View Full Version : Classify and put this man in a region !

05-09-2012, 04:17 PM
Try classifying this person and without me telling anything else about him, try putting him in a region ! Good luck !
P.S Those, who actually know this man, please don't spoil !


05-10-2012, 04:52 PM

05-10-2012, 05:13 PM
He has a North-Eastern vibe, from Lithuana or Estonia?

05-10-2012, 05:39 PM

05-10-2012, 05:48 PM
Baltid - Estonian or Latvian

05-10-2012, 05:48 PM
I put man in region Latvia.

05-10-2012, 06:10 PM
I think he could pass in Scandinavia

05-11-2012, 01:45 AM

05-11-2012, 01:54 AM
Looks polish... nordid with CM influence.

05-13-2012, 01:37 PM
He is one of the most respected lawyers in Latvia, pretty precise guesses though. I myself would pretty much agree with Gloriana Jacinto, saying nordid + CM - but also IMO a baltid vibe can be felt from him. I just wanted to hear other opinions, because in my mind he somehow resembles a nice image of the 50/50 version German/Scandinavian, which isn't a surprise, because, if you look at Latvians and Estonians mostly that is typical occurrence in these folk. Most Lithuanians and people from Baltic states, who might have slavonic ancestry, differ a bit and lack the northern appearance, so I think he couldn't pass there.

05-13-2012, 01:41 PM
westbaltid + nordid. anywhere on the western and southwestern shore of the baltic. he gotta have heavy germanic ancestry. i would vote him president of europe

05-13-2012, 02:10 PM
westbaltid + nordid. anywhere on the western and southwestern shore of the baltic. he gotta have heavy germanic ancestry. i would vote him president of europe

I smiled heavily. But you aren't inaccurate - that is why I posted pictures of this man here. Not only him but both northern Baltic states (and originally northern Poland (Prussia) - thank's for mentioning ''southwestern shore''), without the other influences, that sadly have resided there, ARE in fact balticized Germanic folk. What is so-called Baltic is only the seperate cultural enviroment, that was made by a part of the same people, who chose that region as their homeland + influences from eastern presence. It can be proven from every aspect of every science, that studies these fields. Only thing, that ''discourages'' from acknowledging it is the modern concept of national states, our liberal dogmatic ''experts'' and the widely accepted false believe in linguistic groups of Europe and their significance defining one's affiliation to a group of people.

05-13-2012, 02:13 PM
When I saw the pictures I thought he is a Russian

05-13-2012, 02:24 PM
When I saw the pictures I thought he is a Russian

What do you mean by ''Russian''? Someone, who resides in Russia? (That could include all the 40+ ethnicities, that have historically lived and still live in the various regions of the Russian Federation ... or 1/4 Tatars, 1/8 Bashkirs etc. There is a designation ''rossijanci'' for all people living in Russia and ''ruskis'' for people, who are believed to be of Russian decent (still a misinterpreted term, that can be used only on the basis of defining ones nationality not ethnicity, cause of, so called, modern Russian folk isn't monoethnic in general, it is heavily composed, that's why it isn't correct to say so, when doing taxonomy / ''appointing'' one to a region)).
Or are you somehow talking about the first settlers in that area, ergo - vikings (superficially said) ?
Be more correct please, because saying ''Russian'' doesn't give a clue, only shows your knowledge.

05-13-2012, 02:27 PM
What do you mean by ''Russian''?

I mean an ethnic Russian. A Northwestern one

05-13-2012, 02:32 PM
I mean an ethnic Russian. A Northwestern one

Many athletes, who are partly of Georgian decent etc., also calls themselves ''Russian'', so nowadays you should more or less be careful. Even people, who are definitively not ''Russian'', despite ''on paper'' their close ancestors were Russians, use it. That is why I use this term only on national basis. I rather mention the region or try classifying the person, when dealing with some people.

05-13-2012, 02:52 PM
a nice image of the 50/50 version German/Scandinavian, which isn't a surprise, because, if you look at Latvians and Estonians mostly that is typical occurrence in these folk.

So, in your opinion the look of 50/50 German/Scandinavian mix is the typical representation of Latvians?
I disagree strongly- Latvians have a unique Baltic look to them. It certainly isn't a mix of anything.

05-13-2012, 02:54 PM
East-Nordid with additional West-Baltid influences, which are a bit Borreby inspired.

05-13-2012, 03:05 PM
So, in your opinion the look of 50/50 German/Scandinavian mix is the typical representation of Latvians?
I disagree strongly- Latvians have a unique Baltic look to them. It certainly isn't a mix of anything.

Latvians have unique traits, just as every population, I'm not doubting that. If such traits wouldn't exist, no one could have guessed him as a Latvian or anything in that purpose.
The distinct look of Latvians isn't a ''mix'' but its uniqueness somehow has both Scandinavian and German typical features - robustness, oblong features etc., varies in pigmentation, different other aspects. They are of the same stock as the previously mentioned two - that is the only thing I'm saying. It is hard to define anything, when categorizing on national basis. You simply misunderstood me.

05-13-2012, 03:26 PM
The distinct look of Latvians isn't a ''mix'' but its uniqueness somehow has both Scandinavian and German typical features - robustness, oblong features etc., varies in pigmentation, different other aspects.
But these features that are in common between both Germans, Scandinavians and Latvians are innate to all of the aforesaid ethnicities. Latvians certainly haven't been influenced by Germans and Scandinavians to the level of adopting the look of these people. I hope I understood you correctly

They are of the same stock as the previously mentioned two - that is the only thing I'm saying. It is hard to define anything, when categorizing on national basis. You simply misunderstood me.
What is this the same stock that both Germans, Scandinavians and Latvians have?

05-13-2012, 03:46 PM
But these features that are in common between both Germans, Scandinavians and Latvians are innate to all of the aforesaid ethnicities. Latvians certainly haven't been influenced by Germans and Scandinavians to the level of adopting the look of these people. I hope I understood you correctly

What is this the same stock that both Germans, Scandinavians and Latvians have?

Please read again and you will find all the answers.
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