View Full Version : Henri Roques : The Gerstein Report and the 1985 Nantes theisis affair

06-04-2009, 12:37 PM
The GERSTEIN Report and the 1985 Nantes theisis affair

Written by Henri Roques

International Conference "Review of the 'Holocaust': Global Vision"

Tehran, Iran, 11 - 12 December 2006

Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS).

The GERSTEIN Report and the 1985 Nantes thesis affair


There exists no proof of the existence of homicidal gas chambers in German wartime camps (thus, no proof of the "Holocaust" of the Jews of Europe). The Second World War ended in 1945, that is, 61 years ago. If there were proof of the extermination of Jewish deportees in gas chambers, it would have been revealed long ago. Even certain of the revisionists' opponents, the more lucid amongst them, know this. Still, they continue to keep alive the belief in the Shoah, for they have not resigned themselves to abandoning a new religion, that of the "Holocaust" -- which pollutes the whole of the Western world and covers it in guilt, beginning with Germany which is kept in the degrading state of perpetual culprit.

For my part, I have always believed that it is a question of a wartime lie, carefully maintained by the international Zionist lobby. It was in that frame of mind that I undertook, in the early 1980s, to shake the great taboo of the century. After the breakthrough in the media by Professor Robert FAURISSON in 1978-79, I read in the newspaper Le Monde (edition of February 21st, 1979, page 23) a joint declaration of historians bearing the signatures of 34 academics (some were known and renowned, others were completely unknown). Their object was to discredit Professor Faurisson's arguments. Inserted in that declaration was a passage from the testimony of Kurt GERSTEIN, an SS officer unfit for armed service, who had spent most of the war in Berlin at the Waffen SS institute of hygiene.

I had in the 1960s been a friend of Paul RASSINIER, father of Second World War historical revisionism, who told me one day: "The most insane testimony claiming that there existed homicidal gas chambers is that of GERSTEIN ".

I therefore decided to present a doctoral dissertation entitled " Les confessions de Kurt GERSTEIN, etude comparative des différentes versions. Edition critique ".

Aided by Professor Faurisson's guidance, I managed to bring together all of Gerstein's writings and to examine the file on him in the archives of the Direction de la justice militaire in Paris. That job had never been done before me.

As soon as I had read Gerstein's texts I understood that I was dealing with the work of a deranged man. My research on the individual confirmed his physical and mental decrepitude, as attested by a letter from a Dr Nissen to Mrs Gerstein in 1957. Here I shall give but three examples of the absurdities and implausiblities contained in his writings:

Gerstein estimates the number of dead by the end of 1942 at the Belzec and Treblinka camps alone to have been 25 million. No one, not even any of our opponents, can believe such an estimate.

Gerstein writes that Hitler and Himmler went to visit the Belzec camp on August 15, 1942, that is, two days before he did so himself. This is false, for the whereabouts of the two Nazi leaders on that date are known precisely.

Gerstein gives the following measurements of the alleged gas chambers: about 25 square metres and 45 cubic metres; he claims that 700 to 800 persons, that is, nearly 30 per square metre, were crammed inside. Is it believable?

I noted 29 implausiblities in the texts of Gerstein's testimony, but that list is surely incomplete.

In short, I carried out an assessment of certain writings and that assessment could have remained in the library of the University of Nantes, available to researchers. However, more than 11 months after my viva voce of June 15, 1985, the French Zionist lobby, from May 1986 onwards, seized on mu work to create a scandal that made echoes throughout the world (The Tehran Times itself devoted an article to the affair).

Subjected to outrageous pressures, the French minister for higher education ordered an inquiry into the conditions in which my thesis had been presented. The chief education officer (recteur) of Nantes, under orders from the minister, 'discovered' some rather unconvincing administrative irregularities. My thesis was annulled on account of those alleged irregularities. Something that had never happened in the French university since its creation. Never had a doctoral candidate been made to bear responsibility for irregularities, whether real or supposed, imputable to the university administration. The administrative tribunal of Nantes, then the Conseil d'Etat, the highest administrative authority of France, upheld the annulment, a fact that proves the omnipotence of the Zionist lobby in France. That did not prevent my thesis from being a success: after two editions in French, it was translated into German, English and Arabic. I had demolished a testimony that was very precious indeed for the conformist authors, for it had been given spontaneously by an SS man even before Germany's surrender. It was a pillar of the legend of the Shoah that I had reduced to rubble.

Quickly, silence fell upon my affair. Our opponents, shaken for a moment, have since begun using the "Gerstein report" anew to confirm the alleged reality of the Shoah and the Nazi homicidal gas chambers.

There has even been a film using it, made in 2002 by the director Constantin Costa-Gavras, very well-known in Europe. The film was called Amen and its purpose was to slander the Roman Catholic Church by accusing Pius XII, Pope during the war, of having done nothing to stop the "extermination of the Jews". The figure of Gerstein appeared in that film; indeed his character was the pivotal role. At the end, in large letters, the screen showed the words: "The Gerstein report contributed to the substantiation of the Holocaust". What stupidity!

The revisionists' adversaries really have nothing valid to oppose to the other side's arguments.

On April 21, 1982, in Paris, an entity by the Name of ASSAG (Association pour l'étude des assassinats par gaz sous le régime national socialiste) was created. After 24 years, this association, made up of historians and former deportees, still exists, but it has never published anything. What may one conclude from this?

That in 1982 there wa no proof of killings by gas under the National Socialist regime, since the ASSAG working group had been looking for such proof;
That in 24 years of existence the association has found nothing!

I believe the case is clear. The West is confronted with a gigantic historical lie dating from the mid-20th century.

It lives behind a wall of silence that stifles all freedom of research and expression on a certain subject.

And this has been going on for six decades!

Henri ROQUES December 3, 2006

On September 16 I saw to it that my communication to the Institute of Political and International Studies was short, as the IPIS wished.

Still, I think it is necessary to add a few specific points:

1°/ Kurt Gerstein was physically and mentally ill; he had hypoglycaemia (diabetes with low blood-sugar) and repeated spells of depression.

On October 1, 1957, in a letter to Gerstein's widow, the physician Dr Nissen, a colleague of Gerstein's at the Berlin Institute of Hygiene, wrote: "Your husband's glycaemic imbalance sometimes brought on pre-comatose states that accounted for his instances of absentmindedness and certain strange reactions" (see the book by Saul Friedlander, Kurt Gerstein ou l'ambiguïté du bien, Castermann, Tournai (Belgium) 1967, p. 152).

2°/ Despite his degree in engineering, Gerstein confuses hydrogen cyanide and potassium cyanide. The former is a liquid and the latter a solid. He speaks sometimes of one, sometimes of the other as if it were a question of a single substance. However, there is as much difference between the two as between hydrochloric acid and sodium chloride, which is nothing other than table salt.

3°/ In 1947 French gendarmes found, in a cache at Gerstein's house, a painting by Henri Matisse that was known to be of great value. All trace of it had been lost after a sale at auction in 1914. Gerstein could only have got hold of it by unlawful, therefore reprehensible means; besides, he has hidden it so to avoid legal trouble (see Encyclopedia universalis 2000, p. 89).


Despite its aberrant character, Gerstein's testimony -- often reproduced but with falsifications, made deliberately by some or recopied without verification by others -- is considered the most conclusive evidence of the existence of gas chambers in the concentration camp of Hitler's Germany.

Gerstein's text was not read before the high tribunal at Nuremberg; the latter admitted in evidence only two invoices for Zyklon B which attests to nothing of a criminal nature, for Gerstein was in charge of supplying the camps with that product for purposes of disinfection.

The array of evidence from which to choose had to be quite limited for 34 French academics, in 1979, to give preference (as I have said in my previous communication to this outlandish "confession" in their attempt to destroy the revisionist arguments.

What an admission of powerlessness on our opponents' part!

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 19 May 2009 )

06-04-2009, 12:41 PM
Those pesky joos again! :eek: