View Full Version : WHY DO RACISTS HAVE LOW IQs?

05-28-2009, 02:24 AM
WHY DO RACISTS HAVE LOW IQs? (http://www.clubs.psu.edu/up/sayar/riqs.htm)

Studies going back over 50 years have repeatedly arrived at the same conclusion -- racists have lower IQs than non-racists. The average intelligence quotient (IQ) of all members of the human race is 100 on the Stanford-Binet scale, as illustrated in the bell curves in the figure below. The average IQ of racists is up to 4 IQ points less than this (Montagu 1952 & 1988, Allport 1946, Frenkel-Brunswick and Sanford 1945). The reasons this is true are not entirely clear. Does racism attract the unintelligent or do the unintelligent default into racist mentalities? An exploration of this phenomenon can be most informative.

Since the average IQ of a racist is less than the average, racists have two-digit IQs, while normal people have three-digit IQs, on the average. This applies to Nazi skinheads, American Nazis, the oxymoronic Aryan supremacists, Christian Identity fanatics, anti-semites, non-denominational bigots, and other such social rejects. The figure above is based on a standard deviation of 10, and is normalized for matching populations.


Many studies have explored the psychology of racism and the familial and social backgrounds of racists. Some interesting generalities can be extracted from these studies, including the fact that racists tend to be conservatives, conformists, Republicans, and hypochondriacs. The high incidence of conservatism, conformism, and Republicanism are all related phenomena. That is, one would expect a conformist to be a conservative, and a conservative to be a Republican, and a Republican to be a conformist, etc. But, why would they tend to be hypochondriacs? Perhaps they blame their body parts for imaginary illnesses in the same way they blame parts of society for imaginary social illnesses.

The arguments of racism have been demonstrated time and again to be illogical and irrational. For example, racists claim that so-called white people are "superior" to so-called black people. Ignoring for the moment the inability of science to draw a sharp line between those who are subjectively considered to be white and those who are subjectively considered to be black, lets consider the claims of superiority by racist supremacists.

As we look around us in America today we see a country full of diversity in which American blacks and other citizens of non-European descent excel in all the arts and sciences, in all aspects of business, in all political arenas, and in all athletics and other social activities. From our military commanders, to our religious and political leaders, to our star athletes both Olympic and professional, to our fastest-growing independent businesses, and in all genres of the entertainments fields -- art, music, acting, directing, film-making, etc. -- we witness a growing disproportionate dominance of non-whites, and this in spite of centuries of oppression and the continued denial of equal opportunities. Their successes are undeniable and ubiquitous, and yet the racists of our times act as if they are completely blind to this manifest proof that superiority of whites is a dying mirage.

Figure 2 shows how prejudice tends to be a function of parents' college education. Obviously the more educated the parents are, the less likely their children are to become prejudiced. Again we see a correlation of both intelligence and education with normality, while the lack of education and intelligence is associated with bigotry.

Figure 1 shows the percentage of each gender that tends towards racism, based on a study by Allport and Kramer in 1946. This chart is unlikely to surprise anyone for a number of reasons. First, women are, in general, more sociable and not inclined to be aggressive. Males, on the other hand, tend to seek outlets for aggression, and racism is a convenient one. Males, furthermore, have a higher incidence of idiocy and mental deficiency than do females. That is, females tend to be more normal than males and are less inclined to both mental extremes and behavioral extremes.

Racists wear horse's blinders at the sight of the media heroes of our age -- Muhammed Ali, Martin Luther King, Michael Jordan, Condoleeza Rice, the Williams sisters, Tiger Woods, Barry Bonds, Colin Powell, Janet and LaToya Jackson, Sidney Poiter and Samuel Jackson, Sammy Sosa, Michael Johnson, the list goes on endlessly. They are deaf to the sound of world records regularly being shattered. They are dumb in their speech when asked to explain such obvious contradictions. Are racists deaf, dumb, and blind, or are they simply of such limited intelligence that they cannot recognize the truth when it is placed in bright lights before them?

Figure 3 shows the variation of prejudice as measured among the college students of different majors in 1946. Obviously the Natural Sciences seem to protect against the false beliefs of racism better than the Liberal Arts. Why this should be is unclear, and may have more to do with the type of students who are attracted to Natural Science, which is considered a more challenging major.

Let's consider some examples of what passes for intelligence in the sub-society of what is truly an oxymoron, Aryan supremacy. Even the word "Aryan" is itself a mockery of the truth. The Aryan race doesn't exist, and has never existed. It is a myth invented by the Nazis to promote politically expedient propaganda. Hitler himself admitted that he knew there never were any Aryans, and that the notion merely served Nazi purposes, no more. All Aryan supremacists stand naked in the light of truth, but are unable to comprehend the fact that they have no clothes. Is it due to mentally deficiency, or are they really aware of this false myth? It's hard to say for sure, but their limited intelligence is certainly a factor in their confusion.

Figure 4 illustrates the fact that prejudice is acquired at a young age. The mean age for the onset of prejudice is about 12. This is a most impressionable age and is the appropriate time to educate the young and immunize them against hatred for life. They should be told everything science knows about race and everything history tells us about racism.
In America's war against terrorism, we should not forget about the domestic terrorists that have sprouted in our own backyard. Nazis, skinheads, and other bigots are anti-American by their very nature. If America is a nation of all races, religions, and cultures, then the enemies of any of those races, religions, and cultures are enemies of America. The attempts on the part of Nazi skinheads and the KKK to intimidate or encourage acts of violence against innocent people because of their race or creed is terrorism by definition. Once al Qaeda has been shut down, it would be prudent to focus America's attention on cleaning up all the nests of racist extremists that are festering inside our own borders. They are all just terrorists waiting to commit an act against Americans.

Some of the more radical anti-racist groups say that the only way to change a racist's mind is with a shotgun blast to the head. We at SAYAR disagree that violence is a proper response to what is essentially a mental disease. We believe that education is the key to erasing racism, and that this could be accomplished within the space of a single generation if we simply show children the light of truth, and dispel the darkness of ignorance.

<center>(to be continued)</center> <hr>

Allport, G. W. and B. M. Kramer (1946). "Some roots of prejudice." Journal of Psychology 22: 9-39.
Ashmore, H. S. (1982). Hearts and Minds: The anatomy of racism from Roosevelt to Reagan. New York, McGraw-Hill.
Bettelheim, B. and M. Janowitz (1950). "Prejudice." Scientific American 183: 13.
Brown, F. (1932). "A sociopsychological analysis of race prejudice." Journal of Abnormal Psychology 27: 364-374.
Budd, E. C. (1966). Inequality and Poverty. New York, W. W. Norton.
Burns, A. (1948). Colour Prejudice. London, Allen & Unwin.
Cecil, R. (1972). The myth of the master race: Alfred Rosenberg and Nazi ideology. New York, Dodd, Mead.
Cohn, N. (1967). Warrant for Genocide: The Myth of the Jewish World Conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. London, Eyre & Spottiswoode.
Collas, N. E. (1944). "Aggressive behavior among vertebrate animals." Physiological Zoology 17: 83-123.
Crane, J. (1994). "Exploding the myth of scientific support for the theory of black intellectual inferiority." Journal of Black Psychology 20: 189-209.
Crockett, H. J. and J. L. Schulman (1973). Achievement among minority Americans. Cambridge, MA, Schenckman.
Davies, A. (1988). Infected Christianity: A Study of Modern Racism. Kingston, McGill-Queen's University Press.
Davis, S. (1952). Race Relations in Ancient Egypt. New York, Philosophical Library.
Deutsch, M. et. al. (1967). The Disadvantaged Child. New York, Basic Books.
Diller, A. (1937). Race Mixture Among the Greeks Before Alexander. Urbana, University of Illinois.
Essed, P. (1992). Understanding Everyday Racism. Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications.
Frederickson, G. M. (1988). The Arrogance of Race: Historical Perspectives on Slavery, Racism and Social Inequality. Middletown, Wesleyan University Press.
Fremont-Brunswick, E. and R. N. Sanford (1938). "The Physiological Basis of Aggression." Child Study 15: 1-8.
Frenkel-Brunswick, E. and R. N. Sanford. (1945). "Some personality factors in anti-semitism." Journal of Psychology 20: 271-291.
Friedman, L. J. (1970). The White Savage: Racial Fantasies in the Postbellum South. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall.
Garn, S. M. (1961). Human Races. Springfield, IL, Charles C. Thomas.
Marcus, A., Ed. (1996). Anthropology for a Small Planet: Culture and Community in a Global Environment. St. James, NY, Brandywine Press.
Montagu, M. F. A. (1952). Man's Most Dangerous Myth. New York, Harper & Brothers.
Philadelphi Public Schools. (1946). Open-mindedness can be taught. Philadelphia.
UNESCO (1951). The Race Concept. France, UNESCO.
Zinn, H. (1980). A People's History of the United States, HarperCollins.

05-28-2009, 02:36 AM

05-28-2009, 02:41 AM
Articles like these never address the ambiguity attached to the word "racist" because it's too inconvenient for them to distinguish between people who are hateful bigots and people who believe "okay, this whole diversity thing isn't going anywhere or fostered by any empirical data".

05-28-2009, 04:18 AM
This applies to Nazi skinheads, American Nazis, the oxymoronic Aryan supremacists, Christian Identity fanatics, anti-semites, non-denominational bigots, and other such social rejects.

I stopped reading there. :rolleyes:


A picture from the same website.. And they call racists social rejects?! :confused: :p

05-28-2009, 04:33 AM
Ladies and gentlemen,


Admitted by the anti-racists, racists are smarter than the average blacks.

05-28-2009, 05:44 AM

05-28-2009, 06:14 AM
From another article on SAYAR's website:

As shown in the figure below, a considerably higher proportion of blacks end up on death row compared to whites, even though whites make up a distinctive majority of the population.


Where are these "students" studying at? It can't at any higher level than pre-school.

05-28-2009, 06:37 AM
There is some truth in that article.

05-28-2009, 07:21 AM
There is some truth in that article.

Yes, perhaps you are right. There are some very unintelligent racists out there that do some very stupid things. I think racism does attract some 'white trash' personalities. However in saying that I think racism also attracts a group of people of high intelligence as well, and both groups do not have the same way of expressing their racism.

05-28-2009, 07:40 AM
Whoever wrote this cringeworthy article has a two-digit IQ or pretends very well to write like one.

Any serious study which purposes to measure something needs to provide a clear operational definition of what they are measuring. This article fails to provide a clear working definition of "racist" used in the mentioned studies.

This applies to Nazi skinheads, American Nazis, the oxymoronic Aryan supremacists, Christian Identity fanatics, anti-semites, non-denominational bigots (??), and other such social rejects (???).

05-28-2009, 03:47 PM
"Why do racists have low IQs?"

Because most racists are black :D

But seriously, if there is a correlation, it is most likely due to the fact that the ability to think outside the box isn't necessarily correlated with classical intelligence as measured in IQ tests. Given that likes/dislikes are in no way related to intelligence, correlations between intelligence and belief are more likely attributable to rather to social conditioning. The issue then becomes a question of why higher IQ groups are more likely to be exposed to anti-racist conditioning. The reason, of course, is that the academic environment fosters a liberal perspective.

The fundamental error of the article is to assume that 'liking' people is somehow a more intelligent choice than to dislike people. In fact, this is true only to an extent. Idiots tend to be dislike people, slightly above average people tend to be philanthropic, but almost all truly brilliant minds are darkly misanthropic.

But regardless, 'racism' is a matter of instinct informing emotion and emotion informing opinion. No 'gut feeling' stems from the intellect, and therefore racist feeling on a primary level isn't related to smarts whatsoever. I've never liked foreign races, and I always flew through school and scored highly in IQ tests. So there :p

Lulletje Rozewater
05-28-2009, 04:01 PM
Whoever wrote this cringeworthy article has a two-digit IQ or pretends very well to write like one.

Any serious study which purposes to measure something needs to provide a clear operational definition of what they are measuring. This article fails to provide a clear working definition of "racist" used in the mentioned studies.

Albert Schweizer was bordering on racism and his IQ was between 0 and 145.:p

I am racist inclined and have the brain of a bullfrog that baffles the imagination.:thumbs up:thumbs up

05-28-2009, 04:24 PM
Skinhead is one, racial realist is perfectly other.

05-28-2009, 04:37 PM
Skinhead is one, racial realist is perfectly other.

True, but in many case there is a brain under that skin and bone.

05-28-2009, 04:50 PM
Ladies and gentlemen,


Admitted by the anti-racists, racists are smarter than the average blacks.

Does this mean Africans are the most Racist people?

The people behind the article are "Students And Youths Against Racism" and their Bibliography is remarkable. I thought it enough to do a simple IQ test than using 26 sources.

05-28-2009, 09:15 PM
The simple truth behind this, if they didnt manipulate such studies, that (Europeans = Europeans and all Neo-Europeans, descendents around the world):
- Europeans with a lower IQ are less likely to have higher education, the higher education is now directly related to system-conform indoctrination, "re-education". If you would have made such comparisons in Germans from larger cities in the 1930's, with many working class people being Marxist influenced and the higher social strata quite often Nationalist or even racist, the results would be completely different.

So its rather about an "outsider phenomenon". This doesnt mean an opinion is better or worse, just because of that, its just part of the question how much acceptance for this or that opinion exists, which leads to the next point

- Europeans with a lower IQ have less to lose. They will not try as hard to adapt to the common social standards of a society, strive for a commonly accepted "moral status". Neither if its racist or non-racist, they just have their own "Redneck" or "Proletarian culture", with its own lower class rules and status. F.e. at least in Europe you can hardly impress in a larger round of cultivated and educated people by telling the round in which you are sitting that you are such a great guy, driving drunk, f***ing a bitch and then hitting a guy who "eyeballed" you out of nothing.
Now there are some lower level subcultures in which such a story and "achievements" would make you the hero of the day, even some women might clap in their hands - if taking it to a less likely extreme, I just make up a point.

Considering that such low level individuals are mainly presented as "racists", with the most stupid arguments you can think about, how can any brainwashed Euro from higher social strata even think about connecting to these?

- Europeans with a lower IQ have the lower level jobs and homes, neighbourhood, so they have to compete more often and more directly with the immigrants, not just for their jobs, but also for their women. So the pressure from the mass immigration comes much more directly and hits them harder.

There are also many more such factors we have to think about, but in the end, I wouldnt wonder if the results are true especially in the American, Liberalcapitalist and Christian influenced context and society. In another context, the connection of racist vs. anti-racist might be very different and in no way these correlations are any argument pro or contra racialist ideas.
But thats what such reports try to communicate - and by doing so, especially if being successful, they produce a social self-fulfilling prophecy, because the dumber and less "loveable" racists are, the less likely it is that any high level Euro-individual identifies himself with such views or will become involved himself in a political movement with racialist ideas.

There is something like a "breakthrough" in these matters, which means if you have a peak group of representable high level individuals in larger movements, with its own presentation in the mass media and fair share in society, things would change very dramatically, very soon. But to reach this, is a hard task and the enemy in the form of the plutocratic oligarchy has a lot of means in his hands to prevent that from happening and will use all of them, even force if necessary, because its about their power over the pople. Its enemy is any collective, group oriented and social political movement with a honest and idealistic leadership.

What we also can conclude from these facts is, that we deal with non-conformist and rather intelligent people among racialists, and these are the ones which have to unite and to actually control and educate the lower social level individuals with a potential which go for an at least similar goal in a more instinctive and not as elaborated way. They have to be controlled, they should not speak in public as long as not taught in "public relations". They have to be used for the greater goal and are able to do their duties in a successful way if being properly led - those to dumb for education too, with discipline and the rest, neither intelligent nor disciplined, must be shunned - forget them, not everybody counts nor you can count on everybody.

But as long as such "Rednecks" without intelligence, education and discipline represent some kind of diffuse hate and masquerade and this being called "movement(s)", thats nothing to write home about to say it that way.

But again, this has nothing to do with right or wrong, but only the fact that only very specific intelligent and educated individuals, or such with specific experiences and learning effects take racialism serious or just consider it seriously, whereas much more of the intelligent and well-educated individuals are just "functioners", which work like the system wants it go straightforwards in the limits the plutocratic oligarchy made up for them and many racialist "Rednecks" are just less influenced, less affected by the propaganda and educational manipulation of the system. They dont see or dont care for the "official limits", but are not able by themselves to form a real alternative, which must be as elaborated and of course, has to work for the people.

That was always true, as certain ideas and educational results never made it to the lower class with its own rules, sometimes thats bad, sometimes thats good, sometimes one can't be sure about if its the end result. In this case, I'd say its option 3, not sure about it, because the damage done to all racialist ideas because of some morons representing it in public is tremendous, they are the cheapest propaganda trick the system can use to make "political correctness" attractive and racialism unattractive to "normal people". Often because they are too dumb or indifferent to know how they affect others, how they look to others.

But if its about a political fight, its all about propaganda, how ideas affect individuals, so what they need is a strict and strong leadership, which also tells them when its time to shut the f**k up and just do their duty as the leaders told them. Discipline is the key to success in these matters, but its hard to discipline a bunch of morons of course and if some people talk about "white race superiority", while being from an objective point rather a real shame to their race and people, one can get angry at times...

What Europeans also need is something we might call common sense as well as rationality, and of course higher (rational) idealism. But thats always just a potential way for a certain proportion of the population, the majority just follows rules or doesnt understand that there are higher rules and goals in life and THIS is and must be the future of mankind as a whole, to having a chance for a future to begin with!

05-28-2009, 09:38 PM
It's impossible to determine what exactly constitutes a "racist." Everyone is at least slightly racist, whether they want to admit it or not. I've heard it said "Everyone's racist, some are honest."

"Racist" is as arbitrary and ambiguous of a word as "alcoholic", and the belief that "racism is a disease" is as ideologically motivated as the idea that "alcoholism is a disease."

05-28-2009, 09:58 PM
"Everyone's racist, some are honest."

Good point! Now most males might have certain views about women and ideas of what to do with women which they find attractive, but now think again, think about a well-educated, bourgeois group of people, mixed males and females and a similar group of Redneck people. In which of these two groups will they openly talk about sexual fantasies about women in a rather vulgar way and "racist ideas" in a similar way?

Thats all interconnected, higher cultures and higher social strata work with a specific, very controlled form of communication, everything is more sophisticated and camouflaged. Leaders have to able to make up an intrigue and they have to be able to make up an easy target.

Sociobiological mechanisms work here pretty well, they always did. And if "a master voice" said whats acceptable and whats not, the common "functioner", good potential but in the end just a lemming, will obey. He will lie, being a hypocrite or even deny his own feelings and higher interests, denying the big picture and long term effects of an opinion he has to communicate for being accepted, being promoted by its leaders.

One of the oligarchs might one day come to his best and "well-behaving" house dogs - one could also say "House Niggers" in this context, because many European politicians and managers are in the end nothing else but that, pat him and giving him a bone, a new promotion, a good tip for making money on the stock market - or probably just manipulating him, however, he is just a tool.

Now some of the lower level Europeans, as well as other ethnicities, are just not interesting as tools and harder to grasp, because their rewards are much worse. The current Liberalcapitalism works by serving the higher middle class and upper class to a certain degree, but at the same time exploiting it, making them puppets in the hands of the true master so of money and politics.

But of course, if you have a benefit and something to lose, while being told constantly whats "good" and helping you to get a higher status, you might function exactly like the oligarchy wants it, while at the same time, because you have in a rather absurd way some sort of "individual choice" like a very special individual, even more "independent" than your grandparents, because you can choose from so many consumption goods and ideas, all being fabricated for you to function still in the limits of whats needed by the system.

And this Liberalcapitalist system doesnt need Racialism, it doesnt need larger communities, groups of people which might work together if being fed up by the exploitation and manipulation.

In the end, everything is quite simple from the point of evolutionary psychology, sociobiology and mass psychology, most people work like dogs one way or another, and the more intelligent dogs are these days also the ones, which being drilled more effectively.

The Redneck lives quite often in his strange world and truth, the average upper class European which is not part of the plutocratic oligarchy just thinks he is clever, but is just intelligent, just works better like the "good dog" does, yet having lost his own life and truth, living what others constructed for him to live in, without serving his very own interests, often without even producing any offspring at all. A tragedy, but thats the way it is now and some probably dont deserve better, yet the group needs them, which is why they have to awake as soon as possible and fight for their very own interests as well as higher political ideals and goals.

05-28-2009, 10:59 PM
Another reason why a study might find this;
If the more inteligent people are better at hiding their true views, probably as a protection mechanism, as they have much more to lose. I am looking for a graduate job/postgrad study, and I am not about to go around waving my views about. But that doesn't mean that I don't hold them.

05-28-2009, 11:05 PM
Another reason why a study might find this;
If the more inteligent people are better at hiding their true views, probably as a protection mechanism, as they have much more to lose.
Precisely my thought about this matter too! And I think it all ends up with this conclusion of yours, Thrym.

I am a well known racist, where I live, and I... Wait. Forget about this example! :D

05-30-2009, 04:56 AM
Agrippa, already mentioned it. But the reason that most socalled racists have low IQ is because they do not life in white enclaves with good security where you can safely ignore the problems of mass-immigration and multiculturalism. And you have the money to send you childeren to good private schools.

Those with a low IQ, unles living ruraly while most likely live in a mixed region. Where he would also witniss the strong downside of those things. And also receive the most ourfall of goverment programm's to combat "discrimination" in hiringpractices.

They may lake the oduble digit IQ to express themselves in a good way. But they are fighting back against a treat to them.

05-30-2009, 10:54 AM
I believe racist are still superior to bushmen and pygmee, in intelligence.

05-30-2009, 11:30 AM
While the empirical part may actually be correct the explanation attemps are not scientific at all. Generally folks from the lower castes are born into a often hefty and robust competition with minorities for ever-dwindling resources. This does not necessarily have to make you racist, but thre is a good chance it will. Not thrown into this study are all these upper-class white bourgeois scum that hates everyone below them, probably because it also includes whites.

05-30-2009, 12:23 PM
I now live in a mixed area of Moscow, where a lot of color from non-whites do not buy into the principle.
Always try to buy everything in the supermarket, rather than benches color.
This is racism?
I am naturally more a race than another's, if only because I belong to it.

A test system of education and testing is not often intersects with reality. IQ can change with the individual throughout his life and is not an indicator of intellect, mind, as it is trying to provide bourgeois scientists.

05-30-2009, 12:45 PM
IQ test results may change in a lifetime, but usually not outside a one digit tolerance limit, if the same standardized test is used. Unless of course you are cheating or are the first case of a successful brain transplant (in case of a better result) or a victim of brain damage (in case of a worse result).

05-30-2009, 01:52 PM
That article pass for PC propaganda style...Some theses are incredibly naive and tendencious. We got stupit white racist, agressive and prejudiced male etc.
From my personal observations I know that steoreotype of racist in(my) society is skinhead, such people're often uneducated and their behavior are unacceptable for rest of society. Uneducated means sometimes with low IQ. This is just stereotype...which doesn't means that such people doesn't exists. But from the other side I know well-educated(graduates of technician and humanistic universities) people with probably IQ above of averange who are "racists".
So conclusion is clear, if some so-called scientist will measure IQ on close shaved guy with swatika tatooed on his forehead and baseball stick in his hands it's easy to guess results:D At last, curiosity: When in 1945 in Nuremberg doctors checked IQ of Alfred Rosenberg, and result was over 120 they were dissapointed because his comrades had IQ much higher.

05-30-2009, 02:07 PM
IQ has nothing to do with your political or world ideas as a whole.
Racists and right-winged as a whole are the same like anarchy and left-wing groups when it comes to IQ. Stereotype is what matters in the case and I'm sure that if they test some "hardcore" SHARPs and other anti-racist skinhead groups the results would be exactly the same.

08-30-2011, 02:47 AM
Those type of racists do have a low I.Q.

What kind of an idiot would think that hitler and god are good things for european preservation?

Aces High
08-30-2011, 12:58 PM
Blacks are the most racist people alive....this probably explains why they have a retard level IQ.

10-04-2011, 06:38 AM
I'd like to know the IQ of these people who presume to profile what a racist is based on their own prejudices and ignorance.

I've seen the same crap on religious people having lower IQs not to mention other groups.

Propaganda, maybe?

Contra Mundum
10-04-2011, 07:23 AM
Since the average IQ of a racist is less than the average, racists have two-digit IQs, while normal people have three-digit IQs, on the average. This applies to Nazi skinheads, American Nazis, the oxymoronic Aryan supremacists, Christian Identity fanatics, anti-semites, non-denominational bigots, and other such social rejects. [/FONT]

Interesting how this only applies to white "racists".

What about Jews who think Muslims are subhuman?

Han Cholo
10-04-2011, 07:24 AM
"Kill them all", "sieg-heil-hitler" type racists are usually quite dumber. I could think in many examples. However, other kinds of racist are usually quite articulate and complex in their thoughts.

However, I'm of the belief that everyone is a little racist inside. Thus, you can't correlate racism with either dumbness or intelligence because it's very present in both groups. However you can correlate the lack of intelligence with impulsive behavior like "let's kill all da non-whiteyzzz!!! SIEG HEILSIEGHEILSIEGHEIL!!" and you can correlate intelligence with more reasonable opinions and advanced studies of racial science.

10-04-2011, 07:54 AM
Probably because they selectively hand picked their subjects in order to fit their agenda.. I'd like to know what their definitions of racism were in these studies, since they could all have different meanings or ways to show that one is racist.. If you look at the titles, etc of these studies you can see that they are obviously being made by people who wish to promote multiracism, miscegnation, or something along the lines or to just overall talk about the terribleness of racism... For example, The White Savage: Racial Fantasies in the Postbellum South, Colour Prejudice, Achievement among minority Americans, The anatomy of racism, Understanding everyday racism, etc..

There are a lot of racists (especially ones which would be easily recognizable in some study) that are sort of white trashish with lower iq's to begin with.. I see a lot of studies as being inaccurate, especially ones where the people conducting them want there to be a specific outcome to prove a point like this..

10-04-2011, 09:41 AM
Racists are stupid. What's new, really? We already knew that. Racialists are stupid as well.

10-04-2011, 09:45 AM
Racists are stupid. What's new, really? We already knew that. Racialists are stupid as well.

Every single post of yours so far is about race-mixing. Do you have anything else to contribute to the forum? How about an intro thread? :)

10-04-2011, 10:02 AM
Every single post of yours so far is about race-mixing. Do you have anything else to contribute to the forum? How about an intro thread? :)

His subrace is great as well :D "race is irrelevant"

Dead Eye
01-27-2012, 10:20 AM
Did they go around meeting and greeting with every racist?
I honestly believe that they are going along with the whole ''racists are stupid because they go around hating on people just because of the colour of their skin'' nonsense a bit too much.

The ones with the low IQs i would say would be the pot smoking,unwashed and brainwashed left wing UAF and Antifa.

01-27-2012, 10:44 AM
"studies and data indicate..." What studies, what data? Who was interviewed, who accepted to sit down and do an IQ test? Could it be that they pulled this data out their asses since the average skinhead would probably give them a boot party before he sat down with those yuppy fuckers.

01-27-2012, 11:20 AM