View Full Version : Classify these Puerto Ricans.

05-14-2012, 09:08 PM





05-14-2012, 11:17 PM
1. Alpinoid-Cro-Magnon with a strong to standard Atlantid/Atlanto-Nordid influence, although its tough to tell because he is mixed, and there are some additional Sudanid tendencies.

I would say he is a Quadroon technically, but probably more then that, so about 30-35% SSA, and then the rest is probably European.

His Atlantid/Atlanto-Nordid influence could be Nordid or it could be Atlanto-Mediterranid, although I doubt this, but the skin pigmentation from his SSA side is making it hard to distinguish.

2. Atlantid/Atlanto-Mediterranid with an Alpinoid and Sudanid influence, and he looks to be closer to being a Mulatto proper, although I would wage he is only 40-45% SSA.

I bet he could pass as a Dominican with a more Mulatto like appearance, but that would not be something I could properly distinguish.

He does have a very Caribbean look in my honest opinion, and probably in a technical sense fits in between Quadroon and Mulatto proper with more of a definite inclination towards Mulatto.

3. Cro-Magnon with a Dolicocephalic and Sudanid influence, and he looks to be close to being a Mulatto proper, but is probably slightly less then Mulatto.

He looks more like a Dominican to me, and I have seen types like him from that island.

Quite an exotic blend of European and SSA components, and as usual its tough to distinguish the types proper because of the mixing, but I can merge them into general types which lack more of a specificity.

4. Atlantid/Atlanto-Mediterranid + Alpinoid-Berid admixture, and approaching an intermediate from this angle, although his Alpinoid-Berid component could be stronger.

He looks like a darker Quadroon, but could be 30-35% SSA, although I expect its slightly less then this.

His European component is definitely more dominant, and I can tell that it is of Southwestern origin, but its still murky, because his SSA is still strong enough to make it difficult in bringing a greater deal of specificity to the classification.

5. Man: Robust Alpinoid with additional Atlantid/Atlanto-Mediterranid influences.

Could be an Alpinoid-Berid, but tough to tell from this angle, although there are some indications that he might be more then just a robust Alpinoid.

He looks like he is between Quadroon and Mulatto proper, but inclining slightly more towards Mulatto, so probably about 40% SSA.

Woman: Alpinoid-Mediterranid, and of all the people presented in this classification thread she clearly shows Amerindian influences.

I would say she is in the Castizo range, 30-35% SSA, 40-45% European, but really quite mixed.

I suppose she could fit into some areas of South America, but I has quite a diversity of traits corresponding to a tri-racial background.

05-15-2012, 05:18 AM
Anyone else?

05-15-2012, 05:42 AM
1. Typical light skinned/ pred. European Puerto Rican male. CM + Atlanto. Looks bit like the lead composer/latin hip hop from "Calle 13".http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.sweetslyrics.com/images/img_gal/1751_Calle13.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.sweetslyrics.com/pictures-calle_13-1.html&h=600&w=409&sz=84&tbnid=a7t0LNQVxlsM2M:&tbnh=90&tbnw=61&zoom=1&docid=0QDv1uE5ZJi6dM&sa=X&ei=Fe2xT6O_H8W46QGU__GKCQ&ved=0CJYBEPUBMAI&dur=953

2. Triracial - med- with Arawak Taino look. Yes Like GF said, he could pass a bit for Dominican.

3. Sadanid+ CM , with clear Noric elements considering his eyes.. He could pass for Dominican as well.

4. Very typical as well, he's more of the San Juan Puerto Rican "non-ghetto Neighborhood" look type to put it in that way, Med with some Atlanto and Alpinoid influences.

5. Both (girl, guy) Typical triricial Puerto Rican, Med-with minor ssa and Amerind look.

05-15-2012, 08:47 PM
Anyone else want to try?