View Full Version : Post your system specs:)

King Claus
07-13-2012, 09:59 PM
I have a intel i7 3770k(clocked @ 4.5ghz), 8gb corsair vengeance 1600, ocz agility 3 120 vertex( kinda rubbish:( ) and a hd 7850 oc edition, wich can be overclocked from 820mhz to 1150 respectively:) and a razer imperator mouse

07-13-2012, 10:04 PM
Intel i5 2500k @ 4,4GHz, Corsair 8GB RAM @1600MHz, AMD radeon 6950 (6970 bios, 1536 unlocked unified shaders)

07-13-2012, 10:27 PM
does the cluster at work with 30ssd @ raid0 and other funky toys count ?

07-13-2012, 11:32 PM
This notebook:


This monitor:

The only problem I've had with the notebook is that the cpu gets very hot, mostly due to turbo-boost. Otherwise, it plays games alright Skyrim (med/high settings 30fps; 1600 x 900 2x AA 8x AF.)

I hope to build a PC at the point games and other intensive software become unplayable on this. For all other purposes; it should last.

King Claus
07-15-2015, 02:02 PM
(update)I7 3770k, 8gb corsair vengeance, 2x 256gb Samsung 840 ssd, amd radeon r290, Logitech protheus core and a Samsung Ultra high definition monitor, which supports 4k resolution.

07-15-2015, 02:17 PM
4 gigs of ram,512mb Ati mobility Radeon HD 4570 something and a 2.2ghz Intel dual core.

It was good when I got it,which was about 5 years ago,but today its a relic.