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06-21-2012, 04:36 AM
Turtles fossilised in sex embrace


The turtles were found in male-female pairs

Turtles killed as they were having sex and then fossilised in position have been described by scientists.

The remains of the 47-million-year old animals were unearthed in the famous Messel Pit near Darmstadt, Germany.

They were found as male-female pairs. In two cases, the males even had their tails tucked under their partners' as would be expected from the coital position.

Details are carried in the Royal Society journal Biology Letters (http://rsbl.royalsocietypublishing.org/lookup/doi/10.1098/rsbl.2012.0361)

BBC News - Turtles fossilised in sex embrace (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-18495102)

06-21-2012, 04:44 AM
I hate it when that happens! :D