View Full Version : Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space.

06-04-2009, 10:47 PM

02-14-2021, 09:30 AM
I doubt there is a human future in space in fact I doubt there is any human future at all. If there is it will be short lived :

Humans in Europe and western Asia evolved into Homo neanderthalensis (‘Man from the Neander Valley’), popularly referred to simply as ‘Neanderthals’. Neanderthals, bulkier and more muscular than us Sapiens, were well adapted to the cold climate of Ice Age western Eurasia. The more eastern regions of Asia were populated by Homo erectus, ‘Upright Man’, who survived there for close to 2 million years, making it the most durable human species ever. This record is unlikely to be broken even by our own species. It is doubtful whether Homo sapiens will still be around a thousand years from now, so 2 million years is really out of our league.--Doctor Yuval Noah Hararri


Its more like we are going to be exterminated by super hominids of the genus homo like how we exterminated the Neanderthals and if we are going into space they will follow us and slaughter us.

02-14-2021, 09:43 AM
From Neander Valley into Outer Space

Sapiens Galaxiensis the Human of the future

02-14-2021, 10:12 AM
OP's video:


Carl Sagan was a world renowned astrophysicist well known due to his work with NASA on extraterrestrial life. Sagan played a significant role in choosing the contents of the Voyager Golden Record which is currently on board the Voyager spacecraft, the first man-made object to enter interstellar space.

Carl Sagan in his writings was very sympathetic to religion and open minded towards it, suggesting that our minuscule size gives him good reason to believe something is bigger than us.

He also predicted the 21st century in one of his books.
