View Full Version : Gjoko Lazarevski, the Hero of Lešok

06-10-2012, 04:19 AM
Gjoko Lazarevski, the Hero of Lešok. Macedonian hero.


This Macedonian hero deserves a thread. It's a Macedonian hero since 2001. Year who along with his two friends defended the Tetovo village Lesok. Without any support from the Macedonian army or police, Djoko and his two friends defended Lesok from Albanian terrorists. With the weapons that it had given the state to defend the villagers, these three men alone defending the village. Although almost all Macedonians from Lesok were able to bear arms was given those weapons, but remained only three ... Three village who refused to give the terrorists. The village knew that these terrorists are coming and all fled who reach where, among the last were the family of Djoko, he can protect his home village and his unborn son (who unfortunately never saw) began this struggle. The fight lasted and seeing it was not alone three, and staying out of ammunition began to withdraw, but true to his field affects shrapnel which for him would be fatal.



Вечна му слава. Лесна да му е земјата

06-10-2012, 04:20 AM

06-10-2012, 04:25 AM
Not a classification thread but thanks anyway. :)

06-10-2012, 04:27 AM
I apologize, and read I it as a classification thread for some weird reason. :p

06-10-2012, 04:51 AM
Oh my god that is so sad. He is a true hero and may he always be remembered. May he rest in peace.

06-12-2012, 01:01 PM
Лека му пръст.

06-12-2012, 01:02 PM
God bless his soul.

Crn Volk
06-13-2012, 12:49 AM
Indeed. One of Macedonia's modern heroes.

06-13-2012, 01:00 AM
Very courageous man, he protected his family and the whole village, he could still keep the albanians, who would slaughter the whole village. When he was able to stop the albanians a little, the other villagers had time to escape from Lesok including his pregnant wife. Vecna mu slava.


Crn Volk
07-24-2015, 12:17 AM

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Ѓоко Лазаревски - Херој на нашето време!!!

На денешен ден 23,07 во 2001 година пред точно четиринаесет години бранејќи го родното село,
селаните, семејството и родината, од шиптарските терористи на учк, со цел да ја обезбеди евакуацијата и сигурниот премин на населението кон соседното село Жилче, загинува ЃОКО ЛАЗАРЕВСКИ (30)

ЃОКО ЛАЗАРЕВСКИ-Лешочкиот херој (1971-2001) од Лешок на 23 јули 2001 година го загуби животот откако со уште четворица негови другари го бранеја Лешок и Лешочкиот Манастир од терористите.Препуштен сам на себе во најтешките моменти ја презел
командата за организација на одбраната.Тој и неговите другари давале отпор со цел да обезбедат сигурен премин на соселаните во соседното Жилче.Ти беше храбар човек кој во ниеден момент не се поколеба за одбрана на својата родината Македонија. За разлика од политичарите кои капитулираа тој не се предаде и се бореше се до крај!!!

Вечна ти слава!

ioan assen
07-24-2015, 07:30 AM