View Full Version : Just friends,or more?

Hurrem sultana
06-08-2012, 11:22 PM
So guys,how do you behave towards a woman that you see only as a friend and to a woman that you see as something more? what is the difference? i mean,how can i really tell what a guy wants?:)

06-08-2012, 11:58 PM
You should maybe read about body language, pay attention how he gaze at you.
Anyway, a male friend is always a lover in disguise in my opinion. Except for the gay ones, they're sincere in their friendship.

Hurrem sultana
06-09-2012, 12:03 AM
You should maybe read about body language, pay attention how he gaze at you.

really? strange :D

06-09-2012, 12:09 AM
really? strange :D

There are other things about body language see that you can find on inet.
No idea how do you see what a boy wants from you,that is a guessing thing.
You can not know something for sure,you can suppose but your supposition might be wrong.

06-09-2012, 12:10 AM
So guys,how do you behave towards a woman that you see only as a friend and to a woman that you see as something more? what is the difference? i mean,how can i really tell what a guy wants?:)

Well Sis, that will depend on the guy. The primitive or cocky kind will let you know, there will be no doubt! :D Oh, do you mean the shy kind? It's all in the look. Learn to read the eyes, they never lie. ;)

Damião de Góis
06-09-2012, 12:14 AM
I will behave strangely if i'm interested and get nervous if i'm really interested :D, at least in the begining when i don't know them, like if it's someone i just met or haven't got to know them well yet.

If i'm not interested then i'll talk normally like it would be with any other person.

But this probably changes from person to person.

06-09-2012, 12:16 AM
So guys,how do you behave towards a woman that you see only as a friend and to a woman that you see as something more? what is the difference? i mean,how can i really tell what a guy wants?:)

Guys always want one thing

06-09-2012, 12:17 AM
Do you have any suspicions, Bosnian?:D

It really depends on the guy in question, since different people will have different ways of communicating the same thing.

Here's what I do:

Try to see how they act around you. They might be a bit more courteous than before or to other women.

I prefer to approach somebody when they're alone since I don't want a big conversation with their friends also. Also, if a guy often talks to you just for "the sake of talking to you", you can be sure that that is not the reason.

As well, you might notice him looking at you quite often and moving his eyes away once you look at him. However, if I'm the person in question, I'm probably just studying the features for classification.:D

06-09-2012, 12:18 AM
....However, if I'm the person in question, I'm probably just studying the features for classification.:D
Ye lol I am doing that also and is miss-interpreted by some women.

06-09-2012, 12:21 AM
Ye lol I am doing that also and is miss-interpreted by some women.

I have the same feeling. I'm just staring at their faces to tell where they might be from (if I don't know) or to tell what subrace they are. They probably think I'm staring for other reasons. Lol, I'm so weird.:D

06-09-2012, 12:23 AM
I am no guy, but I might share some of the things that I have fortunately and unfortunately had the opportunity to experience myself with my guy friends:

1. They are more nervous and not laid-back. If you have been friends for a while, his behaviour will change a bit and you might actually feel frustrated because of that, since your friendship suffers.
2. Pupils dillate when they see you (but this is actually very questionable since some people have naturally very large pupils and it's hard to tell, some of them might be high) :p
3. He will let you know by certain hints (if he has some common sense, values your friendship and is not too emotional, it will not be open, straightforward hints). If you don't get them, means you're not interested and should move on, not hurting both yourself and him. If you are not sure whether you are receiving any hints, stop over-analyzing and move on. We, women, sometimes over-analyze.

And, BTW, if you want to choose a man by yourself, not to be chosen, you sometimes have to make the first move.

06-09-2012, 12:26 AM
2. Pupils dillate when they see you (but this is actually very questionable since some people have naturally very large pupils and it's hard to tell, some of them might be high) :p

My chink eyes are too small to notice that.:D:p

06-09-2012, 12:29 AM
I have a friend for which I have no feelings anymore. When I did have them and when we were together I always wanted to look at her so I deliberately tried not to look at her.
Women always want to find a way to see if someone is looking at them whether in a new dress or in a bikini. So I deliberately tried not to look at her.
Sometimes it can be obvious. At least that is what I did.

06-09-2012, 12:31 AM
I have a friend for which I have no feelings anymore. When I did have them and when we were together I always wanted to look at her so I deliberately tried not to look at her.
Women always want to find a way to see if someone is looking at them whether in a new dress or in a bikini. So I deliberately tried not to look at her.
Sometimes it can be obvious. At least that is what I did.

I'm guilty of the same things. I try to make sure they can't tell I'm looking, and sometimes I get caught.

However, I'm presently training to be the future Casanova, so I have to try to be more upfront.:D

06-09-2012, 12:31 AM
really? strange :D
Mraz is right. If he is interested with you, then he stares at you even when you are not speaking with him and when you are not looking at him.

If you cant figure it out yourself, just arrange someone to observe him while he is standing close to you.

06-09-2012, 12:47 AM
You're a woman. Women read body language and dissassemble behaviour infinitely better than men. How can you not know? Make some enquiries with women that know both of you. Women love to gossip, and they might be able to read him better than you :p

Alternatively, you could just play truth or dare.

06-09-2012, 12:53 AM
Riends? Pfft! There is more to life than friendship!

Aces High
06-09-2012, 11:05 AM
how can i really tell what a guy wants?

If he is talking to you he wants to fuck you.....thats about all you need to know.

06-09-2012, 11:39 AM
Rest assured little girl that in your case he wants more.

06-09-2012, 11:43 AM
So guys,how do you behave towards a woman that you see only as a friend and to a woman that you see as something more? what is the difference? i mean,how can i really tell what a guy wants?:)

It is easy to know what a guy really wants. Women are smart :cool:

06-09-2012, 11:50 AM
Yeah I've posted this earlier and it is very valid in this case as well:


06-09-2012, 11:55 AM
I see your video, and raise the bet ;)


06-09-2012, 11:55 AM
So guys,how do you behave towards a woman that you see only as a friend and to a woman that you see as something more?

Interested guys will spend more time and make more excuses to spend time with and talk to you than guys who are less interested and have less time and interest. (Because those ones are already chasing after other girls or they are working on their stamp collection or they would rather be going out with the guys etc).

Maybe the interested ones would even go as far as to pretend to listen to what you're saying and give semi-awake kinds of replies.
They'll try to make jokes and make you laugh.
They'll suggest social activities in order to have more contact with you.
They'll (maybe) tell you things about themselves. In such cases they're either interested in you or your gay male girlfriend.
There is a small chance that they're just being social and want to add you to their "friends" list but if a guy wanted friends he has enough males and his dog to choose from already.

what is the difference? i mean,how can i really tell what a guy wants?:)

Is he nervous around you?
Does he seem to want something and acts confusingly, both to yourself and himself?
Ask him what he wants. It works. If he's too scared to answer you're wasting your time with him in any case. If he can answer, you know.

06-09-2012, 12:00 PM
So guys,how do you behave towards a woman that you see only as a friend and to a woman that you see as something more? what is the difference? i mean,how can i really tell what a guy wants?:)

I want only Friendship, Sorry Bosnian:D:lol00002:

Aces High
06-09-2012, 12:00 PM
pretend to listen to what you're saying ì


06-09-2012, 12:29 PM

bosnian is just trolling us to boost her ego :rolleyes:

06-09-2012, 12:43 PM
Yeah I've posted this earlier and it is very valid in this case as well:
Loki, you can be friends with girls. It`s just if something beyond friendship happens between you and her, you can both call it as sympathy fuck and move on :)

Ofc if one side considers that seriously, beyond a sympathy, then yes, the other side should end the friendship.

06-09-2012, 12:52 PM
Loki, you can be friends with girls. It`s just if something beyond friendship happens between you and her, you can both call it as sympathy fuck and move on :)

Ofc if one side considers that seriously, beyond a sympathy, then yes, the other side should end the friendship.

Yes I agree - mutual benefit or no benefit :) I don't require 'sympathy fucks' from any woman though, I can just go out on the high street and pull in an hour. :coffee: However I can give sympathy fucks ... a generous guy. :)

06-09-2012, 01:43 PM
I don't make friends with girls - at most, I make female acquintances.

I'd rather do something else than talking, hanging out, etc. with female acquintances; I prioritize a lot of things over that. I would therefore try to avoid contact with them. If forced to have contact, I would try to keep the conversation or whatever as short as possible while always looking for my chance to escape. If it gets too much, I'll bluntly just call it off; there's only a certain level of tolerance I have for that.

I tend to be almost completely oblivious to girls that I don't have any interest in.

If I'm interested in the girl, I'll attempt to make more contact when there is a chance to. I would try to seek her. I'm usually more hesitant and nervous when talking with girls I'm interested in. I'm more confident with non-interesting girls than with interesting ones.

Depending on why she's interesting and how interesting she's, I'll behave differently. Most girls tend to be rather boring conversationalists, it's usually me me me; honestly, that's a very poor topic for discussion. In those cases, I pretend to listen, I'll give some comments (often to elongate the conversation, questions f.e.) and slowly but surely it will drain me and I'll draw a relieved sigh when it's done.

From my pov (and probably most other guys), this is a great sacrifice that we make. Something remarkable is that guys have this sense of what part of the conversation is important. In the aforementioned cases of trivial conversation, we'll isolate ourselves from our surroundings and go deep in our heads while giving automated zombie replies.

However, whenever there is something that is crucial to the conversation and could ruin our efforts if not done right, we'll intuitively return to planet Earth and into our earthly shell and save the day. It's kinda like when Superman hears the cries of someone in trouble. This ingenius attribute has to be some evolutionary trait developed so that we can pass on our genes.

In short, I think you can deduce whether there's some interest or not if the guy actually tries to put up with you. If he's interested he'll give you some attention, even if it might not be easy for him to endure. That might just be me though.

06-09-2012, 06:16 PM
Yeah I've posted this earlier and it is very valid in this case as well:



Guys are friends with other guys, they are Fuck Buddies or potential Fuck Buddies with women.

And the reasons are obvious.