View Full Version : The post that most depresses me :(

05-28-2009, 01:56 PM
Now, here is a place that has received every gift that a loving God could bestow on any piece of ground: mountains full of minerals, valleys full of farms, pastures full of animals, rivers full of fish. It is a place that could—and has—supported tens of thousands in peace and prosperity, but under capitalism, it cannot provide work for a thousand. An area that should be prosperous and happy becomes an area of forced idleness. There is wealth, real wealth, but there are no jobs, and people, young people especially—that is, the future—feel they must leave. And if they leave with a few Euros provided by the Canadians, who can blame them?

But still there is the joke. The joke is that while the villagers have real wealth, the Canadians have financial wealth, and under capitalism, the latter is more important than the former. The bits of paper with the € printed on them are heavier than gold; the sterile bankers notes more fecund than fertile fields. We may laugh at the joke; we may even laugh at the Romanians, but we are caught in the same joke.more (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showpost.php?p=51487&postcount=1)

Every day I read a new article on here that drives in more and more what we are losing here. So for a little while I've toyed with the idea of a thread, post the post that most depresses you, weather that is due to a loss or a gloomy view of the future, this one is todays favourite, thanks Jamt.

05-28-2009, 02:24 PM
But what's the conclusion we are supposed to draw, that Romanians cannot derive wealth from a goldmine?

What is depressing about it? Hong Kong does not have gold, it has rock, sand and some minerals and hardly any arable farmland. The Hong Kong Chinese are prosperous by global standards. Any population must make the best of what it has.

Lulletje Rozewater
05-28-2009, 03:48 PM
Do not get depressed.
I should be depressed I was born Dutch in a manger and they called me the 'future"