View Full Version : Most massive stars live as vampires in close stellar pairs

07-30-2012, 09:48 AM
Most massive stars live as vampires in close stellar pairs

Binary stars have live short, violent lives, but play key role in evolution of galaxies


An artist's impression of a vampire star and its victim

A surprising number of massive stars in our Milky Way galaxy are part of close stellar duos, a new study finds, but most of these companion stars have turbulent relationships — with one "vampire star" sucking gas from the other, or the two stars violently merging to form a single star.

Astronomers using the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope in Chile studied massive O-type stars (http://www.space.com/57-stars-formation-classification-and-constellations.html), which are very hot and incredibly bright. These stars, which have surface temperatures of more than 54,000 degrees Fahrenheit (30,000 degrees Celsius) live short, violent lives, but they play key roles in the evolution of galaxies.

Most massive stars live as vampires - Technology & science - Space - Space.com - NBCNews.com (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/48343388/ns/technology_and_science-space/)