View Full Version : Classify Scarlett Johansson

05-13-2012, 12:16 AM
http://www3.pictures.zimbio.com/bg/Scarlett+Johansson+77th+Annual+Academy+Awards+TYQS vT966qrl.jpg

Scarlett Johansson is an American of Danish and Ashkenazi Jewish heritage.
Her father is a Native Danish and her mother is an American of Ashkenazi Jew.
I saw her heritage background article about her and I found that her mother's family are moved from Russia. I saw her mother's face, and I didn't found any Russian facial features on her mother. Her mother looks like a typical Jewish woman. Maybe Scarlett Johansson could have a Slavic heritage a bit, but due to her mother, I don't think she has. How's your opinion?

05-13-2012, 12:17 AM
I don't think she is pretty at all.

There is nothing Semitic in her look at all either.

05-13-2012, 12:20 AM
I don't think she is pretty at all.

There is nothing Semitic in her look at all either.

Lol, look at her childhood pic, she has a Semitic facial features.

05-13-2012, 12:30 AM
I don't think she is pretty at all.

There is nothing Semitic in her look at all either.
And nah, she is really pretty, and cute too!
I love her when she smiles faintly, lol.

05-13-2012, 12:43 AM
Gracilized Borreby

05-13-2012, 12:45 AM
Borreby with a strong to standard Nordid influence, which makes her appear quite Gracilized as GonzaloMNF indicates above.

05-13-2012, 12:51 AM
almost as borreby as marilyn monroe :) less diva but still cute. i liked her in both woody allen movies i saw her

05-13-2012, 12:57 AM
She looked very good in the new Avengers movie.

Contra Mundum
05-13-2012, 01:01 AM
No telling how much plastic surgery she has had to rid herself of Jewish features.

05-13-2012, 01:03 AM
Jewish features;

http://a1.ec-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/75/0354d91a09c54c28885a1fcb14a2dad3/l.jpghttp://www.feastoffun.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Winehouse.jpghttp://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTM2NzI3NTU5Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODkxODAwNA@@._ V1._SY314_CR9,0,214,314_.jpg

I doubt she ever had them.

05-13-2012, 01:05 AM
No telling how much plastic surgery she has had to rid herself of Jewish features.


She never looked stereotypically Jewish.

05-13-2012, 01:06 AM

05-13-2012, 01:06 AM
She looked more pseudo Lappid before. Not Jewish.

05-13-2012, 01:29 AM
Jewish features;

http://a1.ec-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/75/0354d91a09c54c28885a1fcb14a2dad3/l.jpghttp://www.feastoffun.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Winehouse.jpghttp://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTM2NzI3NTU5Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODkxODAwNA@@._ V1._SY314_CR9,0,214,314_.jpg

I doubt she ever had them.

05-13-2012, 01:53 AM
height 1.63 м

half Danish half Belarus Jew

05-13-2012, 02:15 AM
There´re a lot of jews that don´t look like stereotypical jews. One must be careful these days when dealing with strangers

05-13-2012, 02:17 AM
There´re a lot of jews that don´t look like stereotypical jews. One must be careful these days when dealing with strangers

lol. Yes you never know when Jew could be amidst :eek:

Scary indeed.

05-13-2012, 10:50 AM
I never thought she was pretty - she has weird lips/mouth

05-13-2012, 02:18 PM
http://www3.pictures.zimbio.com/bg/Scarlett+Johansson+77th+Annual+Academy+Awards+TYQS vT966qrl.jpg

Scarlett Johansson is an American of Danish and Ashkenazi Jewish heritage.
Her father is a Native Danish and her mother is an American of Ashkenazi Jew.
I saw her heritage background article about her and I found that her mother's family are moved from Russia. I saw her mother's face, and I didn't found any Russian facial features on her mother. Her mother looks like a typical Jewish woman. Maybe Scarlett Johansson could have a Slavic heritage a bit, but due to her mother, I don't think she has. How's your opinion?






05-13-2012, 03:48 PM
She is very pretty,and those old pictures of her are when she was a little girl,and a cute one indeed.

And keep that SF ''semitic traits'' bullshit for yourselves.

05-13-2012, 03:51 PM
She looks very Northern and very Eastern. I would guess her as Russian or somewhere in North-Eastern Europe.

05-13-2012, 03:56 PM
There´re a lot of jews that don´t look like stereotypical jews. One must be careful these days when dealing with strangers



At first glance i thought she was the typical American part Irish/German/English and Scottish :lol:

Frans Hals
05-13-2012, 04:00 PM
It's a Greek looking.

Jewish features;
http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTM2NzI3NTU5Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODkxODAwNA@@._ V1._SY314_CR9,0,214,314_.jpg

I doubt she ever had them.

05-13-2012, 04:01 PM
These blonde, blue eyed Germanic looking "Jews" probably have 10% Levantine ancestry at best.

05-13-2012, 04:02 PM
Pontid + Borreby

05-13-2012, 04:08 PM
These blonde, blue eyed Germanic looking "Jews" probably have 10% Levantine ancestry at best.

Real Semites are these peeps:

http://s14.postimage.org/bqfoc2ult/bedouinfamily.jpg (http://postimage.org/)
picture hosting (http://postimage.org/)

http://s7.postimage.org/pgerb8f63/Arabian4.jpg (http://postimage.org/)
gif hosting (http://postimage.org/)

05-13-2012, 04:09 PM
The original Jews would have been more like these Lebanese


05-13-2012, 04:13 PM
The original Jews would have been more like these Lebanese


Yeah, funny how they look better than Europeanized kikes.

05-13-2012, 04:14 PM
Because European Jews often have Armenoid features with light coloring.. a horrible combination.

05-13-2012, 04:23 PM
The original Jews would have been more like these Lebanese

Original Jews were basically palestinians. Anyways, Sephardics and Ashkenazim are not that far away from them on genetic plots, they are about halfway between them and other euros.

05-13-2012, 04:24 PM


At first glance i thought she was the typical American part Irish/German/English and Scottish :lol:

I was also surprised when I found out that Gwyneth Paltrow's father is an Ashkenazi.

05-13-2012, 04:24 PM
Original Jews were basically palestinians. Anyways, Sephardics and Ashkenazim are not that far away from them on genetic plots, they are about halfway between them and other euros.
In my experience, Sephardi Jews tend to look a lot more Middle Eastern than Ashkenazis who look more East European than Middle Eastern.

05-13-2012, 04:30 PM
Scarlett Johansson looks Northern European, and nothing else. She has nothing Semitic in her look.

Nose job? lol
I really don't think so.


05-13-2012, 04:33 PM
Scarlett Johansson looks Northern European, and nothing else. She has nothing Semitic in her look.

Nose job? lol
I really don't think so.

^ In the young photo of her, she looks like a generic Scandinavian girl (nothing obviously Jewish at all imo).

05-13-2012, 04:37 PM


At first glance i thought she was the typical American part Irish/German/English and Scottish :lol:

"round eye" should be an indicator, at least it sets of my Neolithic farmer radar.:D

05-13-2012, 04:38 PM
And nah, she is really pretty, and cute too!
I love her when she smiles faintly, lol.

I agree. She is damn cute, it is a pleasure to watch her movies.

05-13-2012, 04:47 PM


Straight men at the cinema might disagree .. look at their pants! :p

05-13-2012, 04:47 PM
She's lovely to look at. Her facial features are very sensuous.

05-13-2012, 04:49 PM

Straight men at the cinema might disagree .. look at their pants! :p
Her main appeal is her body, rather than her face - she is certainly not ugly but she is not stunningly attractive either imo.


Cover her body, and imagine her with a skinny body - not that hot imo.

05-13-2012, 04:52 PM
Her main appeal is her body, rather than her face - she is certainly not ugly but she is not stunningly attractive either imo.


Cover her body, and imagine her with a skinny body - not that hot imo.

her lips are luscious .. but yes i agree .. no match for the lovely eye-talian in your avatar :)

05-13-2012, 04:52 PM
Scarlett Johansson has an ugly face, but her body is more appealing (or, I can see how it would be to anyone attracted to women) :lol:

05-13-2012, 04:55 PM
Scarlett is not ugly pre-surgery or post-surgery. If she was your next door neighbor you would bang her over and over and maybe even marry her. It's easy to say things over the internet but in person I am sure you will act very differently. ;)

05-13-2012, 04:56 PM
Well there are mostly ugly fat women in my town so in my town she'd be beautiful.

05-13-2012, 04:56 PM
her lips are luscious .. but yes i agree .. no match for the lovely eye-talian in your avatar :)

You love those Jewish girl lips. :thumb001:

05-13-2012, 04:56 PM
Scarlett is not ugly pre-surgery or post-surgery. If she was your next door neighbor you would bang her over and over and maybe even marry her. It's easy to say things over the internet but in person I am sure you will act very differently. ;)
She is absolutely hot - but in Hollywood, she is nothing special facially.

05-13-2012, 04:58 PM
She is absolutely hot - but in Hollywood, she is nothing special facially.

Come on now... Hollywooders have had plastic surgery at least once to "fix" their face. It's all fake down there. :coffee:

06-19-2012, 03:00 PM
Borreby+Nordid and there were Tronder sign a bit but almost it is invisible.
She's mosly Borreby+Nordid.

06-19-2012, 03:10 PM
Agrippa said at Skadi that she is pred. Nordid with Eastbaltid influence and - "quite harmonious".

06-19-2012, 03:13 PM
She doesn't have a pretty face?? Come now, I know humans are prone to jealousy, but you are really humiliating yourselves with this one :P

Sultan Suleiman
06-19-2012, 03:27 PM
She is hot, but is it just me or do I see some Sarah Jessica Parker in her :)

06-19-2012, 04:03 PM
she's such a bad actress

06-19-2012, 05:09 PM
She reminds me of the user "Pale Blonde" from forumbidodiversity :)

Contra Mundum
06-19-2012, 05:13 PM
She is very pretty,and those old pictures of her are when she was a little girl,and a cute one indeed.

And keep that SF ''semitic traits'' bullshit for yourselves.

She isn't pretty at all. It's all fake. Hollywood manipulates their liberal audience with such ease.

Sultan Suleiman
06-19-2012, 05:14 PM
She isn't pretty at all. It's all fake. Hollywood manipulates their liberal audience with such ease.

I'd rather trust my dick than some weird internet man. :coffee:

Contra Mundum
06-19-2012, 05:18 PM
It's funny watching her slip up in the movies and speak a couple words in her New York Jew accent. It's one of the most annoying accents on the planet. Only a few people can pick up on such things. Liberals are clueless cattle.

She's very Jewish.

06-19-2012, 05:49 PM
she's beautiful but that's after surgery and heavy makeup.

01-04-2013, 08:19 PM
East Med. Would fit in Syria and Lebanon.

01-02-2014, 08:27 AM
Alpinized Tronder + Borreby-East Baltic intermediate. She is very pretty.

Her classification makes sense given her ethnicity. She looks like she can be related to the member Dexter Morgan.

Atlantic Islander
01-02-2014, 08:28 AM
I think she's beautiful, you guys are just haters.

01-02-2014, 08:34 AM
She's a babe. Not classically beautiful but pretty nevertheless.

Atlantic Islander
01-02-2014, 08:35 AM

01-02-2014, 08:37 AM
Borreby with a Skandonordid influence, nothing Semitic about her.

Prisoner Of Ice
01-02-2014, 08:41 AM
I don't think she is pretty at all.

There is nothing Semitic in her look at all either.

Being gay and mediterranean I would not expect you to like her much. She is a bit too heavy faced to fit your standards I imagine.

I do think she's pretty, and she looks like her father but more gracile. She's just not so much more pretty than so many other pretty girls. But most celebs seem to be kinda crap in the looks department these days, so in comparison she is quite attractive.

01-02-2014, 08:46 AM
In my experience, Sephardi Jews tend to look a lot more Middle Eastern than Ashkenazis who look more East European than Middle Eastern.

Wouldn't that be because there is a more direct Middle Eastern link? My readings would indicate such. Interestingly, both my SILs have Sephardic ancestry as well as Italian, Spanish, and Turkish. Indeed, if the Sephardic Jews of Spain were kicked out during the 1400s only to wind up in the Middle East, this would make sense. My one SILs' maiden name is Turkish.

Shkembe Chorba
01-02-2014, 10:48 AM

01-02-2014, 11:00 AM
Borreby, the Ashekanzi doesn't show at all. Very pretty by the way.

01-02-2014, 11:35 AM
I don't think she is pretty at all. :confused:


you're right, she aint pretty......she's fucking gorgeous as hell!

01-02-2014, 11:40 AM
I'd say she's quite hot. Her only feature I am not that fond of would have to be the shape and size of her lips lol. Although they aren't necessarily ugly....just not as great as the rest of her. Not sure why, but I like thinner lips on people lol.

When I was a kid my brother and all of his friends would have called them *bongo lips* lol.

She has great boobs. Hubs would agree, but he is a boob man, after all :P

01-02-2014, 11:42 AM
She looked very good in the new Avengers movie.

she looked very good in my wet dreams last night too..........as usual.

01-02-2014, 11:44 AM
I'd say she's quite hot. Her only feature I am not that fond of would have to be the shape and size of her lips lol. Although they aren't necessarily ugly....just not as great as the rest of her. Not sure why, but I like thinner lips on people lol.

When I was a kid my brother and all of his friends would have called them *bongo lips* lol.

She has great boobs. Hubs would agree!
yeah but I bet her lips are nice and juicy though.........and you and your Hub got great tastes btw.

01-02-2014, 11:48 AM
I have strong preference for Nordish phenotypes, as does my husband :) Can't help it. It applies for both men and women, but really, since these are familiar phenotypes to me given my own ancestry and family, it makes perfect sense.

I am the only one of my siblings like this, though.I'm the same way. Just be glad you're the one who turned out right.


01-02-2014, 11:48 AM
If I was a lez, I'd go for Scarlett lol....not some butch dyke.....ewwwww

01-02-2014, 11:53 AM
If I was a lez, I'd go for Scarlett lol....not some butch dyke.....ewwwww:thumb001::thumb001:

Oh god I'd pay to see that!.:naughty2:..............curious are you rhiannon? huh? Huh??!!! (LOL)

as a Lesbian myself I can verify that Yes, most of us Lezbos are extremely attracted to Scarlett and her like.

01-02-2014, 12:00 PM
There's several pics of me all over the forum. You've seen a few I'm sure lol

not really, I guess I havent come across any yet, to be honest.

where are they?............dont be shy (LOL)

01-02-2014, 12:13 PM
not really, I guess I havent come across any yet, to be honest.

where are they?
Check this thread (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?78539-Post-examples-of-CM-influenced-people-from-your-country/page3)....third page. There are pics of myself and my brothers :)

01-31-2014, 12:52 PM
Borreby- easily passes as a Levantine however

01-31-2014, 12:53 PM
I classify her voice as awesome. Anybody seen the movie 'Her'?

01-31-2014, 01:03 PM
She's gorgeous, I became a fan of her after watching 'Match Point'.

01-31-2014, 01:08 PM
Looks more Eastern Euro to me.

01-31-2014, 01:16 PM

King Claus
01-31-2014, 01:23 PM

her forehead is too short for that. also notice the quick slope? She's definitely some sort of pred nordid with armenoid ( hence the alpinid like features)

King Claus
01-31-2014, 01:24 PM
especially those neanderthal teeth of her give it away.

01-31-2014, 01:36 PM
her forehead is too short for that. also notice the quick slope? She's definitely some sort of pred nordid with armenoid ( hence the alpinid like features)

perhaps you right,perhaps this is infantile baltid traits,Armenoid not visible in her for me.

King Claus
01-31-2014, 01:38 PM
perhaps you right,perhaps this is infantile baltid traits,Armenoid not visible in her for me.

I can't really see it either ( the armenoid) but she seems heavily european admixtured so where else would the extreme neanderthaloid features come from? Considering that she's already heavily mixed.

King Claus
01-31-2014, 01:41 PM
http://i60.tinypic.com/r107t0.png This is a female faelid example

King Claus
01-31-2014, 01:42 PM
I geuss some might classify her as subnordid but she doesn't come close to that either.

06-14-2014, 02:41 PM
Mainly Borreby+Nordid, however shows a slight Semitic look. I believe it's the way her jaw fits the rest of her face, that and the teeth. Anyway, she's cute in the face, and she's got her smoking hot body.

06-14-2014, 02:50 PM
I don't think she is pretty at all.

There is nothing Semitic in her look at all either.
oh come on

06-14-2014, 02:52 PM
baltoid predominantly looks both slavic and germanic and pass among germany to ukraine(including sweden etc.. too)

James David Caulton
08-05-2014, 11:16 AM
like her she's very attractive

borreby/nordid traits predominant as for Semitic traits I heard she was pregnant her children might show her recessive Semitic traits.

08-05-2014, 11:29 AM
I read she is Gorid or something :confused: bullshit?

08-05-2014, 01:27 PM
Scarlett is mostly Baltid+Nordid

08-06-2014, 11:23 PM
Scarlett is mostly Baltid+Nordid


08-06-2014, 11:30 PM
sub nordid

08-07-2014, 05:12 AM
Pure Nordid (Baltid + Scandinavian Aboriginal)... In Moldavia, she would somewhat fit. Her features are not incompatible with Romanian (I don't think anyone would second guess her ancestry), considering her natural hair is brown...

08-15-2014, 02:56 PM
almost as borreby as marilyn monroe less diva but still cute. i liked her in both woody allen movies i saw her
Yes she does look almost like she could be Marilyn Monroe's Daughter, probably Scarlett is what Marilyn's and her Jewish Husband Arthur Miller's child would look like

11-20-2014, 11:20 PM
Here's her Ashkenazi Jewish mother Melanie Sloan who's ancestors were immigrants from Poland and Minsk in the Russian Empire.


Shkembe Chorba
11-21-2014, 04:54 PM

No way this woman could be Scarlett's mother. Scarlett is born from dew-drop in paradise under soft and bright beams reflecting the gentle bracing spring grass.

03-11-2015, 09:45 PM

04-05-2015, 12:26 AM

Prisoner Of Ice
04-05-2015, 12:29 AM

She never looked stereotypically Jewish.

Hahaha. Looks like she had tones of work. Cheek implants, chin, all new teeth that fit correctly in her mouth, nose narrowed.

She has been completely degracilized :lol:

04-05-2015, 12:53 AM
Here's her Danish Father. Kinda looks like Julian Assange.


04-05-2015, 02:50 AM
She has an odd look - blonde but with a strange Taurid strain, obvious in her profile.


04-05-2015, 02:52 AM

04-05-2015, 03:08 AM
I don't think she is pretty at all.

There is nothing Semitic in her look at all either.

I think she's attractive, but there are scores of Scandinavian girls (celebrities and ordinary girls) who are more attractive. It's Hollywood hype and the lemming factor combined that turned her into the next Grace Kelly, listing her above more attractive actresses. ymmv

10-14-2019, 10:58 PM
Not a loser human

06-20-2020, 11:09 PM
Her Danish father also has partial Swedish ancestry, hence the surname Johansson.

She looks Scandianvian/Germanic. Nordid + Borreby.

I don't think she looks that pretty. Before or after surgery. Something about her face always looked "off" with me.

11-24-2021, 09:54 AM
Balto-Borreby + Pontid-Armenoid

11-24-2021, 12:07 PM
Sibrid-baltid mix, looks asian-european mixed.