View Full Version : Where Do You See Yourself?

11-26-2008, 07:06 AM
In the future? I`m not sure how old the rest of you are...I suspect a deal younger than me...:D
But when I look back over my life, I realise it turned out a great deal more differently than I imagined it would.
It made me wonder, how many of us plan our lives, even loosely, but with the absolute conviction or hope that they will turn out according to plan, only to have them take a left turn at the traffic lights and go haring off into another horizon?
When I was young...oh, long time ago...but anyways, I went through a whole gamut of ambitions...from employment dreams...ballet dancer (I have two left feet and all the grace of a baby elephant) to a vet (hopeless at the subjects needing to be studied and cats in particular hate me) to anything with horses (injury given by horses put paid to that! Evil beasts...)
to amorous ambitions...growing up, my fiercely prejudiced dad told me he`d disinherit me if I married an Englishman. So what`d I do? Yup...:o
and he was right! What a mistake!
Now though, I`m engaged to a Flemishman, something else I never in my wildest dreams foresaw, but you know what? It`s better than I imagined...:wink :)
Financially, I imagined by my late fifties (I`m 47 now) I`d be retired and living comfortably from my earnings. As it is, we forget to factor in the unexpected...a so called friend, `helping` my business (I`m self employed) stabbed me in the back, lost me six months of custom and as a result almost ruined my business reputation, then the recession hit the UK, and well, it`s like beginning from scratch again..good job I have tenacity and a stubborn refusal to lie down and die...;)

I am wary to look even ten years ahead and postulate where I`ll be then. Because one thing life`s taught me is that the unexpected hits, um..when you least expect it! :D
And that adaptability is one of the best traits we can cultivate.

Where do you see yourself, in your future? Do you have any ambitions you would care to share? If you look back over your life to date, has it gone as you imagined, or been radically different?

11-27-2008, 07:07 PM
since my present situation is the culmination of all my previous life choices (good and bad), plus a liberal dose of happenstance tossed in, and since I couldn't be happier than I am right now, I guess I have to say I wouldn't have changed a thing.

By the way, to all those on here that reside in the USA, happy thanksgiving. May you know and appreciate all that you are blessed with.


11-27-2008, 10:59 PM
I used to dislike thinking of ambitions and plans for the future, since it can be ruined so easily, until uncle Sartre told me, "people are like dice, and we throw ourselves into our lives." So, at the very least we can throw ourselves in the direction of our choosing, and my current direction is this: to build up enough working experience so that a decent, Germanic country would want me for my technical skills, perhaps even specialising in something rare within my field.

11-28-2008, 01:15 AM
In five years time I'll be posting on this forum from a solid gold computer in my €50million mansion while my gorgeous supermodel girlfriend brings me ice cold bottles of Stella Artois in her lingerie.

11-28-2008, 05:21 AM
Beer!? Good grief man! At least you could`ve chosen a good single malt...:p

12-01-2008, 12:13 PM
On a cottage at Orkney :)

12-01-2008, 12:17 PM
Well, I'm 30 and my life has not turned out as I visualized it so far...with everything, good and bad, that results from this.

And, what's worst, I still have no concrete plans for the future...but I'm working on it. I don't want to pressure myself to do something that I *think* I want to do and 10 years later I realize it was not what I wanted to do :p
On the other hand, I can't sit around and wait for things to happen, so I know I need to push them a little.
One thing I know, is that I'd like to further my education. To helvete with everything else, for the time being. :)

11-27-2011, 04:18 PM
I see myself as a bagman under Tirana bridges.

11-27-2011, 04:48 PM
I'm still not sure. Only thing i know is that i want to do something good in my life, good for other people and for myself. I want to improve my professional skills, but also explore new and different things. I better not expect anything, other way, i could be disappointed.

11-27-2011, 05:00 PM
Where do i see myself.....dead. Possibly stabbed to death by niggers...possible starvation....possibly killed by the united states government(the way things are going)...dead.

Although im betting on starvation.

11-27-2011, 05:10 PM
So I won't say something negative: with Sabina(very wishful thinking). :)

11-27-2011, 05:19 PM
I see myself in a picture of cereals

11-27-2011, 05:20 PM
Riding shotgun on the freight train of me.

11-27-2011, 05:46 PM
i saw myself like a successful self-confident white collar till few days ago

but now i see me better like these ones in future :D :

11-27-2011, 05:52 PM
I had it all figured out when I left school, I was going to be an engineer and do a few years work in England and then go off to Australia.

Sadly life isn't quite so easy, I trained as one, did a few years work and the company went bust and I haven't been able to get any work in engineering since.
At the moment I'm not on the dole so I suppose that's something, but my work is rather poorly paid, dull and without prospects to say the least.

My new plan is rather humble, I'll work in whatever I can, hopefully find a better job and hopefully sometime in life get around to buying some land and raising some livestock and crops on it - some semblance of self-sufficiency and the good life. ;)
I suppose if I have a good family, decentish house and a nice patch of England to call my own I'll be happy. Providing for a family will be important to me I suppose as well.