View Full Version : Speaking 'plain English'

06-19-2009, 02:00 AM
abattoir - slaughterhouse
abjure - forswear
abscond - run away
absent - missing, not there
absolute - outright, utter
accept - take on
accident - mishap
act - deed
actually - as it happens
acute - sharp, keen
additonally - furthermore, moreover, what is more
adequate - good enough, up to scratch
adhere - stick, cleave
admit - own
admonish - warn, tell off
adorable - lovable
adore - love
advance - go forward
affection - fondness
aged - elderly
aggressive - threatening
agree with - hold with
alas! - alack!, woe!
alcoholic (sb.) - drunkard
allow - let
altercation - fight
amicable - friendly
ancestor - forebear, forefather
animate (vb) - bring to life, breathe life into
annual (adj.) - yearly
annual (sb.) - yearbook
annul - bring to nought
anti- - against
anticipate - foresee
antipathy - dislike
anxiety - worry, fear
apartment - flat
aperture - opening
appear - seem
appellation - name
appropriate - fitting, seemly, meet
arguable (pred.) - moot
argument - row
arms - weapons
around - about
arsonist - firestarter
article - thing
artisan - wright
ascend - climb, rise
assemble - put together
assembly - gathering, meeting
astonish - amaze
astronaut - starfarer
attack - onslaught
attain - reach
attempt - seek ('try' is good, but is French)
attest - bear witness
attic - loft
attractive - handsome, comely
audacious - daring, bold
aurora borealis - northern lights
autumn - fall, harvest
avow - swear

baseless - groundless
batter - beat
battle - fight
bay - bight
because - for, since, as
beverage - drink
bile - gall
bipedal - two-footed
bisect - cut in half
bizarre - weird, freakish
botany - wortlore
branch - bough
burglar - housebreaker
butcher - flesher
button - key (tech.)

cadaver - body
calculate - work out
calm (vb) - soothe
caress - stroke
cargo - freight
carnivore - flesh-eater
carpentry - woodwork
cemetary - graveyard
centre - middle, core
century - a hundred years
chamber - room
channel (geog.) - sound
chief- - head
circle - ring (where possible)
city - town (where appropriate)
close - near, nearby
coast (sb.) - shore, shoreline
collapse - fall in
collect - gather
colour - hue
commence - begin, start
commerce - business
commit suicide - kill oneself
common - everyday
company - business
compatriot - countryman/woman
complain - moan
complete - thorough, full
comprehend - understand
compunction - qualm, misgiving
concern - worry
conclusion - ending
confess - own
conflagration - fire
confuse - baffle, bewilder, puzzle
connect - link
connection - link, bond
conquer (met.) - overcome
consider - think about
construct - build
contradict - gainsay
cooperate with - work (together) with
cope with - deal with
corpse - (dead) body
correct - right
costume - outfit
count - tell
country - land
county - shire
couple - pair
coward - dastard
create - make
credence - belief
criticise - find fault* with
crude - rough
cry - shout, weep

debatable - moot
deceased - dead
deceive - mislead
decent - good, upstanding
decide - make one's mind up
defeat - beat
deficient - lacking, wanting
defy - thwart
deity - god, godhead
delapidated - tumbledown
deluge - downpour
demon - fiend
demonstrate - show
dénouement - unravelling
depart - leave
depreciate - cheapen
deranged - moonstruck
deserving - worthy
desire - want, wish; long, yearn (stronger)
desolate - forlorn, doomed
desperate - hopeless, forlorn
despise - hate
detest - hate
detect - track down
deteriorate - worsen, get worse
develop - grow, unfold
devious - underhand
different - sundry, other
difficult - hard
digit (anat.) - finger
diminish - lessen
diminutive - small, little
direct (adj, of a person) - forthright
disabled - handicapped
disadvantage - drawback
discard - throw away
disconcerting - offputting
discover - find, find out
disease - illness, sickness
disgrace - shame
disgusting - foul, gruesome
disinclined - loath
dismiss - fire
disown - forsake
dissect - cut up
distant - far; far off
distort - warp
divest...of - shed, doff
divide - share; split up
divine - holy, godly
donate - give
dormant - sleeping
a dozen - twelve
dual - twofold
due to - owing to (where appropriate)

eager - keen
eccentric - quirky
eccentricity - quirk
eclipse - outshine (met.)
ecstatic - beside oneself
edifice - building
edifying - wholesome
egocentric - selfish
eject - throw out
elect - choose
elevate - raise
elevation (process) - raising
elevator - lift
emit - put out, send out, give out
emotion - feeling
emperor - overlord
emphasize - underline, underscore
employed - in work
enchant - bewitch
enchantment - spell
enchantress - witch
endure - bear
enemy - foe
engaged - betrothed
enjoyment - fun
enter - go into
entire - whole
entrance (sb.)- way in
entrance (vb) - bewitch
entrepreneur - businessman/woman
equal - same
equality - sameness, fairness
eradicate - uproot, pull up by the roots
erase - rub out
eraser - rubber
erect - upright
error - mistake
eruption - outburst (met.)
estuary - bay, inlet
event - happening
excessively - too
excise (vb) - cut out
excite - thrill
execute - put to death
executioner - hangman (etc)
exercise - work out
exhale - breathe out
exhausted - worn out, drained
exhume - dig up, unearth
existence - life
exit (sb.) - way out
exit (vb) - leave, go out
expect - look out for, wait for
expectorate - spit
expedition - outing
explode - burst
explorer - pathfinder
express - word, put into worders
exterior - outside
exterminate - wipe out
become extinct - die out
extinct - dead
extinguish - put out
extract - take out
extraordinary - outlandish
extraterrestrial - unearthly (attr), not of this earth (pred)
extreme - utmost
exuberant - outgoing

face-paint - make-up
family - kin, ilk
famous - well-known
fantastic - wonderful
fascinated - enthralled
fate - doom (where appropriate)
feeble - weak
fend off - ward off
feral - wild
final - last
finish (sb. & intr. vb) - end
finish (sb.) - ending
firm - fast
firmament - skies, heavens
fissure - crack, split, cleft
flaccid - limp
flatulence - wind
flower - bloom, blossom
fluctuate - flow
fluctuations - ups and downs
fondant - icing
forest - wood, woodland, wold
forge - smithy
form - shape
fortitude - strength
fortune - luck
fracture - break
fraternity - brotherhood
frequently - often
frustrate - thwart
function - work
futile - pointless*

garland - wreath
gay - merry, happy
generous - kind
gentle - mild, soft, kind
global - worldwide
gratuitous - free

hideous - ugly
honest - truthful
horizon - skyline, skysill
hostile - unfriendly
humanity - mankind
humourous - funny, witty
hurt - harm
hurtful - wounding

i.e. - that is
ignite - fire, set fire to
illegal - unlawful
illuminate - light (up)
imagination - mind
immediately - straight away
immortal - undying, deathless
impede - hinder, hamper
implore - beseech
impolite - cheeky
incidentally - by the by
incision - cut
incisive - cutting
incline (sb.) - slope
inclined - minded
incorrect - wrong
increase - grow, wax, rise
incredible - unbelievable
indolent - lazy, idle, shiftless
indebted - beholden
indication - hint, clue
industrial action - strike
industrious - hard-working
inebriated - drunk
ineffable - unspeakable
infancy - childhood
infant - baby, child, toddler
infinite - everlasting, without end
infuriating - maddening
ingest - eat
inhale - breathe in
inherent - built-in
innate - inborn
innovative - groundbreaking
inquire - ask
insane - mad
inscribe - write
insensitive - unfeeling
institute (vb) - set up
institution - body
intelligent - clever
intend - mean
interior - inside
internet - world-wide web
intestine - gut
intoxicated - drunk, pissed
inundate - flood
inundation - flood
irritating - irksome
isle - island

jolly - merry
judge - deem
just - fair
justice - fairness
juvenile - young; childish

labour - work
labour - childbirth
laboured - workmanlike
labourer - worker
labyrinth - maze
lacerate - cut
lake - mere, water (e.g. Kielder Water)
lamp - light
language - tongue, speech, words
large - broad (where breadth is at stake)
lascivious - lustful, wanton
launch - fire (where appropriate)
launder - wash
laundry - washing
lecture - reading
lecturer - reader
legacy - bequest
lethal - deadly
lethargic - sluggish
liable - likely
liberty - freedom
limit - threshold
loquacious - talkative
lounge - living room, sitting room
lunacy - moon-madness
lunar - moon (in compounds)
lunatic - madman/madwoman

maintain - hold that; keep up
maintenance - upkeep
majestic - awesome
malicious - evil, wicked
malnourished - underfed
manger - trough
marriage - wedding; wedlock
masonry - stonework
mass - bulk
massacre - slaughter
mature (vb) - grow up
mediocre - middling
menstrual - monthly
mentality - mindset
mention - bespeak
mercury - quicksilver
misandrist - man-hater
misdemeanour - wrongdoing
misogynist - woman-hater
moist - damp, wet
mordant - biting
moribund - about to die, at death's door
motorway - freeway
multiple - many, manifold
mute - dumb

navigate - sail
negotiate - thrash out (emph.)
nocturnal - night-time
nourish - feed
nutritious - healthful

object (sb.) - thing
object to - be against
observant - watchful
observe - watch
obtain - get, come by
occasion - time
occasionally - sometimes
occident - west
occidental - western
ocean - sea
occupied - busy
olfactory (attr. adj.) - smell
ominous - foreboding
omit - leave out, miss out
orient - east
oriental - eastern
orifice - hole
ornithology - birdlore
ovum - egg

pabulum - food
package - raft (in political speak, e.g. 'a raft of measures')
pagan - heathen (more appropriate for us northern Europeans anyway)
page - side, leaf
paradise - heaven
parallel - alongside
paramour - lover
parents - folks, elders
park - garden
partner - mate
patella - kneecap
pathetic - hapless
patrimony - fatherland
pavement - walkway, sidewalk
peal - knell
peculiar - odd, quirky
pedestrian - walker
pelt (sb.) - hide
people - folk
perhaps - maybe
perimeter - edge
permit - let
perpetual - unending
personal stereo - walkman
perspicacity - insight
petty - churlish
phantom - ghost
phlebotomy - bloodletting
phobia - fear
piece - bit
pile - heap
pioneering - groundbreaking
place (sb.) - stead
place (vb) - put
placenta - afterbirth
planet - world, heavenly body
plant - wort
pleased - glad, happy
poem - song
pompous - overblown
porter - doorman (differentiated, admittedly)
portrait - likeness
possess - own
possible - likley
posterior - backside
poultry - fowl
power - might
preclude - forestall
precognition - foreboding, foreknowledge
precursor - forerunner
pre-eminent - foremost
preface - foreword
premeditated - forethought
premonition - foreboding
prepared - ready
present (adj) - there
prevail - come out on top
previous - last, latter
probable - likely
progressive - forward-looking
promise - swear
promontory - headland
pronounce - say
proper - fitting, seemly; right
prophecy - foretelling
prophesy - foretell
prophet - soothsayer
prostitute - whore
protect - shield
pulse - heartbeat (sometimes)
punish - scold
purchase - buy
purify - cleanse

quadrupedal - four-footed
quarter - fourth
quay - wharf
quarry - earthworks
quasi- - almost (+ article)
queer - odd
quiet - still
quite - fairly, rather, somewhat

radiant - beaming, glowing
radio - wireless
rage - anger
rapid - fast, quick, speedy, swift
realm - kingdom
reanimate - bring back to life
rebellion - uprising
recline - lie back
recently - lately
recognise - acknowledge; know
recuperate - get better
reduce - lessen
regard - look at
reinforce - strengthen
relax - rest, unwind
relaxed - mellow
release - let go
reliable - trustworthy
reluctant - unwilling
remain - linger
reminisce - cast one's mind back, look back
renaissance - rebirth
renal (attr. adj.) - kidney
renounce - forsake
repose - rest
represent - stand for
reprimand - upbraid, tell off
request - ask, ask for
require - need
reservation - booking
reservation - misgiving
reserve (sb.) back-up
reserve (vb) book
residence - home, dwelling
resist - withstand
resolute - steadfast, unbending
resonance - echo
repartee - banter
respond - answer
result - outcome, upshot
retaliate - hit back
retort - answer, come back with
retract - take back
retreat - withdraw
retrograde - backward
revere - worship
rigid - stiff, hard
rigorous - thorough

sagacity - wisdom
salutation - greeting, welcome
satiate - quench
save - spare
scintillate - sparkle
scintillating - sparkling
seizure - fit
select - choose
self-esteem - self-worth
senior citizens - old folks
sensational - amazing
sense - feel / feeling
sensitive - feeling
severe - stern
sign - token
silhouette - shadow
similarity - likeness
simple - straightforward
simpleton - fool
site - stead
society - fellowship
soil - earth
solar - sun (in cpds)
sole - only
solitude - loneliness
sorority - sisterhood
sort (sb.) - kind
space - room
spectacles - glasses
spine - backbone
spirit - ghost
stellar - star (in cpds)
stomach (sb.) - belly
stomach (vb) - bear, put up with
story - tale
strange - odd, weird; unknown
stuff (vb.) - pack
study (vb. int.) - learn, learn about
study (sb.) - drawing room
stupefy - bewilder
submit to - undergo
subordinate - underling
submissive - meek
subterranean - underground
subtract - take away
suburbs - outskirts
suffice - do enough
sufficient - enough
summit - peak, top
supple --- lithe
surrender - give up, yield
survey (vb) - behold, look upon (poet.)
suspend - hang
sustain - keep going
sustenance - food

tacit - unspoken, understood
tauromachy - bullfighting
tedious - boring, dull
temper - mood
temperature - heat
tempestuous - stormy
tend to - look after
tendon - sinew
tepid - lukewarm
terminate - end, bring to an end
terrible - awful, awesome (depending on sense)
territory - land
testimony - witness
theater - playhouse
timid - meek
tolerate - abide, put up with, bear
total - utter, full
trachea - windpipe
track - path, way
tradition - folklore
trailblazing - groundbreaking (although both are magnificent words)
transmit - send, broadcast (of public media)
transparent - see-through
trap - snare
travel - fare
tremor - quake
triumph - win
tuition - teaching
turn into - become
tutor - teacher
type - kind

unconscious - unwitting
undercurrent - undertow
unedifying - unwholesome, unhealthy
unemployed - out of work, jobless
unfortunate - unlucky
university - seat of learning
unnecessary - unneeded, wanton
unsympathetic - unfeeling
usurer - money-lender
utensil - tool
uterus - womb

vacation - holiday
valediction - goodbye
valley - dale
value - worth
vendor - seller, monger
venesection - bloodletting
verbal - spoken
verbose - wordy
very - much, so, that
vesica - bladder
vibrate - shiver, shudder, shake
victory - win
vigorous - lively
village - hamlet (sometimes)
virginity - maidenhead
vision - sight
vitality - liveliness
vocabulary - word-hoard
vociferous - outspoken
void - emptiness, nothingness
vomit - be sick, throw up
vow - oath

wasteland - wilderness

zero - nought

I remember a certain Althing member (Ćpeling? Berrocsir?) making a thread calling for us English to return to a more native and natural English spoken word. Well, I found this list of alternative words and thought if it would raise an eyebrow or perhaps a thumb up from our resident linguistic experts.

Electronic God-Man
06-19-2009, 02:12 AM
I personally like seeing these words used. Not in a large-scale plan to change the English language back or whatever but because it gives your speech or writing a down-to-earth feel.

06-19-2009, 02:15 AM
This is very interesting, I shall take it to heart.

Electronic God-Man
06-19-2009, 02:20 AM
Some people call this style "Anglish".

Here is the Anglish Moot (http://anglish.wikia.com/wiki/Headside), which has a dictionary of words.

And here is the Wikipedia page about Anglish (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglish).

Having just stumbled upon this, I might start calling the Holocaust the All-slaught...hey, the Jews get to call it the Shoah.

06-19-2009, 02:26 AM
This list is a little problematic, these words and synonymous may have the same denotions but they have different connotations.

Electronic God-Man
06-19-2009, 02:32 AM
This list is a little problematic, these words and synonymous may have the same denotions but they have different connotations.

Not all of them and I think that people will be able to use them in the situations they mean to with the correct meaning they want. I find these words have connotations that are easier to grasp than the Latinate words. The meanings seem to be more apparent.

06-19-2009, 02:36 AM
What is actually quite revealing about the list is the amount of words that are used from day-to-day anyway.

It's only certain obscure words such as 'Maidenhead' or 'Quicksilver' that would actually prove the most obtrusive into daily speech, but then how often does an Englishman mention 'Mercury' or 'Virginity'* in his day-to-day world?

* Okay, just use 'Mercury' as an example, but the principle still applies.

06-19-2009, 02:42 AM
It is precisely the systematic difference in connotations that makes Anglish so much more vivid.

I realize that was not an exemplary sentence.