View Full Version : Is this Weddah "Weddoid"?

05-31-2012, 01:09 PM

I mean does he look Proto-Australoid like in colour dark brown approaching black, flat and broad nose, broad face etc like described.? The only proto-australoid thing about him i see is that he is very long headed. Overall to me he looks not primitive, he is tall, grows a beard but doesnt got body hair, impressive Figur.


05-31-2012, 02:55 PM
No he isn't. Caucasoid is predominant, with strong Veddoid influences. This is the quintessential Gypsy face...

05-31-2012, 03:05 PM
No he isn't. Caucasoid is predominant, with strong Veddoid influences. This is the quintessential Gypsy face...

I think he is evolved and progressive Proto-Australoid, his skull shape is just not Caucasoid. Its hyperdolicephalic (absent in Caucasoids). If he cut his beard he could maybe pass as Gypsy but still wouldnt be typical because of his hyperdolicephalism and lack of body hair, he seems also taller then the Indians sourrounding him. Impressive Figur.