View Full Version : Експлозија на албанскиот наталитет во Ск

07-13-2012, 11:07 AM
Податоци од 2010 година

Град Скопје
City of Skopje


- родени/births 3.443
- умрени/deaths 3.558
-природен прираст/natural increase = -115


- родени/births 2.240
- умрени/deaths 636
-природен прираст/natural increase = +1.604


- родени/births 687
- умрени/deaths 186
-природен прираст/natural increase = +501


- родени/births 72
- умрени/deaths 37
-природен прираст/natural increase = +35


- родени/births 81
- умрени/deaths 36
-природен прираст/natural increase = +45


- родени/births 42
- умрени/deaths 130
-природен прираст/natural increase = -88

Скопски регион 2010
Skopje region 2010

(Град Скопје+ Арачиново,Петровец,Илинден,Студеничани,Сопишт е, Чучер Сандево,Зелениково).

(City of Skopje+
municipalities of Arachinovo,Petrovec,Ilinden,Studenicani,Sopishte,C ucer Sandevo,Zelenikovo).


- родени/births 3.832
- умрени/deaths 3.833
- природен прираст/natural increase = -1


- родени/births 3.081
- умрени/deaths 778
- природен прираст/natural increase = +2.303

Тука да го потенцираме фактот дека Скопје и посебно неговата околија служат като магнет за македонци од внатрешноста
како и тоа дека по пописот од 2002,град Скопје + регионот на Скопје има вкупно население од 571.040 жители од кои:

According to the 2002 census the total population of the city of Skopje+ the region:

- Македонци/Macedonians 367.717
- Албанци/Albanians 133.893

07-13-2012, 11:19 AM
Со други зборови,веќе во Скопје имаме тренд каде бројот на родени македонци е испод 50% од вкупниот бој родени!-бидејќи оваква е ситуацијата барем 2008-2009-2010 сигурно и 2011-ако не и пред 2008 но само до 2008 имаме детални публикации.

Оваа работа можеше да се реши во 2001 со поделба и разграничување но некој сакаше мултиетничка Македонија.

07-13-2012, 11:21 AM
It's sad to see those kind of statistics in Skopje, although, at least we are still the majority. I believe that things will change, Macedonian birthrates will climb back on top.

07-13-2012, 11:31 AM
Hardly,again we go to the fact that the albanians in Skopje are 70% rural population while macedonians are 90% urban population!

It's one thing when you live on a farmland and another when you live in a 60 m2 apartment.

2011 it the worst year for macedonian birth rate in history!
the first three months of 2012 started even worst,for the first time in history in the first three months Macedonia is in a demographic recession!

the only hope for Skopje is the influx of macedonians from the province.

07-13-2012, 11:35 AM
Why are there so many Serbs dying compared to how much are being born?

07-13-2012, 11:37 AM
Why are there so many Serbs dying compared to how much are being born?

Mostly due to assimilation.

07-13-2012, 11:41 AM
Mostly due to assimilation.

So they're not actually dying, they're just declaring themselves Macedonian?

07-13-2012, 11:42 AM
ROFL cut the weed b'lgarce :D

naaah who am i kidding keep em coming

07-13-2012, 11:44 AM
So they're not actually dying, they're just declaring themselves Macedonian?

They are dying but it would have been at a smaller rate if they werent being assimilated by the macedonians.

07-13-2012, 12:03 PM
Skopje still has large migration amount mainly due to urbanization. I would assume the majority of these Migrants to be Macedonia......

I wouldn't be so worried about Skopje, I would be more worried about parts in Eastern Macedonia that will become ghost towns due to high migration and low birth rates.

07-13-2012, 12:12 PM

the eastern region has the biggest decline but most of the population is macedonian.
From the minorities there are only gypsies.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/92/Map_of_the_municipalities_of_Eastern_Statistical_R egion_en.svg/744px-Map_of_the_municipalities_of_Eastern_Statistical_R egion_en.svg.png

07-13-2012, 12:49 PM
Check out the migration figures for "Immigrated Person From another municipality"

City Ethnicty and Amount

Skopje - 1485 Macedonians and 163 Albanians

Aerodrum - 323 Macedonians immigrated and no Albanians

Butel - 77 Macedonians and 26 Albanians

Gazi Baba - 125 Macedonians and 16 Albanians

Gjorch - 161 Macedonians and 1 Albanian

Karposh - 263 Macedonians and 4 Albanians

Kisela - 330 Macedonians and 3 Albanians

Saraj - 1 Macedonian and 34 Albnaians

Centar - 169 Macedonians and 1 Albnain

Chair - 30 Macedonians and 74 Albanians

Shuto Oziari - 6 Macedonians and 4 Albanians

Arachinovo - no Macedonians and 34 Albanians

Seems like Skopje will be fine.



Seems like the emigration numbers are pretty high as well for Skopje for the previous resident. Too lazy to do a net amount.......

07-13-2012, 01:13 PM
Check out the migration figures for "Immigrated Person From another municipality"

City Ethnicty and Amount

Skopje - 1485 Macedonians and 163 Albanians

Aerodrum - 323 Macedonians immigrated and no Albanians

Butel - 77 Macedonians and 26 Albanians

Gazi Baba - 125 Macedonians and 16 Albanians

Gjorch - 161 Macedonians and 1 Albanian

Karposh - 263 Macedonians and 4 Albanians

Kisela - 330 Macedonians and 3 Albanians

Saraj - 1 Macedonian and 34 Albnaians

Centar - 169 Macedonians and 1 Albnain

Chair - 30 Macedonians and 74 Albanians

Shuto Oziari - 6 Macedonians and 4 Albanians

Arachinovo - no Macedonians and 34 Albanians

Seems like Skopje will be fine.



Seems like the emigration numbers are pretty high as well for Skopje for the previous resident. Too lazy to do a net amount.......

"God Bless America"...else it should have been 0 Albanians in Arachinovo

07-13-2012, 01:25 PM
"God Bless America"...else it should have been 0 Albanians in Arachinovo

God Bless the UN and America or there would have been no "Macedonia"

The Council requested the Secretary-General to deploy the military, civil affairs, and administrative personnel recommended in his report immediately, upon receiving the consent of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, urging co-operation with the OSCE mission already there. The military personnel would monitor the border to ensure the conflict in other parts of Yugoslavia did not spill over, while the civilian police contingent would work with local police to maintain order and protect human rights

In December 1992, UNPROFOR was also deployed in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (UNPROFOR III), to monitor and report any developments in its border areas which could undermine confidence and stability in that Republic and threaten its territory. On 31 March 1995, the Security Council decided to restructure UNPROFOR, replacing it with three separate but interlinked peacekeeping operations (see also UNPF, UNPROFOR (B), UNCRO and UNPREDEP)


07-13-2012, 01:30 PM
[QUOTE=iNird;1017774]God Bless the UN and America or there would have been no "Macedonia"

common dont tell me crap now and some paperwork :/

you were goners if america didn't take you all out in buses as the "tourists" and not the terrorists :/ what is all that paperwork you tell me? where are you from?
i was watching it and actually living it,i don't need someone to tell me what it was :/

07-13-2012, 01:33 PM
[QUOTE=iNird;1017774]God Bless the UN and America or there would have been no "Macedonia"

common dont tell me crap now and some paperwork :/

you were goners if america didn't take you all out in buses as the "tourists" and not the terrorists :/ what is all that paperwork you tell me? where are you from?
i was watching it and actually living it,i don't need someone to tell me what it was :/

Without the UN, there would have been a war in Macedonia after it's independence and Macedonia would possibly be a federal state like Bosnia.

07-13-2012, 01:48 PM

Without the UN, there would have been a war in Macedonia after it's independence and Macedonia would possibly be a federal state like Bosnia.

cupcake you are way off.... and i talk about years off....
i talk about 2001 :coffee:

07-13-2012, 01:54 PM
Today we are close to the situation where half of the macedonians in the country will be living in the capital.