View Full Version : The 'No Voters' Thread.

06-05-2009, 04:58 PM
As it is this time of year where millions of people across Europe are voting, I thought it would be good to veer off from the thread 'Did you vote today?' (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5062) and ask 'If you didn't, why not?'

I have noticed that we have many people in the nationalist ranks which defy all logic and don't vote... at all!

I have always voted if and where possible. It is because I vote that I personally have the right to comment upon political matters pertaining to my nation and Europe.

What do you think of those 'non-voters?'

06-05-2009, 09:27 PM
As a nationalist I don't believe in the democratic political system, for many reasons... When the host people can unite through a common idea for the survival of it's nation and people it doesn't need voting for 10 parties, all would unite to a common idea and ideology.
When the unity is so strong that a fascist party can gain majority and totalitarian then I could vote if it needs those last votes to gain it.
This happened in Germany but I'm very sceptic that the people has the ability to unite once again, especially when the Protocols are nearly fulfilled :roll eyes.

06-06-2009, 12:02 AM
We must use all means at our disposal to forward our agenda. That includes, protesting, voting, boycotting and so on. To fail to use those means is effectively to support those would deny us our rights and freedoms.