View Full Version : MtDNA haplogroup T help

07-30-2012, 07:25 PM
I took the (MtDNA) HVR1 test at FtDNA.
It says I'm haplogroup T.
However, I have read haplogroup T have 2 main subclades, T1 and T2.
It says I'm just T.

Does it mean I'm neither T1 nor T2? If so, how common is this?
Or is it because I didnt test HVR2 as well?

This page defines the required mutations to belong to a subclade, if I understand correctly:

It says T1 requires among others mutation 16189C, but I don't have that mutation.
T2 requires among others, mutation 16296T, which I don't have either.
Unless I have misunderstood something, it looks like I'm belonging to T, but none of the subclades? Or is the mutations listed on that webpage not really required, but suggestions/hints of which subclade I am?

Also, my HVR1 low resolution matches are 313. Is this a low or high number?