View Full Version : If you could create your own country...

The Lawspeaker
05-19-2012, 07:15 PM
What about it be like ?

I prefer very big islands or continents:


Hmm let's call mine " Free Tristania".

Position: the equator runs smack through the middle.



Climate: mainly equatorial and tropical. The sea provides for a gentle breeze all along the West coast. Because of the mountain ridge (as high as the Alps) in the centre of the country there would be an alpine climate right in the heart of the country.


Capital: Handelshaven (the Capital-Region has some 30 million inhabitants and it would look like a cross breeding of Willemstad ( Curaçao), Singapore and Hong Kong.)

Currency: Free Tristanian Daalder (Dollar). Banknotes of 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 1000. There are minted coins as well: 5 ct., 10ct, 25ct, 1 and 2/5.

Ethnic groups: mainly Dutch and English. Both slightly bastardised from their original versions due to interbreeding with each other. The former tribes living on the continent have gone extinct and only some of their genes appear in the present day population. There are some expats in the main cities (mainly in the capital) - mainly consisting out of foreign traders and students.

Population: 1.3 billion.

Languages: Slightly corrupted Dutch (closer to Afrikaans than to Dutch) and a slightly corrupted form of English due to the languages having been mixed over time. Sentences like " Dankie aan die fokken c..nt van een engineer ben ik nu te laat op mijn werk. Die trein was definetely een half uur te laat !" would not be completely uncommon. Words used by the original tribes would also have entered the language and have been corrupted over time but haven't made much of an impression - apart when it comes to some culinary, geographical, botanical and maritime terms. Some 30 percent of the population uses English as it's primary language (also there: Dutch terms have entered daily use) and both languages enjoy equal status before the law as well as in the use in the courts, administration, in parliament and in the education system.


Legal system and police: a mixture of Roman Dutch-law (17th century), common law and old British colonial law. Juries are in use. Punishments are severe: assault and battery as well as damaging property are corrected by the cane. Property damage and littering carry stiff fines and perpetrators end up doing hard labour. Murder and human trafficking are hangable offences (mandatory) so engaging in it is a very bad idea. It's Singapore on steroids.

The police services are divided over the Rijkspolitie (National Police) (which main tasks are border control (ports and airports), the protection of government services and anti-terrorism which includes providing air marshals as well cross-provincial highway/railway patrol) and the provincial police services. City neighbourhoods often have police boxes which serve police officers and citizens alike and integrate the police into neighbourhoods and this is where one can retrieve lost property.


System of government:
Federal constitutional monarchy (I will be His Majesty the King, just for the hell of it), parliamentary democracy (a bit like Australia) based on a mixture between the Dutch coalition system and the British Westminster System.

Two houses of Parliament known as the States-General: one lower house (Tweede Kamer / Second Chamber) and the senate (Eerste Kamer, First Chamber). The MP's in the Second Chamber are elected directly every four years and governments are formed by means of forming a coalition government. The Second Chamber appoints a neutral informateur which will have the task to see what parties could work together and he starts and leads the preliminary negotiations - after which the informateur resigns his commission and the parties involved appoint a formateur which will lead the last steps towards a cabinet and becomes the Prime Minister. This man/ woman could be the head of the biggest party but also an independent parliamentarian. It will be the job of Parliament to keep government in check.

The members of the First Member are partially elected by the councils in the provinces (Provincial Estates or Provinciale Staten) and partially hereditary Peers and Clergy that are members of the national church.

Apart from that there is an independent Hoge Raad (constitutional court) whose members are elected by their fellow judges in the regular courts since there is a strictly enforced trias politica.

For the rest: the country is divided into 26 provinces - which in turn are divided into municipalities. There are four Metropolitan Regions around the biggest urban regions that have the same rights as provinces. The people themselves (in their municipal and provincial elections) elect the burgomaster and the King's Commissioner (that lead the provincial councils and are representing H.M the King in the provinces as the local governor). The country also uses petitions and binding referendums in order to bring a wayward government to heel and correct their decisions.

Nationality laws: jus sanguinis. Only those of direct Free Tristanian descent can become citizens. Apart from those that marry into the family or are adopted. Citizenship (non-hereditary) can be awarded at the express wishes of the Royal Family (and after popular consent) to those foreigners that have done amazing services to the country. This custom, however, is extremely rare and could be considered the highest honour for any foreigner.

(I will write more soon).

05-19-2012, 08:11 PM
What's up amigo, not happy with what Karma is doing? :D

You have two choices, one is to mold reality to your liking or accept things the way they are, or the other choice, ( a better one ) work on purifying the mind with the goal to leave the conditioned realm for good. Here is a tip, one of these is impossible to achieve the other is extremely hard to achieve. Even extremely hard to achieve is preferable to impossible. What is it gonna be? :p

The Lawspeaker
05-19-2012, 08:13 PM
What's up amigo, not happy with what Karma is doing? :D

You have two choices, one is to mold reality to your liking or accept things the way they are, or the other choice, ( a better one ) work on purifying the mind with the goal to leave the conditioned realm for good. Here is a tip, one of these is impossible to achieve the other is extremely hard to achieve. Even extremely hard to achieve is preferable to impossible. What is it gonna be? :p
What the ... are you on about ?

Contra Mundum
05-19-2012, 08:24 PM
Large island nation similar in size to Australia, but not as dry. Around 200 to 300 million people. Would be 100% white European. Communism, Islam and Judaism would be banned. Other races can come as tourists or students, but cannot live there for more than 4 years. Jews wouldn't be allowed to set foot there at all. They would be the only group completely banned.

05-19-2012, 08:24 PM
What the ... are you on about ?

I was afraid you won't get it. ;) Your dream country, is different from reality isn't it? Has all the things you consider desirable, and it's not like anything that really exists, is it? Get it? If you don't don't worry about it one day you will ;) No offense amigo, my mind works in mysterious ways. I gotta stop posting drunk. :D

The Lawspeaker
05-19-2012, 08:34 PM
I was afraid you won't get it. ;) Your dream country, is different from reality isn't it? Has all the things you consider desirable, and it's not like anything that really exists, is it? Get it? If you don't don't worry about it one day you will ;) No offense amigo, my mind works in mysterious ways. I gotta stop posting drunk. :D

Maybe you should as it is just a " what if you could.."

05-19-2012, 08:39 PM
Maybe you should as it is just a " what if you could.."

Hahaha Good move. :D

The Lawspeaker
05-19-2012, 08:41 PM
Back to the topic. What if you could create your own country. What would it look like ?

05-19-2012, 08:49 PM
similar in size to Kazakhastan.
24% Plains (Temperate Grassland Type)
24% Thick Forests (Pine+Temperate)
13% Mountains (As high as the Rockies)
3% Lakes
20% Farmland
6% Built Up
The Latitude would be around Northern Virginia.
surrounded by sea on two sides.
85% Northern Europeans
6% Central Euros
5% Eastern Euros
3% Southern Euros
1% Aryans (Iran + Ainu + Levant)

Jews would be banned on the point of death.
National Socialism would be the ideology.
The Country would be rich in natural resources like petroleum, coal, iron and aluminium.
Inudstries would form 28% of the GDP.
Population would be around
With growth rate 2.4
SubRace Mixing and Slutty Behaviour are strictly banned.
Army would be
1.5 million troops
55,000 Special Forces
11,400 Artillery Pieces
14,500 Tanks (Light)
12,000 Heavy Tanks
7,600 Anti Aircraft Jeeps
430,000 Humvees
1,600 Choppers
2,700 Fighters
2,100 F/Bs
1,200 Bombers
800 Drones
960 Stealth Bombers
42 Battleships
145 Frigates
86 Cruisers
59 Submarines
6 N.Subs
150 Anti Sub Choppers

05-19-2012, 09:48 PM
Mine country will be called "Slavia"

Island, similar in size with Sri Lanka.

Population: around 4-5 milion

Climate: Subtropic

Capital: Slovenograd, with 250 000 population (most people live in villages)

Ethnic groups: Mainly slavs. Bulgarians, Serbians, Croatians, Slovenes, Russians, Poles etc., who are 100% of the population. Non-slavic groups are not allowed in the country.

Languages: It is formed a new languange, which is hybrid between all slavic languanges.

System of government:
Absolute monarchy. The head of the state is tsar, from the imperial dynasty of Romanov.

Religion: Orthodox Christianity, Catholic and Islam.

Administrative divisions: The country is divided from 9 counties, who are called zupanije. Every zupanije have it's own ruler, choosen by the tsar.

GDP (nominal):
Total -$5.198 trillion
Per capita- $56,267

Military: Commander-in-Chief is the tsar. The military age is 18. The active personnel is 263 923, the resserve personel is 1 234 876.

05-19-2012, 09:56 PM
Cool thread!
I think I would choose a big island and call it "La isla de Gon". I also would impose strong immigration and environmental protection policies.

05-20-2012, 08:00 AM
Nueva Santo Domingo (New Santo Domingo)

" We the nation, for ever after, free, powerful and prosperous "

Capital - Imperial District (Santo Domingo Province, Region 1)

Flag - Red, Blue, White (the same colors as the old one) with waves inside a circle. Red = Bloodshed surrounding us, Blue = Peace in us, White = Prosperity in us.
http://s19.postimage.org/tsvzhzb0j/bandera_azul_logo.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

Location- Hispaniola, east and west Antilles, Atlantic ocean.
http://s19.postimage.org/rzohfx0g3/caribbeanblank.gif (http://postimage.org/)

Political divisions- Imperial capital (yellow), Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, New Haiti (black), autonomous regions (in red).

History - A visionary rose to power, the country was almost destroyed until he changed everything. From the east, west, north, south, our adversaries saw us rising like an awaken dragon from the seas, we then conquered them and expanded until we had taken what we wanted and needed.

Government - Direct Imperial Cyberocracy (The fundamental feature of a cyberocracy would be the rapid transmission of relevant information from the source of a problem to the people in a position able to fix said problem, most likely via a system of interconnected computer networks and automated information sorting software, with human decision makers only being called into use in the case of unusual problems, problem trends, or through an appeal process pursued by an individual )

1. Democratically elected emperor (monitored by the Checks and Balance Citizen Bureau - CBCIB)
2.Term: As long as the people wish or at least 5 years.

Economy -


Currency - Digital pesos (finger prints or eyes and direct consent from a person by mind is required)

Infrestructure -

Transportation - Non-emission cars are used, but bikes are preferred and credited, public transportation is used and free for workers and special events.

Energy - 100% renewable energies.

Education - Is free and government helps students find the right job for them.

Health - Healthcare is 100%, except for luxury needs (breast implants for example). Government credits hospitals with funds if they score high.

Cigarettes are banned, weed is legal and used for treatment purposes limitless for free, and people over 18 can smoke but in limited amounts provided at their homes at their expense.

All restaurants and food production companies are mandated to provide healthy foods and give awareness of healthy eating to the population.

Religion -

Everyone is free to practice their religion without interfering with others. However it's a very secular nation.

Military and Law enforcement - Ruled by semi-private Citizens Defense Corporation (CDCORP)

Divisions -

1. Imperial Police.

2. Land Defense & Offensive forces.
3. Air Defense & Offensive Forces.
4. Sea Defense & Offensive Forces.

5. Space defense and monitory agency (SDMA).

Citizens Defense Corporation (CDCORP) produces it's own military and law enforcement equipment, sells it to local and autonomous regions and foreign countries providing jobs to millions of citizens and creating economic growth for the NSD Empire.

The emperor has full executive control over the actions of the military, however, it will be immediately reviewed by the monitoring bureau (the CBCIB) and if any actions are seeing as unconstitutional it is informed to the rest of the population promptly.

05-20-2012, 08:13 AM
Only good looking people allowed. This would create a true socialist society.

No talentless people fucking it up with their sly ways:D

Contra Mundum
05-20-2012, 08:16 AM
Only good looking people allowed. This would create a true socialist society.

No talentless people fucking it up with their sly ways:D

All good looking people are talented?

05-20-2012, 08:24 AM
I would have all the world where everyone is free to do what they like within reason. All religions are most welcomed. Everyone is kind to each other and helpfull. No barriers between race or colour. Everyone living as human beings and not animals. I have a dream.

05-20-2012, 08:25 AM
All good looking people are talented?

Looks are a talent. If there were no ugly people then we'd have no deceit. No one with anything to prove, just love.

05-20-2012, 08:25 AM
I once read somewhere agrippa corrleated progressiveness with conventional good looks and thus with higher intelligence and drive.
Of course, harmonious combination of Non Progressive features might amount to a 'good looking' person but that's entire subjective.

Contra Mundum
05-20-2012, 08:28 AM
I would have all the world where everyone is free to do what they like within reason. All religions are most welcomed. Everyone is kind to each other and helpfull. No barriers between race or colour. Everyone living as human beings and not animals. I have a dream.

That's America. It's why it's so fucked up.

05-20-2012, 08:28 AM
Looks are a talent. If there were no ugly people then we'd have no deceit. No one with anything to prove, just love.

Not good looking people but homogenous people.
Japanese are not exactly good looking compared to let's say, Swedes but they still live deceitless and harmonious lives.

Contra Mundum
05-20-2012, 08:29 AM
Looks are a talent. If there were no ugly people then we'd have no deceit. No one with anything to prove, just love.

Naw, there will still be some better looking than others and that causes jealousy. The bar will just be raised is all.

05-20-2012, 08:31 AM
That's America. It's why it's so fucked up.

Yeah right.
When liberal and race traitor women say that 'We're are all the same.' 'he's a nice guy' or 'We choose for love' , they don't know that Non-white men don't choose for love.
Non White Men are more interested in her white flesh.
If they were so idealistic and romantic, then why did they abandon their own females first?

05-20-2012, 08:34 AM
Not good looking people but homogenous people.
Japanese are not exactly good looking compared to let's say, Swedes but they still live deceitless and harmonious lives.

Good point! Maybe that's why I'm drawn to Nazism.

05-20-2012, 08:35 AM
Naw, there will still be some better looking than others and that causes jealousy. The bar will just be raised is all. yeah maybe. I still intend to create my island model race, with or without your help.

Contra Mundum
05-20-2012, 08:37 AM
yeah maybe. I still intend to create my island model race, with or without your help.


05-20-2012, 08:38 AM
+Similar to USA

(Superpower, Prosperous, Freedom, Democracy, Constitution)

minus The Wars,The Poor, The Niggers,Chinks,Mestizos and all other Non-Caucasoid Mutts, The Faggots

+Official Religion "Positive Christianity"

05-20-2012, 08:40 AM
I'm racialist towards other major races, non-European ones.

05-20-2012, 08:41 AM
I'm racialist towards other major races, non-European ones.

Im against non-caucasoid ones, my country would be like turkey kinda, where white caucasoids meet mid east caucasoids and there runs blondes and swarthies at same time, i think turks are good looking bunch anyways, so i would be content.

05-20-2012, 08:43 AM
+Similar to USA

(Superpower, Prosperous, Freedom, Democracy, Constitution)

minus The Wars,The Poor, The Niggers,Chinks,Mestizos and all other Non-Caucasoid Mutts, The Faggots

+Official Religion "Positive Christianity"

you need to tone down your hate

05-20-2012, 08:43 AM
you need to tone down your hate


05-20-2012, 08:45 AM
Im against non-caucasoid ones, my country would be like turkey kinda, where white caucasoids meet mid east caucasoids and there runs blondes and swarthies at same time, i think turks are good looking bunch anyways, so i would be content.

Well, define "Turks" :D

05-20-2012, 08:53 AM
Well, define "Turks" :D

racially hybrids between europe/anatolia/mideast with slight turanid(mongoloid) (~5%)

culturally muslims, turanic language family etc.

i know a turkish family and the father was a typical mideasterner the mother redhead and the children blonde,brunette, and swarthy......

in such a country both of my parents would have a room (both are caucasoid with different subraces)...... and i would fit there good too

just in my country the culture would be different....


btw im content with a small island the seize of malta and im president.... the system would be similar to USA....

05-20-2012, 08:54 AM


05-20-2012, 09:22 AM
Looks are a talent. If there were no ugly people then we'd have no deceit. No one with anything to prove, just love.

Watch Starship Troopers from 1997, it's loosely based on the Heinlein book although it differs from it in significant ways.

One of the interesting things in this films is the Fascist Futuristic One World Govt and in particular, the Citizens of this Fascist Paradise who all seem to be "good looking" :D


05-20-2012, 10:27 AM
+Similar to USA

(Superpower, Prosperous, Freedom, Democracy, Constitution)

minus The Wars,The Poor, The Niggers,Chinks,Mestizos and all other Non-Caucasoid Mutts, The Faggots

+Official Religion "Positive Christianity"


The Lawspeaker
07-16-2012, 08:34 PM
I am playing Nationstates (http://www.nationstates.net/) and since I am trying to give my RP some quality I feel the need to make sure the political system looks good and efficient on paper and I am using the basic system that I used while starting this thread. I have already subdivided the country into shires (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=900598) (or graafskappe) but I notice that my earlier Dutch ideas might not work on paper because of the sheer scale of the nation that I have to RP (the Dutch system is quite centralised and works only in a small country such as the small rl. Netherlands). So I have to think bigger. I have 171 million people living in a country four times the size of India with a lot of wilderness between all those small market towns and villages - including swamps, jungles and mountain ranges (and plenty of them) with few roads and railways leading through it all. But how do I subdivide enormous shires (bigger then your average rl. U.S state) into smaller units ? In what ways are the counties that are used in the U.S similar to Dutch gemeenten (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Municipalities_in_the_Netherlands) (municipality) ?

Do I have to put another bestuurslaag ("layer of governance", administrative unit) between the shire and the municipality ?

07-16-2012, 09:01 PM
I am playing Nationstates (http://www.nationstates.net/) and since I am trying to give my RP some quality I feel the need to make sure the political system looks good and efficient on paper and I am using the basic system that I used while starting this thread. I have already subdivided the country into shires (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=900598) (or graafskappe) but I notice that my earlier Dutch ideas might not work on paper because of the sheer scale of the nation that I have to RP (the Dutch system is quite centralised and works only in a small country such as the small rl. Netherlands). So I have to think bigger. I have 171 million people living in a country four times the size of India with a lot of wilderness between all those small market towns and villages - including swamps, jungles and mountain ranges (and plenty of them) with few roads and railways leading through it all. But how do I subdivide enormous shires (bigger then your average rl. U.S state) into smaller units ? In what ways are the counties that are used in the U.S similar to Dutch gemeenten (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Municipalities_in_the_Netherlands) (municipality) ?

Do I have to put another bestuurslaag ("layer of governance", administrative unit) between the shire and the municipality ?

Impressive nation that. Well I think the county system could be altered to fit the needs of that nation by simply making the counties cover a much larger area. The areas covered would have to be connected by transit routes - roads, rivers or any other infrastructure.
Towns could form boroughs within the counties whilst the smaller villages and the wilderness could be divided into parishes. Parishes are mostly looked after by the surrounding towns but the few people who live in them have some say over local affairs.

Or you could divide the nation into provinces.

07-16-2012, 09:04 PM
It's really fun to think about how to govern your "own" nation, but I guess in reality most of these ideas just wouldn't work ;)

The Lawspeaker
07-16-2012, 09:37 PM
Impressive nation that. Well I think the county system could be altered to fit the needs of that nation by simply making the counties cover a much larger area. The areas covered would have to be connected by transit routes - roads, rivers or any other infrastructure.
Towns could form boroughs within the counties whilst the smaller villages and the wilderness could be divided into parishes. Parishes are mostly looked after by the surrounding towns but the few people who live in them have some say over local affairs.

Or you could divide the nation into provinces.
The bigger units have already been arranged. I am using the British-style shires but with the same responsibilities as a Canadian province. But it is the smaller subdivisions that pose problems. What I thought about was to use two additional tires basically based on the German system with a kind of rural districts similar to the Regierungsbezirke (which I will name landelike distrikte or rural districts) but on a bigger scale followed by 5 or 6 villages forming a county or kerspel (using the name dating back to an old Dutch rural subdivision).

How the policies are going to be determined and on what level is something I am not sure about yet.

07-16-2012, 09:45 PM
Not a country, but a new state. South Jersey would be the 51st state severing all ties with the northern part of what is now called New Jersey.
We have our own culture, our own way of speaking and accent, we don't say 'joisey", we drink "wooder", we eat hoagies not heros or grinders and we are tired of north Jersey with all the corruption which sucks the money out of our end in taxes.

Hammonton would be the new base of government being in the centre of the new South.
The loblolly pine would be the official symbol,all peoples would be welcome as long a you weren't a dickhead or too lazy to work.
We get to keep all the tax money from the casinos in Atlantic City so taxes would be low.
Car insurance fees would drop like a brick since we wouldn't have to carry the load for the over populated and don't know how to drive asswipes from up north.
Politcians would get two 4 year terms and they are done, no more career makers in the capitol.
Policticians must make all financial records of government related business available to the public at least twice a year. Anyone caught working the system gets jail time, no pleas, no nothing.
There would be no motorcycle helmet laws and no motor vehicle inspections.
You would be required to own a gun after proper background check to keep the nutters from having one. A mandatory one time training and certification class would be in place, but there would be no permits or other cop crap busting your stones on the gun bit.
Everyone will get extra tax credits for taking a vacation "Down the Shore". Tourism bucks keep the Shore businesses afloat and what you buy local stays local.
Education while mandatory, schools you use would be your choice. You pick the school and you pay, all schools would a pay as you go item. You don't have kids, you don't pay.
We get to keep 1/3 of the State Police force, the rest can go to try and keep up north from killing each other.

The new map of the 51st State, the State of South Jersey


07-16-2012, 09:49 PM
I am playing Nationstates (http://www.nationstates.net/) and since I am trying to give my RP some quality I feel the need to make sure the political system looks good and efficient on paper and I am using the basic system that I used while starting this thread. I have already subdivided the country into shires (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=900598) (or graafskappe) but I notice that my earlier Dutch ideas might not work on paper because of the sheer scale of the nation that I have to RP (the Dutch system is quite centralised and works only in a small country such as the small rl. Netherlands). So I have to think bigger. I have 171 million people living in a country four times the size of India with a lot of wilderness between all those small market towns and villages - including swamps, jungles and mountain ranges (and plenty of them) with few roads and railways leading through it all. But how do I subdivide enormous shires (bigger then your average rl. U.S state) into smaller units ? In what ways are the counties that are used in the U.S similar to Dutch gemeenten (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Municipalities_in_the_Netherlands) (municipality) ?

Do I have to put another bestuurslaag ("layer of governance", administrative unit) between the shire and the municipality ?

Well, If your shires are state size just turn them in to states. Within the states turn the most densely populated areas in to "cities" and towns. Create a county around the bigger cities and incorporated towns and, by bigger I mean by population density. Hope that helps.

Well, that's how it works for us.
Though you might end up with some pretty weird configurations. My state, Pennsylvania has 67 counties of all types of sizes and shapes. You might get something like Lycoming County which happens to be larger than the whole State of Rhode Island. Good Luck.:)

The Lawspeaker
07-16-2012, 09:59 PM
Well, If your shires are state size just turn them in to states. Within the states turn the most densely populated areas in to "cities" and towns. Create a county around the bigger cities and incorporated towns and, by bigger I mean by population density. Hope that helps.

Well, that's how it works for us.
Though you might end up with some pretty weird configurations. My state, Pennsylvania has 67 counties of all types of sizes and shapes. You might get something like Lycoming County which happens to be larger than the whole State of Rhode Island. Good Luck.:)
I could do that. Would a gemeente (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Municipalities_in_the_Netherlands) be similar in structure to a county ?

07-16-2012, 10:23 PM
Western Norway!




National anthem:


Western Norwegian flag :)


07-16-2012, 10:45 PM
I could do that. Would a gemeente (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Municipalities_in_the_Netherlands) be similar in structure to a county ?

Actually yeah, it sort of works in the same way.
Seeing as municipalities/ gemeenten are essentially lower level governance of what in the Netherlands would be a providence and here we call a state.

You've also have to consider that counties isn't the lowest level of government. You've also got villages or boroughs that can be incorporated in to a city proper, then that incorporated city becomes the lower level of governance, although there could be also be even lower levels like small villages or unincorporated areas which don't belong to any counties.

Okay, this is where it's gonna get a bit complicated.

Take for example New York City. It is an agglomeration of 5 counties, Kings County which the borough of Brooklyn is in, Queens County where the borough of queens is in, New York County where Manhattan is in , Bronx County where the borough of "the Bronx" ( aplty named after a Dutchman might I add :wink ) and Richmond County which the borough of Staten Island is in.

So you can take counties, that have cities or boroughs in them that if they are close and populous enough you could create a wider level of government within a state, essentially calling it a "city". But those cities/Boroughs within the counties can also have their own government as well as participating in their individual county governments.

I'm sorry to complicate things so much if you need any more information I'd be happy to provide it, :cheers:

The Lawspeaker
07-16-2012, 10:46 PM
I could use that system as it isn't too complicated and very easy to manage.

07-16-2012, 10:48 PM
The Confederate municipalities of Valdres and Hallingdal
http://www.distriktssenteret.no/imagearchive/content_decoration_Hensfjellet__Vang_i_Valdres._Me d_Begna_i_framgrunnen..jpg


Coat of Arms and Flag:

Comte Arnau
07-17-2012, 07:52 PM


Catalania or Katalania, officially the Free Republic of Catalania, is a Romance country situated in the West Mediterranean region of Southern Europe. It is bordered by Spain in the west, France in the north and Italy in the east.


It is the 9th country in Europe in terms of population; around 25 millions people reside in Katalania, with the majority concentrated in the Barcelonia region. In terms of area, it is the 14th largest European country. Katalania is a parliamentary republic with a central government based in Barcelona and autonomous governments in each of the 7 regions of the country. About 3,300,000 residents live in the Greater Barcelona area. Other large cities include Marseille, Valencia,Toulouse, Palma and Nice.

Katalania is the result of the early expansion of the House of Barcelona over the Counts of Toulouse and Provence, the consolidation of this union after the defeat of the French in the Albigensian Crusade, the expansion over the formerly Moor kingdoms of Valencia and Majorca and the colonization of the islands of Corsica and Sardinia after the defeat of the Genoese. The Kingdom of Aragon left Katalania and joined Spain in the 16th century, while some minor counties in the Toulouse region became part of France after the buffer states of Limousin and Auvernia joined France in the 17th century. The Kingdom of Sicily and Naples seceded from Katalania in the 18th century and joined the Kingdom of Italy in the 20th century. The consolidation of the Katalanian regions as a single country became obvious after the Napoleonic Wars, and the Seven would politically become a decentralized Republic.

Map of Katalania in the 12th century

The official language of Katalania is Standard Katalanian, an abstraction built upon the Barcelonian and Tolosan varieties, which is used in the media. Valencia and Provence have their own Katalanian substandards. Spoken Katalanian is the language of 95% of the Katalanian population. Corsican and Sardinian are the primary languages in the eastern islands of the country, and both are official there alongside Katalanian.

The traditional religion of the Katalanians was Catharism, appeared in the country in the 11th century. After defeating the French at Muret, Catharism became the official religion of Katalania until the beginning of the 20th century.


Anthem of Katalania
The anthem of Katalania is Stella Splendens, a medieval song in the score of the Red Book of the Holy Mountain of Montserrat. The official version is in Latin, but there are also Katalanian, Corsican and Sardinian versions.


07-17-2012, 08:27 PM
I would create it out of the remeants of America and call it Vinland.

Lemon Kush
01-21-2013, 03:11 AM
Hmm... lets see, the country would be large with a Mediterranean climate with many beaches and resorts to visit. It would also have many of its own natural resources such as petroleum, iron ore, gold, diamonds and timber.The majority religion practiced in the country would be Eastern Orthodox Christianity, but other religions such as Catholicism and Protestantism would be welcome too. Judaism and Islam would be strictly forbidden. The country would also have many mountainous regions where the climate is much colder and where poorer people live. The capital of the city would be called Silvershore due to its proximity to the ocean. Its population would be around 10 million and it is the financial heart of the country. The type of government would be democratic where the people elect their ruler. Murder and rape would be serious offences and would be punished by lethal injection. Immigration to the country would be strict. Only the smartest and brightest people from other countries would be allowed to live and work there. The official language of the country would be English.

01-21-2013, 09:01 AM
Name: People's Empire of Americas

Geographical Location -
The entire Americas continent (North, Central, Caribbean and South).

Political divisions -

It will be divided by Northern American super region, Central, Caribbean and finally the South American region. Each of these capitals will play two main roles , to represent it's region and the 2nd to serve as an alternative and/or supportive capital in case of a great emergency or times of crisis.
Each region will have its own capital.
The main capital will be Santo Domingo as it's right in the center of the empire (continent itself).
There won't be a central government or representative it will be more like a decentralized one. The people will take most decisions by vote, then each region's managers in chief or commanders will sort and manage everything out.

Religion -

Very Secular.

Economy -

The super dollar.
Will be base solely on gold.
People don't need paper money as everyone will have a virtual account of their own, you pay with finger print or by special password.
The system is made stealing proof.

Languages -

Main (English)

and other Native American languages.

Military - or (DEFENSA)

The military will be both privately and half government or people owned. It will only invade other countries by people's choice and defense itself automatically or executive orders from the central capital (mainly symbolic) and the military corporation (DEFENSA).
It will work like giant corporation owned by the people and some parts by the government.

Defansa will be divided in four areas:

1. DEFENSA Ground.
3. DEFENSA Coastal & Oceanic.
4. DEFENSA Special Space division.

Each of these will have their sub-divisions.

01-21-2013, 09:15 AM
thats kind of silly idea. It would only be kind of cool if there would exist eatsern orthodox germanic speaking people and protestant slavic people in europe as well as roman speaking protestants. Then all 3 major religions would covering all 3 major language families in europe.

Han Cholo
01-21-2013, 09:29 AM
I would create a country called Madassghanistan.


The official alphabet would be any that is backwards and otherwise impossible for people that don't belong to such backwards culture. The language doesn't matter as they will anyway find any other apparently random excuse to fight each other. Their religions would likely be sectarian beliefs in old monotheistic gods typical of such region. The capital I guess would be some slum in Jordania or Iraq for practical/central purposes. In this country there are lots of camels and kangaroos and they run along. This country would hypotethically be the biggest and dirtiest desert in the world. Camels are considered sacred as young males often debut on them before approaching a living being of their same intelligence (or not). Women are often treated like their scarcely available cattle, and arranged marriages are common. Despite the big territorial size and varied ethnic nature of this country (despite they look all the same and equally hairy to foreign eyes), inbreeding is a problem. Their diet consists of eating random kinds of lizards, rats, snakes and pork. The people in this country also show a specific reverence to a particular kind of snake, which is seen as a symbol of virility by people in this culture and rutinely practice circumsicion in order to make their penises look like (a far smaller) one of them.


01-21-2013, 09:46 AM

01-21-2013, 10:08 AM
Russia, Belarus, Ukraine (without Lvov), the Baltic States, Moldova, Northern Kazakhstan with other European populated lands in Asia.


01-21-2013, 10:10 AM
Russia, Belarus, Ukraine (without Lvov), the Baltic States, Moldova, Northern Kazakhstan with other European populated lands in Asia.


Why do we need poor Baltic states? We have lots of problems without them

01-21-2013, 10:16 AM
^ The Balts are noble, high cultural people. They are better than Caucasians.

01-21-2013, 10:18 AM
The Republic of New Rome

Capital: Constantinople


All non Europeans and people of non-Christian culture should be deported to Asia Minor.

01-21-2013, 10:18 AM
^ The Balts are noble, high cultural people. They are better than Caucasians.

We can lure those smart and cultural people. It's a bit illegal to take such a big territories :D

01-21-2013, 10:32 AM
Russia, Belarus, Ukraine (without Lvov), the Baltic States, Moldova, Northern Kazakhstan with other European populated lands in Asia.


Any map where the Baltic states are in a personal union with Russia should be dubbed as "the most impossible scenario for the next thousand years".

Meh, at least you didn't include Finland, I've seen that on some Russian maps.

01-21-2013, 10:37 AM
Any map where the Baltic states are in a personal union with Russia should be dubbed as "the most impossible scenario for the next thousand years".

There are still some supporters of Russia. But I would consider my "country" as a Union of autonomous Republics. Something between USSR and EU.

Meh, at least you didn't include Finland

I have been thinking about it. :D

01-21-2013, 10:40 AM
There are still some supporters of Russia. But I would consider my "country" as a Union of autonomous Republics. Something between USSR and EU.

We already have 21 republics aka national states. :picard2:

01-21-2013, 10:50 AM
We already have 21 republics aka national states. :picard2:

Well, I don't mean the inner regions of the Russian Federation. But such countries like Ukraine, Belarus, Baltica can't live without an autonomy. Even the Russian North of Kazakhstan.
All these lands have their own specifics and it is very important to preserve them. They differ from Central Russia (even Petersbug has its own non-mainstream specifics).

01-21-2013, 10:55 AM
Well, I don't mean the inner regions of the Russian Federation. But such countries like Ukraine, Belarus, Baltica can't live without an autonomy. Even the Russian North of Kazakhstan.
All these lands have their own specifics and it is very important to preserve them they differ from Central Russia (even Petersbug has its own non-mainstream specifics).
I think only Tatarstan and West Ukraine should get cultural autonomy. In another case it brings separatism, this is what we can see now in all republics.
Look at population of republics, White part is Russian

01-21-2013, 11:07 AM
In another case it brings separatism, this is what we can see now in all republics.

Look. If you have a specific culture and cherish it, you will hate anyone who would dare to destroy your beloved culture (Ukraine vs Russia).
In this case, an autonomy and a self-government gives a people tools to preserve their uniqueness. And the most important thing is an esteem from the Metropolis.

01-21-2013, 11:11 AM
Look. If you have a specific culture and cherish it, you will hate anyone who would dare to destroy your beloved culture (Ukraine vs Russia).
In this case, an autonomy and a self-government gives a people tools to preserve their uniqueness. And the most important thing is an esteem from the Metropolis.
I could understand if it was about Tatarstan, but you're talking about Ukraine. What's the difference between our cultures? Lard? Nobody is going to destory their culture, I think we should allocate money and make a research of "5000 years Ukrainian culture" :);)

01-21-2013, 11:19 AM
I could understand if it was about Tatarstan, but you're talking about Ukraine. What's the difference between our cultures? Lard? Nobody is going to destory their culture, I think we should allocate money and make a research of "5000 years Ukrainian culture" :);)

Culture is different there in Pomorye, Siberia, Central Russia (Moskovia), the Far East, Petersburg. Even Smolensk differs from the rest of Russia (it was a part of Poland for ages).
East and West Germany, North and South Korea all they are different, moreover West (Ukraine) and East (Russia) Ruthenia (Русь) do differ too.

01-21-2013, 11:26 AM
I think only Tatarstan and West Ukraine should get cultural autonomy. In another case it brings separatism, this is what we can see now in all republics.
Look at population of republics, White part is Russian

and how many people do they have?? russians make up 81 % they need to shut and except.

01-21-2013, 11:27 AM
Any map where the Baltic states are in a personal union with Russia should be dubbed as "the most impossible scenario for the next thousand years".

Meh, at least you didn't include Finland, I've seen that on some Russian maps.

there live russians so its legitim

01-21-2013, 11:29 AM
Smolensk oblast:




Actually all this look like a typical Belarusian landscape and differs from Central Russia very much.

01-21-2013, 11:35 AM
Actually all this look like a typical Belarusian landscape and differs from Central Russia very much.

Of course it looks different, we live in Russia, not Estonia :) Very big country, you know

01-21-2013, 05:27 PM

I would be king, Kustas I.

01-23-2013, 02:57 AM
The new Eastern Republic of America (ERA)

http://s7.postimage.org/kne2u0hwr/map.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/kne2u0hwn/full/)

After the collapse of the US by a worldwide extraterrestrial invasion one last region remains standing strong, eastern US .

There's a +1,500 mile long, very thick and militarized border wall. Armed space crafts petrol our outer space boundaries, our left-over nuclear warheads challenge and frighting surrounding en
• Capital: still Washington D.C (remained New Washington).
• Population remaining: 45 million.
• Divisions: Northern, Central and Southern Districts.
• Economy/ Trade: Gold trade, citizen owned military complex, technology and food.


No presidents, the country is run like a national corporation, the people chooses its leaders.

Religion: Secular, spiritual.

New Washington capital megacity (population 2,834,000)
Image of the Central Nationalized Government Headquarters of the People's Republic (or CentraNationalHQ)

http://s7.postimage.org/hx4qwtl7v/futuristic_1300x813_wallpaper_www_wall321_com_21.j pg (http://postimage.org/)

01-23-2013, 07:22 PM
Find me a relatively small island somewhere, or peninsula. Self-reliant. Population of maybe 100,000 (or maybe a bit more), one major town as the capital, some villages and a lot of hamlets. Farm-able land being farmed, fish-able waters being fished. Very little centralised power - A small council (probably more like a town council) in charge. Candidates for joining the council and for leadership of the council done through a democratic voting system. The council are responsible for organising the aims of the people, and should only be concerned with matters that effect the country. Trade agreements with those that want to buy any of our exports, and also so that we are not cut off completely. Strict immigration policy (but that is understandable given the small size).

Climatically a northern or western European climate, somewhat like the British Isles. So cool but mild, winters never too bad, summers never too warm. Somewhat wet and windy (but you might expect that, being an island or peninsula xD). Decent tree coverage on areas not being used for cultivation and the like.

01-23-2013, 07:30 PM
Old Karantania + Old Karniola + some minor sorrounding areas. xD

01-24-2013, 04:29 PM
Find me a relatively small island somewhere, or peninsula. Self-reliant. Population of maybe 100,000 (or maybe a bit more), one major town as the capital, some villages and a lot of hamlets. Farm-able land being farmed, fish-able waters being fished. Very little centralised power - A small council (probably more like a town council) in charge. Candidates for joining the council and for leadership of the council done through a democratic voting system. The council are responsible for organising the aims of the people, and should only be concerned with matters that effect the country. Trade agreements with those that want to buy any of our exports, and also so that we are not cut off completely. Strict immigration policy (but that is understandable given the small size).

Climatically a northern or western European climate, somewhat like the British Isles. So cool but mild, winters never too bad, summers never too warm. Somewhat wet and windy (but you might expect that, being an island or peninsula xD). Decent tree coverage on areas not being used for cultivation and the like.

I'd give it more of a Northern French climate - hot enough to grow grapes and peaches in summer, cold enough in winter to get lots of snow.

01-24-2013, 05:05 PM

01-24-2013, 05:28 PM
Country: Republic of Western North America


Population: around 51 million

Capitol: Portland

Districts: Northern Zone, Eastern zone, central zone, Northern California zone, southern California zone.

type of government: Federal republic, with more emphasis on individual rights, like Switzerland.

official religion: None, secular republic.

Official languages: None but English and Spanish would be de-facto languages.

economy and type: diverse with an emphasis on commerce, industrial production, and research and development. Economic type would be a capitalistic economy but not the traditional lassiez-faire economy that the old USA had. more like a Northern European model but with less government intervention.

Immigration policy: all people would be welcomed from all over the world but immigration quotas would be put in place to regulate immigration so that no massive immigration would occur.

01-25-2013, 10:37 PM
Republic of Southeastern Highlands


The country would be located in the border between the states of São Paulo (SP), Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and Minas Gerais (MG), in Southeastern Brazil:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/df/Southeast_Region_in_Brazil.svg/500px-Southeast_Region_in_Brazil.svg.png


The black is from the flag of the state of São Paulo (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5f/Bandeira_do_Estado_de_S%C3%A3o_Paulo.svg/500px-Bandeira_do_Estado_de_S%C3%A3o_Paulo.svg.png), the blue is from the flag of state of Rio de Janeiro (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/59/Bandeira_Estado_RiodeJaneiro_Brasil2.svg/500px-Bandeira_Estado_RiodeJaneiro_Brasil2.svg.png)and the white is from the flag of the state of Minas Gerais. (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f4/Bandeira_de_Minas_Gerais.svg/500px-Bandeira_de_Minas_Gerais.svg.png). I chose a vertical-striped flag because we are a Romance-speaking nation.

I share some of Jackson's ideas. It would be nice to have a small country in the mountainous region between the states of São Paulo (SP), Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and Minas Gerais (MG). It is the most mountainous area of the Brazilian Highlands, and it is also a region of strong European influence. The climate is subtropical do temperate, and resembles the climate of SW Europe.

Also, it is a quite prosperous region, both economically and socially, with many cities that score some of the highest standards of living in Brazil. The mountainous landscape is breathtaking, so it could be a pole of tourism. We would also have a coastline to avoid becoming a landlocked nation.

Some towns in this region:

Penedo (state of Rio de Janeiro, Finnish influence)


Campos do Jordão (state of São Paulo, German and Swiss influences)


Serra Negra (state of São Paulo, Italian influence)


Landscapes from this region:


01-25-2013, 10:48 PM
Just bought Tropico 4.

Now dreams can become reality. :D

01-25-2013, 11:15 PM
Just bought Tropico 4.

Now dreams can become reality. :D

Good luck El Presidente!

02-25-2013, 12:38 AM
---> moved to Games

03-07-2013, 01:08 PM
The Nordic Dominion


Coronation speech of Pallantides, Emperor of the Nordic Dominion:

Fellow Nordics,
I come to you in the wake of recent events
to issue a call to reason.
Let no Scandinavian deny the perils of our time. While we battle one another, divided by the petty strife of our common history.
The tide of a greater conflict is turning againts us, threatening to destroy all that we have accomplished.
It is time for us as nations, and as individuals to set aside our longstanding feuds and unite!
The tides of an unwinnable war are upon us, and we must seek refuge upon higher ground, lest we be swept away by the flood.
Social Democracy is no more. Whatever semblance of unity and protection it once provided is a phantom... A memory. With our enemies left unchecked, who will you turn to for protection?
The devastation wrought by the alien invaders is self-evident.
We have seen our homes and communities destroyed by the calculated blows of multiculturalism.
We have seen first-hand our friends and loved ones consumed by the nightmarish European union.
Unprecedented, and unimaginable though they may be, these are the signs of our times.
The time has come my fellow Nordics, to rally to a new banner!
In unity lies strength. Already many of the dissident factions have joined us.
Out of the many we shall forge an invincible whole, capitulating ONLY to a single throne!
And from that throne...
I... Shall watch over you. From this day forward, let no Scandinavian make war upon any other Scandinavian. Let no Nordic agency conspire against this new beginning. And let no man consort with alien powers. And to all the enemies of the North, seek not to bar our way. For we shall win through... No matter the cost.

King Claus
03-07-2013, 04:31 PM
What about north germany and frysia?

03-07-2013, 04:39 PM
They are neither Scandinavian or Nordic(Greenland is included because they are under Denmark), but I guess we could include them as the Dominion expands.

King Claus
03-07-2013, 05:14 PM
But you will leave the rest out right? xD

03-07-2013, 11:00 PM
Forget it Pallantides, we West Germanics know when we're not wanted. Frisia and North Germany are part of our greater West Germanic reich. :p We can have our own exclusive club too, no Scandos allowed. :D

03-07-2013, 11:05 PM
Forget it Pallantides, we West Germanics know when we're not wanted. Frisia and North Germany are part of our greater West Germanic reich. :p We can have our own exclusive club too, no Scandos allowed. :D

Palla doesn't want a bunch of Germanic Farmers.

03-08-2013, 01:19 AM
Palla doesn't want a bunch of Germanic Farmers.


10-17-2013, 12:06 AM
Santo Domingo Empire

http://s7.postimg.org/5r2wzvd4b/fdggd.png (http://postimage.org/)

http://s10.postimg.org/mfag32fnt/image.png (http://postimage.org/)

capital: Santo Domingo de Guzman - pop 5 million

population - 43 million

The 5 stars represent the 5 annexed states (Puerto Rico, Haiti, Jamaica, Cuba, Bahamas), blue represents the sky freedom, white represents peace, and the shield is the Santo Domingo shield, its main headquarters and territory they are autonomous regions under strict military and political control.

Official Language: Spanish
second language: English, Haitian creole.

Demographics: Bahamian: 3%, , Dominican 40%, Puerto Rican 20%, Haitian 36%, 2% othes.

Government: Imperial, Poly-ethnocracy: is a type of regime where more than one ethnic group governs the state. In this case all groups dominate, and one is elected every 10 years to represent the whole Empire.

Economic system: Socio-capitalism.

Religion: Completely secular.

Currency: Santo Domingan peso

GDP: 4Trillion

GDP per capita: 93,023 (in US dollars)

Military: Space forces (SPAF), Air Shield Forces (ARSAF) , Ground Divisions, Naval Forces (Naval) .

All are under the 50% citizen, 50% government own/ voting rights organization DEFENSA, which also manufactures 40% of the military hardware used.
Defensa plays an important role in the Empire's economy. It employs millions of citizens, assists in many policing / security tasks and education.

10-21-2013, 01:11 AM
Amuria Confederation


capital: Port Okhost - population: 30,000

population - 5 million

Official Language: English
Recognized minority languages: Russian

Demographics: 60% British, 20% English, 10% Irish, 5% Scottish, 5% Russian and other.

Government: Libertarian-ish

Economic system: Not purely Libertarian, but influenced by it.

Religion: Anglican

Currency: Amur pound

GDP: 500 billion USD

Military: Amur Navy, Amur Airforce, Amur Army, Amur Foreign Legion .

12-24-2018, 07:23 PM
if I could, my own country would be like this (;
