View Full Version : Classify my compatriot Nicolaus Copernicus

05-16-2012, 08:15 PM
face reconstruction:

with girlfriend:

05-16-2012, 08:23 PM
Looks Norid in his facial reconstruction with additional West-Baltid tendencies, but in his portraits more Dinarid like with some strong to standard Norid influences.

05-16-2012, 09:15 PM
Dinarid/Norid would be right.
Whereas the question of his nationality would create another discussion...

05-16-2012, 09:20 PM
Dinarid/Norid would be right.
Whereas the question of his nationality would create another discussion...

I know, I know but my own nationality is corresponding with his ambiguity and we were born in the same city.:D

05-16-2012, 11:09 PM
Is there not a claim that he had some German ancestors, which would not seem out of place given where he came from, because I think he has a look which could that of a Germanic/Slavic mix.

05-17-2012, 03:59 AM
Born to ethnic Germans from then Polish-occupied Prussia. Father from Western Silesia (from a village that hasn't had Poles in centuries by that time). Has a German surname as well (originally Kopperningk). Mother, Barbara Watzenrode, was from Silesia as well (Sudeten area), from yet another traditional German area where no Pole has lived for centiuries.

Since older age pictures and facial reconstructions have far lesser importance than pictures from the period he was young, he looks like a Faelid-Pontid mix.

05-17-2012, 04:25 AM

05-17-2012, 06:04 AM
I totally agree with wikipedia point of view:

There has been discussion of Copernicus' nationality and of whether, in fact, it is meaningful to ascribe to him a nationality in the modern sense.

Historian Michael Burleigh describes the nationality debate as a "totally insignificant battle" between German and Polish scholars during the interwar period.

Polish astronomer Konrad Rudnicki calls the discussion a "fierce scholarly quarrel in... times of nationalism" and describes Copernicus as an inhabitant of a German-speaking territory that belonged to Poland, himself being of mixed Polish-German extraction.Rudnicki adds that Martin Luther, an opponent of Copernicus' theories, regarded him as Polish and referred to him as a "Sarmatic fool". (At the time, "Sarmatian" was a term for a nobleman of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland.)

According to Czesław Miłosz, the debate is an "absurd" projection of a modern understanding of nationality onto Renaissance people, who identified with their home territories rather than with a nation.

Similarly historian Norman Davies writes that Copernicus, as was common in his era, was "largely indifferent" to nationality, being a local patriot who considered himself "Prussian".

Miłosz and Davies both write that Copernicus had a German-language cultural background, while his working language was Latin in accordance with the usage of the time. Additionally, according to Davies, "there is ample evidence that he knew the Polish language." Davies concludes: "Taking everything into consideration, there is good reason to regard him both as a German and as a Pole: and yet, in the sense that modern nationalists understand it, he was neither."

The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy describes Copernicus as a "child of a German family [who] was a subject of the Polish crown", while others note that his father was a Germanized Pole. Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopedia Americana, The Columbia Encyclopedia and The Oxford World Encyclopedia identify Copernicus as a "Polish astronomer".

05-17-2012, 07:08 AM
I totally agree with wikipedia point of view:

wikipedia = jews, purveyors of multiculturalism whenever it doesn't apply to their demonic brethren

Nikolaus was German by every definition of the word (incl. looks, even though that is not a necessity), simply one that happened to live under Polish crown (but in a German speaking territory). The fact that he knew Polish (language of his land's rulers) make him no more Polish than a Roman (after all he knew Latin at least as good). Simply being a subject of same ruler has absolutely no impact of ethnicity. A nigger in France will just NEVER be a Frenchman...

05-17-2012, 10:59 AM
wikipedia = jews, purveyors of multiculturalism whenever it doesn't apply to their demonic brethren

Ok, with this powerful argument only I have to do is put my tail between my legs and pipe gladly: Copernicus was German! Copernicus was German! Oh my God! Copernicus! Was! German!!! (on high C)

05-17-2012, 11:02 AM

05-17-2012, 11:03 AM
Dinarid,not Norid.

05-17-2012, 11:05 AM
Dinarid,not Norid.

in the pictures yes, in the reconstruction no

05-17-2012, 11:32 AM
The reconstruction approaches an imaginary elderly Gunde Svan (Swedish athlete).


08-20-2012, 03:01 AM
Born to ethnic Germans from then Polish-occupied Prussia. Father from Western Silesia (from a village that hasn't had Poles in centuries by that time). Has a German surname as well (originally Kopperningk). Mother, Barbara Watzenrode, was from Silesia as well (Sudeten area), from yet another traditional German area where no Pole has lived for centiuries.

Since older age pictures and facial reconstructions have far lesser importance than pictures from the period he was young, he looks like a Faelid-Pontid mix.

Kopernik's family came from a Silesian village of Koperniki, near the town of Nysa (Neisse in German). The Nuremberg Chronicle issued in 1493, when Mikołaj Kopernik was 20 years old reports „plebs rustica polonici ydeomatis...” - the rural population around Nysa being still Polish at the time of writing.
Kopernik's father was a Cracow (the Polish capital at the time) merchant, who moved to Toruń (as part of the Polish immigration wave), after the city in the Polish province of Kujawy (Kujavia) had been reunited with Poland in 1466, liberated from the Teutonic Knights occupation. (Polish North Kujavia, Polish East Pomerania and Old Prussian Warmia - Old Prussians being Baltic, not German - since 1466, comprised the Polish province of Royal Prussia). Kopernik, later in his life, as the canon of Warmia, fought the Teutonic Knights, volunteering to defend Olsztyn (Allenstein) as the Polish garrison commander.
"Kopperningk" was a spelling never used by Mikołaj Kopernik and it is presently unknown in Germany according to http://www.verwandt.de. There are, however 22 telephone book entries for the name Kopernik in Germany, while there are 130 persons with this name currently living in Poland, mostly in upper Silesia. There are also people with similar names currently living in Poland: Kopernok, also in Upper Silesia - 82 people, Kopernicki, Koperniak -380 people, Kopernacki, etc. The name Kopernik has the typically slavic suffix "-nik" denoting agent noun, like in the Russian "Sputnik". The root is likely related to the Silesian dialect verb "kopyrtnąć - kopertnąć" meaning "jump" or "trip over something" and the archaic Polish noun "kopera" used to call jack rabbits. Speculation that the name has originated from the Latin or German name for copper is unfounded due to the fact that copper is called "miedź" in Polish and even in Kopernik's times the village of Koperniki, from where the family originated, was, according to German sources, inhabited by Polish speakers.
Kopernik's maternal grandfather Watzenrode, was a German, whose family likely immigrated to Poland in the wave of western immigration following the devastating Mongol invasion of thirteenth century, however his maternal grandmother's name was Polish Modlibóg.

08-20-2012, 03:49 AM

08-20-2012, 04:22 AM
I find that those Dinarid-Norids can give a pseudo Scando look.

10-28-2013, 12:27 AM

02-19-2014, 10:40 PM
wikipedia = jews, purveyors of multiculturalism whenever it doesn't apply to their demonic brethren

Nikolaus was German by every definition of the word (incl. looks, even though that is not a necessity), simply one that happened to live under Polish crown (but in a German speaking territory). The fact that he knew Polish (language of his land's rulers) make him no more Polish than a Roman (after all he knew Latin at least as good). Simply being a subject of same ruler has absolutely no impact of ethnicity. A nigger in France will just NEVER be a Frenchman...
He did also write in German, got a clearly German mother and self-identified him as a German. I think that's a pretty clear case.

12-07-2021, 10:28 PM
wikipedia = jews, purveyors of multiculturalism whenever it doesn't apply to their demonic brethren

Nikolaus was German by every definition of the word (incl. looks, even though that is not a necessity), simply one that happened to live under Polish crown (but in a German speaking territory). The fact that he knew Polish (language of his land's rulers) make him no more Polish than a Roman (after all he knew Latin at least as good). Simply being a subject of same ruler has absolutely no impact of ethnicity. A nigger in France will just NEVER be a Frenchman...

Yeah, wikipedia is shit but german nationalism is better?
His absurd theories led to the worst catastrophe in European history

12-08-2021, 11:43 AM
wikipedia = jews, purveyors of multiculturalism whenever it doesn't apply to their demonic brethren

Nikolaus was German by every definition of the word (incl. looks, even though that is not a necessity), simply one that happened to live under Polish crown (but in a German speaking territory). The fact that he knew Polish (language of his land's rulers) make him no more Polish than a Roman (after all he knew Latin at least as good). Simply being a subject of same ruler has absolutely no impact of ethnicity. A nigger in France will just NEVER be a Frenchman...

...yet people on here associate Dinarids with Eastern Europeans despite its distribution in Western Europe (also: Balkanites constantly claiming that Dinarids cannot be found outside the Balkans etc, countries in Western Europe with many Dinarids are considered more eastern shifted, like Italy). Going by his looks alone, he should be considered more Polish, since there are marginally more Dinarids in Poland than in Germany.