View Full Version : Letter from Political Prisoner Ernst Zundel

05-28-2009, 09:39 AM
Letter from Political Prisoner Ernst Zundel

Dear Friend:

Just a short sign of life from here: Over the last four years, thousands of letters to me were withheld or stolen outright en route TO ME and to friends on the outside.

My lawyers filed charges with the prosecutors, and repeatedly mentioned it to the judges that hundreds of letters were missing including money, shipments of books, registered letters with documents from my Canadian lawyers, my wife, my children. All turned a deaf ear TO these mail disappearances. ALL!!!

One man from Berlin had sent me 107 letters in the last 4 years and 3 months. Fully 41 letters, some of them registered, even insured and registered mail, never reached me.

They paid the sender E 50.00, each for several missing letters, rather than investigating where my mail was. The callousness and disinterest in the topic of my missing mail amazed me. And still amazes me! Compared to that, the Canadian Postal Investigators were paragons of virtue and law-abidingness.

At the moment, I am still owed about 1700 letters since 2005, 2006, 2007 and even court decisions which I won, on 19 Dec 2008 - have not resulted in the handing over of even one single letter to me from those they kept back!

The lawyers here do not know the concept of rights. Individual, civic or human rights, are laughed at , sneered at. The one who invokes these rights is considered some kind of crank! I am not kidding!

Thus, lawyers, judges, and prosecutors pay lip service to [condemning] the violations of one’s rights and then ignore them and trample on them at every turn.

The media? The same attitude, if you are a German that is.

If you are a Gypsy or Chinese or Burmese, they will exercise themselves from the prime minister on down. The hypocrisy is almost unbearable.

No, sir. This society [in Germany] has little to recommend itself.

Give me Canada and America any time - warts, imperfections and all.

It is significant that in the 60 years of the existence of this state, they have never established a single organization like the ACLU or the Canadian Civil Liberties Association. NONE! 82 million goyim chewing the cud. An unusual situation and place.

My release date is 7 March 2010.