View Full Version : Know Your Enemy, Japan (1945)

The Lawspeaker
05-20-2012, 03:30 AM
Know Your Enemy, Japan (1945)

A U.S. Government Propaganda Film (Frank Capra). Circa 1945.
Full Lenght With Japanese Subtitles.

The Lawspeaker
05-20-2012, 03:37 AM
There was this part that was particularly interesting: when the presenter talked about the little house factories where people worked in semi-slavery and at little to no wages and the fact that they were undercutting everyone why hoarding resources and building up their military power while hiding behind a face of respectability while beginning to bully their Asian neighbours and spread propaganda: sounds like today's China to me.. and that's not a pleasant thought.

05-20-2012, 04:03 AM
I know that the Japanese peace was one of the smoothest and most tranquil occurrence, which is quite odd when you think of the highly militaristic nature of Japan during the war. Japan had just run out of steam, and they were rather stupid for initiating America into the war, because they just did not have the resources to keep up with them. Actually when Japan started off the war they stood no chance, unlike Germany, because they had few resources inside Japan.

That is why Japan had to start early with conquering Manchuria, which was actually conquered as a gift for the emperor by a militia. Then they had to give up attacking Russia in order for them to expand upon their area of resources. They just could not handle a war with Russia due to their lack of supplies and resources, but had to go into the South to do so. The Greater East-Asia Co-Prosperity plan was a brilliant ideal, and allowed the Japanese to defeat the English and French throughout Southeastern Asia.

They were not ready for a long term war, but merely a war which operated on a more incremental basis over certain areas. Japan's navy was their shining pearl, and once they engaged with America that was shattered to pieces, and then they had to depend on their land military. It was good, but not compared to their navy when it was backed up with their air force, and this shows that Japan was not prepared for any long term land military war.

That said the land military was efficient when it was dealing with an incremental war, which was waged on one strategic region from one time scale to another, and would be done so on a local level. That said in retrospect, even though Japan was a highly charged militaristic state it was all rather superficial in its makings.

Japan just did not have the spirit promoting a long term stabilization of that military spirit, and Japan was beginning to modernize, although the time frame in which WW2 occurred fused both traditionalist and modern components. Japan lacked the more authentic long term realization, planning, and ambition that Germany had in terms of creating, maintaining, and stabilizing their designs for empire.

As I have said before this was due to their resources in part, their more introverted/defensive isolationist mentality traditionally speaking, and their power sphere/military capacity of applying the first factor appropriately. Bringing the U.S. was one of the stupidest ideas ever, and only created a national tragedy, which would spur not merely the U.S., but the entire Ally force to eternal "glory."

05-20-2012, 04:16 AM
There was this part that was particularly interesting: when the presenter talked about the little house factories where people worked in semi-slavery and at little to no wages and the fact that they were undercutting everyone why hoarding resources and building up their military power while hiding behind a face of respectability while beginning to bully their Asian neighbours and spread propaganda: sounds like today's China to me.. and that's not a pleasant thought.

I think this is a typical East-Asian method to acquire power, and to subjugate local populations, so they can keep them under control. East-Asian is so large, and their are so many provinces/districts to monitor and keep control of that you would basically need a police like force to maintain the order of the people. Generally these people would be made to go about their everyday work as if nothing had changed in regards to the operations of their work.

That said the Japanese would be in control of the industry and factories, and utilize their production towards their war effort, so basically the Chinese were having their benefits stolen from them, while they were being enslaved doing their ordinary jobs.

The Chinese have picked it up a notch, and make people work in their own industrial plants and local industry, which they have constructed. Everything operates on their terms, and for their own self-interest/benefit with the workers being reduced to merely the levels of slaves with little to no benefits or pay. This is all part of controlling and suppressing the local populations, and is all part of their propaganda programs/measures.