View Full Version : Eating right to help reduce anxiety levels

05-13-2012, 02:26 PM
Banning fried foods

There are foods you should eat and shouldn't when suffering from anxiety or you are just in a slump

When many people are in a slump they reach for comfort foods. Sadly, these comfort foods are often not the healthiest for you, since high fat foods, fried foods, and other high calorie snacks often top the list. However, if you substitute just a few super foods into your diet in place of these less nutritious ones you could start feeling the improvement right away. Remember that those higher fat and higher calories foods are often harder for your body to digest, not to mention low in any real nutritional content. Once your body starts getting the nutrition it needs, it feels better and runs more smoothly. And that means that emotionally you will feel better too.
Understanding super foods

So just what are these super foods? Super foods are natural foods that give the body a boost. Besides having a better ratio of nutrition per calorie, many of these super foods also have additional phytonutrients that keep the body running at its best. However, you should keep in mind that these foods offer the maximum benefits when they are left as natural as possible – over processing is one of the biggest nutrition-killers of natural food. For instance, choose fresh fruits over canned, stay away from pre-cooked and boxed dinners, and cook meals for yourself whenever possible.


If you stop into your grocery store, particularly in the summer, there is a good chance that you can buy fresh peaches. These fruits are one of the best super foods for you. The peach includes phytonutrients that can give you healthier skin and fight cancer. It also has a natural sedative that can help reduce stress and anxiety. Plus since peaches are sweet they make a great healthy alternative to sugary treats.

Acacia berries

This super food is a relative newcomer to many people, and is not as easily recognizable as peaches to the average consumer. However, this super food should not be ignored. The acacia berry has phytonutrients that are able to lift your mood, allowing you to feel better.

It also offers other health benefits, such as leveling out your blood sugar levels. This has caused some to advertise it as a magic weight loss berry as well. While leveling out your blood sugar can help reduce food cravings, it is also important to remember that real weight loss will occur only with a change in diet and exercise routine.


This relatively simple food has found its way into muffins, breakfast cereals, pies, and other dishes for years, so it may surprise you that this purplish little fruit is actually a super food. Blueberries can help to not only improve your mood, but there are also some studies looking at how it can combat Alzheimer’s disease. Blueberries can help restore brain function and shrink cancer cells. Plus the natural fruit sugars are a great source of energy. Blueberries make for a great snack and can be added to cereals, yogurts, or even eaten plain.


If you are looking for a super food that is not sweet, then almonds are a good choice. Almonds are rich in zinc and vitamin B12, making them real mood enhancers. They also contain monounsaturated fat, an essential ingredient for fighting heart disease. If you have trouble getting iron in your diet, almonds can help with this. And since low levels of iron often cause fatigue, a handful of almonds can give you that energy boost that you need to get through the day.


Chocolate is another super food, though we are not talking about your average candy bar. Raw chocolate is rich in magnesium, an essential element that over half of adults are deficient in. A lack of magnesium can explain sluggishness and mood swings. Sadly, when most people think of chocolate they reach for the sugar and fat-laden processed varieties. To get the true health benefits of chocolate, you want to look for options that are processed as little as possible and contain the highest cocoa percentages.

Maca root

Maca root is a powder made from a Peruvian root and can be found in certain supplements and drink mixes. Maca root contains a phytonutrient that can help ward off anxiety and depression, provided that you can find the unprocessed form. In its natural state, just one glass of tea containing maca root has more nutrients than a serving of most fruits and vegetables, including the nutrients calcium, iodine, iron, magnesium, and potassium. Some studies have found that maca root is just as useful at fighting depression as prescription antidepressants since it contains so many nutrients that are useful for improving mood. Plus since maca root is natural it does not have as many of the risks and side effects that are associated with prescription anxiety medication. Maca root powder can be made into a tea of sprinkled over other foods to give you the maximum health benefits.

Super foods are everywhere if you know where to look. And since many people are becoming more aware of their health and how what they eat affects it they are becoming easier to find. Many of them, like peaches and blueberries, have been found in your local produce section for as long as you can remember.

If you want to improve your mood and start feeling better then you should consider adding some of these super foods to your diet. Take the time to look for the most natural and unprocessed forms of these food as you can find for the best health benefits. And if you are truly looking to change how you feel, then you should use these super foods as alternatives for the more processed and less nutritious foods in your diet – particularly those high in fat, calories, and processed sugars.
