View Full Version : Greece 'FYROM-izes' Macedonia's Car Plates

06-21-2012, 11:04 AM
Greek border guards have begun covering the letters "MK" on Macedonian car plates with a sticker, in Greek and English, reading: “Recognized by Greece as FYROM” [Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia].

The Greek liaison office in Skopje confirmed the new practice, saying the country had a right to do this under the 1995 UN interim agreement that regulates relations between the two states.

They say this will affect only vehicles with the new plates containing the letters MK.

Greek border services have started covering the letters "MK" on Macedonian car number plates with a sticker of their own, marking a new low in Greek-Macedonian relations

Macedonia introduced new number plates in February, saying they were needed to meet EU standards. Unlike the old ones, the new plates feature MK in small letters in the corner.

Macedonia's Interior Ministry said it was surprised by the move and was still considering its reaction.

Relations between Macedonia and Greece have been strained for two decades by the row over Macedonia's name. Greece insists that use of the term "Macedonia" implies a territorial claim to its own northern province of the same name.

Citing the unresolved issue, Greece has been blocking Macedonia’s progress towards both EU and NATO membership. UN-brokered talks to overcome the dispute have so far failed to yield a solution.

The Greek move could potentially have a major impact on tourism, as Greece is a top summer destinations for many Macedonians - and many drivers may object to having their cars tampered with in this way.

In the summer of 2011 there were some 400,000 entries of Macedonian citizens to Greece, records show.

The UN recognised Macedonia under the provisonal term of Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, or FYROM, in 1993 - but most Macedonians strongly resent use of the term.


06-21-2012, 11:10 AM
The old plate


The new plate

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ef/New_Vehicle_registration_plates_of_the_Republic_of _Macedonia.jpg

The Lawspeaker
06-21-2012, 11:12 AM
That should be considered a severe abuse of German and Dutch tax money.

06-21-2012, 11:31 AM
That should be considered a severe abuse of German and Dutch tax money.

Its our country, we have our laws therefore we can do whatever we like. So Fyrom/Fyrob, that's it.

Oh, regarding your tax money... Do me a favour and tell Greeks not buy the hilariously expensive German cars, and the Dutch Cheese, because, Cheese and other agricultural products is what your country exports. Also please dont make me remind you the financial problems that Holland faced few years ago.

In the house of the hanged man you don't talk about the rope.


06-21-2012, 01:28 PM
Its our country, we have our laws therefore we can do whatever we like. So Fyrom/Fyrob, that's it.

Oh, regarding your tax money... Do me a favour and tell Greeks not buy the hilariously expensive German cars, and the Dutch Cheese, because, Cheese and other agricultural products is what your country exports. Also please dont make me remind you the financial problems that Holland faced few years ago.

In the house of the hanged man you don't talk about the rope.


The Dutch use the word Bedankt!
Danke is the German counterpart,not the Dutch one!

06-21-2012, 02:11 PM
The Dutch use the word Bedankt!
Danke is the German counterpart,not the Dutch one!

Yeah, but Dutch people are Germanics, so i used a rather broad term, that everyone understands haha ;)

den ksero an to ksereis , alla exoun ena inferiority complex oi olandoi se sxesh me tous germanous , opote opos ktlvneis to piga pros ta ekei, patas opou ponaei!

The Lawspeaker
06-21-2012, 02:49 PM
Its our country, we have our laws therefore we can do whatever we like. So Fyrom/Fyrob, that's it.

Sorry, man but you don't own your own country. A man in debt owns nothing. If I would have bought a car on the never never I don't own that car: my creditor does. If you don't like it then you shouldn't have accepted our help and since you're using our money it is abuse since my government did not give you permission to use it in such a way. So for short: I believe that my government should force your government to pay it back with a steep interest rate as a fine for your countries abuse of our tax money.

06-21-2012, 02:50 PM
We should tell Macedonians whose the Greek-occupied Macedonian economy relies on... to stop going there and go to Albania or Croatia instead. :coffee: They will lose a good bit of revenue since more than 400,000 Macedonians go there every year but they are always abused by third-world nea-Ellines.

06-21-2012, 02:54 PM
Just one of many examples of nea-Ellin abuses



The Lawspeaker
06-21-2012, 02:57 PM
I believe that an added penalty for Greece in the form of a higher interest or an immediate recall is more than warranted. There are several politicians on Facebook. I will send them the article and let's see whether it makes it into the lower house.

06-21-2012, 04:13 PM
Sorry, man but you don't own your own country. A man in debt owns nothing. If I would have bought a car on the never never I don't own that car: my creditor does. If you don't like it then you shouldn't have accepted our help and since you're using our money it is abuse since my government did not give you permission to use it in such a way. So for short: I believe that my government should force your government to pay it back with a steep interest rate as a fine for your countries abuse of our tax money.

Alright, probably none here understands how economy works. Why am i really trying?


Yes, the poor balkan economy relies on Greek investments, where Greek investements rely on Bailouts (at the momement) . The big question is , where our creditors rely on?

For creditors like Germany they actually rely on their own economy, because they have one working economy. The next question is , where is their working economy relies on? Probably on those who buys their cars,services etc (Greece for example, BINGO) .

So, suppose that Greeks go total bankruptcy.

As a domino effect , more countries will follow, probably Spain then Italy and so on (I am not even talking about the balkan's economy that relies on us, they will go total junk/trash). Do you know why?

Because we dont have a uniform european bank system, each country has its own corrupted bank system that is beiing controlled by the local interests.This is something that makes european economy extremelly vulnerable. (Thats why they are trying now to intergrate the whole european banking system).

Results to this are probably that even the good economies like Germany's will have to face severe problems (they might need cuts on jobs etc).

All this nonsense you are talking about tax payers and the rest are simply crap. Every nation, and i mean every, even Germany goes to the markets and gets loans every month or so to cover their needs, usa too, your country as well. The thing is, that you are getting the loans under good terms (That means low interests).

Greece, right now can NOT take loans from the markets with good terms. fe, if Greece goes right now to the markets and ask for lets say $10bn loan markets will probably ask an interest around 11-15% (This is huge) . If Germany ask for $10bn loan , markets will probably ask around 1-2% interest.

Do you think that Greek bailouts that we are getting, are for free? Think again. They have an interest of 5-6% , which is quite high already! And you are talking about taxes! Actually, you make more money from bailouts, can you realise what crap are you talking about now? If you wish Greece, or any other eu nation to go bankruptcy, it is like digging your own grave as well, realise that Holland's economy isnt as great, lets say as Germany's to handle earthquakes like this.

Would you like to wake up a morning floating around Amstel, because you dont have enough money to rent a proper appartment to live in?

I believe that an added penalty for Greece in the form of a higher interest or an immediate recall is more than warranted. There are several politicians on Facebook. I will send them the article and let's see whether it makes it into the lower house.

Do i really have to debate this? To begin with; Try to connect your head to the rest of your body.

Insert your crap/uneducated/spam/troll message here

Haters gonna hate. Realise the problem before its too late. You are even more fragile.

The Lawspeaker
06-21-2012, 04:17 PM
If Greece would be on your average morning when Greece has it's own affairs in order and does not rely on our handouts then I couldn't give a shit but this is done with our money and you only get our money in order to save your shit from falling to pieces.

-Would you like to wake up a morning floating around Amstel, because you dont have enough money to rent a proper appartment to live in?

Guess what: that's why I stay out of debt. If only you lot had done the same.

Do i really have to debate this? To begin with; Try to connect your head to the rest of your body.
Fact: you are in debt to us and Germany and thus not an independent country. The moment you took that money Greece became our bitch and it's mandated to start coughing up the money or we will send the bailliff and take whatever is or isn't nailed down. And that should include your national treasures. Hell: and if it pays back the debt then the Jerries should drag the Acropolish to London and take it to Christies. Tough shit, amigo, you shouldn't have fucked us over and also accepted and abused our help in order to settle some cheap scores with neighbours.

06-21-2012, 04:22 PM
Fact: you are in debt to us and Germany and thus not an independent country. The moment you took that money Greece became our bitch and it's mandated to start coughing up the money or we will send the bailliff and take whatever is or isn't nailed down. And that should include your national treasures. Hell: and if it pays back the debt then the Jerries should drag the Acropolish to London and take it to Christies. Tough shit, amigo, you shouldn't have fucked us over and also accepted and abused our help in order to settle some cheap scores with neighbours.

Hahaha dude , nice trolling, i approve. Unless you are a peasant and believe in all this crap,then i feel really sorry for you.

The Lawspeaker
06-21-2012, 04:23 PM
Hahaha dude , nice trolling, i approve. Unless you are a peasant and believe in all this crap,then i feel really sorry for you.

No that's how " being in debt to someone" works. If I buy a car on the never never and I don't pay the bill they will take away the car.. and if I have more debts they will kick me out on the street as well and sell my house from under me. :thumb001:

So what is the lesson for Greece here: pay off your debts and don't do it again. So this time it should hurt Greece and it should hurt Greece bad so they will learn their lesson. It's time for Berlin and The Hague (as well as Brussels) to tighten the leash because it shows that you still can't run your own country and this time it is not just your money you're wasting but our money as well. For short: the Dutch and German government should form a joint committee of Dutch and German bankers and civil servants to run both your domestic and foreign affairs and appoint a legal guardian (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guardianship#Germany) over your country.

06-21-2012, 04:29 PM
Tuan Belanda stop becoming pathetic and aggressive to people that have done nothing bad to you...

I see Dutch tourists all the year in Athens and they are the kindest of all.

I don't know what the hell goes on with people that stay back in the Netherlands...maybe the crappy weather?

Come on,i'm sure that after making a trip here and meet the Greeks you'll change your view,which is made by stupid media...


06-21-2012, 04:30 PM
i think greece should give up on its sovereignty to the EU. i think this should apply to most of the eastern block countries, corrupt and unable to manage for themselves... and greeks are delusional over macedonia... of course they're afraid, because they should not have gotten the northern part of the country they have, but i never heard of macedonia asking for the region in what's now greece. it's a reaction to nothing... it's... greek

The Lawspeaker
06-21-2012, 04:32 PM
Tuan Belanda stop becoming pathetic and aggressive to people that have done nothing bad to you...

What Greece has done wrong is first insulting their benefactors and then claim that we and the Germans are to blame but it is your country fiddled the books, got into debt, accepted our kindly offered assistance and now plays cheap games with our money. Let's assume for a moment that the Netherlands is a couple of trillion in debt to countries like Greece and Macedonia and we use your money to play cheap political games. How would you like that ?


06-21-2012, 04:33 PM
No that's how " being in debt to someone" works. If I buy a car on the never never and I don't pay the bill they will take away the car.. and if I have more debts they will kick me out on the street as well and sell my house from under me. :thumb001:

So what is the lesson for Greece here: pay off your debts and don't do it again. So this time it should hurt Greece and it should hurt Greece bad so they will learn their lesson. It's time for Berlin and The Hague (as well as Brussels) to tighten the leash because it shows that you still can't run your own country and this time it is not just your money you're wasting but our money as well.

You compare a fucking car to national treasures?

:banghead: Stop, before i puke in your face. Peasant. Go gather some tulips.

The Lawspeaker
06-21-2012, 04:34 PM
You compare a fucking car to national treasures?
Both are of value and you're in debt. I like the idea: tear down the Acropolis and offer it on Christies. That should make back some of the money.

:banghead: Stop, before i puke in your face. Peasant. Go gather some tulips.
Haven't you got any tax collectors to bribe ?

06-21-2012, 04:39 PM
Both are of value and you're in debt. I like the idea: tear down the Acropolis and offer it on Christies. That should make back some of the money.

At least, we have Acropolis,Knossos,Faistos,and the list goes down... What do you have? Gouda? LOL.

Haven't you got any tax collectors to bribe ?

Can i haz a pie?

06-21-2012, 04:39 PM
What Greece has done wrong is first insulting their benefactors and then claim that we and the Germans are to blame but it is your country fiddled the books, got into debt, accepted our kindly offered assistance and now plays cheap games with our money. Let's assume for a moment that the Netherlands is a couple of trillion in debt to countries like Greece and Macedonia and we use your money to play cheap political games. How would you like that ?


First of all, this kindly offered assistance was forced on the Greek people by Jeffrey Papandreou.
There was a SinoRussian offering for help with better terms for the Greek government...but our wise Prime Minister introduced IMF in our life.
So please cut the BS talk about helpful offerings and all that stupid talking...you took guarantees,both you and Finland from our gold reserves.

Stop acting like an arrogant know-it-all guy...

I really appreciate the Dutch in general and i thought you were smarter than that.

I feel sorry for your attitude.

The Lawspeaker
06-21-2012, 04:40 PM
At least, we have Acropolis,Knossos,Faistos,and the list goes down... What do you have? Gouda? LOL.
Haha we have much more then that and unlike Greece it's all over the world.

Can i haz a pie?
10 billion euro. :cool:

First of all, this kindly offered assistance was forced on the Greek people by Jeffrey Papandreou.
But you took our money so there are conditions you have to meet. Namely: to get your shit in order.

06-21-2012, 04:43 PM
the world benefits immensely from the scientific work and all the innovations made in the west, mostly by westerners. there is no way of comparison between germanic nations and other kind of nations when it comes to this, and this is what is now bringing everything to us at just one button or click away, this is what gives progress in medicine (!!!), communications, information sharing, KNOWLEDGE.

westerners bring the progress, balkanoids would bring - if power was in their hands - a christian orthodox dystopia, corruption, violence, decay

now it's true that the barbarians are more and more numerous in the west... let's hope the glory of the west won't fall under this bane and wrath

06-21-2012, 04:45 PM
Haha we have much more then that and unlike Greece it's all over the world.

A world full of cheese! Mmm delicious!

10 billion euro. :cool:

Only? :eek: ... With the next bailout from YOUR taxes money, i might give you and a small tip, like 2-3 bill euro, we are not that cheap, hun.

06-21-2012, 04:46 PM
the world benefits immensely from the scientific work and all the innovations made in the west, mostly by westerners. there is no way of comparison between germanic nations and other kind of nations when it comes to this, and this is what is now bringing everything to us at just one button or click away, this is what gives progress in medicine (!!!), communications, information sharing, KNOWLEDGE

First of all the West as you name it,is a continuation of the Latins.

So cut these BS crap that you spread.

The techological advance of Germanics had a lot to do with geography,because they had no fights with muslim elements.

So cut this crap please,you become ridiculous when you talk with well read people.

The Lawspeaker
06-21-2012, 04:48 PM
First of all the West as you name it,is a continuation of the Latins.
And of the fact that we did actually did have science during the Middle Ages like Roger Bacon in England, Erasmus in the Netherlands.

The techological advance of Germanics had a lot to do with geography,because they had no fights with muslim elements.
No we had far worse: we had the Catholics.

The Lawspeaker
06-21-2012, 04:50 PM
A world full of cheese! Mmm delicious!
Science, shipbuilding, engineering, water management, banking etc. That's us. Plus we had the first industrial revolution in the world (Zaanse Schans), and we discovered and invented more (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Dutch_inventions_and_discoveries) then the Greeks has done in the past 2000 years.

Only? :eek: ... With the next bailout from YOUR taxes money, i might give you and a small tip, like 2-3 bill euro, we are not that cheap, hun.
It's not the drachme. I am speaking euro's here.

06-21-2012, 04:55 PM
To make it clear:i am not getting paid by IMF loans,so please just stop spreading BS talk.

My family has 5 houses and we build the 6th one.

I bet i am in a better situation than you do.

So please,if you don't like the Greeks,it is ok for me,but stop flaming people you have no clue about.

typical balkanic bragging. anyway, this argue is pointless... greeks should have other things on their mind now. over 30% of my income goes to taxes, i might have bought an apartment with these money of the past 9 years... paying taxes might get frustrating so i get you guys... but you cannot and mostly should not foul the state

The Lawspeaker
06-21-2012, 04:56 PM
typical balkanic bragging. anyway, this argue is pointless... greeks should have other things on their mind now. over 30% of my income goes to taxes, i might have bought an apartment with these money of the past 9 years...

I know how Greeks build their homes.. that trick has already been explained on Dutch tv: listen.. they leave a hole somewhere in the house so the house is not complete so they won't have to pay taxes over it.

06-21-2012, 04:58 PM
typical balkanic bragging. anyway, this argue is pointless... greeks should have other things on their mind now. over 30% of my income goes to taxes, i might have bought an apartment with these money of the past 9 years...

Your profile claims Russian citizenship...in Russia there is a flat tax rate of 13%...how comes that you pay 30%?

And to make jealous you fag,i can go to St Petersburg anytime and live to my Russian female friend home for free.

I think you are a FYROMian shit hiding behing a Russian profile.

Russians love Greece you fag.

The Lawspeaker
06-21-2012, 04:59 PM
If I remember correctly he is Bulgarian.

06-21-2012, 05:01 PM
I know how Greeks build their houses.. that trick has already been explained on Dutch tv: listen.. they leave a hole somewhere in the house so the house is not complete so they won't have to pay taxes over it.

I expected a lot more from a 29 year old.

Sorry man but talks end here.

The_Saint said a lot of BS about cheese and gouda.
I admire the Dutch and i think they are the best in making money in Europe...i do,this is plain speak.

But you are still a wacko...at least while you keep acting this way.

Well,while you flame the Greeks i am about to prepare for going out and meet my Inge under the Acropolis:thumbs up

06-21-2012, 05:01 PM
Your profile claims Russian citizenship...in Russia there is a flat tax rate of 13%...how comes that you pay 30%?

And to make jealous you fag,i can go to St Petersburg anytime and leave to my Russians female friend home for free.

I think you are a FYROMian shit hiding behing a Russian profile.

Russians love Greece you fag.

lol you can't read or don't know geography... i am a carpathian russian (=rusnak)... from the carpathians... i hold no russian citizenship. and i live in rumania so i am used to the balkanic customs :P calling me fag for nothing... you have no manners and are hot tempered the same as gypoes. not really much to brag with

06-21-2012, 05:02 PM
If I remember correctly he is Bulgarian.

Well he is not a Russian for sure.

06-21-2012, 05:03 PM
Science, shipbuilding, engineering, water management, banking etc. That's us. Plus we had the first industrial revolution in the world (Zaanse Schans), and we discovered and invented more (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Dutch_inventions_and_discoveries) then the Greeks has done in the past 2000 years.

I like your abstract terms like science, shipbuilding, engineering, water management (i'll add waste management too for ancient greeks), banking.

Thats not only you, its us as well. Basically, that's us :)

It's not the drachme. I am speaking euro's here.

Yeah, i was talking about euros as well. The euros from your taxes, the Dutch hard-working people taxes . We like to spend your taxes , because we can. Live with it , and deal with it. :)

Now, go send a QQ (cry message) to your political monkeys that rule you.
i'am afraid tho, that your paper will go str8 to the paper shredder. You are a delusional, sorry.

The Lawspeaker
06-21-2012, 05:03 PM
Other then you I am stating facts here. I think that my government made a grave mistake in loaning money to you people. But then again: I don't mind the idea of having the Acropolis along the Amstel with a special rate for Greek tourists: 10 billion euro.

The Lawspeaker
06-21-2012, 05:05 PM
I like your abstract terms like science, shipbuilding, engineering, water management (i'll add waste management too for ancient greeks), banking.

Thats not only you, its us as well. Basically, that's us :)
In the case of Greece: they haven't dove much the past 2000 years.

Yeah, i was talking about euros as well. The euros from your taxes, the Dutch hard-working people taxes . We like to spend your taxes , because we can. Live with it , and deal with it. :)
I find the idea of having your national treasures in the Rijksmuseum very entertaining. :thumb001:

06-21-2012, 05:05 PM
Well he is not a Russian for sure.

you wouldn't want to know the word(s) used by russians to name greeks or meds/balkanoids in general (i am not saying i feel the same, i only say russians are not so keen on greeks, not at all... and spare us of the orthodox fanatics)

06-21-2012, 05:05 PM
Other then you I am stating facts here. I think that my government made a grave mistake in loaning money to you people. But then again: I don't mind the idea of having the Acropolis along the Amstel with a special rate for Greek tourists: 10 billion euro.

First of all,your country is a satellite state of Germany...the same way that Finland is.
Merkel made you to pay part of this loan!!!!

It has nothing to do with Greece...in Europe now,all do what Germans demand!

This is why i told that i thought you were smarter.

06-21-2012, 05:07 PM
you wouldn't want to know the word(s) used by russians to name greeks or meds/balkanoids in general (i am not saying i feel the same, i only say russians are not so keen on greeks, not at all... and spare us of the orthodox fanatics)

Well i've been in Ukraine and St Petersburg,and women when they heard that i am Grek proposed me marriage.

I do not think the same would happen to a Bulgarian...lol,hahahahahahaha

06-21-2012, 05:07 PM
The_Saint said a lot of BS about cheese and gouda.

He needs trolling, else he cant understand, he is not in a possition to understand simple things. He is obviously brainwashed by tv.

The Lawspeaker
06-21-2012, 05:07 PM
Not really. We just work together with the jerries because we share interests here. In this case that is to be taken literal.

06-21-2012, 05:09 PM
Not really. We just work together with the jerries because we share interests here. In this case that is to be taken literal.

Keep dreaming.

06-21-2012, 05:10 PM
Well i've been in Ukraine and St Petersburg,and women when they heard that i am Grek proposed me marriage.

I do not think the same would happen to a Bulgarian...lol,hahahahahahaha

lol... bulgarians are your balkanic brothers so it might happen to them too... kidding. i don't think you are serious... greeks are not seen well in slavic lands, not at all... mediterraneans in general are not seen well in eastern slavic lands... maybe you were visiting whores

The Lawspeaker
06-21-2012, 05:10 PM
Keep dreaming.

And be glad that we do. Otherwise you would now have been like Africa. :thumb001:

The Lawspeaker
06-21-2012, 05:11 PM
lol... bulgarians are your balkanic brothers so if might happen to them too... kidding. i don't think you are serious... greeks are not seen well in slavic lands, not at all... mediterraneans in general are not seen well in eastern slavic lands... maybe you were visiting whores

They propose Germans, Dutch, Norwegians etc. as well. You know.. it's a money thing. Now they would probably kick the Greek out.

06-21-2012, 05:12 PM
And be glad that we do. Otherwise you would now have been like Africa. :thumb001:

Typical unhealthy Dutch attitude.

Now i understand why Dutch women look for men abroad.

I will not respond to your next post...had enough of you.

I wish you good luck though,you will need it in life with the brains you have(or you miss,depends on the viewpoint).

06-21-2012, 05:13 PM
In the case of Greece: they haven't dove much the past 2000 years.

Yeah , maybe because there is nothing else to do? I beleive in
foundations of science, mostly.

I find the idea of having your national treasures in the Rijksmuseum very entertaining. :thumb001:

Come and Get it. Just bring a bailiff along. :thumb001:

The Lawspeaker
06-21-2012, 05:15 PM
Yeah , maybe because there is nothing else to do? I beleive in
foundations of science, mostly.
Well.. your countrymen reverted to superstition and didn't do much of any value.

Come and Get it. Just bring a bailiff along. :thumb001:
Don't worry. The bailiffs of the IMF will be evaluating the value of every single monument and then we will drag it to the Netherlands and Germany and take it to the auction.:thumb001:

06-21-2012, 05:16 PM
it's funny that although europe has thought and chosen the best scenario for greece's situation, greeks see this recovery plan as a yoke and unnecessary (!??). it's irrational... and delusional... maybe too many young greeks have been infected by the hippie hippie shake and too many old ones are still praising the dolce far niente...

The Lawspeaker
06-21-2012, 05:16 PM
Haha. You mean like the Greek ladies that will probably now be joining their Russian counterparts on websites for mail-order brides.

The Lawspeaker
06-21-2012, 05:17 PM
it's funny that although europe has thought and chosen the best scenario for greece's situation, greeks see this recovery plan as a yoke and unnecessary (!??). it's irrational... and delusional... maybe too many young greeks have been infected by the hippie hippie shake and too many old ones are still praising the dolce far niente...

Let's see how that would go when we could call in all the loans to be paid back in 24 hours and refuse to recognise Greek bankruptcy.. sending in the IMF to take what is and what isn't nailed down. :thumb001:

06-21-2012, 05:18 PM
Well.. your countrymen reverted to superstition and didn't do much of any value.

Says THE countryman.

Don't worry. The bailiffs of the IMF will be evaluating the value of every single monument and then we will drag it to the Netherlands and Germany and take it to the auction.:thumb001:

As i said, Come and Get it :)

I am out of here, you are too much of a moron. I have been already dragged down to your underground level. Going no further down.

06-21-2012, 05:19 PM
Haha. You mean like the Greek ladies that will probably now be joining their Russian counterparts on websites for mail-order brides.

The difference is obvious...in the Netherlands it is the lack of MEN(who are gay) and not the lack of money.

Well,i couldn't resist in replying.


06-21-2012, 05:20 PM
this is a strong signal that the EU should:

OR disband

OR have its member countries give up on a range of rights and subdue to the unified policies of the EU, at least on economical grounds... a sort of federal-country-europe

The Lawspeaker
06-21-2012, 05:24 PM
Typically balkanoid. For them honesty and paying your debts are not signs of manliness. Instead they immediately refer to their national tradition: homosexuality. :D

The Lawspeaker
06-21-2012, 05:25 PM
As i said, Come and Get it :)

I am out of here, you are too much of a moron. I have been already dragged down to your underground level. Going no further down.
That's not too difficult. You'll see what will happen when you people file for bankruptcy. :D

06-21-2012, 05:28 PM
Typically balkanoid. For them honesty and paying your debts are not signs of manliness. Instead they immediately refer to their national tradition: homosexuality. :D

According to this,Dutch men are pretty low on the manliness ladder.....


And don't get me wrong,this research comes from a Dutch Researcher...and he is very serious i must say.

The Lawspeaker
06-21-2012, 05:29 PM
According to this,Dutch men are pretty low on the manliness ladder.....


And don't get me wrong,this research comes from a Dutch Researcher...and he is very serious i must say.
No we have a different society where men are responsible and women are too. Unlike Greece where no one is responsible. :D

06-21-2012, 05:32 PM
No we have a different society where men are responsible and women are too. Unlike Greece where no one is responsible. :D

I posted facts from dutch sources.

And you keep spreading BS.

This is the wife of our finance minister.


Looks like she didn't find what she needed in a responsible dutch like yourself.

I guess you must have been without girlfriend for a long time or never had one.
I cannot explain such hate rising from the heart of a 30 y old man of the civilised christian west.

Balkanoid is a term i give you back.

I consider myself Meditteranean.

The Lawspeaker
06-21-2012, 05:34 PM
We don't know that woman in this country. Who cares what she married. But let me tell you one thing: let me tell you what Greece is known for here: corruption. That's all you're known for. Tourism ? A lot of people prefer Turkey. It's cheaper. :thumb001:

06-21-2012, 05:39 PM
We don't know that woman in this country. Who cares what she married. But let me tell you one thing: let me tell you what Greece is known for here: corruption. That's all you're known for. Tourism ? A lot of people prefer Turkey. It's cheaper. :thumb001:

Yes ok.

Do you have the power to ban me from this forum?

I want all my posts to get deleted.

I do not like the way this forum is managed.

People like you should have never been mods.

If i tell you bad words do you have the power to delete my account permanently?

06-21-2012, 05:48 PM

06-21-2012, 05:52 PM

Queen B
06-21-2012, 07:23 PM
We shouldn't let them enter at all.

Queen B
06-21-2012, 07:30 PM
To make it clear:i am not getting paid by IMF loans,so please just stop spreading BS talk.

My family has 5 houses and we build the 6th one.

I bet i am in a better situation than you do.

So please,if you don't like the Greeks,it is ok for me,but stop flaming people you have no clue about.

Don't bother, he always does the same.
He thinks that he pays your breakfast or your rent or something.

Well, guess what, I have worked more than he had in my life, let along my family.

I take not a single penny of Tuan or any Tuan around here.

Don't even bother. He ll say the same thing all over again. See all the Greek-related threads, it has happened already about 903274809384098209384 times. :thumbs up:thumbs up

Queen B
06-21-2012, 07:33 PM
typical balkanic bragging. anyway, this argue is pointless... greeks should have other things on their mind now. over 30% of my income goes to taxes, i might have bought an apartment with these money of the past 9 years... paying taxes might get frustrating so i get you guys... but you cannot and mostly should not foul the state

Atrox, I pay way more than you in taxes, and I work more than you.
I am not a billionaire to avoid taxes. In case you haven't learn, its THEM who evade taxation, not me or AKis, or any other normal/average Greek, so stop talking shit.

Queen B
06-21-2012, 07:34 PM
Btw, EVERYONE, including MODERATORS (and me) should stay on the fucking topic.
Every off-topic will be removed to the same-old-thread

06-21-2012, 07:43 PM
You compare a fucking car to national treasures?

:banghead: Stop, before i puke in your face. Peasant. Go gather some tulips.

Come on now the TheSaint :eusa_eh:...are you serious :shrug:? ts ts ts :tsk:
Of course he wont know....his folk never created/invented/built a thing :desert:.... how on earth do you expect him to value things and threasures he never had and he can never dream to have....:fcandle:

Queen B
06-21-2012, 07:49 PM
End of discussion , Please.

Fortis in Arduis
07-29-2012, 01:09 AM
End of discussion , Please.

It's quite funny watching people bring up their self-issues to criticise others.

... and that's all FYROM me... :swl