View Full Version : Classify Sava Grujić, Serbian Military Diplomat and Politician 1840-1913

06-11-2012, 06:29 AM

He was Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Serbia five times between 1889 and 1906.

A bit about his life and education: (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/07/Sava_Gruji%C4%87.jpg)

Military Education
After leaving the Gymnasium (high school) Sava entered the Serbian Military Academy in Belgrade from 1856 to 1861 where he developed an interest in gunnery. In 1861 after graduation, he was promoted to second lieutenant of artillery and as top graduate was sent to Prussia, at the Prussian Military Academy (German: Preußische Kriegsakademie) to continue his military education and for the practical study of gunnery.

When the Polish uprising started in 1863, inspired by new and modern liberal ideas, Sava left Berlin to join the Polish fighters, young people fighting against foreign domination gave Sava his first taste of politics, he returned to Belgrade when the uprising collapsed and he could not return to Berlin.

Wanting to get a higher theoretical artillery formation, in 1864, Sava Grujić entered the Russian service in the 23rd Artillery Brigade. In 1865, he enrolled at the Mikhailovsky Artillery Academy, spending the last two years at the St. Petersburg's arsenal. During those years Sava formed a great respect for Russian military strength. After graduation in 1870 he returned to Serbia. Frustrated by the state of Serbian politics and involved with a liberal and progressive group of people, Sava wrote an article openly criticizing the Minister of War, as a result he was fired from the army, however later that same year he was reintegrated.

06-11-2012, 06:45 AM
Nordid with strong to standard Borreby influences.

Tooting Carmen
12-17-2017, 10:39 PM
Mainly Dinarid.

12-18-2017, 04:17 PM