View Full Version : Classify Mauro Tassotti

Cristiano viejo
05-25-2012, 03:52 AM





Lemon Kush
05-25-2012, 04:00 AM

05-25-2012, 04:08 AM

Ugo Tognazzi
05-25-2012, 11:21 AM
narrow Mediterranean brain case. Dinaric influence.

He is probably of Marche origin (east coast)

05-25-2012, 03:12 PM
Dinarid-Armenid (more Armenid though imo)

05-25-2012, 03:16 PM
that is one impressive nose

10-27-2012, 11:05 PM
Armenid + Dinaroid.

King Claus
10-27-2012, 11:30 PM
armenoid with atlantid and slight alpine

02-27-2014, 10:24 AM
Adriatid-Mediterranid with an Armenoid-tier nose.

02-27-2014, 10:51 AM
he is Dinarid + Berid

stop classifying everybody with a big bose as Armenoid

02-27-2014, 10:54 AM

02-27-2014, 10:59 AM
Iberian-looks Iberian.

Scipio Africanus
02-27-2014, 11:00 AM

he is not Tassotti

Dinarid Med

02-27-2014, 11:15 AM
Iberian-looks Iberian.

yeah it could be, the pigmentation inside that nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooose is quite brown. :D

Cristiano viejo
02-27-2014, 10:03 PM
he is not Tassotti

who is he?

02-27-2014, 10:16 PM
Mediterranid + Taurid.

Damião de Góis
02-27-2014, 10:25 PM
who is he?

Mirko Slomka

02-27-2014, 10:28 PM
Have neve seen a Italian like this. He'd fit better amongst Italian-Americans than Italian-Brazilians, they are so woggish.

Cristiano viejo
02-27-2014, 11:39 PM
Mirko Slomka

I looked for a profile picture to show his nose and it seems that I noticed not too well...

02-28-2014, 05:57 AM
Levantine or more likely Maghrebi. Import type from Roman era...

01-14-2015, 03:54 PM

Tooting Carmen
01-14-2015, 03:55 PM

01-14-2015, 03:55 PM

01-14-2015, 03:57 PM
He looks armenoid

01-14-2015, 03:59 PM
Very atypical nose and you are a troll.

01-14-2015, 04:01 PM

01-14-2015, 04:10 PM
Let's not be rude. We have seen a disproportionate number of blondes lately, don't forget that.. this guy is atypical but he is still Italian just as they are.

01-14-2015, 04:14 PM
Not at all, this nose is very atypical in the entire Italy.

01-14-2015, 04:22 PM
Armenoid is common among italians

01-14-2015, 04:40 PM
His nose is Dinarid.

King Claus
01-14-2015, 04:50 PM
classic syrian nose :laugh: http://i60.tinypic.com/24cfnsg.jpg

01-14-2015, 05:06 PM
Let's not be rude. We have seen a disproportionate number of blondes lately, don't forget that.. this guy is atypical but he is still Italian just as they are.

This does not mean to post hordes of exotic and atypical italians like Tassotti.

01-14-2015, 07:59 PM
Dinaro-Med with a weird nose.

His nose is Dinarid.
No, that isn't a Dinarid nose at least not a standard Dinarid nose. If it was the OP wouldn't have posted him.

01-14-2015, 08:03 PM
Armenoid is common among italians
Not as common as it is in the Gypsystan country you crawled out from.

01-14-2015, 08:23 PM
Pastor is a fucking troll, and i find shameful that an administrator defends him

01-14-2015, 08:26 PM
His nose is Dinarid.

its armenoid imo, but his other features are more dinarid


01-14-2015, 09:44 PM
Armenoid- Atlantid

Chop his nose and he can pass in Britain

Give him a tan and he fits in west Asia

Beat that wannabe shape shifters :icon_lol:

01-14-2015, 09:49 PM
Looks like your uncle

01-14-2015, 09:50 PM
Armenoid- Atlantid

Chop his nose and he can pass in Britain

Give him a tan and he fits in west Asia

Beat that wannabe shape shifters :icon_lol:

not even Brits are safe from big noses ;)


Davy Jones's Locker
01-15-2015, 08:08 PM

Mn The Loki TA Son
05-24-2015, 09:52 PM





Beak-nosed Italian, looks like a Afro-Levantine. typical exotic looks of Italians. Dinarid-Armenoid.

Mn The Loki TA Son
05-24-2015, 09:55 PM
The 3rd pic screams Jew face.

Keep Shake It
05-26-2015, 02:04 PM

Sebastianus Rex
11-16-2017, 01:38 PM
Former Italian defender, a true ambassador of the catenaccio.






Sebastianus Rex
11-16-2017, 04:41 PM
Oops, just now I realized that my friend Cristiano Viejo had already made a thread about this great catenaccio representative.

Anyway my pictures are better, especially those of the young Mauro with a jewfro, so opinions please.

Cristiano viejo
11-16-2017, 04:49 PM
Dirty player.

Armenoid as fuck. As someone says Dinaro-Med or some shit so I will cross his monitor and will kill him :cool:

11-16-2017, 04:52 PM
Not only the one made (with trolling purposes) by CV but also another one https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?155692-Classify-italian-guy

Now they will merge.


Cristiano viejo
11-16-2017, 04:57 PM
^ Dinaro-Med :lol:

Sebastianus Rex
11-16-2017, 05:08 PM
Dirty player.

Armenoid as fuck. As someone says Dinaro-Med or some shit so I will cross his monitor and will kill him :cool:


I agree with CV, dinaro-med seems absurd in this case. Let's get real, if Tassotti is Dinaro-Med then so is Fellaini.





11-16-2017, 05:21 PM
just wanted to say dinaro-med

Cristiano viejo
11-16-2017, 05:29 PM
I agree with CV, dinaro-med seems absurd in this case. Let's get real, if Tassotti is Dinaro-Med then so is Fellaini.

Forget his Jewfro. Just focus on his nose. If this ultra-hooked nose is not Armenoid, then what is an Arme nose??


11-16-2017, 06:28 PM
please stop slandering this dinaro-med ubermensch

11-16-2017, 06:37 PM
There is not a thing such as "Armenoid nose". Get a life guys.

Cristiano viejo
11-16-2017, 06:40 PM
please stop slandering this dinaro-med ubermensch

haha that made me laugh, thumb up for cavi ;)

Sick Like
11-16-2017, 07:05 PM
Taurid arrived in Neolithic

11-16-2017, 09:58 PM
Dinarid + Berid.

Cristiano viejo
11-16-2017, 10:00 PM
Dinarid + Berid.

worst classification ever :lmao

11-16-2017, 10:05 PM
worst classification ever :lmao

I ain't here for your agenda.

Sick Like
11-17-2017, 08:50 AM
Taurid arrived in Neolithic

Italian blogger Paolo Sizzi classify Mauro Tassotti like taurid on his album

Cristiano viejo
11-17-2017, 10:07 AM
I ain't here for your agenda.

Yeah you are here for your own.

11-17-2017, 10:17 AM
His nose is very Semitic indeed. Armenoid with Dinaric admixture.

Sick Like
11-17-2017, 05:49 PM
Nose is not indicative but total features can be distintive.. For example armenian and georgian people are armenoid but they are not semite.. A semite have part arabian admixture while Tassotti seem a Georgian.. he'se a minor type of late neolitic

11-17-2017, 06:03 PM

looks like anatolian.

11-17-2017, 06:44 PM
Dinaro Med.

As for the nose, This type of nose is not uncommon among dinarics, see German Stef Graff for example.

11-17-2017, 10:37 PM
Yeah you are here for your own.

I am not the one with an agenda here.

Cristiano viejo
11-17-2017, 10:57 PM
I am not the one with an agenda here.

Clearly you have an agenda, admit it or fuck off. I do.

11-17-2017, 11:16 PM
Clearly you have an agenda, admit it or fuck off.


11-18-2017, 01:57 AM
The man is mesocephalic so he cant be Amrenoid or Dinarid, he is a mix


Cristiano viejo
11-18-2017, 02:09 AM
The man is mesocephalic so he cant be Amrenoid or Dinarid, he is a mix


Such classifications are basically based in features of face, not in the form of the head :rolleyes:

11-18-2017, 02:15 AM
Armenoid + Dinaro-Med

11-18-2017, 02:26 AM

11-18-2017, 02:27 AM
Such classifications are basically based in features of face, not in the form of the head :rolleyes:

Skull shape is more important to genetics ,
the man can also be Doli/Meso so he cant be just Armenoid or Dinarid

Cristiano viejo
11-18-2017, 02:28 AM
Skull shape is more important to genetics ,
the man can also be Doli/Meso so he cant be just Armenoid or Dinarid

Perhaps to genetics, but genetic has nothing to do with a simple pheno classification.

Sick Like
11-18-2017, 09:49 AM
Such classifications are basically based in features of face, not in the form of the head :rolleyes:
Features are not decisive but help to classify

Sebastianus Rex
11-20-2017, 05:50 PM
Dinarid + Berid.


worst classification ever :lmao

What exactly does Odin see of Berid about this extremely gracile and armenized individual ?! :rolleyes:


Berids are alpinoids/reduced CMs for Christ sake. :picard1:


Sebastianus Rex
11-20-2017, 06:00 PM
I am not the one with an agenda here.

Actually if you were without an agenda as you claim, instead of making ridiculous classifications you should admit that the nazi asshole of your avatar would sent Tassotti to a concentration camp just because of his look.

11-21-2017, 02:35 PM
What exactly does Odin see of Berid about this extremely gracile and armenized individual ?!

His jaw, he is mainly Dinarid.

Actually if you were without an agenda as you claim, instead of making ridiculous classifications you should admit that the nazi asshole of your avatar would sent Tassotti to a concentration camp just because of his look.

Sure, you will be next in line though.

Sebastianus Rex
11-21-2017, 02:45 PM
His jaw, he is mainly Dinarid.

Again, berids are alpinoids/reduced cms, they have typically relatively robust and rounded jawline, nothing to do with Tassotti.

No trolling, he is not Armenoid (his skull is not so), he is primarly Dinaro-Med but has clearly armenoid influence.

Sure, you will be next in line though.

You'd probably go before than me, I don't have a giant hook nose neither other middle-eastern traits that are common among your ancestors. :thumb001:

Cristiano viejo
11-21-2017, 02:48 PM
No trolling, he is not Armenoid (his skull is not so), he is primarly Dinaro-Med but has clearly armenoid influence.

Tassotti could not be less Armenoid. I dont know about Armenoid skulls (first time I heard) but that nose...

11-21-2017, 02:52 PM
Again, berids are alpinoids/reduced cms, they have typically relatively robust and rounded jawline, nothing to do with Tassotti.

That's your opinion.

You'd probably go before than me, I don't have a giant hook nose neither other middle-eastern traits that are common among your ancestors. :thumb001:

Last I checked, I don't have Middle Eastern or any Mud (ahem I mean) Med ancestry, so jog on and troll someone else.

Sebastianus Rex
11-21-2017, 02:53 PM
Tassotti could not be less Armenoid. I dont know about Armenoid skulls (first time I heard) but that nose...

His nose is 200% armenoid, no question about it.



This pic is helpful to identify an armenoid skull (on the right), compared to a pred. Mediterranean skull (on the left)


11-21-2017, 02:55 PM
Again, there is not an "Armenoid nose"...


Your obsession for Tassotti nose is funny. Like the nose is the only thing to use for classification...

Sebastianus Rex
11-21-2017, 03:00 PM
That's your opinion.

It is a matter of fact, not my opinion.

Last I checked, I don't have Middle Eastern or any Mud (ahem I mean) Med ancestry, so jog on and troll someone else.

Sure...keep faithful to your Apricity persona and continue with the soft trolling.

Cristiano viejo
11-21-2017, 03:01 PM
Again, there is not an "Armenoid nose"...


Your obsession for Tassotti nose is funny. Like the nose is the only thing to use for classification...

Can you post an example of Armenoid nose... or whatever that means for you?

11-21-2017, 03:06 PM
It is a matter of fact, not my opinion.

Others don't agree, so move on.

Sure...keep faithful to your Apricity persona and continue with the soft trolling.

I have got nothing to do with Meds, not that I care anyway. I am not in Europe. Speaking of trolling, you have already wasted a page.

Sebastianus Rex
11-21-2017, 03:08 PM
Again, there is not an "Armenoid nose"...


Your obsession for Tassotti nose is funny. Like the nose is the only thing to use for classification...

There are many forms of aquiline noses. Armenoid is just one of them, perhaps the most extreme, there's nothing wrong with it, some of the most intelligent people in the world were partly or armenoid, so what's your problem ?

Cristiano viejo
11-21-2017, 03:12 PM
Others don't agree, so move on.

I have got nothing to do with Meds, not that I care anyway. I am not in Europe. Speaking of trolling, you have already wasted a page.
I dont know if you troll or you are a bad classificator but saying that this guy is Berid in part or Vicent Pastore just Berid makes me to think both things are possible.

11-21-2017, 03:12 PM
Tassotti's biological father was an armenian milkman, that's how he got his look.

11-21-2017, 03:14 PM
There are many forms of aquiline noses. Armenoid is just one of them, perhaps the most extreme, there's nothing wrong with it, some of the most intelligent people in the world were partly or armenoid, so what's your problem ?

You've been brainwashed by anthrobullshits, after all you're here since 2011, i can understand don't worry.

"Armenoid nose" is used only on anthroforum like this one or zetaboards.

Cristiano viejo
11-21-2017, 03:15 PM
Tassotti's biological father was an armenian milkman, that's how he got his look.

That makes sense. In Roma drinking milk is a passion since ever


Sebastianus Rex
11-21-2017, 03:16 PM
Others don't agree, so move on.

This is not a matter of your opinion, it is a medical matter of your visual cortex not functioning properly if you think that this man is remotely alpinoid.


11-21-2017, 03:16 PM
I dont know if you troll or you are a bad classificator but saying that this guy is Berid in part or Vicent Pastore just Berid makes me to think both things are possible.

Dude, you are the biggest troll around here and the whole forum knows that, so jog on.

Cristiano viejo
11-21-2017, 03:17 PM
Dude, you are the biggest troll around here and the whole forum knows that, so jog on.

But I dont tell lies at least.

11-21-2017, 03:18 PM
This is not a matter of your opinion, it is a medical matter of your visual cortex not functioning properly if you think that this man is remotely alpinoid.

I have already explained how, move on.

11-21-2017, 03:18 PM
Taurid + some CM.

Don't know why so much homosexualization over a fucking nose, but that's a common TA estrogenic behaviour.

11-21-2017, 03:19 PM
But I dont tell lies at least.

Anyone can see he is Dinarid.

Cristiano viejo
11-21-2017, 03:21 PM
Anyone can see he is Dinarid.

Show me an Armenoid nose then :rolleyes:
Tassotti nose is the archetype of an Armenoid nose BY FAR.

Sebastianus Rex
11-21-2017, 03:24 PM
You've been brainwashed by anthrobullshits, after all you're here since 2011, i can understand don't worry.

You're a member only since 2016 and you have almost exactly the same number of posts than I do (3960), your participation is being much more intense than mine and therefore should also be the rate of your brainwashing, so I miss your point about that one. :confused:

"Armenoid nose" is used only on anthroforum like this one or zetaboards.[/QUOTE]

Whatever man, I see this is a sensitive subject for you...

Cristiano viejo
11-21-2017, 03:25 PM
You're a member only since 2016 and you have exactly the same number of posts than I do (3960), your participation is being much more intense than mine and therefore should also be the rate of your brainwashing, so I miss your point about that one. :confused:

He is older than that.

11-21-2017, 03:29 PM
Show me an Armenoid nose then





Tassotti nose is the archetype of an Armenoid nose BY FAR.

Says a troll who believes that Iberians look close to Scandinavians? :lol:

11-21-2017, 03:33 PM
You're a member only since 2016 and you have almost exactly the same number of posts than I do (3960), your participation is being much more intense than mine and therefore should also be the rate of your brainwashing, so I miss your point about that one. :confused:

Nope, i've an higher posts count because i post many photos in "Italia" section or in other quick reply threads like this one https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?91512-post-movie-themes-you-like. In any case i'm not here because classifications or genetics but because of Europen culture like you can see in the forum logo.
Anthrotards opinions don't even touch me. But this is not the argument go ahead with your nose fetishes. :D

And btw, i'm here since spring 2015.

He is older than that.

Says the 40 years old with pajama and teddy bear with 16,000 posts of which 15,999 are trollish or italian obsessed.

Sebastianus Rex
11-21-2017, 03:35 PM
Anyone can see he is Dinarid.

Dude you were the one who classified a mixed raced (mulata) member as Alpine, so what's your credibility to give lessons about what "anyone can see" ?! :picard2:

Unfortunately this pic disagrees with your opinion, obviously this can never be purely dinarid.


11-21-2017, 03:38 PM
Dude you were the one who classified a mixed raced (mulata) member as Alpine, so what's your credibility to give lessons about "anyone can see" ?!

Not my fault if that person used pictures with heavy makeup, and childhood pics.

Cristiano viejo
11-21-2017, 03:43 PM



Now you are showing yourself Tassotti nose is Armenoid :victory0:

Says a troll who believes that Iberians look close to Scandinavians? :lol:

Show a single sentence of mine where I say such stupidity.
Do you see as you tell lies, as I claimed a couple of posts ago? thanks to give me the reason so quickly :thumb001:

11-21-2017, 03:50 PM
Now you are showing yourself Tassotti nose is Armenoid

Nope, both the pics are different. You are getting old.

Show a single sentence of mine where I say such stupidity.

Sure. (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?182352-Do-more-Southern-Europeans-look-convincingly-North-European-or-Middle-Eastern&p=4758215&viewfull=1#post4758215)

Do you see as you tell lies, as I claimed a couple of posts ago? thanks to give me the reason so quickly :thumb001:

Nope, you are simply senile.

Cristiano viejo
11-21-2017, 04:56 PM
Says the 40 years old with pajama and teddy bear with 16,000 posts of which 15,999 are trollish or italian obsessed.
I start to think that Italians dont know to count (I being 40 years old, 800 years of Muslim rule...) :cool:

That, or you are very liars... or both...

Nope, both the pics are different. You are getting old.

Sure. (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?182352-Do-more-Southern-Europeans-look-convincingly-North-European-or-Middle-Eastern&p=4758215&viewfull=1#post4758215)

Nope, you are simply senile.

At all, but the most funny (pathetic really) is that your supossed Armenoid nose is more straight and common than the Tassotti nose, which is curved and hooked, clearly Armenoid :picard1:

So according your brilliant mind saying textually that most of South Euros pass better in Scandinavia than in Middle East is the same than saying that Iberians look close to Scandinavians? :lol:

11-21-2017, 05:04 PM
Can you post an example of Armenoid nose... or whatever that means for you?


I start to think that Italians dont know to count (I being 40 years old, 800 years of Muslim rule...) :cool:

That, or you are very liars... or both...

I'm being generous ;)

Heather Duval
11-21-2017, 05:10 PM
Dude you were the one who classified a mixed raced (mulata) member as Alpine, so what's your credibility to give lessons about what "anyone can see" ?! :picard2:

Unfortunately this pic disagrees with your opinion, obviously this can never be purely dinarid.


He said this tri racial is Berid

Sick Like
11-21-2017, 05:12 PM
it's necessary repeat again: armenoid or taurid is not perforce semite.. taurids arrived in Italy in neolitic in minor part, and seems georgian people.. It's a white euroasiatic element.. Italy have small part these magnificent elements (taurid and east med)while other south European can have light semite or SSA

11-21-2017, 05:17 PM
At all, but the most funny (pathetic really) is that your supossed Armenoid nose is more straight and common than the Tassotti nose, which is curved and hooked, clearly Armenoid.

You asked for Armenoid nose, and I posted an example. And again, both the pics are different.

So according your brilliant mind saying textually that most of South Euros pass better in Scandinavia than in Middle East is the same than saying that Iberians look close to Scandinavians? :lol:

Not only that. (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?182352-Do-more-Southern-Europeans-look-convincingly-North-European-or-Middle-Eastern&p=4758389&viewfull=1#post4758389)

Cool Story Bro
11-21-2017, 05:21 PM
it's necessary repeat again: armenoid or taurid is not perforce semite.. taurids arrived in Italy in neolitic in minor part, and seems georgian people.. It's a white euroasiatic element.. Italy have small part these magnificent elements (taurid and east med)while other south European can have light semite or SSA

Good observation. Taurids are basically a mixture of dinarids+armenoids.

Cristiano viejo
11-21-2017, 05:30 PM

Bad example, because that woman has a deform face. Not only nose but eyes, chin and teeth too.

I'm being generous ;)
Oh yes, I see... you could have said 5000, or 5000, your fantasy has no limits :D

You asked for Armenoid nose, and I posted an example. And again, both the pics are different.
You posted your example, which plus was more straight and normal than the hooked nose of Tassotti.

Not only that.
Again you are failing to show how I claim that Spaniards look like Scandinavians. Saying SOUTH EUROPEANS (not only Spaniards, dear) look more as Scandinavians than as Middle Easterns has nothing to do with relating phenotypically to Spaniards with Scandinavians :thumb001:

If I say Spaniards look more similar to Scandinavians than to Martians does not mean neither that Spaniards look like Scandinavians :thumb001:

Try it harder, lier.

Heather Duval
11-21-2017, 05:36 PM
Bad example, because that woman has a deform face. Not only nose but eyes, chin and teeth too.

Oh yes, I see... you could have said 5000, or 5000, your fantasy has no limits :D

You posted your example, which plus was more straight and normal than the hooked nose of Tassotti.

Again you are failing to show how I claim that Spaniards look like Scandinavians. Saying SOUTH EUROPEANS (not only Spaniards, dear) look more as Scandinavians than as Middle Easterns has nothing to do with relating phenotypically to Spaniards with Scandinavians :thumb001:

If I say Spaniards look more similar to Scandinavians than to Martians does not mean neither that Spaniards look like Scandinavians :thumb001:

Try it harder, lier.

Isnt deform face, she was born this way.

11-21-2017, 05:45 PM
You posted your example, which plus was more straight and normal than the hooked nose of Tassotti.

Maybe your knowledge of classification differs from mine.

Again you are failing to show how I claim that Spaniards look like Scandinavians. Saying SOUTH EUROPEANS (not only Spaniards, dear) look more as Scandinavians than as Middle Easterns has nothing to do with relating phenotypically to Spaniards with Scandinavians. Try it harder, lier.

Which was BS in itself. I know it's a big pill to swallow but you know it's the truth. Your people (including dagos) are not close to Scandinavians in any form or matter. Nice coping btw.

Sick Like
11-21-2017, 05:59 PM

I'm being generous ;)

Taurids are not all ugly, look the girl an other thread or Think about Italian footballer Mattia Caldara69964


Cristiano viejo
11-21-2017, 07:09 PM
Isnt deform face, she was born this way.
She was born deformed. Did you need that I mentioned this to you, seriously? :picard1:

Which was BS in itself. I know it's a big pill to swallow but you know it's the truth. Your people (including dagos) are not close to Scandinavians in any form or matter. Nice coping btw.
You would.

11-21-2017, 07:30 PM
who is he?

Hahahahhahahahahahahhahahaha Always reminding me that I've made a mistake with Sofia Vergara and he posts a foto of Mirko Slomka (GERMAN) instead of Mauro Tassotti. Che figura di merda hai fatto cristiano viejo....... And now that you see that ALSO A GERMAN CAN HAVE SUCH A NOSE, how would you classify Mirko Slomka GERMAN???


11-21-2017, 07:59 PM
His nose is 200% armenoid, no question about it.

This pic is helpful to identify an armenoid skull (on the right), compared to a pred. Mediterranean skull (on the left)


Nevertheless Tassotti has not a "flat" skull like the armenid on the right


Cristiano viejo
11-21-2017, 08:36 PM
Hahahahhahahahahahahhahahaha Always reminding me that I've made a mistake with Sofia Vergara and he posts a foto of Mirko Slomka (GERMAN) instead of Mauro Tassotti. Che figura di merda hai fatto cristiano viejo....... And now that you see that ALSO A GERMAN CAN HAVE SUCH A NOSE, how would you classify Mirko Slomka GERMAN???

http://www1.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Mirko+Slomka+Club+Atletico+de+Madrid+v+Hannover+un AC82PM

I even dont know what are you talking about, sorry Terrona.

11-21-2017, 09:30 PM
Ernesto Valverde, spanish ex footballer


Raul Gonzalez, spanish ex footballer



Nicolas Almagro, spanish tennis player


Rodrigo de Borja (spanish pope, i.e. Alessandro VI)

Ricky Rubio i Vives (spanish basketball player)

Cristiano viejo
11-21-2017, 09:45 PM
Not even these Spanish big-noses are similar than that of Tassotti.
If I had to post the Italian hooked nose people I would spent all my life here xD

11-21-2017, 09:46 PM
Odin, please feel free to correct, I am a newbe

Valverde: dinaro-med
Raul: berid+dinarid+MENA
Almagro: iranic+armenid
pope Alex II: dinarid
ricky rubio: totally MENA (sephardic jew)

I wonder wether, when they collect the spanish DNA samples to examine, if they take also samples by other spanish people like these above or not. I think they don't. They cherry pick the samples to take.......

11-21-2017, 09:49 PM
Not even these Spanish big-noses are similar than that of Tassotti.
If I had to post the Italian hooked nose people I would spent all my life here xD

Very true. Tassotti is the ugliest of all. But before posting other nations big noses, please look at yours. As I said many times, spaniards in whole are not atlanto-med. There are some atlanto-med samples (I also saw them when I was living there), but the majority are gracile-med or subjects like the ones I've posted. Indeed very known people of Spain!

Cristiano viejo
11-21-2017, 09:51 PM
Very true. Tassotti is the ugliest of all. But before posting other nations big noses, please look at yours. As I said many times, spaniards in whole are not atlanto-med. There are some atlanto-med samples (I also saw them when I was living there), but the majority are gracile-med or subjects like the ones I've posted. Indeed very known people of Spain!

That is what you wish :thumb001:

11-21-2017, 09:55 PM
That is what you wish :thumb001:

Hahahha you are simply ridiculous.... even in front of the evidence you don't want to admit the truth....

By the way, I think that I will spend the same time as you if I had to post all the MENA or asians or berid of Spain

Cristiano viejo
11-21-2017, 10:03 PM
Hahahha you are simply ridiculous.... even in front of the evidence you don't want to admit the truth....

By the way, I think that I will spend the same time as you if I had to post all the MENA or asians or berid of Spain
What evidences, the your? you, the expert who tried to pass a mestiza Colombian for Spaniard?

Bell Beaker
11-21-2017, 10:20 PM
Gracile med plus residual Armenoid.

I don't know why Italian members are so sensitive about eventual Armenoid presence in Italy, even Coon detected it among Italians from the far south. Is not totally imposible for a Italian to be Armenoid, specialy the more South you go.

The southern Italians, as this survey will indicate, are a distinctive group of people who will not fall into any one recognized racial category. Besides conventional Mediterraneans and Alpines there are two special types which are particularly common, and will be familiar to anyone living in Italian sections of the United States, as well as to anyone who has visited southern Italy. These are: (1) a coarse Mediterranean, short-statured, thick-limbed, mesocephalic, possessing a narrow forehead, wide malars, heavy browridges, a short, broad, straight or lightly concave nose with upturned tip, a strong jaw, and some prognathism; (2) a local approximation to an Armenoid, short-statured, especially thick-set and short-necked, with a flattened occiput, dome-shaped lateral vault profile, heavy browridges, a high-rooted, high-bridged, thick-tipped and depressed-tipped nose, and an especially prominent jaw.

The coarse Mediterranean mesocephal has counterparts in Spain and Portugal, as well as North Africa, and goes back at least to the time of the shell-heap burials of Muge. It seems, however, especially prevalent among South Italians. The local Armenoid may be partly descended from Near Easterners brought to cental and southern Italy in imperial times, but it is more likely that it is to a greater extent a local combination of Alpine with various Mediterranean elements, through the mechanism of differential inheritance.

Bell Beaker
11-21-2017, 10:22 PM
Hahahahhahahahahahahhahahaha Always reminding me that I've made a mistake with Sofia Vergara and he posts a foto of Mirko Slomka (GERMAN) instead of Mauro Tassotti. Che figura di merda hai fatto cristiano viejo....... And now that you see that ALSO A GERMAN CAN HAVE SUCH A NOSE, how would you classify Mirko Slomka GERMAN???


Just because he is German, he has to pass only in Europe? As if no Iberians Southern Italians or Greeks could pass in Northern Europe just because they are from South Europe. :lol:

11-21-2017, 10:24 PM
Just because he is German, he has to pass only in Europe? As if no Iberians Southern Italians or Greeks could pass in Northern Europe just because they are from South Europe. :lol:

This German guy looks different from Tassotti anyway. He looks Austrian, doesn't pass outside Europe.

Bell Beaker
11-21-2017, 10:30 PM
Ernesto Valverde, spanish ex footballer


Raul Gonzalez, spanish ex footballer



Nicolas Almagro, spanish tennis player


Rodrigo de Borja (spanish pope, i.e. Alessandro VI)

Ricky Rubio i Vives (spanish basketball player)






So all the examples you've posted of Spaniards with a big nose have been already posted in your favourite website? :laugh:

Do you really think you can fool anyone here? :lol:

Bell Beaker
11-21-2017, 10:31 PM
This German guy looks different from Tassotti anyway. He looks Austrian, doesn't pass outside Europe.

Well yes, but Longobarda was sounding fundamentalistic about Germans. I've seen a few who could be borderline if they were posted as Southern Euros.

11-21-2017, 10:32 PM
Hahahha you are simply ridiculous.... even in front of the evidence you don't want to admit the truth....

By the way, I think that I will spend the same time as you if I had to post all the MENA or asians or berid of Spain

And who said that Berid is some kind of exotic non-European type? It's a reduced Paleo-Atlantid, descended from archaic west Cromagnoids, and they are more common in Northern Spain despite what people think (which coincides with the higher WHG ancestry in the area), also found in small pockets in Southwestern France.

Cool Story Bro
11-21-2017, 10:34 PM
If we are going to ditch everything and follow what Coon said he would be classified as Dinaric.
Main difference is that Armenoid's show Irano-Afghan elements in their faces, Tassoti doesn't (as far i can see).
Nose wise both Dinaric and Armenoid can look exactly the same although usually Armenoid one is bigger.

Cristiano viejo
11-21-2017, 10:36 PM
If we are going to ditch everything and follow what Coon said he would be classified as Dinaric.
Main difference is that Armenoid's show Irano-Afghan elements in their faces, Tassoti doesn't (as far i can see).
Nose wise both Dinaric and Armenoid can look exactly the same although usually Armenoid one is bigger.
And the nose of Tassoti seems little to you or what? :lol:

Bell Beaker
11-21-2017, 10:36 PM
Hahahha you are simply ridiculous.... even in front of the evidence you don't want to admit the truth....

By the way, I think that I will spend the same time as you if I had to post all the MENA or asians or berid of Spain

Berids (or let's say Alpines + Cro Magnid influence) that are also common into your country.

Specialy anywhere South of Rome.

Cool Story Bro
11-21-2017, 10:38 PM
And the nose of Tassoti seems little to you or what? :lol:

You seem not to understand what i just said. Dinaric and Armenoid are both very similiar "subraces". Main difference is the Irano-Afghan element.
Do you want me to repeat again?
You seem not to understand what i just said. Dinaric and Armenoid are both very similiar "subraces". Main difference is the Irano-Afghan element.
Do you want me to repeat again?
You seem not to understand what i just said. Dinaric and Armenoid are both very similiar "subraces". Main difference is the Irano-Afghan element.
Do you want me to repeat again?

Bell Beaker
11-21-2017, 10:39 PM
You seem not to understand what i just said. Dinaric and Armenoid are both very similiar "subraces". Main difference is the Irano-Afghan element.
Do you want me to repeat again?
You seem not to understand what i just said. Dinaric and Armenoid are both very similiar "subraces". Main difference is the Irano-Afghan element.
Do you want me to repeat again?
You seem not to understand what i just said. Dinaric and Armenoid are both very similiar "subraces". Main difference is the Irano-Afghan element.
Do you want me to repeat again?

Outstanding remix......

Cool Story Bro
11-21-2017, 10:41 PM
Outstanding remix......

He seems not to be able to read the first time i say something so i gotta use that ctrl c + v combo

Cristiano viejo
11-21-2017, 10:43 PM
You seem not to understand what i just said. Dinaric and Armenoid are both very similiar "subraces". Main difference is the Irano-Afghan element.
Do you want me to repeat again?
You seem not to understand what i just said. Dinaric and Armenoid are both very similiar "subraces". Main difference is the Irano-Afghan element.
Do you want me to repeat again?
You seem not to understand what i just said. Dinaric and Armenoid are both very similiar "subraces". Main difference is the Irano-Afghan element.
Do you want me to repeat again?

Let reformulate the question: ths nose of Tassotti does not seem Irano-Afghan enough to you or what? :lol:

11-21-2017, 11:07 PM
He possess non-European component.

Cool Story Bro
11-21-2017, 11:11 PM
Let reformulate the question: ths nose of Tassotti does not seem Irano-Afghan enough to you or what? :lol:

I love how you base your whole decision making on just looking at his nose.
Told you already Irano-Afghan is more than just his nose. It's the overall face features. Armenids give you the MENA/asiatic vibe while Dinarics are more European looking. This guy if you ignored his nose in my opinion looks more on the european med side.

Cristiano viejo
11-21-2017, 11:15 PM
I love how you base your whole decision making on just looking at his nose.
Told you already Irano-Afghan is more than just his nose. It's the overall face features. Armenids give you the MENA/asiatic vibe while Dinarics are more European looking. This guy if you ignored his nose in my opinion looks more on the european med side.

But his nose can not be ignored.
Let short it... does this guy (with his nose included, of course :lightbul:) look white/European to you, YES or NOT?
All what is not a YES I will take as a NO.

Cool Story Bro
11-21-2017, 11:20 PM
But his nose can not be ignored.
Let short it... does this guy (with his nose included, of course :lightbul:) look white/European to you, YES or NOT?
All what is not a YES I will take as a NO.

If we are going to go by that logic Dinaric wouldn't be European eitheir.

Cristiano viejo
11-21-2017, 11:26 PM
If we are going to go by that logic Dinaric wouldn't be European eitheir.

You spoke: NO :richter:

Cool Story Bro
11-21-2017, 11:29 PM
You spoke: NO :richter:

So you telling me a person who has a convex or hooked nose no matter how everything else he has european can't be classified as a european subrace?
That's retarded. So what about white people who have "asiatic eyes"? You wouldn't count em as European either???

Jovan Vladimir
11-21-2017, 11:31 PM

Cristiano viejo
11-22-2017, 11:02 AM
So you telling me a person who has a convex or hooked nose no matter how everything else he has european can't be classified as a european subrace?
That's retarded. So what about white people who have "asiatic eyes"? You wouldn't count em as European either???

Yes, all counts but that is what happens with this guy: weird hair, brown skin, hooked nose... if you add up all that you have a non-white person.

Here you have someone with a hooked nose that does look white

That does not happen with Tassotti.

Sebastianus Rex
11-22-2017, 11:28 AM
Odin, please feel free to correct, I am a newbe

Valverde: dinaro-med
Raul: berid+dinarid+MENA
Almagro: iranic+armenid
pope Alex II: dinarid
ricky rubio: totally MENA (sephardic jew)

I wonder wether, when they collect the spanish DNA samples to examine, if they take also samples by other spanish people like these above or not. I think they don't. They cherry pick the samples to take.......

Why are you asking the opinion of a guy who doesn't write more than one line sentences and classifies mullatas and pardos as Alpines ?!

Valverde is dinaro-med indeed.

Raul has nothing Berid, again alot of people (such as Odin) on this forum have difficulties understanding that Berids are alpinoids/reduced cms, Raul is gracile with an elongated face and has a very mediterranean skull. He is Littorid imo.



Almagro is of Chilean descent, partly amerindian.

Pope Alex II - Armenoid - wich may be not surprising if we consider that troughout history it was talked about a jewish origin of the House of Borja.

Ricky Rubio - Syrid

Cristiano viejo
11-22-2017, 11:40 AM
Pope Alex II - Armenoid - wich may be not surprising if we consider that troughout history it was talked about a jewish origin of the House of Borja.

You can not classify Alejandro Borgia for a stupid portrait of 500 years ago, it is ridicolous. House of Borja of Jewish origin?? no way.

I never heard neither anything about Almagro being Chileno. In Wikipedia some time ago it put he was adopted, but someone edited it. In any case he does not look Spanish at all.

Sick Like
11-22-2017, 11:57 AM
Yes, all counts but that is what happens with this guy: weird hair, brown skin, hooked nose... if you add up all that you have a non-white person.

Here you have someone with a hooked nose that does look white

That does not happen with Tassotti.
European is a not important border, the important is to be Euroasiatic with not arabian and not elements by other continents.. (nothing against SSA or other races in their lands)..Europe is a Layer of Asia, the genetic flow between Asia and Europe is highest than Europe between other continents (the genetic flow between Europe and Africa in the history it' s negligible save Spain)

11-22-2017, 12:07 PM
Valverde: dinaro-med
Raul: berid+dinarid+MENA
Almagro: iranic+armenid
pope Alex II: dinarid
ricky rubio: totally MENA (sephardic jew)

The only right classification here is Valverde.

Raul is Littorid (Atlanto-Med + Armenoid).
Almagro looks Mestizo, I don't think he's full Spanish.
The Pope is Armenoid.
Rubio is intermediate between Syrid and Assyroid.

Cool Story Bro
11-22-2017, 12:09 PM
Yes, all counts but that is what happens with this guy: weird hair, brown skin, hooked nose... if you add up all that you have a non-white person.

Here you have someone with a hooked nose that does look white

That does not happen with Tassotti.

The differences between Dinarid and Armenoid are not huge anyways. At the end of the day it doesn't really matter. Both are just altered version of the Mediterranean race. One more "European looking" and one more "MENA influenced".

Cristiano viejo
11-22-2017, 12:30 PM
European is a not important border, the important is to be Euroasiatic with not arabian and not elements by other continents.. (nothing against SSA or other races in their lands)..Europe is a Layer of Asia, the genetic flow between Asia and Europe is highest than Europe between other continents (the genetic flow between Europe and Africa in the history it' s negligible save Spain)

Cool story. That is why Italians score good amounts of that African flow that you talk, right?

Sick Like
11-22-2017, 01:35 PM
Cool story. That is why Italians score good amounts of that African flow that you talk, right?

I never talk about African Flow, I talk about not semite west asian influences

11-22-2017, 01:38 PM
I never talk about African Flow, I talk about not semite west asian influences

Italians indeed have more West Asian than Iberians. Iberians more African (Northwest African + small SSA).

This is a pointless and trollish discussion. TA is not a serious place to discuss about any anthropological or genetic fact, people here only care to prove their agendas.

Cristiano viejo
11-22-2017, 01:40 PM
Italians indeed have more West Asian than Iberians. Iberians more African (Northwest African + small SSA).

This is a pointless and trollish discussion. TA is not a serious place to discuss about any anthropological or genetic fact, people here only care to prove their agendas.

Do you like my agenda?


11-22-2017, 01:41 PM
Do you like my agenda?


hehehehehehe, I laughed.

You're a good user, I would say.

11-23-2017, 03:13 AM





So all the examples you've posted of Spaniards with a big nose have been already posted in your favourite website? :laugh:

Do you really think you can fool anyone here? :lol:

No seas IMBECIL. No conosco ese forum que siempre estais mencionando. De todas formas evidentemente son ejemplos que quajan en el fenotipo MENA o DINARICO o ASIATICO, si otros los han escogido.
Tu te tienes que calmar conmigo, porque ademà yo nunca he afirmado que no hay "armenoides" en Italia. Los que han negado que Tassotti sea armenoide no he sido yo, han sido otros incluso gente que con Italia no tiene nada que ver.
Y deja ya de darle cuerda al nazi-cristiano viejo. No te da verguenza?

11-23-2017, 03:16 AM
What evidences, the your? you, the expert who tried to pass a mestiza Colombian for Spaniard?

The evidence of the photos that I've posted which are VERY FAMOUS SPANISH PEOPLE!!!! Vete a la mierda Cristiano viejo. Eres màs viejo que cristiano.

11-23-2017, 03:28 AM
The evidence of the photos that I've posted which are VERY FAMOUS SPANISH PEOPLE!!!! Vete a la mierda Cristiano viejo. Eres màs viejo que cristiano.

I haven't read this whole thread yet, but I bet that the famous Spanish people cherry picked by you are the most exotic ones that you could find, and don't represent the Spanish average.

11-23-2017, 03:29 AM
Do you like my agenda?



11-23-2017, 03:29 AM
And who said that Berid is some kind of exotic non-European type? It's a reduced Paleo-Atlantid, descended from archaic west Cromagnoids, and they are more common in Northern Spain despite what people think (which coincides with the higher WHG ancestry in the area), also found in small pockets in Southwestern France.

three spaniards


although being Berids essentially Archaic/reduced Southern Cro Magnids, there is no surprise that they can appear in N Africa too (a moroccan woman)

Not exotic?

11-23-2017, 03:33 AM
He seems not to be able to read the first time i say something so i gotta use that ctrl c + v combo

He can read. But he does not want to understand what is not convenient to him

11-23-2017, 03:35 AM
He possess non-European component.

which one?

11-23-2017, 03:38 AM
You spoke: NO :richter:

questchi al capis cumé un purscel al telefono

11-23-2017, 03:41 AM
Yes, all counts but that is what happens with this guy: weird hair, brown skin, hooked nose... if you add up all that you have a non-white person.

Here you have someone with a hooked nose that does look White

That does not happen with Tassotti.

So you are telling here publicly that the photos of the SPANIARDS that I've posted represent people THAT ARE NOT EUROPEAN NOR WHITE.......

all of them with swarth hair, dark skin and hooked nose ALL OF THEM

11-23-2017, 03:51 AM
Why are you asking the opinion of a guy who doesn't write more than one line sentences and classifies mullatas and pardos as Alpines ?!

Valverde is dinaro-med indeed.

Raul has nothing Berid, again alot of people (such as Odin) on this forum have difficulties understanding that Berids are alpinoids/reduced cms, Raul is gracile with an elongated face and has a very mediterranean skull. He is Littorid imo.


Almagro is of Chilean descent, partly amerindian.

Pope Alex II - Armenoid - wich may be not surprising if we consider that troughout history it was talked about a jewish origin of the House of Borja.

Ricky Rubio - Syrid

I am confident in Odin, he Always guesses photos of "strange" people asking where are they from. ALWAYS. I don't agree with you on the definition of "berid". They are NOT "alpinoid", they are archaic/reduced Southern Cro Magnids. And as to Raul maybe he is not berid (I've said I am a newbe) but for sure he has MENA in his blood. Look at his profile, and I don't refer only to his nose but to his mouth and how his profile "falls down". Goat-like. Must be jew.

Almagro is not chilean (said by cristiano viejo), Pope Alexander II is not armenoid (his head is not "flat") and Ricky Rubio is CLEARLY jew. And even if I am a newbe, I can recognize a jew.

11-23-2017, 03:58 AM
Cool story. That is why Italians score good amounts of that African flow that you talk, right?

As usual not only you DON'T WANT to understand, but you are Always FORCING PEOPLE TO RECTIFY WHAT THEY SAY transforming their words what YOU want they say.

He has written that the african flow INTO EUROPE is NEGLIGIBLE EXCEPT FOR SPAIN. If you don't understand english I can write in PALETO LANGUAGE

11-23-2017, 04:04 AM
I haven't read this whole thread yet, but I bet that the famous Spanish people cherry picked by you are the most exotic ones that you could find, and don't represent the Spanish average.

First of all who opened this thread? Not me but Cristiano viejo CHERRY PICKING Tassotti just to troll as usual. So shut up and look around you or put on glasses if you want to see the reality in Spain. Those that you call "cherry picked" by me are VERY FAMOUS SPORTMEN in SPAIN and I chose them in RESPONSE to nazi-cristiano.

11-23-2017, 04:32 AM
Pure Italic

11-23-2017, 04:33 AM
First of all who opened this thread? Not me but Cristiano viejo CHERRY PICKING Tassotti just to troll as usual. So shut up and look around you or put on glasses if you want to see the reality in Spain. Those that you call "cherry picked" by me are VERY FAMOUS SPORTMEN in SPAIN and I chose them in RESPONSE to nazi-cristiano.


Cristiano viejo
11-23-2017, 01:14 PM
No seas IMBECIL. No conosco ese forum que siempre estais mencionando. De todas formas evidentemente son ejemplos que quajan en el fenotipo MENA o DINARICO o ASIATICO, si otros los han escogido.
Tu te tienes que calmar conmigo, porque ademà yo nunca he afirmado que no hay "armenoides" en Italia. Los que han negado que Tassotti sea armenoide no he sido yo, han sido otros incluso gente que con Italia no tiene nada que ver.
Y deja ya de darle cuerda al nazi-cristiano viejo. No te da verguenza?
Yo no soy nazi, de hecho eres tú la que se cree germana, ¿recuerdas? :thumb001:

Y sí, Iniesta y Sanchís son súper exóticos, especialmente Iniesta... ojos verdes, piel clarísima...
¿Quieres que empiece a postear italianos exóticos para comparar? yo podría empezar con ese cara de hindú del norte de Italia llamado Paolo Maldini...

The evidence of the photos that I've posted which are VERY FAMOUS SPANISH PEOPLE!!!! Vete a la mierda Cristiano viejo. Eres màs viejo que cristiano.
And what does have to do that they are very famous Spanish with that you are doing cherrypicking showing four or six Spanish with big nose?

I only would have to take ONE thread of Sikeliot to show dozens and dozens of hooked-nose Italians, dear ;)

Pure Italic
Agreed :thumb001:

Bell Beaker
11-23-2017, 11:38 PM
No seas IMBECIL. No conosco ese forum que siempre estais mencionando. De todas formas evidentemente son ejemplos que quajan en el fenotipo MENA o DINARICO o ASIATICO, si otros los han escogido.
Tu te tienes que calmar conmigo, porque ademà yo nunca he afirmado que no hay "armenoides" en Italia. Los que han negado que Tassotti sea armenoide no he sido yo, han sido otros incluso gente que con Italia no tiene nada que ver.
Y deja ya de darle cuerda al nazi-cristiano viejo. No te da verguenza?

Why did you write in Spanish? I understand it easily but I'm Portuguese, not Spaniard, you could have write in English the same way I understand it sometimes even better than Spanish.

I don't protect Cristiano Viejo, I just give my opinion. My take on CV is setled for a long time ago. What I think is that you are a obvious troll trying to derail and to revive old controversial threads, I've seen you thumbing me up and down at posts that I wrote 3 or 2 years ago, opinions and positions that I might have changed because my brain is not a rock nor I'm fanatical about these issues. :lol:

Your close affiliation with IR is rather obvious, most of the trollish content to target Iberians that you say or mention have been already posted on that forum, many of the content of your quotes and sources I've already seen there, which allied to your tendency to get on flame wars against us but specialy Spaniards, makes it even more clear, you are some sort of an insane lunatic Italic Rat who poses as a middle aged woman. Quite sad and extreme. :/

11-24-2017, 12:40 AM

Apparently here the only jew are you. What do you pretend to demonstrate with your trash video? Go hide yourself stupid cretino rimbambito coglione

11-24-2017, 12:48 AM
Apparently here the only jew are you. What do you pretend to demonstrate with your trash video? Go hide yourself stupid cretino rimbambito coglione

Quello è il livello di cultura che hanno in America. Conoscono l'Italia e gli italiani solo attraverso quel cartone.

11-24-2017, 12:52 AM
Yo no soy nazi, de hecho eres tú la que se cree germana, ¿recuerdas? :thumb001:

Y sí, Iniesta y Sanchís son súper exóticos, especialmente Iniesta... ojos verdes, piel clarísima...
¿Quieres que empiece a postear italianos exóticos para comparar? yo podría empezar con ese cara de hindú del norte de Italia llamado Paolo Maldini...


Paolo Maldini (Always sun tanned!!)


quella schifezza di INIESTA color caca


Cristiano viejo
11-24-2017, 12:59 AM

¿Qué tal así, wannabe German?



Iniesta tiene la piel 100 veces más clara que ese italiano del norte que parece uno de esos hindús de ojos claros

maldita sea, realmente se parecen xD

11-24-2017, 12:59 AM
Why did you write in Spanish? I understand it easily but I'm Portuguese, not Spaniard, you could have write in English the same way I understand it sometimes even better than Spanish.

I don't protect Cristiano Viejo, I just give my opinion. My take on CV is setled for a long time ago. What I think is that you are a obvious troll trying to derail and to revive old controversial threads, I've seen you thumbing me up and down at posts that I wrote 3 or 2 years ago, opinions and positions that I might have changed because my brain is not a rock nor I'm fanatical about these issues. :lol:

Your close affiliation with IR is rather obvious, most of the trollish content to target Iberians that you say or mention have been already posted on that forum, many of the content of your quotes and sources I've already seen there, which allied to your tendency to get on flame wars against us but specialy Spaniards, makes it even more clear, you are some sort of an insane lunatic Italic Rat who poses as a middle aged woman. Quite sad and extreme. :/

I thought you just were of cristiano cretino company, but I realize that you are almost STUPID. WHO OPENED THE THREAD AGAINST TASSOTTI? MEEEEEE???????? OR CRISTIANO DE LOS COJONES? SO WHO IS AN INSANE LUNATIC SPANISH RAT????

11-24-2017, 01:01 AM
¿Qué tal así, wannabe German?



Iniesta tiene la piel 100 veces más clara que ese italiano del norte que parece uno de esos hindús de ojos claros

maldita sea, realmente se parecen xD

Hahahahahahahhahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Even with photos with sun in his face INIESTA looks MOROCCAN

Maldini is Always sun tanned CRETINO VIEJO

Cristiano viejo
11-24-2017, 01:06 AM
I thought you just were of cristiano cretino company, but I realize that you are almost STUPID. [B]WHO OPENED THE THREAD AGAINST TASSOTTI? MEEEEEE???????? OR CRISTIANO DE LOS COJONES? SO WHO IS AN INSANE LUNATIC SPANISH RAT????
Nos ha jodido, no lo iba a abrir un italiano... :lol:

Hahahahahahahhahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Even with photos with sun in his face INIESTA looks MOROCCAN
I did not know that Moroccans had pale skin and green eyes.
This is good to know coming from you, who thought a mestiza like Sofía Vergara was Spaniard :laugh:

Maldini is Always sun tanned CRETINO VIEJO

Maldini is 100 times darker than Iniesta, looks Hindu... and his son could be the Indian user Fractal hahaha

11-24-2017, 01:17 AM
Maldini less tanned than usual (as he does not play anymore)





Cristiano viejo
11-24-2017, 01:20 AM
^ :lol: impossible to hide his dark skin colour :lol:

11-24-2017, 01:22 AM
CRETINO VIEJO es un chorizo iberico. En Marruecos los hay màs palidos que Iniesta (que tiene color aceituna). E Iniesta tiene cara de Marroqui que mas no se puede.

Cristiano viejo
11-24-2017, 01:25 AM
CRETINO VIEJO es un chorizo iberico. En Marruecos los hay màs palidos que Iniesta (que tiene color aceituna). E Iniesta tiene cara de Marroqui que mas no se puede.

Color aceituna tus ganas, mira, recréate de nuevo con su carita pálida, cariño


Te mueres de envidia que un chavalito del centro de España sea 100 veces más pálido que el ennegrecido italiano del norte de Maldini.

La degeneración de la razza :laugh:

Cristiano viejo
11-24-2017, 01:34 AM
Iniesta and his daughter

Maldini and his son
http://www.diez.hn/csp/mediapool/sites/dt.common.streams.StreamServer.cls?STREAMOID=DUpEv 5JNZ_ioXUjQpHEkRc$daE2N3K4ZzOUsqbU5sYujtpHLiH0MJIr 362WL3io0WCsjLu883Ygn4B49Lvm9bPe2QeMKQdVeZmXF$9l$4 uCZ8QDXhaHEp3rvzXRJFdy0KqPHLoMevcTLo3h8xh70Y6N_U_C ryOsw6FTOdKL_jpQ-&CONTENTTYPE=image/jpeg

Damn, Maldinis son looks really Moroccan... and thanks that his Venezuelan mother is not as dark as Paolo Maldini, if not... :laugh:

11-24-2017, 01:37 AM
CRETINO VIEJO, why don't you post darker photos of Malidini. These OLD photos are dark enough but not as you whish. If you could you would paint them black...... STUPID CUN. COGLIONE. Vete a esconderte CHORIZO SUBNORMAL

Cristiano viejo
11-24-2017, 01:39 AM
CRETINO VIEJO, why don't you post darker photos of Malidini. These OLD photos are dark enough but not as you whish. If you could you would paint them black...... STUPID CUN. COGLIONE. Vete a esconderte CHORIZO SUBNORMAL

I dont need to post dark photos of Maldini since HE IS DARK BY HIMSELF :thumb001:

I can not believe that you are saying that, after posting the darker picture of Iniesta that you could find :lol:

11-24-2017, 01:44 AM
I dont need to post dark photos of Maldini since HE IS DARK BY HIMSELF :thumb001:

I can not believe that you are saying that, after posting the darker picture of Iniesta that you could find :lol:

Dark or not (Maldini is Always very sun tanned), Maldini looks FULLY EUROPEAN. Instead THE MOROCCAN PHENOTYPE OF INIESTA does not look less berid even if you post all the palest photos you find in the web. He still looks MOROCCAN. Many moroccans look as pales as him, but the olive colour he has is still evident. To you he looks pale? Of course, you are accustomed to see all dark people around you.

This moroccan is even more european than INIESTA .....


11-24-2017, 01:45 AM

Cristiano viejo
11-24-2017, 01:47 AM
Dark or not (Maldini is Always very sun tanned), Maldini looks FULLY EUROPEAN. Instead THE MOROCCAN PHENOTYPE OF INIESTA does not look less berid even if you post all the palest photos you find in the web. He still looks MOROCCAN. Many moroccans look as pales as him, but the olive colour he has is still evident. To you he looks pale? Of course, you are accustomed to see all dark people around you.

No, Maldini does not look full European. Perhaps for you who thinks he is not dark and these tales.
Iniesta is 100 times lighter than Maldini (not too difficult taking account that Maldini seems a Hindu), perhaps I should open a thread to ask people who is lighter and more Euro-looking.

11-24-2017, 01:54 AM
Dinarid and Med with possible CM no Armenoid, Nose is really irellevant in terms of classifications

11-24-2017, 01:59 AM
There is not a thing such as "Armenoid nose". Get a life guys.

Excactly Armenoid nose term was made by modern anthrotards a aqualline nose is an aquilline nose it could be more hooked and still be med or dinarid these alot of anthrotards here are just classifying based on his nose which is really pathetic

Cristiano viejo
11-24-2017, 01:59 AM
Dinarid and Med with possible CM no Armenoid, Nose is really irellevant in terms of classifications

Not true. Dinarics, Baskids, Berids, Alpines, are classifications based also in noses.

11-24-2017, 02:02 AM
Not true. Dinarics, Baskids, Berids, Alpines, are classifications based also in noses.

Nose type is really irrelevant and exagerated by modern anthrotards, It doesnt have alot of importance in phenotypes, Coon would probably classify this guy as Atlanto-Med with Dinaricisation

11-24-2017, 02:12 AM
the youngest Maldini kind of look like Fernando Verdasco

http://www1.pictures.stylebistro.com/pc/Fernando+Verdasco+Scarves+Cashmere+Stole+iJ60frHCp dox.jpg

Heather Duval
11-24-2017, 02:14 AM
Nose is important. Have u ever seen a borreby with no fat nose?

11-24-2017, 02:16 AM
Excactly Armenoid nose term was made by modern anthrotards a aqualline nose is an aquilline nose it could be more hooked and still be med or dinarid these alot of anthrotards here are just classifying based on his nose which is really pathetic

i was trolling because this one girl on here who is also on here said my nose is jewish and armenoid, yet it kills her when someone says that about that guy lol. You can easily tell if a nose is jewish, it has a bend in the bottom with uniform convexity.

11-24-2017, 02:21 AM
i was trolling because this one girl on here who is also on here said my nose is jewish and armenoid, yet it kills her when someone says that about that guy lol. You can easily tell if a nose is jewish, it has a bend in the bottom with uniform convexity.

Nothing Jew or Armenoid in you!

11-24-2017, 02:24 AM
Nothing Jew or Armenoid in you!

Its good you can tell if someone is a jew or not! Thats a good skill to know!

11-24-2017, 04:50 AM
Lol this thread.


Cristiano viejo
11-24-2017, 01:08 PM
the youngest Maldini kind of look like Fernando Verdasco

http://www1.pictures.stylebistro.com/pc/Fernando+Verdasco+Scarves+Cashmere+Stole+iJ60frHCp dox.jpg

Who is Argentinian of Jewish descent, so yes, makes sense :thumb001:

11-24-2017, 07:52 PM
i was trolling because this one girl on here who is also on here said my nose is jewish and armenoid, yet it kills her when someone says that about that guy lol. You can easily tell if a nose is jewish, it has a bend in the bottom with uniform convexity.

I did not talk at all about your nose. I just said you looked to me Armenoid+Jew and I've asked you if you have "flat head" (meaning skull). You asked me what is a "flat head" and I've posted a photo of an example of Armenid. I did not say YOU LOOK LIKE HIM. The photo was just to give you an example of "flat skull".

And that you remind a jew was said by me and by other two persons (now I don't remember their names). Please grow up before revenging on somebody who had no intention to offend you!

11-24-2017, 07:53 PM
Who is Argentinian of Jewish descent, so yes, makes sense :thumb001:

Infact I don't agree at all that Verdasco is similar to Maldini (just the way they comb their hairs)

11-24-2017, 07:54 PM
I've asked you if you have "flat head" (meaning skull).

do you mean brachycephalic? lol

11-24-2017, 08:01 PM
the youngest Maldini kind of look like Fernando Verdasco

http://www1.pictures.stylebistro.com/pc/Fernando+Verdasco+Scarves+Cashmere+Stole+iJ60frHCp dox.jpg

Absolutely NOT. This here under is Maldini. Where do you see a resemblance? the form of the face is different, lips are different, the colour of the eyes different. Just the cut of their hair...... (now he has cut them)



11-24-2017, 08:15 PM
I did not talk at all about your nose. I just said you looked to me Armenoid+Jew and I've asked you if you have "flat head" (meaning skull). You asked me what is a "flat head" and I've posted a photo of an example of Armenid. I did not say YOU LOOK LIKE HIM. The photo was just to give you an example of "flat skull".

And that you remind a jew was said by me and by other two persons (now I don't remember their names). Please grow up before revenging on somebody who had no intention to offend you!

so you and magnolia is three people. and you think I have a flat head? anthrotard alert. She agreed with you, after you already said it. Thats not her first guess. I even made a thread "Do I look jewish", and most people said i didnt, including ethnic jews. https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?228127-Do-i-look-jewish

you call me jewish because alot of people guess me as italian? lol.

11-24-2017, 08:54 PM
do you mean brachycephalic? lol

This is a brachycephalic


The "flat head" is brachycephalic head shape with a straight backing (planocciput)

like this:


11-24-2017, 08:57 PM
so you and magnolia is three people. and you think I have a flat head? anthrotard alert. She agreed with you, after you already said it. Thats not her first guess. I even made a thread "Do I look jewish", and most people said i didnt, including ethnic jews. https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?228127-Do-i-look-jewish

you call me jewish because alot of people guess me as italian? lol.

Sorry but I never saw the thread "do I look jewish". That is my first impression and if most people do not agree, ok. You don't.

11-24-2017, 09:02 PM
Sorry but I never saw the thread "do I look jewish". That is my first impression and if most people do not agree, ok. You don't.
By the way: YOU DON'T LOOK ITALIAN AT ALL. Be careful, many iberian can say that because of the title of your question. They are retarded. They perfectly know that you don't look italian.

no, the back of my head is not flat. i am brachyphelic though with a cm of 83.

11-24-2017, 09:07 PM
Who is Argentinian of Jewish descent, so yes, makes sense :thumb001:
nah. he's not. unless you want to trace his ancestry way back like with Nadal. But to me that's not enough to make Nadal jewish, he's still catalan. :cool:

11-24-2017, 09:18 PM
no, the back of my head is not flat. i am brachyphelic though with a cm of 83.

I've looked at the link above "Do I look jewish" and many have said yes, you do. Others have said no, you don't. And NOBODY has said you look italian.
So Young and already lier.

11-24-2017, 09:18 PM
I've looked at the link above "Do I look jewish" and many have said yes, you do. Others have said no, you don't. And NOBODY has said you look italian.
So Young and already lier.

I didnt say people said I was italian on there!!!! WTF

many said I could pass, but i dont look jewish.

11-24-2017, 09:21 PM
And NOBODY has said you look italian.
So Young and already lier.
So old and so not smart. Guess the saying old people are the wisest isnt true.


btw its liar not lier.

Its so funny why would you think that people said I look ITALIAN on a thread that asks DO I LOOK JEWISH

11-24-2017, 09:25 PM
nah. he's not. unless you want to trace his ancestry way back like with Nadal. But to me that's not enough to make Nadal jewish, he's still catalan. :cool:

If Rafa Nadal is jew, cretino viejo will say that in this case he is not spanish...... which means that is the third not spanish between the most relevant spaniards: Penelope Cruz is not spanish because she is gipsy. Javier Bardem is not spanish because he is canarian and his grandmother is cuban (and now Rafa Nadal should not be spanish because he is jewish).... This is what CRISTIANO VIEJO BELIEVES AND WROTE IN THIS FORUM.

by the way: since when a Canarian is not spanish?

11-24-2017, 09:29 PM
So old and so not smart. Guess the saying old people are the wisest isnt true.


btw its liar not lier.

Its so funny why would you think that people said I look ITALIAN on a thread that asks DO I LOOK JEWISH

So Young and already so unpolite and arrogant

11-24-2017, 09:32 PM
So Young and already so unpolite and arrogant

unpolite and arrogant, when you call people "liers" when you dont even know what your talking about.

You look like a jew yourself, more than an italian. and i am curious as to why you have russian in your permission groups you certainly dont look russian either.

11-24-2017, 10:02 PM
unpolite and arrogant, when you call people "liers" when you dont even know what your talking about.

You look like a jew yourself, more than an italian. and i am curious as to why you have russian in your permission groups you certainly dont look russian either.

Really? So what I was guessing it is true: YOU ARE OFFENDED BECAUSE I'VE THOUGHT YOU LOOK JEW..... but if you read this thread, you will see that other two persons had the same idea... you just picked me to quarrel because "I am old" as you say? Do you consider this polite? I consider this a cowardy. And be sure that you are a racist if you are offended because somebody thinks you look like a jew.

I look like a jew myself? For just the photo of my profile? Ok, I will not loose my time by posting other photos of mine, it is not worth with a little arrogant like you.

The fact that I've russian in my permission Group is because I've seen during my life, that russian people are not only very clever and polite, but also the most correct I've ever met in my life. So, please, stop it and make your business without bothering "old people" like me.

Cristiano viejo
11-24-2017, 11:52 PM
nah. he's not. unless you want to trace his ancestry way back like with Nadal. But to me that's not enough to make Nadal jewish, he's still catalan. :cool:

Lol, that was a fairy tale of an Israeli rabino? (I dont remember what he was) that taking advantage of the surname Nadal, which was used by Jews in Balearic Islands, claimed Nadal for sure was Jewish and that is why Nadal was a champion and blablabla :lol:

Of course with no proofs etc, but even Nadal denied such accusations http://www.elimpulso.com/noticias/deportes/rafael-nadal-desmiente-rumores-sobre-supuestas-raices-judias

And oh, Nadal is not Catalan neither, ragazzo :icon_lol:

05-17-2021, 04:45 PM

05-18-2021, 01:45 AM
Littorid (dinaro-med)

05-30-2021, 07:29 PM
taurid (both armenoid and dinarid)+ atlanto med

03-21-2022, 04:07 AM

03-21-2022, 04:11 AM
he is Dinarid + Berid

stop classifying everybody with a big bose as Armenoid

This. He is basically a Dinaro-Med with a long nose and curly hair.

03-21-2022, 12:36 PM
Dinarid-Mediterranid imo.