View Full Version : Polish journalist beaten in Moscow

05-26-2009, 08:25 PM

MOSCOW, April 25 (RIA Novosti) - A Polish journalist faces surgery on his jaw after becoming the victim of a road rage attack in the Russian capital.

Polish TVN television correspondent Andrzej Zaucha was crossing the road on a green light on Sunday evening near his home in Moscow when a car nearly ran him over. Zaucha made a comment to the driver, who then, along with two passengers, exited the vehicle and beat him up.

"A black foreign-made car stopped right in front of me. The driver wanted to go through the red light, but I did not give way," Zaucha told police, adding that, "It seems that I was beaten up just for walking across the road,"

Polish journalist Waclaw Radziwinowicz said that Zaucha, who is also suffering from concussion, would be operated on on Tuesday.

Zaucha does not believe the attack was tied to his professional activities.

Police have begun a search for the attackers.

I have no doubt that truth-loving and democratic Western and Polish media report that Zaucha was beaten by Russians or suggest no ethnic implications, but according to the journalist he was beaten by representatives of one of ethnicities of Caucasus.

I find it ironic and amusing that Zaucha, who (like 95% of Polish journalists and public) was pro-Chechen and anti-Russian was beaten by the very people he so vehemently defend from "barbaric Russian imperialists".

I hope more Chechens will settle in Poland, Denmark and other Russophobic countries. They'll be referred to as "Russian mafia" but at least the locals will get the taste...

05-26-2009, 08:30 PM
Agreed on the Kavkaz blackasses to the Baltics and Poland. Let them learn to love the diversity they are so overwhelmingly in favour of. :thumb001:

05-26-2009, 10:01 PM
Agreed on the Kavkaz blackasses to the Baltics and Poland. Let them learn to love the diversity they are so overwhelmingly in favour of. :thumb001:

Yeah, our great love for Soviet "liberators" and Russian imperialists is exactly how much we overwhelmingly love diversity. :rolleyes:

05-28-2009, 11:51 PM
Don't worry tovarish. Your country will soon throw open it's borders to the freedom fighters from Kavkaz and ghetto US Marines. In the meantime, here's a little foretaste of the future.

http://www.youtube.com/user/Estonianbeauty :D :thumb001:


05-29-2009, 12:28 PM
In the meantime, here's a little foretaste of the future.

http://www.youtube.com/user/Estonianbeauty :D :thumb001:

Too bad that account probably belongs to a Russian who has some kind of an inferiority complex. That Yekaterina doesn't even speak Estonian properly, looks like she/he used Google Translate or something. :rolleyes:

But you shouldn't worry about diversity here - after all, we're supposed to be fascists.