View Full Version : Where would these people pass as a group?

07-27-2012, 02:29 AM
Sicilians from Enna.. the most isolated region of the island. Likely did not experience much admixture from invading groups except some minor Greek.

There's some sort of South Cromagnid (Berberid? Berid?) element in many of the women.


07-27-2012, 02:35 AM
Most would pass in the Eastern Mediterranean, Levant and North Africa. A few look Western.

07-27-2012, 02:37 AM
Given the lack of settlement in these regions by Normans, Greeks, etc.. this is probably what the original people there looked like (the Sicanians).

Ugo Tognazzi
07-27-2012, 11:02 AM
they are mainly Alpine in phenotype, especially women,

a few Dinaroid/Dinaric-Mediterranean men

07-28-2012, 10:01 PM

07-30-2012, 09:43 AM
Enna is the highest Italian Province Capital. Despite its altitude (1000 m) the city is usually warm.

I doubt that the population could descend directly from the Sicani, probably a Greek/Roman/Norman/Arab admixture is possible also there.

However the people in this pictures are mainly alpino-gracile med with various influences (Berid CM or Armenoid) depending on the case.
They could pass as a group in Southern Spain/Greece/Malta.
Someone of them could pass in France/N Italy or, on the other side, in Turkey/Lebanon.

07-31-2012, 12:00 AM
Many looks like my Algerian ex's relatives...

07-31-2012, 12:29 AM
That could be Deena from Jersey Shore's sister.

07-31-2012, 12:30 AM
She could. Apina, how would you classify them and where would you think those two specific women could fit?

07-31-2012, 12:31 AM
Fat Gracile Meds (though no longer very gracile xD) + Dinarid/Armenoid

07-31-2012, 12:32 AM
They can pass as generic MENA

07-31-2012, 12:47 AM
Some others from the same area


07-31-2012, 12:49 AM
They do show Arab influences along with some Berber. They look MENA yet people say these people are Whiter than Circassians:p

07-31-2012, 12:56 AM
Well Enna, where these people are from, has the following y-dna frequencies.. it seems VERY isolated and a Neolithic hot-spot. They also are in the center of the island and likely did not see migration from Normans or from northern Italy, like the larger cities.

This study took samples from Piazza Armerina and Troina, both in Enna.

Piazza Armerina
E1b1b - 42.84%
I1 - 7.14%
J2 - 28.57%
K2 - 7.14%
R1b1c - 14.29%

E1b1b - 26.66%
G2 - 26.66%
J1 - 3.33%
J2 - 36.66%
R1b - 10%
R1a - 6.67%

So as you can see, very Neolithic at least on the paternal side.

Prince Carlo
07-31-2012, 07:28 AM
They do show Arab influences along with some Berber. They look MENA yet people say these people are Whiter than Circassians:p

They just lack the gypsy armenoid look.