View Full Version : Mystical marks in virgin forest explained

07-01-2012, 01:56 PM
Mystical marks in virgin forest explained

The mysterious scars on ancient pine trees in northern Norway have been explained. The pines were once used as a food supplement.

http://sciencenordic.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/440x/Potensielt_forsidebilete._Samisk_kultur_Dividalen_ None.large_.JPG

Patches of bark have been removed from older pines in the Øvre Dividalen National Park, but not in ways that would prevent the trees from continuing to grow.

During a recent mapping of the rare virgin forest in and around the Øvre Dividalen National Park in Troms, Norway, scientists noticed some scars reappearing on the trees. Many trees had some of their bark cut away on one side, leaving marks that were hard to explain.

Arve Elvebakk of the University of Tromsø (UiT) headed the study. He worked together with Andreas Kirchhefer, an expert in dating old trees by tree-ring analysis. He had already used ancient pines to chart weather and climate conditions.

Mystical marks in virgin forest explained | ScienceNordic (http://sciencenordic.com/mystical-marks-virgin-forest-explained)