View Full Version : Dutch Roman Catholic church 'castrated' boys in 1950s

05-17-2012, 05:25 AM
Up to 11 boys were castrated while in the care of the Dutch Roman Catholic church in the 1950s to rid them of homosexuality, a newspaper investigation has said.

A young man was castrated in 1956 after telling police he was being abused by priests, the newspaper reported.

The justice minister is investigating the role of the government at the time.

Last year, an inquiry found thousands of children had been sexually abused in Dutch Catholic institutions since 1945.

Dutch MPs called for an inquiry after the report was published in the NRC Handelsblad newspaper at the weekend.
'Serious and shocking'

Henk Hethuis, a pupil at a Catholic boarding school, was 18 when he told police in 1956 he was being abused by a Dutch monk. He was castrated on the instructions of Catholic priests, NRC Handelsblad said, and told this would "cure" him of his homosexuality.

The same happened to at least 10 of his schoolmates, the newspaper said.

Hethuis died in a car crash in 1958.

Dutch Justice Minister Ivo Opstelten called the allegations "very serious and shocking" and said he would investigate the role of the Dutch government at the time.

The Dutch Catholic church has said it is willing to co-operate with an investigation to find out whether the media reports are true, Reuters reports.

A commission of inquiry last year said Catholic officials had failed to tackle the widespread abuse at schools, seminaries and orphanages.

The commission - headed by former cabinet minister Wim Deetman - found tens of thousands of children had suffered abuse ranging from inappropriate touching to rape.

It condemned what it called the church's cover-up and culture of silence.

NRC Handelsblad said the commission received a complaint about the alleged castration cases in 2010.

Dutch MPs are to ask formally for a parliamentary hearing with the head of the commission, former cabinet minister Wim Deetman, to ask him why he did not include the information in his report.
Simply Anti-Human
They behave like Negros. :/


05-17-2012, 05:32 AM
What is your intention for posting it?

05-17-2012, 05:36 AM
What is your intention for posting it?

The Post stands for itself.
I found it to be antihuman and disgusting, we all should know about that case.

Maybe, because iīm shocked about th sickness of these lunatics.
No Wonder, so many Catholics get out of the Church

Fortis in Arduis
05-17-2012, 06:41 AM
Are there any recordings of their high pitched voices? Has anyone made a squeaky documentary?

These boys were latter-day castrati.

They must have sounded like Klaus Nomi, but squeakier:


Heart of Oak
05-17-2012, 07:14 AM
Do castrati become fat or beautifully thin....

Fortis in Arduis
05-17-2012, 07:37 AM
Do castrati become fat or beautifully thin....

They become tubby, and grow man-tits.

05-17-2012, 07:53 AM
They become tubby, and grow man-tits.

They certainly do. Go back 120 years and this was normal practise by the Catholic church for homosexuals and paedophiles back in the day. Go 1000 years ago the Homosexuals and pedos once castrated joined the choir, and men that were castrated by the barbarians, survived and made it back could become priests.

Though the talented young boys were castrated for the music, the last "Castrato ALESSANDRO MORESCHI" sounds like this.


Heart of Oak
05-17-2012, 10:19 AM
Fortis how do you feel about man boobs n tubby people deep down.......

Fortis in Arduis
05-17-2012, 12:30 PM
Fortis how do you feel about man boobs n tubby people deep down.......

I think that they need to be wubbled on a regular basis.

Supreme American
05-17-2012, 08:20 PM
Tuan should be proud.

05-17-2012, 08:28 PM
Up to 11 boys were castrated to rid them of homosexuality
That makes absolutely no sense. Wouldnīt it just encourage homosexuality even more? :confused:

Fortis in Arduis
05-17-2012, 08:59 PM
That makes absolutely no sense. Wouldnīt it just encourage homosexuality even more? :confused:

No, it would not, and you only think that because you see homosexuality as a lack of masculinity and/or male sexuality.

Wrong! It is merely different.

These boys had their (whatever) sexuality taken away from them.

05-17-2012, 09:05 PM
No, it would not, and you only think that because you see homosexuality as a lack of masculinity and/or male sexuality.

Wrong! It is merely different.

These boys had their (whatever) sexuality taken away from them.

Not really what I was thinking at all... Although I cannot pretend to know very much about this subject, I figured once a manīs primary sexual organ (penis) is gone, he might be more inclined to seek anal pleasure.

Fortis in Arduis
05-17-2012, 09:35 PM
Not really what I was thinking at all... Although I cannot pretend to know very much about this subject, I figured once a manīs primary sexual organ (penis) is gone, he might be more inclined to seek anal pleasure.

Castration is the removal of the testes (and thus testosterone and sexual desire) not the peeny-weeny.

You can talk about anal amongst yourselves.

I'm done now, thank you. :)

05-17-2012, 09:37 PM
Castration is the removal of the testes (and thus sexual desire) not the peeny-weeny.


I'm done now, thank you. :)

Thanks for explaining, Iīm afraid I was a bit confused about the exact process.

The Lawspeaker
05-17-2012, 09:39 PM
Hmm. The Catholic Church in those days was a fairly nasty institution that permeated every sector of the Catholic's private life and even attempted to do so in other spheres. They even tried to control what a Catholic votes for and in 1954 the bishops declared that no Catholic could vote social democratic or join non-sanctioned labour organisations (meaning organisations that were not run by Catholic employers rather then employees), could not read non-Catholic (non-sanctioned) publications, could not read to non-sanctioned radio/ television broadcasts. It the years that followed the whole edifice of the Rich Roman Life (as it was called) began to crumble - a process that continues until this very day.

05-17-2012, 09:41 PM
Not really what I was thinking at all... Although I cannot pretend to know very much about this subject, I figured once a manīs primary sexual organ (penis) is gone, he might be more inclined to seek anal pleasure.

Does it means you speak about how they find sexuality when beeing receiving parts ?

How disgusting, isnīt it ?

05-17-2012, 09:49 PM
Does it means you speak about how they find sexuality when beeing receiving parts ?

How disgusting, isnīt it ?

If the testes are removed the man no longer produces testosterone (except for small amount from his adrenal glands), so he really no longer has any sexual desire, homo or hetero. Itīs a terrible thing.

The Lawspeaker
06-30-2012, 03:07 PM
It gets worse:

Rooms Katholieke kerk pleegde massamoord?
Moord op 37 gehandicapte kinderen

Tussen juni 1952 en januari 1954 zijn in het Rooms katholieke gesticht Sint Joseph in Heel waarschijnlijk 37 minderjarige gehandicapte jongens om het leven gebracht. Dit heeft het Openbaar Ministerie in Roermond vandaag bekend gemaakt. Bij de dood van de kinderen zouden de broeder die de kinderen verzorgde, de instellingsarts en de leiding van het gesticht betrokken zijn geweest. Het was broeder Andreas die, zoals hij omschreef in zijn memoires, handelde met toestemming van zijn oversten en verklaarde “hier nooit spijt van te hebben gehad”. De moorden werden verdoezeld door het afgeven van valse overlijdensaktes, waarin stond vermeld dat de kinderen een natuurlijke dood waren gestorven.

Commissie Deetman
Het OM was een strafrechtelijk onderzoek begonnen naar aanleiding van informatie die de commissie Deetman vond in het archief van het bisdom van Roermond. Deze informatie bevatte gegevens over een opvallend hoog sterftecijfer in het gesticht van de broeders van de Heilige Joseph in de periode 1952-1954. Het onderzoeksrapport van het OM bevat aanwijzingen dat de 37 kinderen mogelijk zijn overleden aan een overdosis morfine of luminal, een kalmeringsmiddel. Vijfentwintig van de kinderen kwamen uit een gesticht in het Limburgse Schinnen en belandden op de kinderafdeling van broeder Andreas. De bijnaam van deze broeder was “de spuitenbroeder”. De meeste jongetjes stierven kort na aankomst in het gesticht.

Seksueel misbruik en marteling
Tijdens het onderzoek werden er ook aanwijzingen gevonden voor zware mishandeling en seksueel misbruik, gepleegd door de broeders, de broeder-overste en de rector die verantwoordelijk was voor het godsdienstig leven. Hen werd de keel afgeknepen of ze werden tegen de muur geslagen. In de kelder van het gesticht moesten de jongens tijdens de nacht werkzaamheden verrichten voor de lampenfabriek van Philips.

Autoriteiten waren op de hoogte
Van de sterfgevallen, exploitatie van de kinderen en de overige misstanden was niet alleen het bisdom van Roermond op de hoogte maar ook de burgerlijke autoriteiten. Het onderzoeksrapport wijst niet alleen naar de directies van Sint Joseph en de oversten van de congregatie van de Heilige Joseph, maar ook naar de Arbeidsinspectie van Maastricht, de Inspectie voor de Volksgezondheid en de Voogdijraad.

Het OM stelt geen vervolging in omdat de misdrijven zijn verjaard en de betrokkenen inmiddels overleden. Broeder Andreas werkte in opdracht van de congregatie van de Heilige Joseph. Deze kan echter niet worden vervolgd, omdat rechtspersonen pas sinds 1976 strafrechtelijk vervolgd kunnen worden.

Verbijsterend en weerzinwekkend
De Rooms katholieke Kerk is de laatste jaren ernstig in opspraak geraakt door het gedrag van hun geestelijken in de jaren 50 van de vorige eeuw. Seksueel misbruik van kinderen en mishandeling kwamen veelvuldig voor. Niet alleen in Nederland maar ook in tal van andere landen. Onderzoek heeft steeds uitgewezen dat de leiding van de kerk op de hoogte was van deze misbruiken, maar dat zij dit nooit aan de kaak hebben gesteld. Kwam er in die tijd al eens iets naar buiten dan werd in de meeste gevallen het slachtoffer aangewezen als leugenaar en openlijk te schande gemaakt. Intussen konden de geestelijken gewoon hun gang blijven gaan met hun perverse gedrag. Dat er bij hun misdrijven nu ook massamoord moet worden opgeteld is verbijsterend en weerzinwekkend. Zeker als het gaat om een instituut die zegt “plaatsvervangers van Jezus Christus op aarde” te leveren.

Source: Gewoon-Nieuws.nl (http://www.gewoon-nieuws.nl/2012/06/rooms-katholieke-kerk-pleegde-massamoor/#.T-zQArVYxbo) ( jun.28, 2012)

07-02-2012, 09:54 PM
It was a common occurance during the Medieval Ages, surprised it still happened in the 1950s. I don't really understand the need to castrate homosexuals. Although I do believe sodomy is something that should be socially & legally punished.