View Full Version : Have you done drugs? and MBTI

05-17-2012, 04:24 PM
If you haven't, take the test:

05-17-2012, 04:31 PM
INTJ: yes. Qaaludes, black beauties,yellow jackets, speed, coke,mushrooms,mary jane but never any needle stuff. All except the maryjane and speed were one time events.

07-10-2012, 07:17 PM
I am INTJ. I have tried most 'categories' of drugs at some point in my life, from stimulants to opioids to hallucinogens. I tend to enjoy drugs that leave me "clear-minded" (for instance the opposite of what alcohol does) but in a good mood (ie: the most addictive ones unfortunately).

I was getting a tad out of hand with prescription amphetamine use from about 5 to 2 years ago, but since then, I have "reigned it in". I have a very bad family history with "substances" (on my mother and father's sides) so I realized after awhile that I better cut it out due to how a good portion of my family has ended up (like my father who is one of the nicest men you would ever meet but is a helpless slave to alcohol and benzodiazepines).

01-19-2014, 06:59 AM

I have done plenty of weed, and I have done speed once in college and a few times in Germany.

Today, I just did psilocybin for the first time. No open eye visuals, but I felt as if I was on Novocaine. I became very heavy. Objects became very crisp and "more three dimensional." I had tingling feelings in my hands and chest, and my face, hands, and feet went numb. I am almost completely back to homeostasis, but my tongue is still a bit numb and tingly. Not what I had expected. I took just under a sixteenth of an ounce.

01-19-2014, 07:26 AM
ISFP-yes, I have :)

but now I dont do drugs, I just smoke weed :thumb001:
