View Full Version : Dinosaur coldblooded theory gets dash of cold water

06-30-2012, 06:00 PM
Dinosaur coldblooded theory gets dash of cold water

Dinosaurs: coldblooded or warmblooded? Inquiring paleontologists have long wanted to know, and a new study offers thoughts on the issue. Basically, it says that a central line of evidence for coldbloodedness is all wet.

For years, some dinosaur mavens have argued that the ancient beasts were coldblooded, based on the growth patterns seen in fossil bones. Examination revealed that -- like the rings of a tree -- bone material was laid down in layers. The argument went like this: The rings corresponded to periods of active growth followed by periods of slow growth, just what you might expect with a coldblooded animal, which can’t control its inner temperature very well.


Contra Mundum
06-30-2012, 06:06 PM
How could scientists for so long overlook the fact that warm blooded creatures also have tree like rings in their bone layers? People assume everyone with a PHD is a brilliant thinker when in fact they're just trained monkeys. Few of them can really think with reason and with an open mind. This is why scientific theories should always be questioned.