View Full Version : 30,000 people to recive bulgarian citizenship per year

07-09-2012, 12:15 AM

Bulgaria offers citizenship to Gorani community

BELGRADE -- Bulgaria is intensifying efforts to provide citizenship and other benefits to the poverty-stricken Gorani community in Kosovo and Albania, SETimes writes.


However, critics say the country is misusing its EU member state status to advance long-standing assimilatory policies of other ethnicities.

The Gorani, most of whom are Muslim live in 18 villages in the region of Gora as well as in the adjacent Zhupa and Prespa regions in the Albania-Macedonia-Kosovo border area.

Macedonian-Gorani Association President Avnija Rahti said that the Bulgarians, accompanied by a lawyer, were trying to persuade the Gorani of the benefits of Bulgarian citizenship, including potential employment in EU countries as well as free schooling in Sofia and Plovdiv.

“All the Gorani need to do is sign documents declaring they have Bulgarian origins and are Bulgarian,” he explained.

The Bulgarian Constitution provides the option for individuals to acquire Bulgarian citizenship through a "facilitated procedure," established in the country's citizenship act, SETimes writes.

The Agency for Bulgarians Abroad, which organizes the visits, has featured a 2010 strategic document on its website explaining that the policy aims to unite all Bulgarians in the region.

Over 16,000 Macedonians obtained Bulgarian citizenship last year, along with nearly 2,000 Ukrainians and 1,000 Serbs, but only six Kosovo citizens, according to the Agency’s data.

"Nearly 1,500 inhabitants of Gora, Zhupa and Prespa have obtained Bulgarian citizenship," Association of Bulgarians in Albania Head Gezim Kurti told SETimes.

Bulgarian scholar Antoinette Primatarova suggested in an article earlier this year that Prime Minister Boyko Borissov was eager to breathe new life into Bismarck's saying the Bulgarians were "Prussians of the Balkans."

But not everyone agrees, SETimes writes.

Bulgaria is taking advantage of being an EU member to continue its 19th-century assimilation policy against Macedonians and others, according to World Macedonian Congress President Todor Petrov.

"This time Bulgaria is using 'passport politics' in addition to the time-tested material benefits aimed at some of the poorest Balkan people," Petrov told SETimes.

07-09-2012, 12:18 AM
Aren't alot of Slavic Macedonians applying for Bulgarian citizenship and using it as a spring board to enter the EU?

I think it's a wise move for Bulgaria. Better to import some Balkan people with similar customs than a bunch of third worlders.

07-09-2012, 12:18 AM
So, the fertility rate of Bulgarians is THAT bad and they even invite muslims to increase the slavic speaking population in the country?

If thats the case, then why you persecuted your own muslim Pomaks before?

07-09-2012, 12:22 AM
So, the fertility rate of Bulgarians is THAT bad and they even invite muslims to increase the slavic speaking population in the country?

If thats the case, then why you persecuted your own muslim Pomaks before?

We don't invite them, they come alone.

And please stop with that shitty stoy about the persecuting of turks and pomaks, which happened before 23 years, it's annoying.

07-09-2012, 12:25 AM
The trend is increasing from month to month

7000 Macedonians Obtain Bulgarian Passports in 1 Month


In less than a month, the number of Macedonians with Bulgarian passports has increased by 7 000 people.

It has reached 42 372 compared to 35 808 a month earlier.

The data comes from the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry.

Representatives of the Foreign Ministry in Skopje are quoted saying Macedonia is monitoring the situation closely, but cannot do anything to counter this strong interest and stop people from obtaining Bulgarian passports.

They say all applications for foreign citizenship are analyzed and as far as Bulgarian citizenship is concerned in particular, the motives are economic and sociologic.

07-09-2012, 12:27 AM
Aren't alot of Slavic Macedonians applying for Bulgarian citizenship and using it as a spring board to enter the EU?

I think it's a wise move for Bulgaria. Better to import some Balkan people with similar customs than a bunch of third worlders.

It doesnt even matter
even if every single one emigrates abroad they will be the best bulgarian ambassadors...for example if the macedonian foreign minister goes to Italy and says how there are many macedonians working there,and when the italians see that there are only bulgarian citizens dues forming a bulgarian community,so how can he exmplain that?

And when the standard of living in Bulgaria increases those people can be lured back.

Not to mention it gives bulgaria written proof that those people recognise their bulgarian nationality.

07-09-2012, 12:28 AM
So, the fertility rate of Bulgarians is THAT bad and they even invite muslims to increase the slavic speaking population in the country?

If thats the case, then why you persecuted your own muslim Pomaks before?

The birth rate hasnt much to do with this...
It is not just about the birth rate,it is a process of rebulgarization of our lost brothers...

The gorani are muslim bulgarians,nobody in Bulgaria has problems with muslim bulgarians...

the Pomaks suffered during communism same as christian bulgarians...every kind of nationalist movment among bulgarians was banned by the communists.

They wanted to destroy the patriotic spirits among all bulgarians,so...

07-09-2012, 12:36 AM
good news

07-09-2012, 12:52 AM
Think about it

you bring a poor peasent boy from some god forgotten village in Kosovo to a metropolis like Sofia or lets say Plovdiv.... you give him free education a job and a citizenship with which he can travel all of Europe just with an ID card...in other words you change his life.

Plus if islamic values in him are stronger-which among Gorani are not because most of them are secular but lets say he is a faithful muslim so he will go to Sofia or Plovdiv and see the mosque in the city centre and that is just another plus that will influences his looks in another way so there in no way he wont become a loyal bulgarian.

Plovdiv mosque



Sofia mosque


07-09-2012, 01:19 AM
Think about it

you bring a poor peasent boy from some god forgotten village in Kosovo to a metropolis like Sofia or lets say Plovdiv.... you give him free education a job and a citizenship with which he can travel all of Europe just with an ID card...in other words you change his life.

Plus if islamic values in him are stronger-which among Gorani are not because most of them are secular but lets say he is a faithful muslim so he will go to Sofia or Plovdiv and see the mosque in the city centre and that is just another plus that will influences his looks in another way so there in no way he wont become a loyal bulgarian.

Plovdiv mosque

How is employment like in Bulgaria? Are there an increase of jobs to attract these immigrants or are most of them going to migrate to the West like you mentioned.

I don't think the Gorani or other slavic immigrants who used the citizenship will use the money and invest in Bulgaria but they'd probably send it back to their families in wherever country they came from. If they can stay and find employement(most likely low wage employment) than I think it can be beneficial for the country.

BTW, Bulgaria will need to keep an eye out for Turkey. They will jump on the chance to persuade these slavic muslims to identify as Turks just like they did elsewhere.

King Claus
07-09-2012, 01:20 AM
you bulgarians have much to be proud of, being so nice to our eastern friends

07-09-2012, 01:27 AM
How is employment like in Bulgaria? Are there an increase of jobs to attract these immigrants or are most of them going to migrate to the West like you mentioned.

I don't think the Gorani or other slavic immigrants who used the citizenship will use the money and invest in Bulgaria but they'd probably send it back to their families in wherever country they came from. If they can stay and find employement(most likely low wage employment) than I think it can be beneficial for the country.

BTW, Bulgaria will need to keep an eye out for Turkey. They will jump on the chance to persuade these slavic muslims to identify as Turks just like they did elsewhere.

It isnt that important where the money will go...the bulgarian state isnt doing this out of financial benefit,but of course these people will give part of their potential to the development of bulgarian society.

The slavic muslims of the balkans-put aside the bosniaks are confused about their national identity,most of them when asked what is their nationality eather dont know or say they are muslims...they have no national identity,plus many foreign propagandas are out there to get them-serbs,macedonists,turks...

We need to put back the bulgarian national identity code in them,and once they adopt it,it will be imposible for the other propagandas to convert a individual back,because thats something when accepted, he will believe in very strongly in the future.

I know,turks are already doing that to Torbesh-slavic muslims in Macedonia and today most torbesh declare to be turks,most of the turks in Macedonia today are actualy Torbesh-many of which dont know a word turkish.

Well before the crisis the unemployment rate was 7%!-lower than the one in France!

now it's 11% at a national level.

but in the big cities is very low

Sofia Ranked among EU Cities with Low Unemployment

Three Bulgarian cities rank among the EU cities with the lowest level of unemployment, according to Eurostat data about the urban population on the territory of the EU.

Bulgaria's capital, Sofia and the Black Sea cities of Varna and Burgas occupy front position in the EU ranking of cities with low unemployment, with Sofia scoring 1.1%, Burgas 2.4% and Varna 2.6%.

The EU cities of Birmingham, Breda, Tallinn and Ljubljana also register low unemployment.

According to data of Bulgaria's National Statistical Institute (NSI), approximately 2.6 million men and around 2.7 million women lived in Bulgarian cities by end-2011.

Sofia was estimated as the most populated city, with over 1.2 million of officially registered citizens.

Bulgaria's second biggest city, Plovdiv, had a population of over 500 000 people, followed by Varna with around 400 000 people.

Around 40% of the EU 27 population lives in predominantly urban regions, according to data of the EU's statistical office.

Eurostat notes that there are 323 cities on the territory of the EU with a total population of over 127 million, according to a survey cited by the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency (BTA).

The two most populous cities in the EU are London and Paris, which host 12.5% f the population of the United Kingdom and 10% of the population of France, respectively.

Only four EU capitals have more than 3 million inhabitants – London, Paris, Berlin and Madrid.

Another 20 EU cities (11 of them capitals) have a population of 1-2 million people.

The biggest cities in the EU, which are not capitals but have a particularly dense population, are Hamburg (1.8 million) and Barcelona (1.6 million)

Apart from capital cities, the largest cities in the EU are Hamburg (1.8 million) and Barcelona (1.6 million).

According to Eurostat data, it is easiest to find a job in the EU cities of Munich, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Prague, Amsterdam and Warsaw, where over 50% of the respondents say that they can rely on a well-paid job.

On the other side of the ranking are cities where only 10% of the respondents believe that it is easy to find a job – Naples, Palermo, Malaga, Riga and Miskolc.

The slightest financial difficulties are experienced by the people living in Luxemburg, Malmo, Graz, Copenhagen and Stockholm, where only one in ten respondents gives that answer.

50% of the citizens of Sofia, Athens, La Valletta and Palermo admit that they are having financial difficulties.

The citizens of Naples and Riga are the most dissatisfied with their financial situation – at over 50% of the population unhappy about their condition.

The highest rates of population aging are registered in 18 cities in Italy and 11 cities in Germany.

Among all EU cities in the ranking, the highest ratio of students in tertiary education to the number of inhabitants is in Rzeszów, Poland and Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

Air pollution is perceived as a problem in many EU cities, the highest rates of air pollution registered in Italy's Torino and Spain's Murcia.

According to Eurostat, the cleanest cities are Latvia's Riga and Norway's Bergen.

07-09-2012, 09:38 AM
We don't invite them, they come alone.

And please stop with that shitty stoy about the persecuting of turks and pomaks, which happened before 23 years, it's annoying.
You invite them by delivering EU passports to them but they wont go to Bulgaria anyway, they are just taking this opportunity to go to western Europe as a migrant.

So, i should stop reminding what happened 23 years ago but your fellow Bulgarian Bugarash can freely say stupid lies like "Bulgaria lost million men over 700 years ago". Thats really "fair and square" :)

07-09-2012, 09:57 AM
You invite them by delivering EU passports to them but they wont go to Bulgaria anyway, they are just taking this opportunity to go to western Europe as a migrant.

"delivering EU passports to them" LOL

Yes, you are right, we have special people for this job, we send them in Moldova, Macedonia and Kosovo to foist to the muslims EU passports. LOL

So, i should stop reminding what happened 23 years ago but your fellow Bulgarian Bugarash can freely say stupid lies like "Bulgaria lost million men over 700 years ago". Thats really "fair and square"

Show me where exactly Bugarash said that.

I don't know Bulgarians here to claim the shit you are saying, and when Bugarash was not even active on this forum, you continue to talk about things which happened 23 years ago.
But i have to say that what we did was less brutal compared to what turks did. You remember the Armenian genocide? You remember the massacres in all over the Balkans?

07-09-2012, 10:06 AM
Well it's known that Bulgarians have little national pride. And when they sell out passports for people who have no connection to their culture, language, territory... it just makes you wonder what kind of people you are or want to be.

07-09-2012, 10:10 AM
And when they sell out passports for people who have no connection to their culture, language, territory...

we don't do that lol

07-09-2012, 10:18 AM
Hey, why don't you take our Muslems too? It would be great! :biggrin:

07-09-2012, 10:23 AM
Hey, why don't you take our Muslems too? It would be great! :biggrin:

Croatia will take them next year. :thumb001:

07-09-2012, 10:24 AM
You invite them by delivering EU passports to them but they wont go to Bulgaria anyway, they are just taking this opportunity to go to western Europe as a migrant.

So, i should stop reminding what happened 23 years ago but your fellow Bulgarian Bugarash can freely say stupid lies like "Bulgaria lost million men over 700 years ago". Thats really "fair and square" :)

People come by their own will,go through a procedure,wait from 1-4 years and recive the document.
Nobody asks them to do it:)

Most of those who get bulgarian passports go to Bulgaria-if they find a job and a place to stay.

Same thing or even at a higher rate about the bessarabian bulgarians, and gagauz from Ukraine and Moldova...Bulgaria for these countries is the same like Italy is compared to Bulgaria as far as standard of living goes.

Today in Bulgaria there are tens of thousands of macedonian students-80% of those who finish university stay!-I know many that stayed-my cousin one of them.

07-09-2012, 10:27 AM
Well it's known that Bulgarians have little national pride. And when they sell out passports for people who have no connection to their culture, language, territory... it just makes you wonder what kind of people you are or want to be.

Who hasnt got national pride?

the proud macedonians who return to their roots or the bulgarians who give them passports?:D

Macedonians are are so alike the bulgarians,have so much incomon,thats why it's so easy to assimilate them:thumb001:

07-09-2012, 10:31 AM
Croatia will take them next year. :thumb001:

They are just waiting for strong and prosperous nations to assimilate them. Seems like you'll succeed where Western Europe failed. :thumb001:

07-09-2012, 10:32 AM
Who hasnt got national pride?

the proud macedonians who return to their roots or the bulgarians who give them passports?:D

Macedonians are are so alike the bulgarians,have so much incomon,thats why it's so easy to assimilate them:thumb001:

I think the ones who should change their name are you.:D

Why are you still naming yourself with a Turkic tribe?Adopt your Paleo-Balkan identity please:coffee:

07-09-2012, 10:35 AM
I think the ones who should change their name are you.:D

Why are you still naming yourself with a Turkic tribe?Adopt your Paleo-Balkan identity please:coffee:

There is nothing that remains of ancient Macedonian, Thracian cultural identities. It's pointless to call oneself Paleo-Balkan when the same person cannot call up ancient Thracian traditions, language, faith, etc...

07-09-2012, 10:36 AM
I think the ones who should change their name are you.:D

Why are you still naming yourself with a Turkic tribe?Adopt your Paleo-Balkan identity please:coffee:

Why you name youreself with a greek name?

Thats who we are,unlike some:)

07-10-2012, 12:54 PM
Aren't alot of Slavic Macedonians applying for Bulgarian citizenship and using it as a spring board to enter the EU?

I think it's a wise move for Bulgaria. Better to import some Balkan people with similar customs than a bunch of third worlders.

Yes, the motives behind Macedonians wanting Bulgarian citizenship are to become EU citizens, which supposedly delivers economic advantages. It's not about making some sought of nationalistic stance. Having a similar language with Bulgarians and sharing a border makes gaining Bulgarian citizenship very attractive. If Serbia was in the EU, I would imagine that the majority of Macedonians wanting a place in the EU would gain Serbian citizenship instead.

07-10-2012, 12:58 PM
A lot of Macedonians have and get Serbian citizenship even now.

07-10-2012, 03:27 PM
Macedonia wont join the EU in the next 10 years for sure.
Serbia around 2025-only if it recognizes Kosovo
Albania even later than Serbia.

all of this gives Bulgaria alot of tools to use it's EU membership to achive some goals withing these countries...

07-10-2012, 03:52 PM
Why you name youreself with a greek name?

Thats who we are,unlike some:)

Actually, we do have Greek blood.

07-10-2012, 04:01 PM
Actually, we do have Greek blood.


We have Paleo-Balkan blood not Greek.

07-10-2012, 04:02 PM
No doubt many of these will use the foul EU schengen policy to move to western Europe where their presence is unwanted and resented. :mad:

07-10-2012, 04:05 PM
No doubt many of these will use the foul EU schengen policy to move to western Europe where their presence is unwanted and resented. :mad:

Neither Bulgaria, nor the UK are part of the Schengen agreement.

07-10-2012, 04:07 PM
Neither Bulgaria, nor the UK are part of the Schengen agreement.

EU citizens can move to any country regardless of Job skills. We don't want another Polish style immigrant wave.

Sultan Suleiman
07-10-2012, 04:08 PM
Macedonia wount join the EU in the next 10 years for sure.
Serbia around 2025-only if it recognizes Kosovo
Albania even later than Serbia.

all of this gives Bulgaria alot of tools to use it's EU membership to achive some goals withing these countries...

Man I wish there were more parties like Wilders's :)

07-10-2012, 04:12 PM

We have Paleo-Balkan blood not Greek.

Ancient Macedonian = Greek

07-10-2012, 04:12 PM
EU citizens can move to any country regardless of Job skills.

There are still some restrictions for Bulgarian citizens expiring in 2014, but you are generally right.

07-10-2012, 04:14 PM
We don't want another Polish style immigrant wave.

I can assure you that this won't happen with Bulgarians. We aren't so numerous as the Poles.

07-10-2012, 04:26 PM
Ancient Macedonian = Greek

Hellenized Paleo-Balkan tribe.Anyway modern Greeks are mostly Hellenized Pelasgian/Minoan themself.

07-10-2012, 04:29 PM
Recently has been discovered that the ancient Macedonian language preserved on Rosetta stone is very similar to modern Slavo-Macedonian. A lot of linguists do not believe that, however.

07-10-2012, 04:34 PM
Macedonia wont join the EU in the next 10 years for sure.
Serbia around 2025-only if it recognizes Kosovo
Albania even later than Serbia.

all of this gives Bulgaria alot of tools to use it's EU membership to achive some goals withing these countries...

I don't think any of the Western Balkan states(Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, and Kosova) have a real chance of entering the EU. They'll have to make sacrifices in order to enter which I don't think any of the countries would make. For Serbia they would have to recognize Kosova and I'm sure they are unwilling to do that but if they do recognize they will probably be admitted, for Macedonia they will have to force a name change and probably give equal rights to Albanians in the country, etc.

I don't even know why any Balkan country would want to enter the EU. It's all a scam and a poor man's dream. Instead Balkan countries should look to increase economic cooperation between each other.

07-10-2012, 04:39 PM
Ancient Macedonian = Greek

Do the majority of Fyromians(excluding Albanians and co) agree with this?

Every time I went to Macedonia(besides Skopje) I thought there wasn't a real sense of connection between the modern Macedonians and Ancient Macedonians.

07-10-2012, 04:42 PM
Recently has been discovered that the ancient Macedonian language preserved on Rosetta stone is very similar to modern Slavo-Macedonian. A lot of linguists do not believe that, however.

That's not possible, sounds like bullshit. Also, ancient Macedonians spoke Greek, they didn't have their own language.

Do the majority of Fyromians(excluding Albanians and co) agree with this?

Every time I went to Macedonia(besides Skopje) I thought there wasn't a real sense of connection between the modern Macedonians and Ancient Macedonians.

There is, they just believe the ancient Macedonians weren't Greek but a separate, different tribe.

07-10-2012, 04:43 PM
Recently has been discovered that the ancient Macedonian language preserved on Rosetta stone is very similar to modern Slavo-Macedonian. A lot of linguists do not believe that, however.


07-10-2012, 04:45 PM

I agree with you, I don't believe it too. Not worth linking it.

07-10-2012, 04:45 PM
I don't even know why any Balkan country would want to enter the EU. It's all a scam and a poor man's dream. Instead Balkan countries should look to increase economic cooperation between each other.

Uh-oh... someone almost used the "Y" word here.


07-10-2012, 04:59 PM
Uh-oh... someone almost used the "Y" word here.


Haha. I was more thinking of a trading/economic union type of thing but I guess that would be similar to old Yugo without countries giving up their sovereignty.

But I don't think the West would allow that to happen tbh. They want the Balkans to be reliant on the West for their own economic gain.

07-10-2012, 05:10 PM
Great news. No wonder why these fyromians were so eager to stop the census...half of their people will identify as Bulgarians.

07-10-2012, 08:36 PM
Macedonia wont join the EU in the next 10 years for sure.
Serbia around 2025-only if it recognizes Kosovo
Albania even later than Serbia.

all of this gives Bulgaria alot of tools to use it's EU membership to achive some goals withing these countries...

No doubt many of these will use the foul EU schengen policy to move to western Europe where their presence is unwanted and resented. :mad:
Are you sure that EU will still exist in 2022? I don't think so, at least not in today`s form with 27 states, Eurozone and Shengen agreement. If EU doesn't drastically change itself, then it will totally collapse in less than 10 years.

I can assure you that this won't happen with Bulgarians. We aren't so numerous as the Poles.
This is not true. The day that Bulgaria accepted in the Schengen zone and to be included in free movement of workers agreements, there will be massive influx of Bulgarian citizens to the western Europe. All these 30.000 new Bulgarian citizens will go to there as well as 100.000s of other Bulgarians, maybe millions, who knows!

If that wouldn't be case then Holland and France wouldn't try to prevent your Schengen entry.

07-10-2012, 08:39 PM
Are you sure that EU will still exist in 2022? I don't think so, at least not in today`s form with 27 states, Eurozone and Shengen agreement. If EU doesn't drastically change itself, then it will totally collapse in less than 10 years.

This is not true. The day that Bulgaria accepted in the Schengen zone and to be included in free movement of workers agreements, there will be massive influx of Bulgarian citizens to the western Europe. All these 30.000 new Bulgarian citizens will go to there as well as 100.000s of other Bulgarians, maybe millions.

If that wouldn't be case then Holland and France wouldn't try to prevent your Schengen entry.

Not gonna happen.

07-10-2012, 09:40 PM
Are you sure that EU will still exist in 2022? I don't think so, at least not in today`s form with 27 states, Eurozone and Shengen agreement. If EU doesn't drastically change itself, then it will totally collapse in less than 10 years.

This is not true. The day that Bulgaria accepted in the Schengen zone and to be included in free movement of workers agreements, there will be massive influx of Bulgarian citizens to the western Europe. All these 30.000 new Bulgarian citizens will go to there as well as 100.000s of other Bulgarians, maybe millions, who knows!

If that wouldn't be case then Holland and France wouldn't try to prevent your Schengen entry.

EU will get even stronger after this crisis and transform into a military power as well.

Dude,everyone that wanted to leave Bulgaria already did.
Most of them even before Bulgaria becoming a EU member!

people push for the joining the Shengen Zone because conditions for gypsies leaving Bulgaria will decrease even more.

Thats the main reason why Bulgaria wants the Shengen Zone,today many gypsies dont have passports or documents of any kind so if the borders fall they will just have to cross the nonexisting barrier to arrive somewhere in western Europe.

But when you bring those 30,000 people from countries like Kosovo,Moldova,Ukraine or even Macedonia,countries with a much lower standard of living than Bulgaria,they find it easy to adopt in the bulgarian society instead taking their chances somewhere else in western Europe where there are still restrictions.

07-10-2012, 10:22 PM
EU will get even stronger after this crisis and transform into a military power as well.
I have no intention to discuss these issues with you but i can briefly say that EU will either drastically transform or completely fall due to the crisis and i am just laughing to the claims of being "military power", lol. This will never happen, only over the dead body of England, USA and Turkey !!!

Eu can only have stupid police force to chase Bulgarian gypsies and illegal immigrants in Greece. Thats it, no more than that...

ioan assen
07-11-2012, 08:40 AM
Hello to everybody! Its my first reply here! I m a Bulgarian! Nice to see a forum where so many nationalities meet.
First I totally disagree with Onur about EU's future. I however understand why Turkey would be so desperate for it to fail. Turkey would not be accepted into EU anytime soon so its just a pure jealosy. On the other hand at present Turkey has a big growth while EU has a lot of problems in the finance department. However as I have been in both Turkey and the "shrinking" Greece and Spain I still think turkey would not catch up with both in 50ty years. My impression is that the Turkish state is rich, but NOT its people unlike Greece or Spain and thats whats the most important.
I dont understand why some people are in a shock that most Balkan states want to join EU. Its more than understandable - especially if you have been in Western Europe. Obviouslly their societies "work" better and if the Balkan states are lucky they ll look more and more like those countries. One of the goals of the EU is to equlize the standart of life in all the EU contries: thats why you have the Cohesion policy. Of course all this transition takes alot of time and I dont know if in 50ty years that transition would be a fact in Bulgaria and Romania unfortunately.

07-11-2012, 08:57 AM
Dobredojde. Welcome the the Apricity forum.

Answer me this question, Would you jump on a sinking ship? Because the EU is a sinking ship, I'm not sure what exactly the benefits are, but I do know that joining the EU club will just result in you having to help countries like Greece to pay off massive debts.

ioan assen
07-11-2012, 09:09 AM
Hi western neighbour Vojnik, I dont think EU is shrinking. The standart and the way of life of the majority of the states is higher than on most places on the earth, including dear precious USA. Its also understandable why so many countries would like it to fail, its also understandable why the finance speculations are concentrated in the EU: there are alot of sources feeling threatened by a unified Europe, but I dont think they ll sucseed.
Greece hardly needs saving, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Macedonia however desperately need it. Except that I m kind of shocked that the creditors of Greece "suddenly" discovered its bad financial state. I understand that alot of financial circles want to give the Greeks a 3rd world standart of living but I dont think they will succeed. Now in southern Europe, next: in northern. Not gonna happen though.

07-11-2012, 11:23 AM
Hi western neighbour Vojnik, I dont think EU is shrinking. The standart and the way of life of the majority of the states is higher than on most places on the earth, including dear precious USA. Its also understandable why so many countries would like it to fail, its also understandable why the finance speculations are concentrated in the EU: there are alot of sources feeling threatened by a unified Europe, but I dont think they ll sucseed.

Greece hardly needs saving, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Macedonia however desperately need it. Except that I m kind of shocked that the creditors of Greece "suddenly" discovered its bad financial state. I understand that alot of financial circles want to give the Greeks a 3rd world standart of living but I dont think they will succeed. Now in southern Europe, next: in northern. Not gonna happen though.
EU is not shrinking economically,
EU states are richer than USA,
United states of Europe,
Greece doesnt need saving but Turkey desperately needs...

It looks like we have another delusional Bulgarian here. If i see one Bulgarian with a reasonable mind in the forum, i will pop up a champagne bottle in front of the computer screen :D

ioan assen
07-11-2012, 11:27 AM
I m sorry that you disagree with us but being a Turk thats like a given.

07-11-2012, 03:33 PM
EU is not shrinking economically,
EU states are richer than USA,
United states of Europe,
Greece doesnt need saving but Turkey desperately needs...

It looks like we have another delusional Bulgarian here. If i see one Bulgarian with a reasonable mind in the forum, i will pop up a champagne bottle in front of the computer screen :D

Pomak, please... :rolleyes:

07-11-2012, 05:10 PM
Pomak, please... :rolleyes:
Yes dear swarthy bulgarian? You have something to say? or just getting butthurt cuz you even stand out in the place where i live in Turkey?

ioan assen
07-11-2012, 05:18 PM
A Turk talking about swarthism with Bulgarian and acting all Nazi on other EUROPEANS? Dear God, where the world is coming to indeed!!!

07-11-2012, 05:25 PM
Yes dear swarthy bulgarian? You have something to say? or just getting butthurt cuz you even stand out in the place where i live in Turkey?

not everyone is slavic in denial, like you. :rolleyes:

07-11-2012, 05:32 PM
Dobredojde. Welcome the the Apricity forum.

Answer me this question, Would you jump on a sinking ship? Because the EU is a sinking ship, I'm not sure what exactly the benefits are, but I do know that joining the EU club will just result in you having to help countries like Greece to pay off massive debts.

The EBRD is one of the biggest benefits of the EU. Eastern and Southern Europeans should know that. ;)

Hi western neighbour Vojnik, I dont think EU is shrinking. The standart and the way of life of the majority of the states is higher than on most places on the earth, including dear precious USA. Its also understandable why so many countries would like it to fail, its also understandable why the finance speculations are concentrated in the EU: there are alot of sources feeling threatened by a unified Europe, but I dont think they ll sucseed.
Greece hardly needs saving, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Macedonia however desperately need it. Except that I m kind of shocked that the creditors of Greece "suddenly" discovered its bad financial state. I understand that alot of financial circles want to give the Greeks a 3rd world standart of living but I dont think they will succeed. Now in southern Europe, next: in northern. Not gonna happen though.

The EU does not have better living standards than the US. In fact it's extremely lopsided. The only decent part of the EU with reasonable living standards is the Northwestern corridor, Northern Italy and a few areas on the Iberian. Everywhere else in the EU living standards aren't very good and cannot be compared with the US. The US' living standards are pretty much equal across the 50 states. The EU doesn't have 50 states to manage but 27 and living standards are piss poor in more than 50% of those 27 states.

ioan assen
07-11-2012, 05:44 PM
The EU does not have better living standards than the US. In fact it's extremely lopsided. The only decent part of the EU with reasonable living standards is the Northwestern corridor, Northern Italy and a few areas on the Iberian. Everywhere else in the EU living standards aren't very good and cannot be compared with the US. The US' living standards are pretty much equal across the 50 states. The EU doesn't have 50 states to manage but 27 and living standards are piss poor in more than 50% of those 27 states.
More or less I agree with what you say. I said that the standart of life in the majority of the states is higher than in USA, that means in more than half of the Europeans live better than the Americans... EU is richer than USA. USA also has poor states - especially the "redneck" states. EU has 27 states but they are recently united unlike USA and EU doesnt have the powers that USA federal government has.

07-11-2012, 09:59 PM
A Turk talking about swarthism with Bulgarian and acting all Nazi on other EUROPEANS? Dear God, where the world is coming to indeed!!!
Yes, because i am sick of getting picked on by swarthy bulgarian wogs as "Pomak" for months here. From now on, i will deny their identity too and play their own game vs them.

07-11-2012, 10:01 PM
not everyone is slavic in denial, like you. :rolleyes:
actually people said onur looked albo not slavic:D

07-11-2012, 10:04 PM
actually people said onur looked albo not slavic:D

but he is bulgarian slav so it's normal for him to look albo. :D

07-11-2012, 10:07 PM
but he is bulgarian slav so it's normal for him to look albo. :D

07-11-2012, 10:13 PM
Yes dear swarthy bulgarian? You have something to say? or just getting butthurt cuz you even stand out in the place where i live in Turkey?

Oh, that's so silly of you. What a rude behaviour for a staff member :rolleyes:

07-12-2012, 11:56 AM
Yes dear swarthy bulgarian? You have something to say? or just getting butthurt cuz you even stand out in the place where i live in Turkey?

I'm not swarthy, though.