View Full Version : Can artifcial methods alter phenotypical subrace?

06-15-2012, 07:59 AM
Eg : Dinaric can have rhinoplasty to become a Pontid?
Alpine can have fat reduction to become Reduced Borreby?
Halstatt can take steroids to have Faelid like jaws...
Meds can take steroids to become Paleo Atlantids?
Any thoughts..........

The Alchemist
06-15-2012, 08:20 AM
Absolutely yes, just look at Madonna and her "metamorphosis": from a typical southern gracile-med to a magical "sub-nordid" now, with light hair and eyes.
I think all celebrities are very altered now, that's why i don't take classifications so seriously.
Rhinoplasty is very common, too: i think an armenoid nose can turn into dinarid, an atlantid nose can turn into an upturned alpinid one.... That's how things go nowadays.

07-10-2018, 01:18 PM
If those terms are supposed to reflect an actual origin of the individual (which, in reality, they are clearly not reflecting), this question is on the same level as "if a pygmy paints himself white, does he then become ethnic European?"

07-10-2018, 01:25 PM
modern medicine has been transforming black men into white men for decades now
