View Full Version : When Josip becomes Giuseppe

06-06-2012, 08:55 PM
When Josip becomes Giuseppe
http://www.croatian-genealogy.com/cro-news/0pictures/2009/ilustracija3.jpgTeritory that is now under jurisdiction of the Republic of Croatia was in the past divided into several different dominions: Italian, Austrian (German), Hungarian... Those dominions had often changed, thus Catholic church records were kept in different languages.
So, it is not uncommon that the same person was recorded in Croatian or Latin language at one time, but in Italian or Hungarian in other times. A genealogist should carefully discern that, for example, name Giuseppe recorded at birth may turn out as Josip in marriage records.
Here are some examples of a few common Croatian first names and it's counterparts in other languages.
Croatian: Ivan Greek: Ioannes / Latin: Johannes German: Johannes Italian: Giovanni Hungarian: János
Croatian: Josip Greek: Iosephos / Latin: Iosephus German: Josef, Joseph Italian: Giuseppe Hungarian: József
Croatian: Stjepan Greek: Stephanos / Latin: Stephanus German: Stefan Italian: Stefano Hungarian: István
Croatian: Božidar Greek: Theodorus / Latin: Theodorus German: Theodore Italian: Teodoro Hungarian: Tódor
Croatian: Jakob, Jakov Greek: Iakobos / Latin: Iacobus, Iacomus German: Jakob Italian: Giacomo Hungarian: Jakab
Croatian: Ilija Greek: Elias / Latin: Elias German: Elias Italian: Elia Hungarian: Illés