View Full Version : Sometimes I wish I fitted in to Europe.

04-28-2012, 05:30 AM
Sometimes I get a little bit sad about not living in Europe. Don't get me wrong, I love living in Africa, but sometimes I wish I was closer to what is really mine. I'm a first generation South African with no real roots here, but no real roots in Europe either. Speak a foreign language here, and I would speak foreign languages in Europe. Sometimes I feel like I'm looking for something but I don't know what. Sometimes I feel a little lost. It's like living in limbo - neither here nor there.

My blood is from Europe.

Sometimes I also wonder whether Europeans would accept me. Not in terms of me moving there, but in terms of being a person. Sometimes I feel that I would be seen as an alien.

I don't know. What do you think??

04-28-2012, 05:38 AM
When you say first generation, does that mean you were born in South Africa, or you migrated there?

04-28-2012, 05:42 AM
My family migrated. I am the first one born here.

04-28-2012, 05:46 AM
I don't see why you wouldn't fit into Europe. You can speak English, so you'd fit into the British Isles :D

04-28-2012, 05:49 AM
Move back to Europe. Would you like to live in Serbia? :)

04-28-2012, 05:51 AM
Dumb idea.

Look. I have been travelling every summer since I was 18. I first wanted to move to Australia and then Europe.

There's nothing special about Europe. I spent a week in Tallinn and got so bored of the place. The reality is that it only takes 2-3 days to see everything in the typical European city.. Then you're just left with overpriced cafes and a poor (expensive) lifestyle.

Australia has a CPI worse than Canada too and never mind there's a universal rule in the world but people are pretty discriminatory towards foreigners. I've met Aussies abroad who make fun of American / Canadian accents, that gave me enough indication that I wouldn't make it far in such a Bogan (White Trash) country.

Europe is fun in the summertime but try living there during the Winter and coping with a piss poor CPI.

Sure the British Pound is worth a lot but they have a shit CPI. The idea of a 'house' in Britain is a closet with four walls and a door.

South Africa must be hard being mostly black. Guess what? Where I live it might as well be called Chinada (China + Canada) because of all the Asians here.
I don't socialize or even talk to these Asians.

04-28-2012, 05:52 AM
I don't know much about Serbia. And the only European languages I know are German and English. It's hard to move to a country when you cannot speak the language.

Sometimes I feel like I'd miss Africa too much and that I sold out. :(

04-28-2012, 05:59 AM
that gave me enough indication that I wouldn't make it far in such a Bogan (White Trash) country.

That's pretty harsh. :(

Europe is fun in the summertime but try living there during the Winter and coping with a piss poor CPI.

The winter is actually alright, it's the summer you have to worry about :D

04-28-2012, 06:04 AM
I'm sorry you feel that way : (
It must be very difficult in forming a sense of identity...but I hope you find your place...
I don't live in Europe either....but I have family that does and they don't see me as an outsider....so I'm sure that is def the case with you...because you will always have ties to Europe....

04-28-2012, 06:08 AM
I was with relatives for two weeks in Ukraine. Lool.. hot chicks in a size zero / one everywhere and good vodka

Then I saw what the plumbing was like and the places people lived in and said "hell nah".

I later look online and the best paying job I could find (with someone for my future education) in Ukraine was $40,000 and they wanted fluent English, Fluent Ukrainian, Fluent Russian and 10 years experience.. Jeez..

I think I could do it with their CPI (Litre of Vodka is a few dollars..) but what happens if I get fired? Oh back on the boat to Canada. :eek:

04-28-2012, 06:09 AM
That's pretty harsh. :(

The winter is actually alright, it's the summer you have to worry about :D

Not any different if I were to move to America. They would give me hell for being Canadian. Although I would still move to America. If you can get a job, the lifestyle there is pretty amazing in many states.. Low taxation and the popped housing bubble means you can snatch up a 3000 SQF home for $50,000 - $100,000.

In my current city - you often need $50,000 for the Downpayment! (on top of a half million or more mortgage..)

04-28-2012, 06:20 AM
Sometimes I get a little bit sad about not living in Europe. Don't get me wrong, I love living in Africa, but sometimes I wish I was closer to what is really mine. I'm a first generation South African with no real roots here, but no real roots in Europe either. Speak a foreign language here, and I would speak foreign languages in Europe. Sometimes I feel like I'm looking for something but I don't know what. Sometimes I feel a little lost. It's like living in limbo - neither here nor there.

My blood is from Europe.

Sometimes I also wonder whether Europeans would accept me. Not in terms of me moving there, but in terms of being a person. Sometimes I feel that I would be seen as an alien.

I don't know. What do you think??

I'm in the same vain predisposition as you are, unfortunately. I've been transplanted here in the States as a young adolescent, and I knew, deep down, from the very beginning, that something wasn't right.. something wasn't kosher.

"It's like living in limbo" is a good phrase to characterize the feeling. There is very much a lack of ... "spirituality" that is ever so elusive in people here; and not in the theological sense. Evola explains it most succinctly in this quote (for any Americans reading, don't take it personally):

" The United States represents the reductio ad absurdum of the negative and the most senile aspects of Western civilization. What in Europe exist in diluted form are magnified and concentrated in the United States whereby they are revealed as the symptoms of disintegration and cultural and human regression. The American mentality can only be interpreted as an example of regression, which shows itself in the mental atrophy towards all higher interests and incomprehension of higher sensibility. The American mind has limited horizons, one conscribed to everything which is immediate and simplistic, with the inevitable consequence that everything is made banal, basic and leveled down until it is deprived of all spiritual life. Life itself in American terms is entirely mechanistic. The sense of I in America belongs entirely to the physical level of existence. The typical American neither has spiritual dilemmas nor complications: he is a natural joiner and conformist. "

The last sentence is something that touches on what I've experienced empirically.

Of course there is also the nostalgia and idealization of the past, but this is a mere sensual feeling which must be overcome, and once one digs deeper one can find true essence and meaning in certain Principles, which though do not exist in the Modern world, are destined to be re-fulfilled on our strip of land called Evropa.

As for me, I'm planning to move back to Romania in a few years, probably in a rural area ideally. The ultimate goal though is to unify Europe in a Traditionalist sense, something Civis was alluding to in his blog post. Tradition must make a return before Modernity gets the better of us.

Some concrete Principles, or manifestations thereof, the might offer some consolation and that must be fulfilled on the left column:


04-28-2012, 06:25 AM
20 years old and you want to move to Rural Romania? :eek:

Padre Organtino
04-28-2012, 06:38 AM
You need psychological assistance at first.

As for Eastern Euro guys - my condolences. I understand that for those not born in US/Canada tehy will remain foreign and first one much more so cause it has virtually ceased being a Euro-derived country. With the current situation in your countries coming home is not an easy thing, though. The intermediate option I would suggest would to emmigrate back to a more developed neighbour like Poland or Slovakia. This way you could be close to your ancestral home and in similar cultural sphere.

04-28-2012, 06:39 AM
I think this book might offer you some consolation, I very highly recommend it, and I believe it will adress the underlying dilemma you are consciously or unconsciously facing: http://archive.org/details/RevoltAgainstTheModernWorld (click on PDF)

04-28-2012, 06:46 AM
I certainly would not see you as alien. :hug:

04-28-2012, 06:53 AM
You need psychological assistance at first.

No she doesn't. Psychologists are usually assholes with an opinion. She just needs a friend or a relative to reason with her. Alternatively she could actually try living in Europe and see how it is.

Even if money is tight for her... there's other ways of getting around.. like Couch Surf (while they may be creeps, guys love hosting foreign chicks) or volunteer work in a Orphanage or Rurals.

If money is not an issue.. and if she has degree.. she could lie to Eastern European universities. Stay in a Student Hostel in Belarus / Ukraine and enroll in their language program, $10,000 will last you for a year.

As for Eastern Euro guys - my condolences. I understand that for those not born in US/Canada tehy will remain foreign and first one much more so cause it has virtually ceased being a Euro-derived country. With the current situation in your countries coming home is not an easy thing, though. The intermediate option I would suggest would to emmigrate back to a more developed neighbour like Poland or Slovakia. This way you could be close to your ancestral home and in similar cultural sphere.

I assume you mean the Romanian American dude.

I've been to Poland and Slovakia. Nice countries and Poland is developing very fast. Though there's still an employment and language issue.

Maybe it's because he's Romanian but where I live I can find Ukrainian culture. I celebrate it with relatives but I also live 4 blocks away from the Ukrainian Cultural Centre (this is where I pick up my Cabbage Rolls, I use their Library and go there for Malanka :D).

04-28-2012, 07:34 AM
If you don't mind me asking Loony, where did you parents come from?

Second, if you have doubts... Why not living in Europe for a while? That's what I did.

04-28-2012, 07:37 AM
If you don't mind me asking Loony, where did you parents come from?

Second, if you have doubts... Why not living in Europe for a while? That's what I did.


Couch Surf (website) in Europe if she can't afford a hostel or an apartment. Or even enroll in an Eastern European university to learn the language.

Padre Organtino
04-28-2012, 07:38 AM

Maybe it's because he's Romanian but where I live I can find Ukrainian culture. I celebrate it with relatives but I also live 4 blocks away from the Ukrainian Cultural Centre (this is where I pick up my Cabbage Rolls, I use their Library and go there for Malanka :D).

Yeah, I forgot that you have a nice diaspora there.:D

04-30-2012, 02:00 PM
I'm stuck in the UK and I wanna jump on the first plane and out of here preferably to somewhere where I'm away from the hardships in life.

Comte Arnau
04-30-2012, 02:06 PM
I remember you saying German was your very first language. Then you're lucky, you can choose Germany, Austria, Switzerland... Find where you really stem from and try it first there.

04-30-2012, 07:24 PM
To be honest with you, I don't know if I would like to live in Europe at all. I sometimes get a little nostalgia wondering what it would have been like. But Europe is also not what it used to be. There are more non-Europeans in Europe than Europeans and everyone is fighting over a patch of soil each one thinks they are entitled to have.

The governments are in disarray and there seems to be a general chaos. I think the "Europe" which I envision from picture postcards and travel programs is far removed from what is really happening there. I have a few German channels at home and watch occasionally, thinking that I would probably be really disillusioned if I went there. There is constant bickering, if it's not one group protesting for this then its another group protesting for that.

Besides, if I moved to Europe I would just be another immigrant. I might have a white skin and connections to Europe but I think by definition I cannot call myself European. I would be adding to the problem and not relieving it.

Besides, it would be totally impractical for me. I do not have a European citizenship and neither does my mother even though she was born there. It's a very long story why not. I own property here, I am committed to my work, I have a husband who does not speak another European language besides English and who also has work. Most European countries are shutting down because they are trying to keep the foreigners to a minimum.

From what I can gather life in Europe is very regulated. There are hundreds of laws and by-laws which you have to adhere to. Pretty much like the ten commandments: You shall not...

I am used to a life which is less regulated and has far less restrictions. I can cross the road where I want to without getting a fine. If I don't adhere to the speed limit or drive like an asshole its also okay, everyone else does it too. I have a large property and no lack of space. I don't have neighbours peeping through their lace curtains monitoring my comings and goings. If I want to move house I can do so freely without having to notify authorities of a change of address. If I'm a few minutes late for work it doesn't get taken against me. Some people don't arrive at all. I don't feel pressured to join the rat race. I don't pay exorbitant taxes. I'm not a big consumer who feels pressured to buy more and more and to keep up with the Jonses.

All in all, I think I may have a better deal here, although it is nice to wonder and fantasize what it could be like elsewhere. I guess the grass isn't always greener on the other side.

There are literally thousands of Europeans who work their asses off their entire lives to come buy property and retire here. There are alone about 40 000 Germans where I live. That excludes the Brits who are here too, and then the swallows who migrate every 6 months with the summer sun.

Sometimes when I watch the TV I do think that I'm better off here. I don't know...

04-30-2012, 07:28 PM
Sometimes I get a little bit sad about not living in Europe. Don't get me wrong, I love living in Africa, but sometimes I wish I was closer to what is really mine. I'm a first generation South African with no real roots here, but no real roots in Europe either. Speak a foreign language here, and I would speak foreign languages in Europe. Sometimes I feel like I'm looking for something but I don't know what. Sometimes I feel a little lost. It's like living in limbo - neither here nor there.

My blood is from Europe.

Sometimes I also wonder whether Europeans would accept me. Not in terms of me moving there, but in terms of being a person. Sometimes I feel that I would be seen as an alien.

I don't know. What do you think??

Why don't you move back?

04-30-2012, 07:28 PM
Sure the British Pound is worth a lot but they have a shit CPI. The idea of a 'house' in Britain is a closet with four walls and a door.

Lol. Believe it or not, there's more to Britain than just London

04-30-2012, 07:33 PM
yea i am happy where im at too. everytime i think of living in europe i think of being squeezed in some oversized apartment complex. thats not for me i have to have some land and wide open spaces, i would go crazy without my 3 acres of land to take care. yea i know i am a greedy american.:)

04-30-2012, 07:37 PM
Why don't you move back?

Because I've never lived there in the first place.

04-30-2012, 08:05 PM
Trust me, I would immediately take your place. Where you live it´s way better - and I say it as someone who lives in a region of Germany where everyone wants to live.

Aces High
04-30-2012, 08:17 PM
But Europe is also not what it used to be. There are more non-Europeans in Europe than Europeans


Aces High
04-30-2012, 08:21 PM
I'm stuck in the UK and I wanna jump on the first plane and out of here preferably to somewhere where I'm away from the hardships in life.

Yes...i imagine your ideal lifestyle in Turkey.....open sewers....no housing benefits or dole money to keep you alive.....earthquales......rats the size of fucking dogs running about the streets........the smell of shit and sewage wafting through the evening air..........

Well dont slam the door on your way out....and take a couple of your friends back with you.

04-30-2012, 08:26 PM
He's Kurdish dude not a Turk. But don't worry they tend to abuse them and treat them like shit there ( in Turkey ) too.

04-30-2012, 08:29 PM
To be honest with you, I don't know if I would like to live in Europe at all. I sometimes get a little nostalgia wondering what it would have been like. But Europe is also not what it used to be. There are more non-Europeans in Europe than Europeans and everyone is fighting over a patch of soil each one thinks they are entitled to have.

The governments are in disarray and there seems to be a general chaos. I think the "Europe" which I envision from picture postcards and travel programs is far removed from what is really happening there. I have a few German channels at home and watch occasionally, thinking that I would probably be really disillusioned if I went there. There is constant bickering, if it's not one group protesting for this then its another group protesting for that.

Besides, if I moved to Europe I would just be another immigrant. I might have a white skin and connections to Europe but I think by definition I cannot call myself European. I would be adding to the problem and not relieving it.

Besides, it would be totally impractical for me. I do not have a European citizenship and neither does my mother even though she was born there. It's a very long story why not. I own property here, I am committed to my work, I have a husband who does not speak another European language besides English and who also has work. Most European countries are shutting down because they are trying to keep the foreigners to a minimum.

From what I can gather life in Europe is very regulated. There are hundreds of laws and by-laws which you have to adhere to. Pretty much like the ten commandments: You shall not...

I am used to a life which is less regulated and has far less restrictions. I can cross the road where I want to without getting a fine. If I don't adhere to the speed limit or drive like an asshole its also okay, everyone else does it too. I have a large property and no lack of space. I don't have neighbours peeping through their lace curtains monitoring my comings and goings. If I want to move house I can do so freely without having to notify authorities of a change of address. If I'm a few minutes late for work it doesn't get taken against me. Some people don't arrive at all. I don't feel pressured to join the rat race. I don't pay exorbitant taxes. I'm not a big consumer who feels pressured to buy more and more and to keep up with the Jonses.

All in all, I think I may have a better deal here, although it is nice to wonder and fantasize what it could be like elsewhere. I guess the grass isn't always greener on the other side.

There are literally thousands of Europeans who work their asses off their entire lives to come buy property and retire here. There are alone about 40 000 Germans where I live. That excludes the Brits who are here too, and then the swallows who migrate every 6 months with the summer sun.

Sometimes when I watch the TV I do think that I'm better off here. I don't know...

Isn't South Africa mainly the English anyway? I have heard that South Africa is stunning!

04-30-2012, 08:32 PM
and take a couple of your friends back with you.

Say that again. :thumb001:

04-30-2012, 08:39 PM
yea i am happy where im at too. everytime i think of living in europe i think of being squeezed in some oversized apartment complex. thats not for me i have to have some land and wide open spaces, i would go crazy without my 3 acres of land to take care. yea i know i am a greedy american.:)

This. Although where I live, apartments and condos are the rule for the younger people but ours are still bigger than Europe's.

I stayed through couch surf and people I knew and loool... packed in like a can of sardines.

Even in Croatia, where people are so tall, you would think the apartments were meant for people from Bangkok.

04-30-2012, 08:47 PM
Isn't South Africa mainly the English anyway?

Really? I suppose it depends what century you are in?

04-30-2012, 08:52 PM

I'm talking about the rest of the world immigrating to Europe. There are more foreigners in Europe than there ever used to be, and that Europe isn't as European as it was 20 or 30 years ago.

Isn't South Africa mainly the English anyway? I have heard that South Africa is stunning!

It is stunning, which is why I am staying put. Due to my political views I don't see it quite as negatively as a lot of people who left here for those reasons. I am not pressured to make a million bucks or drive the latest car. So I'm quite happy to carry on here with my little life.

What does make it a bit sad though is that I don't have cultural roots in Africa. I might be born here but my roots are not African. As I mentioned before, I am a first generation South African with parents and grandparents who came from Europe. If I was perhaps fourth of fifth generation and my parents and grandparents only knew South Africa too, then it probably wouldn't make a difference.

But I have so many photo albums of family and they talk about: This is when we visiting with grandpa in Poland, this is your mom learning to walk in a street in Germany. In a way I feel that I may have missed something, but perhaps this is a figment of my own imagination and that I have missed out on nothing at all. I cannot say that I feel deprived, because one cannot miss something you never had. But sometimes I think I missed something.

I am too old to go anywhere now, and I probably wouldn't even if given the chance. There is just a little voice which sometimes says: what if?

04-30-2012, 08:54 PM
I feel the same way, for the most part. Most of my family had come to the US in the early 1900s and though I am very 'Americanized' I feel like I belong to Europe, as if my ancestral lands were calling me back. I always felt out of place here.

You are not alone in this. :)

04-30-2012, 08:58 PM
I just wish I lived in 1950's America. That was our golden age.

04-30-2012, 09:01 PM
I feel the same way, for the most part. Most of my family had come to the US in the early 1900s and though I am very 'Americanized' I feel like I belong to Europe, as if my ancestral lands were calling me back. I always felt out of place here.

You are not alone in this. :)

How so? Most of Mid-West and Prairies was only recently settled. The nation of America and Canada has an old history but said history only applies to an Eastern seaboard.

When my ancestors came to Canada there weren't many people living in Manitoba. Yeah even with the first nations included it still was extremely empty. We cleared the land and turned it into a productive breadbasket. That history shouldn't be forgotten.

Supreme American
04-30-2012, 09:07 PM
I find it funny a Marxist feels an ethnic sense of belonging.

04-30-2012, 09:12 PM
Yes...i imagine your ideal lifestyle in Turkey.....open sewers....no housing benefits or dole money to keep you alive.....earthquales......rats the size of fucking dogs running about the streets........the smell of shit and sewage wafting through the evening air...........

That's not how you do it.

Outside the Uk is a life of opportunities and happiness.

A move to Britain, is a Backwards choice and should be discouraged.

Aces High
04-30-2012, 09:18 PM
Europe isn't as European as it was 20 or 30 years ago.

South Africa isnt as European as it was 20 or 30 years ago.

04-30-2012, 09:32 PM
I find it funny a Marxist feels an ethnic sense of belonging.


04-30-2012, 09:35 PM
I find it funny a Marxist feels an ethnic sense of belonging.

Subscribing to Marxism does not make me a human without feelings and it doesn't make me a Communist either. Communists wish to destroy culture and race, whereas I acknowledge it and its importance. But I probably do not approach it with the same reverence as a person of the more "right" persuasion does. It is of less importance to me than it is to most of you, but I do not write it off completely.

05-01-2012, 12:29 AM
Subscribing to Marxism does not make me a human without feelings and it doesn't make me a Communist either. Communists wish to destroy culture and race, whereas I acknowledge it and its importance. But I probably do not approach it with the same reverence as a person of the more "right" persuasion does. It is of less importance to me than it is to most of you, but I do not write it off completely.

Is it because you don't fit in in Europe that you relish the idea of the destruction of European peoples with such vigour?

05-01-2012, 12:40 AM
I have read no such thing of her wanting anything to be destroyed! :confused:

Supreme American
05-01-2012, 12:57 AM

Part of the Marxian mindset is to, especially for whites, disconnect from if not outright reject their ethnic and racial heritage. Having a feeling of longing for it and wanting to be among one's own is definitely not a progressive state of mind.

Supreme American
05-01-2012, 01:00 AM
Subscribing to Marxism does not make me a human without feelings and it doesn't make me a Communist either. Communists wish to destroy culture and race, whereas I acknowledge it and its importance. But I probably do not approach it with the same reverence as a person of the more "right" persuasion does. It is of less importance to me than it is to most of you, but I do not write it off completely.

It's a very good thing you feel that way, it's just that it's totally alien to the ideology you subscribe to. Frankly, years ago when I was a Marxist myself, I discovered in reading their literature that the only races, ethnicities, and languages they cared about continuing to exist were those little backward hellholes that they believed were being "exploited" by the capitalist pig. In other words, it's not that they really cared about these tribes but rather used them and their plight as a way of manipulating the emotions of the reader to invoke rage and hostility against capitalists. I fell for that for a while.

The deep impact of leftist/anticapitalist thinking in the Western world has resulted directly in us being alienated from our roots to such a degree we don't care about them, don't care if our people and traditions continue existing, and even sometimes celebrate our impending demise.

Leftism in ALL its forms is our mortal enemy, and that is not an exaggerated statement.

05-01-2012, 02:44 AM
It's a very good thing you feel that way, it's just that it's totally alien to the ideology you subscribe to. Frankly, years ago when I was a Marxist myself, I discovered in reading their literature that the only races, ethnicities, and languages they cared about continuing to exist were those little backward hellholes that they believed were being "exploited" by the capitalist pig. In other words, it's not that they really cared about these tribes but rather used them and their plight as a way of manipulating the emotions of the reader to invoke rage and hostility against capitalists. I fell for that for a while.

The deep impact of leftist/anticapitalist thinking in the Western world has resulted directly in us being alienated from our roots to such a degree we don't care about them, don't care if our people and traditions continue existing, and even sometimes celebrate our impending demise.

Leftism in ALL its forms is our mortal enemy, and that is not an exaggerated statement.

So what about a fair days pay for a fair days work?

We wouldn't have it without leftism.

Damião de Góis
05-01-2012, 03:54 AM
I'm talking about the rest of the world immigrating to Europe. There are more foreigners in Europe than there ever used to be, and that Europe isn't as European as it was 20 or 30 years ago.

It's true, but i think people often exagerate. I remember before going to Amsterdam thinking i wouldn't see any dutch people according to what i read. I was wrong, i found it very dutch. Immigrants yes, but mostly dutch.

Aces High
05-01-2012, 06:55 AM
So what about a fair days pay for a fair days work?

We wouldn't have it without leftism.

In Italy it was Mussolini who introduced far reaching labour reforms,holidays and pension schemes......in fact even today when a person doesnt work on saturday he is told he is having a "Sabato fascista".....he also introduced slum clearance and cheap affordable public housing.
The same as Hitler did in Germany,he got Germany back to work and also introduced widespread labour reforms and pensions benefiting the working man.....not to mention introducing affordable foreign holidays/cruises for working people a then unheard of concept.

The left.......:rofl_002:

05-01-2012, 06:59 AM
^ What he said :)

And in Greece it was Metaxas, a fascist who introduced similar reforms.

05-01-2012, 07:06 AM
In Italy it was Mussolini who introduced far reaching labour reforms,holidays and pension schemes......in fact even today when a person doesnt work on saturday he is told he is having a "Sabato fascista".....he also introduced slum clearance and cheap affordable public housing.
The same as Hitler did in Germany,he got Germany back to work and also introduced widespread labour reforms and pensions benefiting the working man.....not to mention introducing affordable foreign holidays/cruises for working people a then unheard of concept.

The left.......:rofl_002:

I hate to burst you bubble but the modern right doesn't stand for that type of thing.

The National Socialists and fascists weren't right wing. That's just the brainwashing gotten to you.

05-01-2012, 07:08 AM
^ What he said :)

And in Greece it was Metaxas, a fascist who introduced similar reforms.

Again, the right and left wing thing is a ball for pigs in the middle.

Aces High
05-01-2012, 07:08 AM
The National Socialists and fascists weren't right wing.

I know,they were communist marxists.......i get my facts from MTV so bear with me.

05-01-2012, 07:13 AM
I know,they were communist marxists.......i get my facts from MTV so bear with me.

No. They were National Socialists. They became right wing over the time they were in power. It was better at the start when they were socialist. As you pointed out at the top of this page.

Aces High
05-01-2012, 07:19 AM
They became right wing over the time they were in power.

Can you be more specific......can you point out a date perhaps.:rolleyes:

05-01-2012, 07:33 AM
Left and right wing are merely the two faces of capitalism, they get people all fired up and locked into this mentality so they cannot look beyond. NS and fascism are 2 ways of thinking outside of that dichotomy.

05-01-2012, 07:36 AM
Can you be more specific......can you point out a date perhaps.:rolleyes:

The Night of the Long Knives sometimes called Operation Hummingbird or, in Germany, the Röhm-Putsch, was a purge that took place in Nazi Germany between June 30 and July 2, 1934, when the Nazi regime carried out a series of political murders. Leading figures of the left-wing Strasserist faction of the Nazi Party, along with its namesake, Gregor Strasser, were murdered, as were prominent conservative anti-Nazis (such as former Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher and Gustav Ritter von Kahr, who had suppressed Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch in 1923). Many of those killed were members of the Sturmabteilung (SA), the paramilitary brownshirts.


05-01-2012, 07:41 AM
I do understand how you feel, I used to feel the same way a lot in the past. Rarely these days though, however every time a thought like that crosses my head I just "force myself back to reality" and appreciate what I have here, even if I lack of pretty much any sort of ethnic belonging.

For at least several years more from now I am stuck in this country anyway. I can't really afford anything else. However in my case it'd be easier to just move somewhere like Argentina or Uruguay.

05-01-2012, 07:42 AM
Left and right wing are merely the two faces of capitalism, they get people all fired up and locked into this mentality so they cannot look beyond. NS and fascism are 2 ways of thinking outside of that dichotomy.

I agree. In fact the whole reason this little argument started a page or two ago was because Lagergeld was talking up Capitalism as a good thing for Europeans and saying marxism was all bad.

I was just saying that Marxism gave us unions which helped us a lot back in the day. It was actually a very socialist time all round.

Aces High
05-01-2012, 07:54 AM

That wasnt a purge agaisnt the left.

left-wing Strasserist faction of the Nazi Party, along with its namesake, Gregor Strasser, were murdered, as were prominent conservative anti-Nazis (such as former Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher and Gustav Ritter von Kahr.

Hardly a right wing manoeuvre.

05-01-2012, 08:03 AM
Suid Afrika is such a beautiful country. It hurts that blacks doesn't know how to take care of it...

05-02-2012, 08:21 AM

05-02-2012, 08:38 AM
That wasnt a purge agaisnt the left.

left-wing Strasserist faction of the Nazi Party, along with its namesake, Gregor Strasser, were murdered, as were prominent conservative anti-Nazis (such as former Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher and Gustav Ritter von Kahr.

Hardly a right wing manoeuvre.


10-28-2018, 08:49 PM
I don't think Sharia in Europe is much worse now than back in 2012.

The Lawspeaker
10-28-2018, 08:51 PM
Sometimes I get a little bit sad about not living in Europe. Don't get me wrong, I love living in Africa, but sometimes I wish I was closer to what is really mine. I'm a first generation South African with no real roots here, but no real roots in Europe either. Speak a foreign language here, and I would speak foreign languages in Europe. Sometimes I feel like I'm looking for something but I don't know what. Sometimes I feel a little lost. It's like living in limbo - neither here nor there.

My blood is from Europe.

Sometimes I also wonder whether Europeans would accept me. Not in terms of me moving there, but in terms of being a person. Sometimes I feel that I would be seen as an alien.

I don't know. What do you think??
Come home then !

https://assets.eberhardt-travel.de/2017/Polen/52790_Hafen_von_Danzig_im_Winter_Original.jpg?auto =format,compress,enhance&crop=top&fit=crop&crop=top&txt=%C2%A9%C2%A0fotorince%C2%A0-%C2%A0Fotolia&txtclr=fff&txtalign=right&txtsize=8&h=485&w=850&q=75



https://poland.pl/media/public/31/4a/2eb64f9444cbc1757c7930f8cbc.jpg__600x400_q85_crop_ subsampling-2_upscale.jpg




Don't tell me that the lands of your ancestors aren't calling your name.

Bobby Martnen
10-31-2018, 05:59 AM
Come home then !

Sometimes I consider moving back to Europe...you and me could even be neighbors!

10-31-2018, 07:20 AM
Way to revive an old thread. I read an entire page before realizing how old this was.

10-31-2018, 07:27 AM
I don't know much about Serbia. And the only European languages I know are German and English. It's hard to move to a country when you cannot speak the language.

Luckily for you, there exist European countries where German and English are spoken :p