View Full Version : Historic maps of Bulgaria

Crn Volk
08-02-2012, 05:06 AM
Bulgaria - 632–668 AD











ioan assen
08-02-2012, 05:11 AM
yes we know you are serboman.

Crn Volk
08-02-2012, 05:14 AM
yes we know you are serboman.

what's wrong, you don't like the maps? no need for name calling you tatar-mongol you ;)

ioan assen
08-02-2012, 06:13 AM
No I perfectly like them. They show there was Bulgaria for the most of the Middle Ages unlike Macedonia (unless you count the Greek theme in Thrace). I am just amazed at your careful selection: you present map of the Serbian empire holding Macedonian region (which was for a very breif period but it is understandable you ll glorify this period since you have bored us all with your serbomans views) yet you omissed to post any map of Bulgaria which ruled Kutmechivica region for centuries.

Crn Volk
08-02-2012, 06:42 AM
No I perfectly like them. They show there was Bulgaria for the most of the Middle Ages unlike Macedonia (unless you count the Greek theme in Thrace). I am just amazed at your careful selection: you present map of the Serbian empire holding Macedonian region (which was for a very breif period but it is understandable you ll glorify this period since you have bored us all with your serbomans views) yet you omissed to post any map of Bulgaria which ruled Kutmechivica region for centuries.

About as selective as those Bulgarians only posting maps showing Bulgarian rule in Macedonia, as if we have always been ruled by Bulgaria.

ioan assen
08-02-2012, 02:27 PM
About as selective as those Bulgarians only posting maps showing Bulgarian rule in Macedonia, as if we have always been ruled by Bulgaria.
it would ve been true if the serbian rule over Macedonia didnt last 30 years but couple of centuries like the Bulgarian rule. I wouldnt even say it was a rule, because at those times Kutmichevica was populated by and ruled by Bulgarians. The rule over the region was mainly switching between Bulgarians and Byzantines just like Thrace. Yet you wouldnt find a Thracian nation in Thrace. Just Bulgarians.

08-02-2012, 03:13 PM
These are some proper maps, excluding the first one. You've quoted a time period between 632–668 AD for that map, which is not really an accurate depiction of Old Great Bulgaria or Bulgar settlements of that time period.

Learning from Wikipedia alone can be a tricky thing. Anyway, if you're interested in Bulgarian history of that time period.. I'd suggest doing some more research on the entity that the Byzantines called Old Great Bulgaria.

About as selective as those Bulgarians only posting maps showing Bulgarian rule in Macedonia, as if we have always been ruled by Bulgaria.
Macedonia has been an integral part of Bulgaria starting from about 7 centuries prior to the arrival of the Ottomans. It was never about Bulgaria ruling over "you"; you ruled over yourselves really. The majority of the population that resided in the region of Macedonia prior to the Ottomans had developed a Bulgarian identity that remained in tact all the way up to the formation of Tito's Yugoslavia.

08-02-2012, 06:58 PM
These are some proper maps, excluding the first one. You've quoted a time period between 632–668 AD for that map, which is not really an accurate depiction of Old Great Bulgaria or Bulgar settlements of that time period.

Learning from Wikipedia alone can be a tricky thing. Anyway, if you're interested in Bulgarian history of that time period.. I'd suggest doing some more research on the entity that the Byzantines called Old Great Bulgaria.

Macedonia has been an integral part of Bulgaria starting from about 7 centuries prior to the arrival of the Ottomans. It was never about Bulgaria ruling over "you"; you ruled over yourselves really. The majority of the population that resided in the region of Macedonia prior to the Ottomans had developed a Bulgarian identity that remained in tact all the way up to the formation of Tito's Yugoslavia.

He's probably yet another Yugo-mutt with Serb ancestors, so even if he wanted to be a Bulgarian I personally wouldn't have accepted him as such.

08-02-2012, 07:39 PM
Personally I would accept anyone who has genuine love for my country and sincere respect for my people as brother, regardless of ethnic origin.

As for Sokol, he clearly harbours some inherent anti-Bulgarian notions most probably instilled in him by nearly a century of persistent, targeted, government funded anti-Bulgarian propaganda.

Crn Volk
08-02-2012, 11:16 PM
it would ve been true if the serbian rule over Macedonia didnt last 30 years but couple of centuries like the Bulgarian rule. I wouldnt even say it was a rule, because at those times Kutmichevica was populated by and ruled by Bulgarians. The rule over the region was mainly switching between Bulgarians and Byzantines just like Thrace. Yet you wouldnt find a Thracian nation in Thrace. Just Bulgarians.

The Ottoman Turks ruled us for 5 centuries - are we Turks? No.

Crn Volk
08-02-2012, 11:18 PM
Personally I would accept anyone who has genuine love for my country and sincere respect for my people as brother, regardless of ethnic origin.

As for Sokol, he clearly harbours some inherent anti-Bulgarian notions most probably instilled in him by nearly a century of persistent, targeted, government funded anti-Bulgarian propaganda.

No Serbs in my family tree. In fact, my family were Exarchists from Bitolsko.