View Full Version : Swearing

11-26-2008, 06:03 PM
How many of you swear, and how often?

I do. I vloek when I get really angry. I'm trying to cut down but it's hard, especially at work or in traffic.

11-26-2008, 06:13 PM
I swear when I'm angry, annoyed or frustrated. Especially the Christian deities are called upon in impunity and irreverance, and biological-reproductive processes are not spared. :D

11-26-2008, 06:26 PM
I swear when I am angry or frustrated with something. I only swear in private, if I am alone or around people I'm closely acquainted with. Public swearing is not very ladylike behavior, so I restrain myself in public as much as I can. :o

11-26-2008, 06:31 PM
I swear when I'm angry, annoyed or frustrated. Especially the Christian deities are called upon in impunity and irreverance, and biological-reproductive processes are not spared. :D

Ha ha ha. It's kind of cathartic. I find I feel better sweraing in another language. Eff U is not as satisfactory as VA FAN CULO,SPASTIC SWINISH TAXI DRIVER! :)

11-26-2008, 06:35 PM
I swear when I am angry or frustrated with something. I only swear in private, if I am alone or around people I'm closely acquainted with. Public swearing is not very ladylike behavior, so I restrain myself in public as much as I can. :o

I used to be like you, worried about what people might say and things, but then I got to a stage when I realised that I was walking around with all this anger, and just let it all out one day. I felt so good. :)

We need to realise that, as women, we also get angry and frustrated, and a bit of vloeking is healthy. It stops us picking up a knife and carving someone to death, for one. :D

11-26-2008, 06:46 PM
Ha ha ha. It's kind of cathartic. I find I feel better sweraing in another language. Eff U is not as satisfactory as VA FAN CULO,SPASTIC SWINISH TAXI DRIVER! :)

I used Msuno kanyoku (http://www.it-rx.com/insults/swearing/zulu.htm) quite a bit in SA. :o

11-26-2008, 06:59 PM
I used to be like you, worried about what people might say and things, but then I got to a stage when I realised that I was walking around with all this anger, and just let it all out one day. I felt so good. :)

We need to realise that, as women, we also get angry and frustrated, and a bit of vloeking is healthy. It stops us picking up a knife and carving someone to death, for one. :D
In my case it also has to do with being more of a private, introverted person. I don't like to attract too much attention onto myself. When it comes to women, I could say I'm somewhat "conservative", or call it even female misogynist if you will. :p There are certain things I think are very inappropriate for a woman to do in public or in the presence of many strangers, and in that regard I place swearing under the same category with burping or picking the nose, for example. Not really "crimes" as such, but a breach of etiquette.

11-26-2008, 07:55 PM
How many of you swear, and how often?

I work in construction...so....:D

But, I was in Asda the other day, and was in a long queue waiting to buy just a few items. The express lines were rammed and the rest were looking more hopeful.
There was an old lady and her son(?) doing their shopping and they took forever. The cashier was particularly slow, as was them packing.

I am quite a patient person, but when after faffing with his money, giving this change for that, he then wants to buy something else separately so as to have a different receipt.

"ok" you may say, but it was one item and he then proceeded to pay for it with a credit card :mad:

I just lost it and shouted out "for fucks sake, I swear to Christ almighty".

They got the message and paid with cash. The cashier even let them off 2p. :)

11-27-2008, 03:29 AM
Once in a rare blue moon it slips out..... but only at home in extreme circumstances. The only time I use them under normal circumstances is in expressions such as: "Damned if you do and damned if you don't." When used in those ways, the context is a bit different than swearing though.

11-27-2008, 04:06 AM
Like most here, only if I`m angry or upset, and then only in moderation. Oh, or if, for example, I drop the hammer on my foot....things like that..:o
It`s a lot more convenient to swear in Gaelic. :D
I hate people swearing as a matter of course in their conversation. We have a friend who is a sailor, and now we know where the phrase "curses like a sailor" comes from!
What I find amusing is one countrys definition of what a swear is and another countrys of what isn`t...for example, I`ve seen forums where they asterix out the word god out of context...(if I say, "oh, for gods sakes!") and words like damn, which I don`t really consider a swear.
Or hell. Never understood how that became a swear...:confused:
Och well, each to their own.
In company, when I (rarely!) use the F word, I tend to say `feck`, which is an Irish/Scots way of saying it, and also happily reminiscent of a comedy programme called Father Ted, hilarious series...:thumbs up

11-27-2008, 04:36 AM
As a bit of fun...a conversation on historical swear words. :) It appears that in the past, they were a little more creative than folks are now.

(and that the Brits can blame the Dutch for many swear words...*pokes out tongue at Goswinus * :p :D ) ID%3D1%26Topic_Title%3DAnglo-Saxon%2BSwear%2BWords%253F%253F%253F%253F%26Forum_ Title%3DAnglo-Saxon%2BDiscussion+old+english+swear+word&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=3&gl=uk&client=firefox-a

02-28-2013, 12:25 AM
I used to swear in German a lot, sometimes still do. Once, it stood me in good stead. I had taken a horse-drawn cab ride into La Linea de la Concepcion, from Gibraltar. I was carrying a Garrard turntable, which I had purchased in Gibraltar, on my lap. No one paid any attention to it when I entered Spain.

Having discovered that about 85% of La Linea.........consisted of filthy one-room brothels opening onto the filthy street, I decided to return to Gibraltar. At the border, the Spanish customs personnel who had ignored the Garrard on my way in, started giving me trouble. I spoke (and speak) almost no Spanish. After trying unsuccessfully to explain about the turntable, I lost my hair-trigger temper and started cursing them out in German. [I might mention that I was in "civvies" , had crew-cut blond hair and was rather stout.]

Instantly, they "popped to" attention and waved me through. I was nonplussed for a moment until I realised that these men were old enough to have been trained by the Germans before World War Two when the Nazis were meddling in the Spanish Civil War. Anyhow, they didn't seem to want to tangle with a German.


Damiăo de Góis
02-28-2013, 12:27 AM
Not much. Mostly when playing football, or playing any other game.

02-28-2013, 12:37 AM
I swear when I'm happy, nervous, angry, bored, trying to be friendly with people and when I'm with family or friends (And sometimes strangers as well). There are probably other times as well, but I can't think of them right now.

03-03-2013, 06:34 PM
I don't, I only mildly swear at horrible drivers but that shouldn't really count. :biggrin:

03-03-2013, 06:39 PM
We are the most Catholic in Europe, we also swear the most. We swear so much that we have a list of Saints names to mention every time we get seriously pissed. Not that I'm proud of it....and not that I'm religious either.

03-03-2013, 06:45 PM
We are the most Catholic in Europe, we also swear the most. We swear so much that we have a list of Saints names to mention every time we get seriously pissed. Not that I'm proud of it....and not that I'm religious either.

I swear all the time, sometimes for no good reason just because I like the way it sounds.

03-03-2013, 07:13 PM
I swear when reason is ineffective .. as a boy i had a stutter .. noticed that when swearing or singing the stutter ceased.

03-03-2013, 07:17 PM
I swear when reason is ineffective .. as a boy i had a stutter .. noticed that when swearing or singing the stutter ceased.

You might have just found the cure for stuttering.

03-03-2013, 10:02 PM
You might have just found the cure for stuttering. Rage has an uncanny way of balancing ones breath .. the cure for most stutters.

When in Quebec I encountered a wide variety of colourful curses .. i use some of them to this day for they have an excellent effect of venting the emotion. Chi Kung taught me that emotions are stored in our organs & if left un-vented will manifest as illness .. the shhhhh sound is of the liver & its nature is anger .. hence the common use of the shhh sound when angered.

Bobby Six Killer
03-03-2013, 10:14 PM
very often

03-03-2013, 10:14 PM
When I get annoyed/angry I do have a tendency to swear quite A LOT, and when alone or in my room, I can do it quite loudly..sometimes my mother still scolds me for it, eventhough I know got this from her side of the family.

With I'm with close friends I might swear a little bit in random conversation, but when someone who isn't my close friend in around I generally don't.

03-03-2013, 10:16 PM
Swear words are part of my normal vocabulary, as many of you have probably noticed. When I am really, REALLY angry I become extremely polite. So the nicer I am, the more pissed off I am. :)

03-19-2013, 03:51 PM
Surprisingly to some members I do not swear much, my mother would tell you she has never heard me swear.
Yes I am a construction worker, and I can out swear most people on this planet in English if I have to.

03-19-2013, 03:58 PM
It depends who I'm in the company with. Try & not swear with old people, strangers & youngsters.

Otherwise swear a lot, with friends or those who don't mind. If it fits the sentence. :P

Posters in this thread, who mention being catholic makes you swear more. You're wrong. It makes no difference.