tax rates, currency value and standard of living are generally more favourable from everything I've heard.

05-06-2012, 12:43 PM
I voted 'no' based on sentiments expressed by Kiwi and Aussie acquaintances and friends.

Great Dane
05-06-2012, 03:06 PM
No. Maybe Australia should become more then 1 country. Western Australia is wealthy from mineral resources and the main population center of Perth is the most isolated city in the world. Tasmania could become a Anglo-Celtic reserve, it is bigger then Switzerland.

05-10-2012, 10:49 AM
If you want it. Then Wellington gets to be the Capital city and gets the Parliament.

Don't think they should merge anyway.

It's almost tempting. Our Parliament seems to be where the dregs of the country was up, the way things are going right now.