View Full Version : How has being on The Apricity changed or confirmed your view on the world?

06-10-2012, 02:04 PM
How has being on The Apricity changed, or confirmed, your view on the world?

Personally, I have learnt a lot here from many different members. I have had lots to think about which has changed my view on the world somewhat, especially in a political sense. Some of the things I vehemently disagreed with in the beginning are starting to make sense to me.

06-10-2012, 02:23 PM
It has changed my view on certain issues, but it has also emphasized other points.
I know now more where I belong to. So it has shaped my identity and it has influenced my view on some nations in a positive way and also on others in a negative way.

Damião de Góis
06-10-2012, 02:24 PM
It has changed my view on a few countries.

06-10-2012, 02:35 PM
it has changed my view on some balkan countries. People show their true faces behind the screens.

06-10-2012, 02:36 PM
The squabbling between Serbs, Croats, Albanians, Bulgarians, Romanians, and Poles has confirmed my impression that the animosities between the, especially eastern, European countries are very deeply rooted. If this is at least as strong in western Europe, as I suspect, how can the EU possibly survive ?


06-10-2012, 02:51 PM
It has giving me a different perspective on how Europeans think in different ways and how each individual is different in their own mind/ world.

06-10-2012, 03:07 PM
The squabbling between Serbs, Croats, Albanians, Bulgarians, Romanians, and Poles has confirmed my impression that the animosities between the, especially eastern, European countries are very deeply rooted. If this is at least as strong in western Europe, as I suspect, how can the EU possibly survive ?


From being a long term member on European cultural community forums, i have seen the squabbling and animosity on a regular basis, it is true, there will never be neighbourly love between them.
The west should feed them weapons of mass destruction freely, and they should be allowed to utterly destroy themselves.:coffee:

06-10-2012, 03:08 PM
These sort of forums aren't really the best place to expect people from different naitonalities to tag along, unless they are very close and no historical tensions exist between them.

The Lawspeaker
06-10-2012, 03:10 PM
From being a long term member on European cultural community forums, i have seen the squabbling and animosity on a regular basis, it is true, there will never be neighbourly love between them.
The west should feed them weapons of mass destruction freely, and they should be allowed to utterly destroy themselves.:coffee:

No nukes. By the time they are done killing each other Western Europeans can then move in and take the Lebensraum. :thumbs up

06-10-2012, 03:23 PM
Theapricity has put final conclusions to my racialist views. So final conclusions.

06-10-2012, 03:25 PM
One would expect it to have made me somewhat "racist" and a "European supremacist", but it's actually demonstrated to me that no matter how much I may tend to sometimes stereotype people, I cannot find it in me to hate anyone for any reason other than their individual character as a person.

06-10-2012, 03:32 PM
Sometimes it breaks my heart to think nigger is a nigger.

Fortis in Arduis
06-10-2012, 03:38 PM
It has giving me a different perspective on how Europeans think in different ways and how each individual is different in their own mind/ world.

Thank you. Some Americans have a slightly monolithic view of Europe.

There is so much eastern intrigue, in the Baltic states, in the Balkans. The forum has opened my eyes to what lies beyond my country's borders in a way that other louder more restrictive fora did not.

I have also observed barnyard behaviour coming from certain parties which has taught me to trust my gut feelings more.

Yes, it has helped me to clarify my thoughts, and reading others' opinions of the UK is very useful.

06-10-2012, 03:40 PM
What I will say is this site has made me even more distrustful of extreme self-proclaimed "liberals" and "activists".

06-10-2012, 03:42 PM
The squabbling between Serbs, Croats, Albanians, Bulgarians, Romanians, and Poles has confirmed my impression that the animosities between the, especially eastern, European countries are very deeply rooted. If this is at least as strong in western Europe, as I suspect, how can the EU possibly survive ?


I do not know for others but Croats and Serbs ( considered as biggest enemies) go quite along on TA. Poles are our big friends. Romanians and Bulgarians are always considered friendly. You can see some word throwing between Croats and Albanians and especially from me but that is only some kind of black humor. In reality Croatia recognized Kosovo and Albania and Croatia in reality are friendly countries. So who cares about opinions based on forum chatting.

06-10-2012, 03:44 PM
It has changed my view on Albania, Turkey and Croatia. I thought that Albania is Pakistan of the Balkans and there live people similar to arabs, also i thought that croats think that we are very similar nations and brothers in denial, but they feel closer to czechs and slovaks. :D

Supreme American
06-10-2012, 03:47 PM
I think the only way my view has changed in that being here with a lot of European preservationists, the rank-and-file in Europe are about as generally left-wing and anti-American as European rags like The Guardian. As of the same racial stock, we should be allies and basing our mutual respect and cooperation on that basis. Instead, I see Europeans at each others' throats, and the only time they cooperate is to attack Americans.

Half the time I want to give you all the finger. :)

06-10-2012, 03:50 PM
I was brought up by a Victorian mother....so to me you Europeans are all Swarthy niggers, and untrustworthy. :)

The Lawspeaker
06-10-2012, 03:51 PM
I was brought up by a Victorian mother....so to me you Europeans are all Swarthy niggers and untrustworthy. :)

I feel the same way about that lot outside our borders. Apart from our brothers to the South.

06-10-2012, 03:57 PM
It is good to read some insights from many posters,but a big number of them in terms of opinion represent the deviation from the general population.Ultra nationalists,ultra racist,too liberal etc etc.Don't forget the infamous trolls too.

Queen B
06-10-2012, 04:00 PM
How has being on The Apricity changed, or confirmed, your view on the world?

It teached me that they are actually most stupid people than I thought.

06-10-2012, 04:00 PM
No nukes. By the time they are done killing each other Western Europeans can then move in and take the Lebensraum. :thumbs up

From being a long term member on European cultural community forums, i have seen the squabbling and animosity on a regular basis, it is true, there will never be neighbourly love between them.
The west should feed them weapons of mass destruction freely, and they should be allowed to utterly destroy themselves.:coffee:

So long dickheads. Because of people like this I quit this forum.

And Tuan you are the biggest jerk the world has ever seen


Supreme American
06-10-2012, 04:06 PM
The squabbling between Serbs, Croats, Albanians, Bulgarians, Romanians, and Poles has confirmed my impression that the animosities between the, especially eastern, European countries are very deeply rooted. If this is at least as strong in western Europe, as I suspect, how can the EU possibly survive ?


That's the point of separate ethnic homelands. This in and of itself is one of MANY proofs out there that multiCulturalism - let alone multiracialism - doesn't work. Look at places like India; it's worse 1,000 times over. This great experiment in using government to try to force everyone to get alone is not going to work. The question is what kind of damage it will do to us on the genetic and cultural level when the dust settles.

The only limited success there has been has been with these two important things:

1) Endless media, academic, and governmental propaganda to manipulate thought and behavior, and
2) Legislation to force people to shut up, if not like it.

Soft totalitarianism is the only way to keep the lid from blowing off the pot. If that fails, obviously, then more totalitarianistic measures will be taken.

In any case, this is not a free or democratic mode of operation.

06-10-2012, 04:30 PM
I have this urge to be brutally honest, but that would get me banned. :D Bewildered is the best I can describe my experience. The small mindedness of some posters is mind boggling. The ethnic squabbles are pathetic. Superiority junkies are hilarious. The lack of understanding of some is embarrassing to say the least. The theatrics and hysterics are an overkill at times. ;) That's enough of the negatives, let's move on to positives. On the positive side I'm really impressed with most Southern Europeans, they are the sensible ones, and with few exceptions they have nice personalities. Kudos! :thumb001: There are a lot of young posters who show great promise. :thumb001: There are posters who show good understanding of reality and are level headed. There are people who really shine as human beings. And above all it's always a great entertainment! :D

So, my experience here did not really change my preconceived notions. What I already knew has been pretty much confirmed for the most part.

As existence is an incessant change I'm hopeful the situation will improve, people will mature and wise up, and TA will become one big happy family. :p

Loki I don't envy you your job, whatever you're making they need to double it! :D

06-10-2012, 04:31 PM
I have this urge to be brutally honest, but that would get me banned. :D Bewildered is the best I can describe my experience. The small mindedness of some posters is mind boggling. The ethnic squabbles are pathetic. Superiority junkies are hilarious. The lack of understanding of some is embarrassing to say the least. The theatrics and hysterics are an overkill at times. ;) That's enough of the negatives, let's move on to positives. On the positive side I'm really impressed with most Southern Europeans, they are the sensible ones, and with few exceptions they have nice personalities. Kudos! :thumb001: There are a lot of young posters who show great promise. :thumb001: There are posters who show good understanding of reality and are level headed. There are people who really shine as human beings. And above all it's always a great entertainment! :D

So, my experience here did not really change my preconceived notions. What I already knew has been pretty much confirmed for the most part.

As existence is an incessant change I'm hopeful the situation will improve, people will mature and wise up, and TA will become one big happy family. :p

Loki I don't envy you your job, whatever you're making they need to double it! :D

I agree with the vast majority of this post.

06-10-2012, 04:37 PM
I agree with the vast majority of this post.
Which part you don't agree with? You think Loki is already overpaid? :D

06-10-2012, 04:40 PM
This, since it is not true for me.

"So, my experience here did not really change my preconceived notions. What I already knew has been pretty much confirmed for the most part. "

06-10-2012, 04:41 PM
It changed my mind from Balkan squabbles being irrelevant to being something I don't wanna read.

06-10-2012, 05:13 PM
I have this urge to be brutally honest, but that would get me banned. :D Bewildered is the best I can describe my experience. The small mindedness of some posters is mind boggling. The ethnic squabbles are pathetic. Superiority junkies are hilarious. The lack of understanding of some is embarrassing to say the least. The theatrics and hysterics are an overkill at times. ;) That's enough of the negatives, let's move on to positives. On the positive side I'm really impressed with most Southern Europeans, they are the sensible ones, and with few exceptions they have nice personalities. Kudos! :thumb001: There are a lot of young posters who show great promise. :thumb001: There are posters who show good understanding of reality and are level headed. There are people who really shine as human beings. And above all it's always a great entertainment! :D

So, my experience here did not really change my preconceived notions. What I already knew has been pretty much confirmed for the most part.

As existence is an incessant change I'm hopeful the situation will improve, people will mature and wise up, and TA will become one big happy family. :p

Loki I don't envy you your job, whatever you're making they need to double it! :D

I think that this is probably the best post so far. :thumb001:

My eyes have been opened on a lot of race issues that I was probably just being pig-headed about. Besides personal opinions which don't really count either way, I've seen some good links to material. Especially Jon Snow who has given me some excellent info in his posts.

06-10-2012, 05:44 PM
I think that this is probably the best post so far. :thumb001:

My eyes have been opened on a lot of race issues that I was probably just being pig-headed about. Besides personal opinions which don't really count either way, I've seen some good links to material. Especially Jon Snow who has given me some excellent info in his posts.

Yes, he is a good poster. Americans in general are good posters. There are exceptions of course. They seem to be level headed and not as emotional as some of European posters are.

Aces High
06-10-2012, 05:47 PM
Not a fraction.

Supreme American
06-10-2012, 05:48 PM
It changed my mind from Balkan squabbles being irrelevant to being something I don't wanna read.

How about both?

Supreme American
06-10-2012, 05:50 PM
One would expect it to have made me somewhat "racist" and a "European supremacist", but it's actually demonstrated to me that no matter how much I may tend to sometimes stereotype people, I cannot find it in me to hate anyone for any reason other than their individual character as a person.

Once you go beyond the taught concept that we are to always view people strictly only as individuals or atoms in a vacuum without attachment to anything, it then becomes within the scope of observation to view them as a collective whole and how they behave and interact with others. That opens up a whole new ballgame, and after a time, you begin to realize why you've been browbeaten into viewing them only as atoms separated from a collective whole.

06-10-2012, 05:51 PM
Also, this site has taught me one other thing; European preservation does not mean you have to criticize and look down on non-European cultures. I want to preserve European culture, indeed. But I believe all cultures have the right to preservation, none at the expense of any other.

06-10-2012, 05:52 PM
Not a fraction.

Same here....

Supreme American
06-10-2012, 05:53 PM
Also, this site has taught me one other thing; European preservation does not mean you have to criticize and look down on non-European cultures. I want to preserve European culture, indeed. But I believe all cultures have the right to preservation, none at the expense of any other.

Most of the looking down I see comes from that these people pick up by the millions to follow us around like hungry dogs. Basically in other words, they're professional beggars.

06-10-2012, 09:19 PM
How about both?
It was a joke post, but nobody got it. Of course both.;)

06-10-2012, 09:23 PM
It has changed me as a better person.

06-10-2012, 09:28 PM
I did not change my outlook one bit. I have always been a liberal and lover of all people. I can't hate people just because of how they look, or things they can't control. I also have no problem with other people falling in love and caring for one another if it's based on genuine elements. My interaction with many people has led me to the conclusion the differences are minor but the similarities trumps these. Hate to me will never accomplish anything and it will burn you inside, and leaves the person doing it destroyed. Everyone has the right to live and how they want it. No one can change that. To break prejudice is the most important thing and this done by interaction with the people you despise and see they are not really much different. I believe in Humanity not races nor superority or inferority of a particular group but based on actions, content of character and condut.

06-11-2012, 03:03 AM
I'm scared to go to the Balkans.

Grumpy Cat
06-11-2012, 03:09 AM
I learned a lot.

06-11-2012, 03:11 AM
Not exactly, but it introduced me to hot, racist women like Supreme American and Clara Petacci.

06-11-2012, 03:16 AM
I thought I was crazy, but now I know there are some real crazy people out there that make me appear perfectly sane.:D

06-11-2012, 03:48 AM
At first I came here just for fun, but after a week or two of posting, I realized that this site had seized a part of my soul ... and all my free time. :D For now I haven't learned much, the fact is that staying on this english-speaking forum, prevents me from continuing my readings, it becomes quite annoying besides. But I think I would eventually free myself from the evil and disturbing influences that surround this place. :D

06-11-2012, 03:54 AM
Its been a rollercoaster. I went from being a liberal, to a racist, to a Jew conspiracist, to an anti-feminist, back to a liberal, and now I just want to wait and see what happens :P

06-11-2012, 07:10 AM
I'm scared to go to the Balkans.
And justifiably so. My Bulgarian acquaintance has told me stories about Bulgaria. One was about tourist kidnapping as a tourist attraction. Tourists weren't told it was their attraction. They thought it was real. I bet they had a Bulgarian style laugh afterwards.

06-11-2012, 07:20 AM
Mhh pretty much the same like it was,the most important thing is real life,I don't influence much on the internet,I see it only as fun and information source, nothing serious. I only changed from childish pagan/anti-christian views to a christian in the time I was here, but that has nothing to do with TA.

06-11-2012, 07:31 AM
It changed my mind from Balkan squabbles being irrelevant to being something I don't wanna read.

No balkan member gives a flying fuck about you, i assure you.
(Exept serbs maybe cuz they're a little desperate:D)

(First time i ever noticed of your presence here btw, no joke)

06-11-2012, 07:48 AM
No balkan member gives a flying fuck about you, i assure you.
(Exept serbs maybe cuz they're a little desperate:D)

(First time i ever noticed of your presence here btw, no joke)

A 16 year old Albanian is making himself look important.

06-11-2012, 07:55 AM
No balkan member gives a flying fuck about you, i assure you.
(Exept serbs maybe cuz they're a little desperate:D)

(First time i ever noticed of your presence here btw, no joke)
Because you troll Balkans kriegs. :stop No wonder you notice me first time I mention Balkans. :stop No offense.:D:thumb001:

The Journeyman
06-11-2012, 07:56 AM
It reaffirmed my view of albanians.

Fortis in Arduis
06-11-2012, 09:34 AM
I did not change my outlook one bit. I have always been a liberal and lover of all people. I can't hate people just because of how they look, or things they can't control. I also have no problem with other people falling in love and caring for one another if it's based on genuine elements. My interaction with many people has led me to the conclusion the differences are minor but the similarities trumps these. Hate to me will never accomplish anything and it will burn you inside, and leaves the person doing it destroyed. Everyone has the right to live and how they want it. No one can change that. To break prejudice is the most important thing and this done by interaction with the people you despise and see they are not really much different. I believe in Humanity not races nor superority or inferority of a particular group but based on actions, content of character and condut.

Liberals are liberals until they personally have to be. I have seen this in action countless times. It's all about creating terror and fear for others, whilst feathering the nest.

06-12-2012, 01:45 AM
I realized coming on here I realized I was not going to deal with typical representatives of their country of origin/residence. I did realize under the foam and seething posts that many are speaking silent back thoughts of their peoples even if it is minute.

Really this site has allowed me to hone my own opinions and rebuttals; use more research/references and practice a more desensitived if not cold position on topics. There is no room for emotion, facts are what will save us in this field.

I think also the evolution of the black American population and its prongs has been of greater interest to me; my work in real life has been one to foster growth between my friends of color and white people, and show them they aren't all scary or racist and that we are representatives of our peoples something that many were not raised with but I was hammer with growing up.

However I also have seen on here a complete invisibility of the black middle and upperclasses; like most Americans on here seem to never have met any, which is so strange but then I remember most live in their own neighborhoods and interracial interaction even though its higher the wealthier you are is still rather low. I can see why people hate black people when they see as W.E.B Dubois said "The bottom of the barrel" yet I think I have also been more critical in that even though one is from a area or family that is rather degenerative that they can still be something great.

I have also gotten more into my own heritage and have explored in depth the European aspects of family culture and history, have asked my Aunt to teach me more of our unique history as prosperous Gen de Colouer from Jim Crow on down. All in all my experience has been great and am happy I joined this site even with the haters and am so glad to meet so many amazing people esp. those my own age.

Supreme American
06-12-2012, 01:51 AM
I did not change my outlook one bit. I have always been a liberal and lover of all people.

LOL what a load.

To break prejudice is the most important thing and this done by interaction with the people you despise and see they are not really much different. I believe in Humanity not races nor superority or inferority of a particular group but based on actions, content of character and condut.

Actually the most liberal whites are the ones that live in the least diverse communities. You've got it backward.

06-12-2012, 01:51 AM
Well I have learned a lot from this forum,especially about how people from other countries are looking like.
It has changed my views about some things anyway.

06-12-2012, 01:53 AM
I think also the evolution of the black American population and its prongs has been of greater interest to me; my work in real life has been one to foster growth between my friends of color and white people, and show them they aren't all scary or racist and that we are representatives of our peoples something that many were not raised with but I was hammer with growing up.

I have done similarly but in a different way.. I have African American friends and have had discussions with them on their views on race relations in the US, so I can actually hear the perspectives of African Americans themselves rather than just hearsay from either 1) non-blacks or 2) media representations such as the New Black Panther Party where white-hatred is rampant. In doing so I have been able to get a perspective on the other side and it has helped me see that race relations in America will never improve until all sides sit down and have honest, open talks about their concerns, fears, gripes, and desires to make improvements.

06-12-2012, 01:54 AM
I did not change my outlook one bit. I have always been a liberal and lover of all people. I can't hate people just because of how they look, or things they can't control. I also have no problem with other people falling in love and caring for one another if it's based on genuine elements. My interaction with many people has led me to the conclusion the differences are minor but the similarities trumps these. Hate to me will never accomplish anything and it will burn you inside, and leaves the person doing it destroyed. Everyone has the right to live and how they want it. No one can change that. To break prejudice is the most important thing and this done by interaction with the people you despise and see they are not really much different. I believe in Humanity not races nor superority or inferority of a particular group but based on actions, content of character and condut.
Exactly what he said. :thumb001:

I come here anyway, even if many views that are commonplace here are those I disagree with. TA has some very interesting members, and among them I include many of those I have almost nothing in common with.

I think everyone here has at least something to offer. TA is my favorite forum:)

06-12-2012, 02:07 AM
Exactly what he said. :thumb001:

I come here anyway, even if many views that are commonplace here are those I disagree with. TA has some very interesting members, and among them I include many of those I have almost nothing in common with.

I think everyone here has at least something to offer. TA is my favorite forum:)

Oh, come on you are saying it because you're nice. Tell us how you really feel?:p

06-12-2012, 02:12 AM
I'll never be a "liberal", but I do believe being on this site made me more open-minded rather than the reverse. Kind of unexpected but true.

06-12-2012, 02:18 AM
I'll never be a "liberal", but I do believe being on this site made me more open-minded rather than the reverse. Kind of unexpected but true.

That is because Liberal is just as closed minded as conservative; filled with its own brand of prejudice. :coffee: Thats why I see myself more as a radical or progressive.

But yes this site has really gotten my to lessen my frustrations and has given me hope even in the face of a lot of hate :)

06-12-2012, 02:21 AM
I don't change much at all, and am quite consistent and persistent in my views, but I sure hope I can change as many minds as possible.

06-12-2012, 02:22 AM
I don't change much at all, and am quite consistent and persistent in my views, but I sure hope I can change as many minds as possible.

Good luck with that! :D

06-12-2012, 02:22 AM
I'll never be a "liberal", but I do believe being on this site made me more open-minded rather than the reverse. Kind of unexpected but true.

I don't think, it's rather typically the kind of site where you become open-minded, the thing is to evolve while being it, and not to degenerate as the liberals.

06-12-2012, 02:24 AM
That is because Liberal is just as closed minded as conservative; filled with its own brand of prejudice. :coffee: Thats why I see myself more as a radical or progressive.

But yes this site has really gotten my to lessen my frustrations and has given me hope even in the face of a lot of hate :)

I just see myself as someone who is too compassionate to hate anyone, who wants to hear everyone's perspectives and come up with solutions. I refuse to put myself into politically-inspired labels, what good do they do anyway?

06-12-2012, 02:27 AM
It has confirmed my suspicions that the Balkans are a volatile mix of peoples that dislike one another terribly.

06-12-2012, 02:27 AM
Oh, come on you are saying it because you're nice. Tell us how you really feel?:p

That is how I feel. Surprised?

06-12-2012, 02:28 AM
It has confirmed my suspicions that the Balkans are a volatile mix of peoples that dislike one another terribly.

That too.

I've also learned that no one wants to be considered typically Southern European.

06-12-2012, 02:30 AM
That too.

I've also learned that no one wants to be considered typically Southern European.

Whatever "Southern European" means.

06-12-2012, 02:30 AM
It has confirmed my suspicions that the Balkans are a volatile mix of peoples that dislike one another terribly.

Don't take it too seriously. Anyway in a forum the intentions of each are more or less hidden.

06-12-2012, 02:32 AM
It just enhanced my perception that people talk a lot about subjects in which they have absolutely no fucking clue, yet act like they do.

06-12-2012, 02:32 AM
Actually the most liberal whites are the ones that live in the least diverse communities. You've got it backward.
Where are you originally from? Don't recall you mentioning it. Believe it or not, parts of the area I live in are pretty diverse. The area I shop has a large immigrant population...people mostly from Eastern Europe or Somali. You see about as many of them walking the street, if not more, than your average white person.

I think you lump liberals together too much. Certainly, many liberals do that to the far right as well.

06-12-2012, 02:35 AM
Everything I thought I have learnt here pretty much was sent to he recycle bin after the Great Purges and the Clementinagate....

Just kidding. Individuals such as Osweo, Fresa Salvaje, Gold Fenix helped me learn a whole new lot of things and my perspectives have irremediably changed in more than one way.

Other individuals such as Count Arnau, Labaru, Don and the Americans (Specially Joe and Geist) have given my debate skills a remarkable boost

Some others Zankapfel and Sabinae have left an indelible imprint in my heart.

For all that, I thank you loki, and forgive you for randomly banning me in a rage burst and randomly unbanning me again , both cases without warning or explanation :)

06-12-2012, 02:37 AM
That is how I feel. Surprised?

No Madam, not at all. You are a very nice lady, I wouldn't expect anything else. I am a "liberal" myself, though my "liberalism" is for a totally different reason. I am a Buddhist so I know the true value of love, kindness, compassion, being gentle etc. On the other hand my views are extremely conservative like self help, self discipline, self realization etc. I don't view my self as either liberal or conservative I am a realist, and that's what every Buddhist is supposed to be. I can understand and identify with both spectrums and I agree with some of each. To me being true to reality is the only way to be. Human invented ideas don't mean much to me. I base everything on the true nature of reality. I know I'm weird, but at this point I can't help it. ;)

06-12-2012, 02:40 AM
It just enhanced my perception that people talk a lot about subjects in which they have absolutely no fucking clue, yet act like they do.

Oh I forgot that I also learned more about myself, I never realized I could feel such a murderous rampage with people's ignorance and arrogance. Maybe I should take anger management classes. Or kill someone to sate the bloodlust.

06-12-2012, 02:55 AM
It set forth my opinion that deep inside Europeans are still very warlike - as always throughout this continent's history - and prone to attack each other on the first opportunity; that they will never get along, so that projects such as the European Union are totally artificial and will never truly work in practice.

06-12-2012, 03:03 AM
No Madam, not at all. You are a very nice lady, I wouldn't expect anything else. I am a "liberal" myself, though my "liberalism" is for a totally different reason. I am a Buddhist so I know the true value of love, kindness, compassion, being gentle etc. On the other hand my views are extremely conservative like self help, self discipline, self realization etc. I don't view my self as either liberal or conservative I am a realist, and that's what every Buddhist is supposed to be. I can understand and identify with both spectrums and I agree with some of each. To me being true to reality is the only way to be. Human invented ideas don't mean much to me. I base everything on the true nature of reality. I know I'm weird, but at this point I can't help it. ;)

Buddhism is one religion I actually respect, By the way. You just don't see too many Buddhists out there waging war in the name of Buddha:thumb001:

06-12-2012, 03:04 AM
Oh I forgot that I also learned more about myself, I never realized I could feel such a murderous rampage with people's ignorance and arrogance. Maybe I should take anger management classes. Or kill someone to sate the bloodlust.

No bro, bad idea! What you can do is pick up meditation, read some Buddhist texts, get to understand reality better. Mind is your greatest asset, sharpen and hone it. ;)

The Lawspeaker
06-12-2012, 03:05 AM
Buddhism is one religion I actually respect, By the way. You just don't see too many Buddhists out there waging war in the name of Buddha:thumb001:

Sri Lanka. But that's not because of Buddhism but that's just because the Tamils are trouble.

06-12-2012, 03:11 AM
Buddhism is one religion I actually respect, By the way. You just don't see too many Buddhists out there waging war in the name of Buddha:thumb001:

That's correct, it's impossible to wage a war in the name of Buddha. Buddhist does not care about conquering others, but about conquering his own mind, his own weaknesses. Buddhist develops loving kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity to make the mind a perfect tool to investigate reality. It's impossible to harm anything when one has a clear picture of reality. As a bonus no one can fool such a mind. The one thing people don't realize is that the Buddhist know better how their mind works than they do themselves. Buddhist are dangersous, they know what makes everybody tick. ;)

06-12-2012, 03:14 AM
Sri Lanka. But that's not because of Buddhism but that's just because the Tamils are trouble.

That is absolutely correct. It is the version that is in Sri Lanka that I follow, it's called Theravada, the original form of Buddhism.

06-12-2012, 03:22 AM
I am a realist, and that's what every Buddhist is supposed to be.
No, the closest school of philosophy to Buddhism is transcendental idealism.

Immanuel Kant (from Konigsberg)
Arthur Schopenhauer (from Danzig)

06-12-2012, 03:28 AM
No, the closest school of philosophy to Buddhism is transcendental idealism.

Immanuel Kant (from Konigsberg)
Arthur Schopenhauer (from Danzig)

Not sure what you mean. I don't follow any philosophy. Buddhism is not exactly philosophy. It's as much philosophy as it is psychology, as it is religion etc. It is called the science of the mind. In Buddhism you can know all the theory and it don't mean squat if you don't practice. The real Buddhism is the practice, it's an insight in to the raw nature of reality, a direct insight, not the theory itself.

06-12-2012, 03:52 AM
Not sure what you mean. I don't follow any philosophy. Buddhism is not exactly philosophy. It's as much philosophy as it is psychology, as it is religion etc. It is called the science of the mind. In Buddhism you can know all the theory and it don't mean squat if you don't practice. The real Buddhism is the practice, it's an insight in to the raw nature of reality, a direct insight, not the theory itself.
You use word realism. Obviously you have different idea of "realism" than me or what realism means in Western Philosophy.

Well, yes, but practice can not be communicated via net.

06-12-2012, 04:26 AM
You use word realism. Obviously you have different idea of "realism" than me or what realism means in Western Philosophy.

Well, yes, but practice can not be communicated via net.

I got it. It's coincidence. Reality is big in Buddhism. Buddhism predates both philosophers by over 2000 years. The Sanskrit term is Dharma, that which upholds or is, often in popular literature it's translated as reality. The concept of reality and realist work well in English, Dharma is an obscure term here which only those interested understand, that's why I use reality.

06-12-2012, 05:04 AM
I got it. It's coincidence. Reality is big in Buddhism. Buddhism predates both philosophers by over 2000 years. The Sanskrit term is Dharma, that which upholds or is, often in popular literature it's translated as reality. The concept of reality and realist work well in English, Dharma is an obscure term here which only those interested understand, that's why I use reality.

In philosophy, Realism, or Realist or Realistic are terms that describe manifestations of philosophical realism, the belief that reality exists independently of observers. In this broad sense Realism frequently contrasts with Idealism.
Buddhism is idealistic.

06-12-2012, 05:15 AM
Buddhism is idealistic.

No it is not. Philosophy uses thinking process as the tool of discovery. In Buddhism thinking is used in the primary stages of discovery, the real work is done by far superior mental tools, concentration and especially mindfulness. In Buddhism you don't formulate theories, you watch the stream of reality as it happens. There is no thinking, no analysis, no theory at all. It's as realistic as it gets, it can not get any more realistic, it's impossible. The key is the state of mind of the observer, and the process of perception which is fine tuned to the point of not distorting the stream of reality at all. It's impossible for someone who has no experience to understand this, because it goes beyond the thinking process, and ordinary mind is lost in that realm as it is totally unknown to it. It takes a while to understand this, there is no shortcut.

06-12-2012, 05:25 AM
Liberals are liberals until they personally have to be. I have seen this in action countless times. It's all about creating terror and fear for others, whilst feathering the nest.

In some cases that might be so. However for the most part many liberals are just liberals due to their experiences with others. They often see both the negative and positive elements. They see a true reflection of themselves that is no different than others. Like I have said to me nationalism, racialism/racism and treating people differently is not really my cup of tea. I love Humanity and all people, but I have nothing against positive pride and nationalism that does not subjugate people or treat them differently or say that they are choosen people of God or such nonsense. I believe in true equality, and would rather treat people on their conduct and content of their character, I should not have precived prejudices against them but give them the benefit of a doubt.

I see all people as brothers in Humanity and for me this trumps all things. Living in Canada really made me see the world as one and people are not much different, beneath all the different looks, and culture we are basically the same, and this is the soul of Humanity. Many will agree but as well many will disagree, but I can never treat another fellow human being with contempt or hate just because of who they are. I met good and bad in all people, which to means at the end of all the superfacial differences people are people this how I see the world as.

06-12-2012, 05:42 AM
No it is not. Philosophy uses thinking process as the tool of discovery. In Buddhism thinking is used in the primary stages of discovery, the real work is done by far superior mental tools, concentration and especially mindfulness. In Buddhism you don't formulate theories, you watch the stream of reality as it happens. There is no thinking, no analysis, no theory at all. It's as realistic as it gets, it can not get any more realistic, it's impossible. The key is the state of mind of the observer, and the process of perception which is fine tuned to the point of not distorting the stream of reality at all. It's impossible for someone who has no experience to understand this, because it goes beyond the thinking process, and ordinary mind is lost in that realm as it is totally unknown to it. It takes a while to understand this, there is no shortcut.
You use "reality" as interchangeable with "truth". But any belief system has postulated theirs to be truth.

Realism vs. idealism have different distinction. Realism holds there is a world outside of us and regardless of our observation.

06-12-2012, 05:45 AM
its made me more aware of the world and how racist people are

there are many disturbied and racist people here

06-12-2012, 06:09 AM
You use "reality" as interchangeable with "truth". But any belief system has postulated theirs to be truth.

Realism vs. idealism have different distinction. Realism holds there is a world outside of us and regardless of our observation.

This is not the thread to discuss this, so this is my last post on this thread concerning this. Faith/belief has no importance in Buddhism. It means nothing to a Buddhist, it does not matter. Buddhism is not a belief system, never was.

In Buddhism there is no difference between the two, they are one and the same. They are Dharma. What is distinct is duality and singularity. Thinking process/logic/analysis etc is limited and useful only in duality ( the reality which surrounds us, aka relative reality ), to investigate singularity all these mental tools are useless. To investigate the ultimate reality aka singularity you must use mental tools that are designed to do the job, and that's where concentration and mindfulness come in. As I said before, without prior experience you will not understand this. It's not that you are incapable of it, it's because it goes beyond what you have experienced so far. There is a higher level of understanding that goes beyond the thinking process and can not be understood by thinking, but it can be understood by correct application of mindfulness. We can talk about it if you are so inclined in the Buddhist thread. It belongs there.

I don't do philosophy, to me it is an exercise in futility. It's art for the sake of art. We can discuss it later in the Buddhist thread.

Aces High
06-12-2012, 06:16 AM
I see all people as brothers in Humanity

Include me out.

Aces High
06-12-2012, 06:21 AM
my work in real life has been one to foster growth between my friends of color and white people,

Or put another way..."pissing in the wind".

06-12-2012, 12:09 PM
I see all people as brothers in Humanity and for me this trumps all things. Living in Canada really made me see the world as one and people are not much different, beneath all the different looks, and culture we are basically the same, and this is the soul of Humanity.

Canada sounds like hell on earth, the kind of place where people listen to Bieber, buy Macs and promote vegetarianism. :eek:

This poor proletarian was jumped by a pack of Canuck STASI after he tried to get into the humanity love spirit thing and touched the Corporate Olympic Flame (TM). Big mistake.


06-28-2012, 12:44 AM
I've learned a lot from the good trolls.
