View Full Version : Gents This Is All You!

07-03-2012, 11:09 PM
As requested by one of the beautiful ladies of TA ( I'm never gonna reveal her identity, even if tortured! :p ) here is the thread for the guys that parallels the identical thread for the lovely ladies of TA.

Ok gents it's your turn. Confess which ladies of TA have you been dreaming of, would want to have kids with and are secretly in platonic love with. It's eating you inside, you can't take it any more you have to let someone know, this is the place to do it! Don't be shy who know's you may score! ( no pun intended, not sure maybe it is, anyhow ) big! You'll thank me later! Be a man, grow a pair, and confess! Vaya con Dios! :D

07-04-2012, 04:35 AM
Its Osprey:embarrassed


07-04-2012, 04:45 AM
Its Osprey:embarrassed


What? Osprey is a guy! Are you coming out of the closet? :D

Osprey is gonna freak out when he reads this! LOL

07-04-2012, 04:51 AM
No one.
I love my Significant Other.
Platonic Love with Imago Dei.

07-04-2012, 04:53 AM
No one.
I love my Significant Other.
Platonic Love with Imago Dei.

Did you see IM post? You may wanna read it! Prepare yourself though! :D

07-04-2012, 04:57 AM
What? Osprey is a guy! Are you coming out of the closet? :D

Osprey is gonna freak out when he reads this! LOL

Yes it was a Joke:rolleyes:

07-04-2012, 05:00 AM
Did you see IM post? You may wanna read it! Prepare yourself though! :D

Yes I did.
Its called bro love.
Sherlock and Watson :D

07-04-2012, 07:26 AM
well i dont know about children and all that stuff you mentioned but a woman which needs to be mentioned in this thread is Supremeamerican.

07-04-2012, 10:03 AM
I have a sexual lust for Nordish Persephone. She's very attractive.

07-04-2012, 02:41 PM
Triton and Fortis in Arduis have something cooking which they are not telling us :p

07-04-2012, 06:56 PM
Well! It seems that the menfolk of TA are rather shy about their crushes.

07-04-2012, 07:05 PM
Well! It seems that the menfolk of TA are rather shy about their crushes.

I told you ladies that under that facade of machoism, manliness, toughness men are much weaker than you are! Here is the hard fact about men: overwhelming majority of men never progress emotionally over the age of 12 years old boy. They can be great intellectuals but emotionally they are adolescent cripples. Sorry :(

07-04-2012, 07:11 PM
Well! It seems that the menfolk of TA are rather shy about their crushes.

It's alright, it's probably better that we don't know. ;)

07-04-2012, 07:19 PM
Well! It seems that the menfolk of TA are rather shy about their crushes.

Seems so. :p

Lucky fer 'em I've got balls enough to go 'round fer the lot.

PowerPaw's got me fancy, as fer the demand in the OP pertaining to confessin' I've already done that, true grit. ;)

07-04-2012, 07:41 PM
There was one Bulgarian girl here...

She doesn't post anymore.



07-04-2012, 09:33 PM
I told you ladies that under that facade of machoism, manliness, toughness men are much weaker than you are! Here is the hard fact about men: overwhelming majority of men never progress emotionally over the age of 12 years old boy. They can be great intellectuals but emotionally they are adolescent cripples. Sorry :(

I like to believe that most men just have a difficult time communicating emotionally, and aren't necessarily emotionally stunted. A patient woman with a gentle heart is key.

07-04-2012, 09:35 PM
There was one Bulgarian girl here...

She doesn't post anymore.


heheeh rastko you mean lopa:D

07-04-2012, 09:37 PM
heheeh rastko you mean lopa:D

Yeah,I do.


I really like her.

Too bad you can't understand the lyrics of this song,like it is written for this situation:


07-04-2012, 09:39 PM
I like to believe that most men just have a difficult time communicating emotionally, and aren't necessarily emotionally stunted. A patient woman with a gentle heart is key.

You just gonna have to trust me on that. If there is anything I know about anything, it is the mind. Men are emotional dwarfs. They do not know how to deal with emotions, they don't understand them. The only way they react to them is suppression, which solves nothing. Man are morons when it comes to emotions. It's just the way it is.

It takes meditation for a man to come to grips with emotions. How many men do you know that meditate? ;)

07-04-2012, 09:43 PM
You just gonna have to trust me on that. If there is anything I know about anything, it is the mind. Men are emotional dwarfs. They do not know how to deal with emotions, they don't understand them. The only way they react to them is suppression, which solves nothing. Man are morons when it comes to emotions. It's just the way it is.

It takes meditation for a man to come to grips with emotions. How many men do you know that meditate? ;)

When a boy likes a girl:

I can't stop thinking about her...What should I do? eeeeeeeeer...does she like me?
oh,my god I can't stop...What time is it?23:41, maybe she is thinking about me too,I should call her or send a text bla bla bla love and stuff...

When a girl likes a guy:

I wanna play a game...

07-04-2012, 09:43 PM
You just gonna have to trust me on that. If there is anything I know about anything, it is the mind. Men are emotional dwarfs. They do not know how to deal with emotions, they don't understand them. The only way they react to them is suppression, which solves nothing. Man are morons when it comes to emotions. It's just the way it is.

It takes meditation for a man to come to grips with emotions. How many men do you know that meditate? ;)

Not many, and the majority are homosexual. Perhaps the heterosexual blokes could learn a thing or two.

07-04-2012, 10:02 PM
Not many, and the majority are homosexual. Perhaps the heterosexual blokes could learn a thing or two.

It's not about sexual orientation, it's about wisdom. The more wisdom minds possesses the better it deals with emotions. Unfortunately, unlike intelligence wisdom is extremely rare. That's why you see people with a lot of knowledge, smart and brilliant who throw insults, hissy fits and go ape shit. Intelligence as valuable as it is, pales in comparison to wisdom. Sorry for being brutally honest. :(

07-04-2012, 10:03 PM
oke oke,i like alenka,i find her smoking hot:D

07-04-2012, 10:04 PM
It's not about sexual orientation, it's about wisdom. The more wisdom minds possesses the better it deals with emotions. Unfortunately, unlike intelligence wisdom is extremely rare. That's why you see people with a lot of knowledge, smart and brilliant who throw insults, hissy fits and go ape shit. Intelligence as valuable as it is, pales in comparison to wisdom. Sorry for being brutally honest. :(

No need to apologise! :hug: I do believe there are some emotionally competent men out there, though.

07-06-2012, 02:49 PM
There was one Bulgarian girl here...

She doesn't post anymore.



Awww. Maybe she just is taking a break from the forum?