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06-27-2012, 03:56 PM
Google's "Unsupervised" Self-Learning Neural Network Searches For Cat Pics

Without being told exactly what to "look for", the network began to hierarchically arrange data, removing duplicate similar features and group certain images together.

One example was the cat. Thanks to the wealth of cat videos on YouTube, the cyber-brain eventually came to a single dream-like image representing the network's knowledge of what a cat looks like. The network was able to then able to recognize its favorite thing -- cat videos, no matter what subtle variations merry YouTubers come up with to their feline's appearance.

The significant part, say researchers, is that the network wasn't told what to look for.

Professor Dean comments in an interview in The New York Times, "We never told it during the training, ‘This is a cat.' It basically invented the concept of a cat. We probably have other ones that are side views of cats."

http://www.dailytech.com/Googles+Unsupervised+SelfLearning+Neural+Network+S earches+For+Cat+Pics/article25025.htm?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=feed