View Full Version : European Vacation

06-01-2012, 03:00 AM
I'm thinking about visiting Europe for a few weeks, and here is the dilemma. Don't know where to go, but know real well where not to go. Being Polish American or European living in the USA makes it really hard. First off the Netherlands is out of the question. On my arrival Civis would have me arrested, interrogated and thrown in jail, and that's just for starters. He would suspect my rental car is stolen, would check my bags for stolen wallets and hotel towels. I would be told that as an American I don't know shit about shit, I'm rude and arrogant colonial asshole. On departure Civis would have me interrogated again and have full body cavity search done. The rest of Western Europe can't be much better. Don't know much about Eastern Europe. I've been just to Poland and Czech Republic. So where should I go ...... Hawaii? :p