View Full Version : A Roman shipwreck in the ancient port of Antibes

08-07-2012, 08:18 PM
A Roman shipwreck in the ancient port of Antibes

A team of archaeologists from Inrap have uncovered a Roman shipwreck in southern France, in what was once part of the bustling ancient port of Antibes.


Ancient Antipolis

Antibes was known as Antipolis, a Greek colony originally founded by the Phoenicians of Massalia. The date of its origin is uncertain, but situated on the coast of Provence, Antipolis occupied a privileged position on the sea routes linking Marseilles to the Italian coast and contained a natural harbour – Anse Saint-Roch – which protected shipping from prevailing winds.

A Roman shipwreck in the ancient port of Antibes : Past Horizons Archaeology (http://www.pasthorizonspr.com/index.php/archives/08/2012/a-roman-shipwreck-in-the-ancient-port-of-antibes)