View Full Version : "Martyrdom Recruitment as Children's Entertainment"

06-20-2009, 12:58 AM
Here is what we are up against (http://www.investigativeproject.org/1072/birds-of-paradise-martyrdom-recruitment-as). The indoctrination of children against Infidels:

"This [music and video] material has not gone unnoticed in the Arab world, where despite its popularity it is beginning to sound alarms. Saudi writer Fawzia Nasir al-Naeem expressed her concerns about the video:

'It encourages the use of arms, killing, explosives, shedding blood and terrorism with all its synonyms. Our children parrot what they hear, and it enters their minds. This data is filed away, and over time it ripens into beliefs and principles which they believe in whenever the intensity is strong, so that when the dream is achieved, an explosive belt is put on, and he begins to proclaim the Jihad, which Allah revealed as his mandate…So, mother, open your half closed eyes to the bitter reality. Look at those who share with you in educating your children, and divert them from the right path. Lose the "Birds of Paradise" and other birds you and your sons are the 'firewood of hell.'"

Thanks to our comrades over at The Investigative Project on Terrorism (http://www.investigativeproject.org/) for this story!!